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A Reminder for Love tackles about reminiscing the love for your country’s culture.

It shows a change of heart

and change in perspectives due to personal experiences of the author. It also conveys a strong feeling of patriotism to
one’s country. The purpose of the text is to enlighten and remind Filipinos about the rich culture of the Philippines.
Culture can vary vastly in different countries and it is well important that we should not forget our roots which was the
emphasis of the text. It was through comparing two different cultures that the author was able to get across the
message. I think the target audience of this text are Filipinos that are too immersed in other country’s culture and their
mindset is that there is no hope or joy on their own country and belittles it. The central claims are argued through
comparing responses to a certain question through specific ages and providing evidences that present good qualities of
the Filipino culture and comparing experiences about different knowledge in cultures. Arguments are fairly consistent,
analyzation of the topic at hand has no problem. Evidences to support claims are also seen in the text and will be tackled
in detail later on. I think it used history and sociology as disciplines, because it compared behavior and opinion of the
author through time and gave out real life experiences. It is laid out in a chronological manner, and you can very well see
a timeline flowing. Having chronology as a development pattern, makes the text very well written and neat. The text is
laid out in an orderly manner that gives ease when reading. Its flow of ideas is great, there is no information gap
whatsoever. It was written in an informal manner and the tone is very casual, it appeals to be light and convincing to
readers. You can feel like the author is a friend telling a story from way back. Its expression of ideas and opinions as well
as justifying the author’s stand is based on existing knowledge and experiences. It hints subtle persuasion to readers, the
text is highly opinionated because it is a story from experience and it may seem biased to others.

Evidences are presented tightly with the claims of the author. Experience of the author served as an immense
evidence in the overall text. Evidences may seem biased but it could not be interpreted differently. The evidences are
presented in a way that it is based on facts but is difficult to objectively verify because of the uncertainty of producing
satisfactory proofs of soundness. And thus, opinions result from ambiguity. Evidences shown in the text are very
convincing and can be a factor of change in perspective. The following are the observed evidences by us, the critiques.
Evidences evaluated are all based on the author’s claims and experience.

It could be said that Korean culture is taking over the Philippines. To be more specific, South Korean culture. As
you can see in the text, not even our own country was exempted from being hit by the Hallyu wave, which is the surge in
popularity of South Korean culture. The author says that she was exposed to it during her teenage years. From the text,
you can say that the youth are shown to be the ones that are susceptible to the different happenings in their
environment. As they are actually naturally curious, one of them is bound to find out about this eventually. After one,
comes, if not all, then a lot of them. The internet being accessible nowadays only helped in spreading it even more. It is
not strange how the author fell into the rabbit hole that is South Korean culture. The text mentions what is enjoyable
about the foreign nation’s culture. Judging from the things that was said, it is not hard to see why people like the
culture. Especially South Korea’s pop culture. The author describes it as “vibrant, colorful, and fun.” She also talks about
how she got obsessed with KDramas and K-Pop, which she says that she had really enjoyed watching and listening to.
However, the author’s fascination reached the point where she wished to become alike to the Korean people. She no
longer thought of her own country’s culture and became biased towards a culture that was not even her own.

People are often being dismissive of their own culture. An example is the author thinking higher of another
country’s customs and traditions than her own. I think that we should be learn to appreciate a country’s culture without
putting down another culture. The author of the text luckily realized this by the end. However, this does not change the
fact that she used to prefer their culture to hers. There is also the instance where she wanted to be closer to the Korean
people in her country. It took a letter from a South Korean person, to make her realize what she was doing wrong. It is
not wrong to love another’s culture. The author however, chose to ignore her own customs and traditions. She let the
foreign nation’s influence reach deep inside her brain, causing herself to think lowly of the other cultures she knows. The
only thing that she needed to do was to appreciate it and move on. Although it cannot be entirely blamed on her. We
Filipinos, especially the adults, cultivate the mindset that everything is better outside our country and tell this to the
younger people. This is partially what is causing the divide of the younger generation to the country’s customs and
traditions. If we do not stop this kind of mindset, we would not be able to preserve our culture until the coming years.
To summarize, it is okay to like other cultures. It is not bad to venture out and discover new things to like. However, we
need to make sure that we do not forget where we are from. Having different perspectives in the walk of life doesn’t
make us a hypocrite, it shows our growth from our old self.

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