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Loyola School, Jamshedpur

Mid-Term Examination- 2021- 22

Subject- Chemistry

Time- 1hour 30 mins

(Section I is compulsory. Answer any three questions from section II)

Section I [30 marks]

(Attempt All Questions)

Question 1
A. Write balanced chemical equation for the following word equations--[10]
i) Lead dioxide reacts with sulphuric acid to form lead sulphate,
water & oxygen.
ii) Sodium sulphite reacts with bromine & water to form sodium
sulphate & hydrobromic acid.
iii) Manganese dioxide reacts with hydrochloric acid to form
manganous chloride, chlorine & water.
iv) Aluminium sulphate reacts with sodium hydroxide to form
aluminium hydroxide & sodium sulphate.
v) Copper sulphate reacts with potassium iodide to form cuprous
iodide iodine & potassium sulphate.
B. Name the following---- [10]
i) A chemical reaction in which heat is liberated.
ii) The negatively charged subatomic particles.
iii) The outermost shell of an atom.
iv) The force of attraction between 2 atoms that binds them together as
a unit.
v) A noble gas in period 1.
vi) Collective name of group 1 elements.
vii) An oxide that is yellow when hot & white when cold.
viii) The catalyst which increases the decomposition of hydrogen
ix) Insoluble solid formed as a result of a chemical reaction.
x) A gas which turns pink acidified potassium permanganate solution
C. Atomic numbers of some elements are given below--- [5]
Q=7, R=10, S=11, T= 8
Without identifying the elements, answer the following questions—
i) Which is a divalent non-metal?
ii) Identify the inert gas.
iii) Identify the trivalent non-metal.
iv) What type of bond is formed between S & T?
v) Write the formula of the compound so formed in (iv).
D. Fill in the blanks--- [5]
i) The rate of oxidation of chloroform is decreased in the presence
ii) Lead nitrate on heating gives a --------coloured residue.
iii) The law of octaves was proposed by---------
iv) Formula of bisulphate radical is --------
v) Metallic character ------on moving down the group.

(Answer any Three questions)
Question 2.
A. Write any 1 point of difference between--- [4]
i) Combination & displacement reaction.
ii) Neutrons & protons
iii) Catalyst & promoter
iv) Acid & basic radicals.
B. Answer the following with reference to Mendeleev’s periodic table-- [4]
i. State Mendeleev’s Periodic law.
ii. Write any 2 merits of the periodic table.
iii. How did discovery of isotopes create a demerit in the Mendeleev’s
C . Write a chemical test to identify the following gases-- [2]
i) Ammonia
ii) Nitrogen dioxide.
Question 3.
A. Answer the following with respect to the element 1735 Y--- [4]
i) Write the electronic configuration of Y.
ii) Why is it a non-metal?
iii) What type of bond will it form with magnesium?
iv) Write the formula of the compound formed when it combines with
B. [4]
i) How and why does atomic size vary across a period?
ii) Ferrous sulphate on heating gives a brown residue. Give reason
with a balanced equation.
C. Name the gas identified with the following reagents-- [2]
i) Acidified potassium dichromate solution.
ii) Moist lead acetate paper.
Question 4.
A. Draw an orbital structure diagram to show formation of bonds in
magnesium chloride. [4]
B. Calculate the percentage of carbon in the following compounds-- [4]
( Ca=40, Na=23, C=12, O=16, H=1)
i) Calcium carbonate
ii) Sodium bicarbonate
C. Write any 2 defects of Modern periodic table. [2]
Question 5.
A. Write balanced equations & any 1 observation for the following-- [4]
i. A few pieces of zinc is added to a solution of copper sulphate.
ii. Chlorine gas is passed through potassium iodide solution.
B. An element Q has atomic number 15 & mass number 31. [4]
i) What is the group number of Q.
ii) To which period will it belong?
iii) What will be its valency?
iv) What type of bond will it form with oxygen?
C. Write equations for the action of heat on-- [2]
i) Potassium nitrate.
ii) Calcium carbonate.


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