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Are higher salaries the best incentives for workers?

If not, what are other top options to

ensure a happy and motivated workforce?


It is well known that nowadays people tend to be more and more attracted by the salary they earn
and they ignore their real passions. They prefer spending 8 hours doing something they dislike,
only for receiving a few more dollars.
On the one hand, a happy workforce means being able to get up and go to work with excitement
each day. Successful people see their workplace as their second home, where they can be for 8-
10 hours and be productive. People who surround you are extremely important because they can
either motivate you or cast you down.
On the other hand, everybody should have a career in something they are the best at. When
people do what they love the most, time passes faster, the work is more qualitative and people
see work as something natural, not as something it has to be done in order to have a decent live.
To sum up, I do not believe that money is important when it comes to ensuring a happy and
motivated workforce because it led people to become daily robots and see work as a money
source in order to survive.

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