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~--- ENGLISH [F.L.

] • Board - Question Papers [NCERT] · 9

English (First Language] \'::=
:2 [


~;:; -, (004) E TotalMarks:80 I I
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---- I
Section-A I
. tad the following p~ge and select the appropriate answer from the options
*' ~: or Kodagu, the smallest district of Kamataka, is home to evergreen rain forests,
. and coffee plantations. Evergreen rainforests cover thirty per cent of this district.
~ng the monsoons, it pours enough to keep many visitors away. The season of joy
:nlCflCCS from September and continues till March. The weather is perfect, with some
sbOWCIS thrown in for good measure. The air breathes of invigorating coffee. Coffee estates
and colonial bungalows stand tucked under tree canopies in prime comers.
Which of lhc following statements is true?
· (A) o,org has only thirty ~r cent of coffee plantations . .
(B) l)uring the monsoons, 1t pours enough to attract the VlSitors
(C) Kodagu is covered by thirty per cent of rainforests
(D) The season from March to September is a season of joy

2. --- means 'to fill with energy'.

(A) 'Canopies' (B) 'Commence'
(C) 1nvigorate' (D) 'Pours'
* Read the following passage and answer the questions, given below: [3]
Since no one would understand a word of my stories to Kitty ifl wde to plunge right
in. rd better provide a brief sketch of my life, much as I dislike doing so.
My father, the most adorable father fve ever seen, didn't marry my mother until he
was lhirty-six and she was twenty-five. My sister, Margot, was born in Frankfurt in Germany
in 1926. I was born on 12 June 1929. I lived in Frankfurt until I was four. My father
emigrated to Holland in 1933. My mother, Edith Hollander Frank, went with him to Holland
in September, while Margot and I were sent to Aachen to stay with our grandmother.
Margot went to Holland in December, and I followed in February, when I was plunked
down on the table as a birthday present for Margot
.3. What is the meaning of 'plunked down' in this passage?
4. When did Anne's sister go to Holland? 0
S. Why did Anne provide a brief sketch of her life?

* Fill in the blanks choosing the correct words given in the bracket and write the
answers only. [S]
(Experience, Liberty, Disaster, Confer, Humanity)
Today, all of us do, by our presence here ..... _(6)_ glory and hope to newborn _(7)_.
Out of the _(8)_ of an extraordinary human _(9)_ that lasted too long, must be
born a society of which all _(10)_ will be proud.

l -l.

Rea d tlw fol11)win-g n1-sc nnd 1111s,w1· thr questions ~h'cn below:
The, d(, 11-,1 s,w-.H~m,i " hinc :1b,1\1t their ,'11nditi,111. llj
fhe~· do 11-,1 lie aw;1kt~ in the ,l:trk :rnd ,wcp for thcil' sins.
1nc~-d,1 n,11 m:1ke me sick discussi ng their duty tL, 1...fod.
:,-:,,,-,,ne 1s dtS$;1tist'iC\.i. not ,,n,~ is demc'ntc.i with the m:mi n of owning things,
~ ot ,,nc kn ...--d s to :mother. nor h1 his kind that lived thousands 1)f ycnrs ngo,
Not one is 1,'.:-!' ~table or unhappy over the wh,'lk enrth.
Q ucsrio ns: *
16. In this , "Crse. \\'IK1m d,,cs They' r~ f1.'r tn'~ 31.
Ii. .\ kntion a1\\ 1,, ,, charactaistics ofthelll \\ hid1 rtl\.' different ft,1m lnunans in this verso. 32,
JS. How can the p,, .:t sqy that the anim:1ls are 1wt delllented lmnd)? 33,
.... Se lect the rn rrc-c l Figures ofSpcrch thnn the option given: 12\ 3-l,
19. Some SJ_\' the' world \\ill en,i in fire
S,)nJ C s:iy in ice.
(::i) Hyperrx"'k (b) h·,1ny
(C') Personification (d) Repetition
20. J\fy he3d is full of ,, hispcrs. \\·hi ch tomoITOw \\ill he silent.
(a) .-\.mithesis (b) lntenml Rhyme
lC) Li101es (d) Simile

* .-\nswernny Three of the following questions in five to six sentences cnch: 161

21. \\n.a1 is a "Dust of Snow"? What does Robert Frost sny has changed his mood?
22. According 10 John BelT)111:1.n, wh::it does "in the world of possessions" menn?
23. \\ That could Amanda do if she were a mem1::1id?
1 ... Why did custard cry for a nice s:ife cage? Why is the dragon c.nlled "Cowardly dragon"?
25. Are Zoos necessary fo r the protection or conservation of some species of animals? Are
they useful for educating the public? Are there alternatives to zoos?

* Read the following passage and answer the questions, given below: 131
I agreed that it was pretty disrespectful treaanent. \Ve did, however, search the house.
Since it w:1.s only one storey high, Bill went roW1d it, peering in at all windows. We examined
the barn and stable; we were reaso nably certain that Lutkins was not there. It was nearly
time for me to catch the aftern oon train, and Bill drove me to the station.
On the way to the city I \\'Orried very little over my failure to find Lutkins. I was too
busy thinking about Bill Magnuson. Really I considered returning to New Mullion to practice
law. !fl had found Bill so deep and richly hunrnn, might I not grow to Jove Fritz and Gustaff
and a hundred other slow-spoken, sin1ple, wise neighbours? I pictured an honest and happ)'
life beyond the strict linliis of uni\·ersities and law finm. I was excited. I had found a treas~
I had discowred a ne\,· way oflife.
• ENGLISH [F.L.] • Board· Ouostlon Papore [NCERTI 11
~ .
was the narrator excited?
WhY did they discover that Lutkins wus not there?
H0 V: decision did the narrator lake while returning lo Mullion station?
1 11
d the following passage und unswer the questions, given below: 121
Rell Everyone thought that l lorace Danby was a good, honest citi zen . He was ubout
fift years old and unmarried , and he lived with a housekeeper who worried over his
l~c;ith. In fact, he was usually very well und happy except for attack s of hay fever in
sun n,cr. I-le made locks and was successful enough al his business 10 have two helpers.
Yes,1 Horace Danby was good and respectable- but not completely honest.
What problem did Horace face in summer?
HoW did one say that Horace was successful in his business?

I Section: C I
Rectify the errors in the given passage:
Error Correction

al Frankfurt in Germany in 1926

I was born in 12 June 1929
I lived in Frankfurt till I was four
My father emigrate to Holland in 1933
Punctuate the following: [35-38)
The conductor said oh really you dont say so.
Fill in the blanks using article, conjunction and preposition. Write the answer only.
(into, or, the, with) (4)
We kids would be pushed aside _(39)_ a mild rebuke and the loaves would be
delivered to_( 40)_ servant. But we would not give up. We would climb a bench
_(41)_ the parapet and peep _(42)_ the basket, somehow.

3. Convert the following into indirect speech: [3)

LOMOV No, I've come only to see you, honoured Stepan Stepanovitch.
CHUB UKO V : Then why are you in evening dress, my precious? As if you're paying a
New Year's Eve visit!
Do as directed:
4. The mustard-seed must be taken from a house.
(Choose the correct Active voice)
A) The mustard- seed must take from a house by you.
B) You must take the mustard- seed from a house.
C) You must be taken the mustard- seed from a house.
D) The mustard- seed must be taken by you from a house.
5. Is it proper for such a young person to travel alone?
(Choose the correct Assertive sentence)
A) It is not proper for such a young person to travel alone.
B) It was proper for such a young person to travel alone.
C) It was not proper for such a young person to travel alone.
D) It is proper for such a young person to travel alone.
.1 /
• Board - auesuon 1-'apers [ti --

standard 1o • _,,,...

mail arrived. -I<

6 five days later, my C mp lex sentence)
4 . (Choose the correct :at 11lY mail arrived. .
A) It was five days I s my mail arnved.
B) It was five days later unhes my mail arrived.
fi days later w en
C) It was . ve . d that too five days later.
D) My mail arrive th correct Question Tag)
. f h
No one dies o unge · r (Choose e .
B) Does anyone•
47. A) Did anyone.? D) Didn't anyone.?
C) Doesn't anyone?
Peggy was not es poor as W~da.
48. (Choose the correct Comparattve Deg~ee)
A) Peggy was not poorer than Wan a.
I3) Wanda was poorer than Peggy.
C) Wanda was not poorer than Peggy.
D) Peggy was poorer than Wanda.
. o_n_:_D-,Q

* Comprehend the Passage and answer the given quest~ons. . . [1


Power foods are foods that provide rich levels ofn~tnents like fibre, potass1~an
· rals With people becoming increasingly health consc10us today, a lot of fitness tramei
nune . . . . .
encourage their clients to include these foods in their daily diet_ to mcrea_se ~usd ,
development. There are various w~ys of incorporating power foods lil your daily diet. 0 4
course, the key to enjoy power foods is proper preparation of these foods, the use o 55
season-fresh foods and identifying your choice of flavour among power foods. 5
Some of the ~ecommended power food combinations are those that are preparedn 5
our kitchens on a regular basis. Take for instance, the combination of chickpeas and onions
This combination is a powerful source of iron which is required by the body to transpor
oxygen to its various parts. Iron deficiency can lead to anaemia, fatigue, brain fog ani
tiredness. A study by the Journal ofAgricultural and Food Chemistry says that, sulphu
compounds in onion and garlic help in absorption of iron and zinc from chickpeas. Tht ·
combination is a hit with teenager who need to be diligent about getting iron in their diet.A
quick way to prepare this power food is to make a chickpea salad with chopped onion~ !
chat masala and cilantro.
Another favourite combination with power food takers is yoghurt and bananas. This
makes for a perfect snack after a rough game of football. Exercising bums glucose and thus
lowers blood sugar. Yoghurt is packed with proteins that help preserve mnscle mass and
bananas are pa~ked with carboh~drat~s that help in refueling energy and preventing muscle
soreness. A qmck and easy recipe with bananas is a banana smoothie tapped with cool
49. What are power foods?
50. Acc~rding to the passage which power food combination can help us in curing iron
51. Why i_s yoghurt a recommended power food?
52. What is the advantage ofcombining chickpeas with yoghurt?
Ir.. rd 1o • ENGLISH [F.L.] • Board· Question Papers [NCERT] 13
'\) 51,nd•
~ t h e poem and answer the questions given below it. (4]
* I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions.
Whatever I see I swallow immediately
Just as il is, unmisled by love or dislike.
Jam not cruel, only truthful ,
TI1e eye ofa little god, four-cornered.
Most of the time I meditate on the opposite wall.
ll i~ pi~k'. with speckles. I have looked at it solony
I think 1t ts part of my heart. But it flickers.
Faces and darkness separate us over and over.
Now I am a lake. A woman bends over me
Searching my reaches for what she really is.
Then she turns to those liars, the candle and the moon.
I see her back, and reflect it faithfully.
She rewards me with tears and agitation of hands.
I am important to her. She comes and goes.
Each morning it is her face that replaces the darkness.
In me she has drowned a young girl, and in e an old woman.
Rises towards her day after day, likes a terrible fish.
The Mirror
by Sylvia Plath
49. 'I have no perceptions.' Who says this?
so. Why does the mirror say, 'I am not cruel, only truthful.'?
51. Why are the candle and moon called 'liars'?
52. In this poem which word means 'prejudices'?
53. You witnessed the descent of Vikram Lander of Mission Chandrayaan- 2 on 6-7 September
2019. Make diary entries based on it. (4)
53. You are travelling in a self-driven car. It suddenly activates self-destruction mode.
Write a ~ialogue to convince the car not to do so. At least four dialogues. [4)
54. Your School has participated in a campaign 'Say No to Plastic'. Design an advertisement
with a title and a slogan for it. [4]
54. You are a secretary of your society. The members of the society do not maintain two
separate dustbins i.e. green and blue for the household garbage. Draft a notice for the
society infonning them to manage the same. [4]

j Section: E J

55. Your school received an award for 'Swachha school'. Write a report for you school news

56. Write·a letter to your grandparents infonning about your future study plans after Std-10.
• Draft an email to the Municipal Commissioner complaining about the hygiene standards of
the nearby restaurant. · [6]
ouu •-- - ol u,c ,,,,,., .. ...,.,..
---- anyone
14 ·- - t 200 word• on
ay in abou , . ,
• write an es•
57 (1) An Autob•o~r . aphy a or
1old1tr (J t I border., ,nc,dent/s on tht b, .
. - life on the ron ,
[Early life - hfe ~thh~m~Jy]
etirement -life wit am•
r , . ]
(2) Social Media d wbacks ,. concluS1on
[Introduction - benefits- ra OR
've it a ,uitahle title: ..d d
lete the ,tor)' and g1 Ib' rd-went near the bir an .,,.,,
57. Comp . . d - saw an unusua '
Agirl playing in the gar en . *
C- Kodagu is covered by thirty per cent of rainforests.
2. C- invigorate · I ,/
The meaning of'plunked down' is'to put down ma casua wa, ,
4. Anne's sister went to Holland in December. Id de
Anne provided a brief sketch oflife because she thought that no one wou un ·rsfanl
stories to JGtty. expenence
7. liberty 8.
6. confer
9. disaster JO. humanity
I6. In this verse 'They' refer to 'Animals.' .
J7. Two characteristics which are different from humans are: I.They do not complain 2. They
not lie.
I 8. The poet can say that they are not demented because they don't have the mania ofown:
I 9. D- Repetition.
20. A-Antithesis.
26. The narrator was excited because he had discovered a new way oflife.
27. Bill searched the house, the barn and stable and discovered that Lutkins was not there.
28. The narrator decided that he would return to New Mullion and would start practicing the l2i
29. Horace Danby faced the attacks of hay fever in summer.
30. One could say that Horace Danby was successful at his business to have two helpers.
31. at-in 32. In-on 33. Till-until
34, Emigrate.- emigrated
35-38. The conductor said," Oh, really! You don't say so!"
39, Vlitll 40. the 41 . or 42. into
43, Lomov declared negatively in a polite way to Stepan Stepanovitch that he had 0 n1yw ·
see him. To which Chubukov asked rum lovingly then why he was in even· :meas iflt :
was paying a New Year's Eve visit. mg ress
44. B- You must take the mustard-seed from a house.
45. A-It is not proper for such a young person to travel aJone.
46. C- It was five days later when my mail arrived.
47, B- Does anyone? 48. B- Wanda was poorer than Peggy.

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