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Central Modern School, baranagar

Class IX Session- 2021-2022.

Subject English 1

Lesson plan for 13th May, 2021.

Topic- Letter writing (Informal)

Portion for the day (practice paper 2 )

Question 2 a.)

You had been rude to your friend. Write a letter to him or her apologising for your behaviour.


- Introduction –
- ask an apology due to your behaviour. Express how ashamed you are for your misconduct.
- Body –
- describe the causes which made you behave in such a way.
- Do not try to defend yourself but put forward a valid reason behind your all ill-behaviour.
- Admit your fault and and promise never to do such again.
- Conclusion –
- End with a hope of reconciliation and forgiveness.
- Waiting for reply.

Note- Develop the points given above into full sentences avoiding any grammatical error.
- Date of Submission to be informed later.
- Work to be done for submission in fair exercise-book.
- Converse in English with family and friends, read good English material and watch
enlightening English programmes.
- Important practice- Always wear a face-mask even when at home. Be habituated and stay

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