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Ketua Program Studi Pembimbing Akademik

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

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NPP. .......................... NPP. .....................

Wakil Dekan I
Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

NPP. ..........................

Student’s Name :.......................................

Student’s No : ......................................
Study Program : English Education

Academic Supervisor : .....................................

Total Credit :140 SKS

Thesis Title : ...................................................

Main Supervisor :
Assistant Supervisor :

Head of English Education

Academic Supervisor Study Program
Pontianak, February 2023 Pontianak, February 2023

........................... ......................................
NPP. ............................ NPP. ............................
A. Title


(The title is written in uppercase and capitalized for each word for the subtitle.

The title should consist of around 15-20 words. If it is more than 20 words, use

the subtitle to make the research title more specific. Use times new roman 12pt.)

B. Research Background

The research background should consist of:

1. Ideal condition/importance of the skills or subskill that become the focus of

the research (e.g. writing, speaking, listening, etc.)
Base your writing on theories, national curriculums, and others. Avoid
exploring the definitions and importance of writing for example (according
to experts) Importance of writing skill (according to experts) ideal
performance of students’ writing skills (according to Curriculum and KKM)
2. Real conditions/problems
The reality of students’ skills or subskills (writing) in learning English at
school/the class you observed (proven with evidence); Examples of their real
problem or difficulties in learning.
3. Possible causes of the problems
Focus on elaborating on the problems in learning that causes by students.
Avoid in mentioning the problem because of the teacher, and or the
ineffective teaching strategy/technique used by the teacher.
4. Reasonable solution/technique
XYZ technique you propose; Give the reasons on Significances/ benefits of
using XYZ technique to teach writing skills (from experts); Applicability of
XYZ technique to teach writing skill (from experts); Previous related studies
using XYZ technique to teach writing skill (from other researchers)
C. Research Problems

The research questions are formulated as the followings:

1. (How) Can XYZ technique improve students’ writing skills at Class ... School
.... 2016?
2. How is the classroom situation when XYZ technique is implemented to teach
writing skills at Class ... school ... 2016?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of XYZ
technique to teach writing skills at Class ... School .... 2016?
D. Research Purposes
This study is intended to:
1. To investigate (how) whether the XYZ technique can improve students’ writing
skills at Class .... Schol .... 2016.
2. To describe the classroom situation when XYZ technique is implemented to
teach writing skills at Class ... school ... 2016
3. To find out the advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of XYZ
technique to teach writing skills at Class ... School .... 2016.
E. Research Terminology and Limitations
1. Terminology:
1) XYZ technique (definition, function, procedures in brief)
2) Writing skill (definition in brief)
3) Improving (definition from the dictionary)
2. Limitations:
The improvement of students’ writing skills this study is limited by the
following conditions:
a. Writing skill in terms of simple certain text type (recount, descriptive,
or ....)
b. Writing skills is viewed from certain aspects/ indicators (organization,
contents, vocabulary, etc.)
c. Students’ writing is produced with the help of .....
F. Significances of the Research
1. Practical significances
a. For the students
b. For the teacher
c. For the school
d. For other researchers
2. Theoritical significances
G. Research Methodology

1. Research Design
a. Why you use CAR;
b. Definition, function and steps of CAR (according to theory, in brief)
c. What researcher DID in planning, acting, and observing is described in
section G CAR Procedurbelow.
2. Settings
a. Place:
b. Time : From ........ until ........ 2015
3. Subject of the Study

a. The class on which you CONDUCTED CAR

b. Why you CHOSE this class

c. How many students WERE there? male and female?

4. Technique and Tool of Data Collection

a. Techniques

1) observation : Observation sheet & Field note

2) Measurement test : Writing test

3) (you my add Interview to students and teacher before/after the Cycles)

b. Tools
1) Observation sheets

What is this instrument for?

What are observed?

Show the example of the observation sheet ( in Appendix ...)

2) Filed notes

What WILL this instrument be for?

What WILL be noted?

Show the example of the field note ( in Appendix ...)

3) Writing tests

What WILL this instrument be for?

What WILL be assessed?

Show the example of the measurement test ( in Appendix ...)

c. (You may add Interview Guidance to interview students and teachers and

show the example in Appendix ....))

5. Technique for validating data

a. Technique triangulation

b. Source triangulation

6. Techniques for analyzing data

a. Constant comparative methods (CCM) (an example) or another

technique. State the function: (to analyze data THAT WILL BE

RECORED in the observation sheets and field notes). Describe what you

WILL DO in each step of the technique in analysing tha data

b. Simple statistics
(to find out the mean score, the highest & lowest score, range, and mode

based on students’ writing test scores)


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