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of ACT


The act of kindness is a contribution or help

to show kindness with people. For me, my act
of kindness is helping my mother to cook
everyday. Cooking is one of my mother's daily
hobby, so I decided to help her whenever she
cook. In that way I can show my mother how
grateful I am for what she've done for me.

Early in the morning, I found my father

sweeping in front of our house. Without
hesitations, I grab another broomstick and
start sweeping like him. This experience
feels satisfying for the reason that I am
being able to help my father and being able
to help our environment clean.

Mom and I have become accustomed to being

the ones to pick what may be sold and what
can be rejected whenever someone harvested
eggplant on our farm. She can do everything
for me as a single mother, and I can do
anything for her too. I'll do everything I can to
assist her. Because in this world, the only
people we can turn to in times of need are our

I believe in random acts of kindness. The smallest

things can make us smile. I believe that if we do
something nice for someone, they will take the act of
kindness and spread it out to other people they come
across throughout the day. It's the smallest things that
make the biggest difference. Like in this picture, it
shows that helping my cousin wash dishes makes him
smile and feel overwhelmed. These are the little things
that let people know somene has the ability to help
without hesitation.

I always help my grandmother to fold our

clothes when it is already dry, because folding
greatly reduces the amount of wrinkles and

creases in your laundry. When you go out in a

new shirt or pair of pants, you want to look
your best. Wrinkled-up clothing makes the
wearer look disheveled and harder to take
seriously while wearing smooth properly
folded attire both looks good and feels right.

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