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Private International Law 16/17 Fall Z.

Aysun Yıldız

 Books: Kitap konusunda serbestiz. Bahadır Erdem - Türk Vatandaşlık Hukuku. *Cemal Şanlı - Milletlerarası Özel
Hukuk.* Yusuf & Zeynep Çalışkan - Turkish Private International Law: Selected Documents. Özellikle Cemal
Şanlı çok faydalı.
 Private international law consists of;
1. Nationality law
2. Alien law
3. Conflict of laws
4. International civil procedural law.
 In this semester, we will learn nationality law and international civil procedural law. Alien law and conflict of
laws will be examined in the spring semester.
 Example to understand problems in PIL: Aysha is from Pakistan. She is married with Jack who is from Canada.
They came to Turkey, Kocaeli. They had a son called Ahmad. And then they want to get a divorce in Turkey.
Because Jack wanted to get married with a Turkish woman.
 So, if the divorce is gonna happen at the Family Court of Kocaeli, this problem must be solved through PIL.
Because the transactions/contracts have a foreign element. In this case also the custody of the child will be solved.
 Overall, firstly we will look at if the Turkish Court has a jurisdiction on this matter. So, our first problem is the
jurisdiction problem.
 Or suppose that Turkish Court has the jurisdiction. In this case, are we, as a judge, gonna apply Turkish Divorce
Law or Canadian Divorce Law or Pakistani Divorce Law ? Can Jack demand Canadian Divorce Law to be applied?
Who's going to decide? So, we see that the another issue is applicable law.
 Or assume that Ahmad was born at Turkey and that's why Aysha is claiming that Ahmad should have Turkish
Nationality. So, if she is able to want necessary processes to be done in order to acquire citizenship of Ahmad, is
another problem.
 Let's make the issue more complicated. Think that Aysha has a dual nationality(both Pakistani and Turkish). Can
she hold both nationalities at the same time?
 Or suppose that Jack says "Forget the divorce case right now, I want to buy a property in Istanbul, because I will
establish a company there". Can he establish? If he can, in what terms? Can he work as a notary? Can his maid or
Ahmad's babysitter be a foreigner? So, employment law in a sense with foreigners is another problem.
 As you can see there are very complex problems in PIL. Whether we accept or not, we are in a transnational
period and globalization occurs everywhere.
 For example there is an interesting fact, if you are working in an arbitration case as a lawyer, what you write
down to Twitter or any other social media websites or e-mails are considered as an evidence more than a contract.
 After the break we will start with International Civil Procedural Law broadly and in this term we are going to
explain Nationality Law.
 Turkish legal education system is adapted from French style. That's why we are learning Nationality Law and
Alien Law under PIL. For instance in UK or USA, PIL is consists of conflict of laws and International Civil
Procedural Law only.
 In the fall semester, with the Nationality Law, we'll see how a foreigner acquires Turkish citizenship. Can a
foreigner acquire Turkish Nationality just because of she/he was born in Turkey? Or can someone who is playing
at a volleyball or a soccer team acquire Turkish citizenship?
 Acquiring nationality through marriage is another interesting lecture that we gonna learn.
 Losing Turkish nationality is also another important issue. For example Hadise, Rafet El Roman have dual
nationality and they want to lose their Turkish Nationality in order to get rid of paying taxes to Turkey. And we'll
see how a blue card holder is considered as a Turkish National.
 Deprivation from Turkish Nationality(vatandaşlıktan atma) will be also examined.
 Nationality Code and Turkish Constitution(especially Art. 66 of Turkish Constitution) is our guiding source to
understand Turkish Nationality.

Private International Law 16/17 Fall Z. Aysun Yıldız

 Why is Nationality Law important? Because for example, if I am considered as a foreigner, when I am making a
contract in Turkey, this contract is contained a foreign element. So the laws that applied to me will be different.
Or for example assume that a Turkish citizen's Visa is expired or his/her Passport is fake when she/he is abroad
and that's why that country wants to deport her/him. So, when she/he call the Turkish Embassy(or Consulate) to
help, Turkish Government has a responsibility to help. And we need to remember that foreigners(aliens) have
their own rights and obligations. For example to hire a foreign babysitter, there must be the employment permit.
Otherwise both the foreigner and the employee pay fine(tazminat) regarding 2.000 TL. And the foreigner can be
deported from Turkey.
 Whether foreigners have political rights or not is another issue that we gonna explain. We'll see there is a
restriction in Turkish Constitution.
 Conflict of laws rules and International Civil Procedure are the main areas in PIL. Why? If the transaction has a
foreign element, authority of the country that involved for that transaction is more than one. Two or more legal
system conflict with each other in a sense that which law is going to be applied. We'll also explain the philosophy
behind it.
 Whether the Turkish Court has a jurisdiction and if it has a jurisdiction which law is going to be applied might
arise in sequences, if there is a foreign element in a transaction. First semester we'll learn if Turkish Court has a
jurisdiction(International Civil Procedure). Next semester, we'll learn if Turkish Court has the jurisdiction which
law is going to be applied.
 Sometimes you may be not able to interview witnesses of a case because of they live in another country. So how a
Turkish judge can get these witnesses' statements is another issue we gonna learn.
 Like in Aysha-Jack example, when Jack file a case against Aysha, how he's gonna service(tebliğ etmek) to Aysha
if she is in Pakistani? Or how can we get evidences from a foreign country? These are all the issues of
International Civil Procedure.
 Recognition and enforcement(tanıma ve temfiz) process is a very important issue. Sınavda mutlaka çıkar. For
example a Turkish lady is married in USA, Las Vegas and they divorced. But in Turkish paper she is still married.
So the divorce decision must be recognized and enforced in Turkey.
 We will also look at whether there is a diplomatic immunities. Because if there is a immunity we cannot file a
 Collecting evidence from outside of Turkey is also will be examined. Some countries wants evidence(or
documents) approval from the consulate. This is called "apostille". We'll come to this later.
 Civil law is also taking an important role for our lecture. For example: Capacity to act(fiil ehliyeti) is a substantial
matter. In one case, a Turkish Company signed a contract. In that contract there is an arbitration clause and the
case went to Zurich. But the Turkish Company said that who signed this contract(adverse party) is not the legal
representative of the company, there's no capacity of act.
 Inheritance law is also related with PIL. Especially matters about will(vasiyetname) are complicated. Assume that
you are very rich and you prepared your will in London. According to the which law that will is valid or not is an
issue. Are we gonna apply UK Law or Turkish Law? This is regarding conflict of laws rules.
 We also examine some International Contracts too.
 Why are we bothering applying foreign law, why don’t we just apply Turkish law? In order to get the fairness of
PIL, "most related law" should be applied. Tomorrow we'll explain this fairness concept. Geçen sene sınavda
sormuş. Herkes globalization demiş ve tam puan alamamışlar. After the philosophy of PIL we will start to
International Civil Procedural Law.
 Yesterday we discussed the subjects that we gonna discuss in our lecture. Every country has different laws. Even
countries themselves change their regulations in time. If you make a transaction that includes a foreign element,
conflict of laws is inevitable.
 Also, parties can choose another law system apart from their countries' systems too. Yani taraflar Türk ve Bulgar
olabilir ama Belize kanunlarını aralarındaki ihtilaflar için uygulanacak hukuk sistemi olarak belirleyebilirler.
 Why conflict of laws(kanunlar ihtilafı) occurs? Because a transaction or a legal relation has some contact with
two or more legal system. So what are we gonna do? We gonna learn later. PIL solves that problem. If the legal
Private International Law 16/17 Fall Z. Aysun Yıldız

transaction has a foreign element, PIL(conflict of law rules) decides which law is going to be applied. In this
sense we have to know what the foreign element means. But there is not any definition for foreign element in our
Private International Law(Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk ve Usul Hukuku Hk. Kanun-MÖHUK). But it's important to
remark that Turkish International Arbitration Act(Türk Milletlerarası Tahkim Kanunu) stipulates what the foreign
element means within Art 2. There is also another definition in Public Procurement Act(Kamu İhale Kanunu). In
every case, we need to look at if there is a foreign element or not. We should check if the legal transaction or legal
relation has a contact with one or more legal system rather than forum state(or lex fori). Forum state: Who is
taking care of case. Forum means under where case/procedure is taking place. Forum might be an arbitration,
court or mediation as well. So if a Bulgarian company file a case in Turkey, Turkey is the forum. Lex: law. Fori:
 How can we find the foreign element? For example Turkish guy A is married with an Italian woman in London,
there is a foreign element. Because marriage is a legal transaction. As we can see one of the party is not a Turkish
citizen. That's a foreign element. And the marriage took place in London, UK. That's the other foreign element. So
when there is a conflict we cannot go to Turkish Civil Law directly. We need to look Turkish Conflict of Law
Rules and decide which law is going to be applied an so on.
 If a real property(taşınmaz) which is a subject of a transaction is another country, again we say there is a foreign
element. Yani yabancılılık unsuru sadece nationality ile sınırlı değil. For example a Turkish person's real property
is in Germany, when she/he dies we may no be able to directly go to Turkish Law of Succession.
 Assume that you are at Saudi Arabia and a tort(haksız fiil) occurred. An Iranian hit you there. And you know that
that Iranian person has property in Turkey and he's living in Turkey. So you file a case in Turkey. The Turkish
Court firstly must look at if the transaction has a foreign element. As we said the tort is occurred in Saudi Arabia.
So, there is a foreign element. In this sense to find out if the court has a jurisdiction, Turkish judge firstly look at
Turkish PIL(TPIL), not the Code of Obligations directly. TPIL Art 1 and 2 is very fundamental. We should know
these articles. Especially for Spring Semester. Art 1 says, "This Act regulates the law applicable to private law
transactions and relations that contain a foreign element, the international jurisdiction of the Turkish courts, and
the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments."
 Habitual residence(mutat mesken) is another important term that may have a foreign element. For example if one
of the party's habitual residence is in Germany, there can be serious problem especially for family matters like
custody of child(velayet). Even though the parties share the same nationality(Turkish), if the custody is given to
Turkish mother which is living in Germany, there is a foreign element. Because the child and one of the party are
living in Germany(there is also an International Treaty about that matter).
 Performance of the goods can also contain foreign element.For example two Turkish parties are making a contract
and the article of that contract states that the delivery of the goods will be in Bulgaria. So as we can see there
might be a foreign element even in delivery of goods.
 So always remember that every country has a different law and every law maker has a different interest to
regulate a law rule. Türkiye dışında hemen hemen her ülkenin milletlerarası hukukuayrı düzenlenir. Ama İngiltere
ve ABD'de bu konuda kanun yoktur. Onlar mahkeme kararları ve custom ile bu alanı düzenliyorlar çünkü
customary international law hakim.
 There are 3 important issues for PIL: 1. Applicable law 2. Jurisdiction 3. Recognition and enforcement of
 Firstly, Turkish court must have jurisdiction in order to apply our TPIL and other applicable law. But before
granting a jurisdiction to the Turkish court, we need to know judicial power(yargı yetkisi). Haftaya buna
bakacağız zaten. After the break, we'll look at why there is PIL, what are the interests, and what does
substantive(esas) and procedural(usul) law mean.
 Why do we need PIL? Why countries are bothering themselves? Why don't they directly apply their laws? To
achieve justice and "fairness of PIL". Parties in international legal transactions have different interests and
expectations. If we simply apply Turkish law, we cannot provide justice for parties. And when parties make a
transaction(which has a foreign element), their legal expectation is this transaction is valid everywhere. For
example if two Turkish people get married in front of an imam in Saudi Arabia, this marriage is valid in Turkey
too. Gay marriage is an exception because of public order(kamu düzeni). Public policy issues are very important
ve sınavda sormayı seviyormuş. Sometimes public order prevents the application of a foreign law.

Private International Law 16/17 Fall Z. Aysun Yıldız

 The second reason for applying foreign law and have PIL is providing uniformity of court decisions. There
shouldn't be conflicting decisions. But in practice, this is not like that. Because every country has its own PIL.
This is more like a theoretical expectation.
 The third reason is called "comity doctrine". Which means "nezaket". It stipulates that I am, as a judge, applying
that foreign country's law as an indication of respect. But this is a very old and historical reason.
 So fairness doctrine is the most valid reason to explain why do we have PIL.
 Let's look at an example. Assume that there is an Norwegian student studies in Istanbul. He buys a carpet from
Grand Bazaar. They made and installment(taksitli satış) and he doesn't pay the money($ 2000). So the Turkish
carpet seller files a case. Norwegian guy says according to Norwegian Law, I don’t have any capacity to act(fiil
ehliyeti), because I am 19 years but in Norway 19 years old is not a majority age. So are we gonna apply
Norwegian or Turkish Law? Or do we have a different conflict of law about capacity to act or non-payment of
contract? In order to provide the fairness of the transaction, we have to have some kind of conflict of law rules.
Because there is an foreign element in that transaction. Turkish private international law provides fairness. We are
going to solve this example later. So just keep it in your mind. But the thing is that, for the sake of the fairness of
international law, we have to look at the laws which have the most significant relationship for the parties and it
may change every time. How law-makers gonna decide which law has the most significant relationship for the
case? Every issues that have the title under Turkish PIL Code states which law is the most significant for the issue.
For example if the case is about divorce, you can apply Art. 14 of TPIL Code. Or for example it's about
succession, we apply Art 20 of Turkish PIL Code. And those articles are taking the fairness of PIL into account.
Because when the law-makers made these articles, they have taken the parties interests and other things into
account. (Yani sanırım demek istediği şey ortada bir kanunlar ihtilafı olduğunda ihtilafın konusuna göre öncelikle
MÖHUK'taki kanunlara bakacağız. Zaten MÖHUK kanunlarının başlığı ihtilafın konularına göre düzenlenmiş
şekilde. Mesela boşanma ile ilgili olarak yabancı unsur içeren bir ihtilaf varsa MÖHUK 14'ten hareketle bunu
çözeceğiz, direkt Türk Medeni Kanunu'na gitmeyeceğiz. Çünkü MÖHUK'u düzenlerken kanun koyucu yabancılık
ihtiva eden ihtilaflarda ihtilafın konusuna göre tarafların menfaatini veya diğer bazı pek çok menfaati gözetmiştir.
Ve MÖHUK maddeleri bizi ihtilafla ilgili olarak en yakın bağlantılı-most related- ve önemli olan kanun
hangisiyse ona yönledirecektir. Çünkü milletlerarası özel hukukta öncelikli amacımız fairness'ı sağlamaktır.)
 Hocanın Türkçe açıklaması: Kanunlar ihtilafı olduğunda tarafların bir beklentisi var ve bu beklentileri
giderebilmek amacıyla her devlet kendi düzenlemesini yapıyor. Türk kanun koyucusu(2007'de) her somut olay
neyse onla alakalı bir düzenleme yapmış ve örneğin boşanmada hangi hukuk kuralının uygulanacağını(applicable
law) sırasıyla MÖHUK'taki 14. maddede saymıştır. Amaç yabancılık unsuru ihtiva eden olayda hakkaniyeti
sağlamaktır. Bunları daha çok ikinci dönem göreceğiz. Ama bu dönem yeki ve usulü anlayabilmek için bir
girizgah yapmak amacıyla bunları anlatıyorum. Ama şunu unutmayın, her devlet hangi hukuk kuralının
uygulanacağını kendi milletlerarası özel kanununda kendi belirliyor For example Art 9 of TPIL Code says, for the
capacity, party's national law is applied. Yani Norveçli öğrenci örneğimizde capacity için Norveç Hukuku
uygulanacak. Kanun koyucu burada(family matters, personal matters) tarafların national law'ının uygulanmasını
tarafların menfaatini gözeterek düzenlemiş. Because when there is a family matter or a personal matter, people are
expecting their laws to be applied. Yani ben bir Türk vatandaşayım, nereye gidersem gideyim aile hukuku ve
kişisel meselelerde bana Türk Hukuku'nun uygulanmasını beklerim. Eşya hukuku, ticaret hukukunda böyle bir
beklentim olmaz. Örneğimize geri dönersek bir taraftan Norveçli öğrencinin menfaatini gözettik ama satıcı bu
kişiyi ehil zannediyordu, onun menfaati ciddi olarak zedelendi. Bu nedenle Art 9/2'ye bakacağız. Bu fıkrada bir
istisna getirilmiş, yine bir menfaat korunmuş ve "eğer işlem Türkiye'de hazırlar arasında yapılmışsa, diğer taraf bu
durumu bilmiyorsa o kişi Türk Kanunu'na göre ehil ise fiil ehliyeti olduğu varsayılır." denmiş.
 If two Iranian want to divorce in Turkey which law is going to be applied? Bunun için de art 14 taraflar common
national law'a sahipse şu şu hukuk sistemi uygulanır demiş.
 Every article has its own interest. Sometimes it is parties' interest, sometimes state's interest and sometimes
substantive law's interest... And sometimes interests are more than one.
 Gelen bir soru üzerine: Eğer MÖHUK'ta ihtilaf için uygulancak bir düzenleme bulamazsak(gap-kanun boşluğu)
ne yapacağız? Hakim hangi interest'e göre karar verecek? Bu konuya sonra gelecektik ama gelen soru üzerine
cevaplayalım. Gap olduğunda ne yapacağımıza dair MÖHUK'ta bir düzenleme yok. Öyleyse hakim TMK'ya göre
boşluğu dolduracak veya hukuk yaratacak. Bunları önümüzdeki dönem göreceğiz zaten.

Private International Law 16/17 Fall Z. Aysun Yıldız

 We said that sometimes the state's interest is taken into account. Art 6 of the TPIL Code is regulating the
mandatory rules. For example a Turkish Company sales goods to Bulgaria. But suddenly, because of the coup
attempt failure, law is changed and export and import is prohibited. Ya da mesela Rusya'nın uçak düşürülmesi
olayında importu Türkiye'ye yasaklaması gibi. İşte bu tarz mandatory rules olan durumlarda Art 6 ve Art 31'i göz
önünde alarak foreign law'ı değil kendi hukukumuzu uyguluyoruz. Bu konular aslında spring semeter'da
işleyeceğimiz konular ama olayları algılabilmek açısından anlatıyoruz. Hoca mandatory rules'ları sorar ama
mandatory rules nedir diye sormaz, olayın içinden biz bulacağız. Ama spring'de zaten. Ve hoca derste
öğrencilerin sorduğu soruları sınavda sorar.
 The other interest is substantial law interest. Public policy exceptions are really important. There is no definition
for that. Like gay marriage example. Even though TPIL Art 12 and 13 allows applying marriages, Art 5 says that
if the application of foreign law is precisely or manifestly against the our public policy, we cannot apply that law.
Kamu düzeni bir substantial law interest. Devlet diyor ki olayda isterse bir yabancılık olsun, eğer yabancı hukuku
uygularsak ve bu uygulamanın sonucu Türk kamu düzenine aykırılık teşkil ederse o zaman Türk hukuku
 PIL do not have a solution, it just shows which law is going to be applied. So the conflict of law rules are the
reference rules. Türk kanunlar ihtilafı kuralları reference yaparlar, bunlar "gösterici" kurallardır. Somut olayı
çözmezler, hangi kanun sisteminin uygulanacağını gösterir. Mesela iki İranlı Türkiye'de boşanacaksa common
national paylaştıkları için Iranian Law uygulanır der ve burada keser. Hakim İran hukukunun esaslı noktalarını
bulup bunu uygular. They do not have any substantive solution, they just refer.
 Characterization issue is also important subject that we gonna discuss later. How we gonna classify the issue
legally is a significant matter. Hukuki vasıflandırma diyoruz. Hukuki olayı nitelendirmemiz önemli. Somut vakıa
ne bulmamız lazım. Is this issue about tort, contract, statue of limitation(zamanaşımı-prescription) or another
thing? Next week we gonna explain according to which law we should decide. For example, is statue of limitation
a substantive(esas) or procedural(usul) matter? Zamanaşımının dermeyan ediliş şekli usule ilişkin olsa da
konunun kendisi esas. Zaten biz zamanaaşımı sürelerini hep BK'da, TTK'da, TCK'da gördük. Zamanşımına dair
bu hükümler hep zamanaşımının durma sebeplerini, kesilme hallerini vs anlatır. Dermeyanı dediğimiz
zamanaşımının itirazı ise usule ilişkindir. Bu neden önemli? Birçok ülke zamanaşımını substantive matter olarak
kabul ediyor. Çünkü esasa uygulanacak hukuk farklı, usula uygulanacak hukuk farklı. Ama mesela İngiltere'de
zamanaşımı usulden kabul edilir, esasa girmez. Bu nedenle characterization önemli, biz buna esasa ilişkin dersek
uygulanacak hukuk farklı; usule ilişkin dersek uygulanacak hukuk farklı olur.
 Haftaya dava şartları ve ilk itirazlara giriş yapacağız.
 We discussed main purposes and philosophy of PIL last week. We talked about some issues that may arise about
conflict of law rules that we gonna learn at spring semester. Today we will start with international civil procedural
law. At the end of lecture we discussed whether statue of the limitation can be considered as a substantive or
procedural matter.
1. Characterization Issue
 The most important thing in law is legally characterization of the issue. For the characterization, judges/lawyers
classify the issue. For example a tourist bought a ticket from Istanbul to Bulgaria and in Bulgarian border bus
made an accident. So when he/she wants to file a case in Turkey, is this a contractual issue or a tort issue?
Because if the driver causes the accident it can be considered as a tort issue. And whether he /she can file a case
against the driver is another problem. Or think like that, when he/she buys a ticket he/she is actually making a
contract. So he can file a case against company because of breaching of the contract. So we need to decide what
we are asking from the judge, because laws that applicable for tort and contract are different.
 Generally where the case is taking place, that place's law is applied. This is called lex fori. And the place where
the case is taking place called forum. So if you file the case in Bulgaria, Bulgaria is the forum, or if you take the
issue to arbitration, arbitration is the forum. But in international arbitration there is no lex fori. We'll come to this
 According to the which law judge/lawyer going to characterize the issue? Besides some exceptional situations that
we'll laern next semester, judges must apply lex fori for the characterization(other issues than characterization,

Private International Law 16/17 Fall Z. Aysun Yıldız

other laws may be applied according to issue). So if the case takes place is Turkey, Turkish judge applies Turkish
law to characterize the issue.
 Yani lex fori mahkemenin hukuku demektir. Vasıflandırma yapmayı iyi bilmemiz lazım. Vasıflandırma için
forum'un hukuku kullanılır ama vasıflandırdıktan sonra görülecek diğer ihtilaflar için konusuna göre diğer hukuk
sistemleri uygulama bulabilir.
 All procedural matters are governed by lex fori. But the problem is this, you should classify the issue correctly if
it's a procedural or a substantive matter.
 Because of sovereignty, every country has lex fori. Every country can decide its own procedural law. But in
arbitration there is no sovereignty. Arbitral tribunal can established everywhere, there is not lex fori. Parties
choose the procedural rules. In international civil procedural law if the case is at the court, parties cannot choose
the procedural rules.
2. What kind of rules might be procedural?
 For example :Rules of evidence(deliller). Whether parties can show their documents as evidence. What are the
rules for that. What are the rules for the testimony of witnesses etc.Admissibility of the evidence is also important.
Because some of the evidence may not be taken into account by the judge.
 There are presumptions(karine) in civil law. Like fatherhood presumption. If the child was born within 300 days
after the marriage over, that child's father is counted as mother's previous husband. This is a substantive law, not a
procedural law. So some procedural issues, like presumptions, are regarding evidence and because of its nature,
that might be related with substantive law i.e fatherhood presumption. So even though the issue is a procedural
matter, it may have a close relation with substantive rules. Yani bazen öyle konular vardır ki usul hukuku
konusudur ama doğası gereği esasa ilişkindir. Dolayısıyla Türk hakimi bu tarz konularda usulle alakalı görünse de
bu esasa ilişkindir diyerek o kunu hakkında MÖHUK'a bakmalı ve ve MÖHUK'ta o konuyla alakalı hangi ülkenin
hukukunun uygulanacağı gösteriliyorsa onu uygulamalıdır.
 Jurisdiction, functions of the judge, yazılı talimatlar, discovery(delilleri inceleme), rules of appeal(temyiz-sınavda
istinafla alakalı birşeyler çıkabilir), written notice(tebligat) etc. are all procedural issues.
3. Why are we applying lex fori to all these procedural issues?
 Because of sovereignty of countries. These procedural issues are all operation of judicial missionary. Ülkeler
yargı mekanizmasının çalışmasını sağlıyorlar. Any state in the world does not let any other countries to manage
procedural process because of this. Procedural law is a public order concept in a sense. It's related with the
operation and function of the judicial mechanism.
 It does not matter parties make an agreement to apply other country's procedural law.
 And remember that by procedural law of the country we mean Turkish International Civil Procedural Law.
Because there is a foreign element.
 However in arbitration there is no any official body of a state.
4. Capacity to be a party(taraf ehliyeti) / Capacity to sue or to be sued(dava ehliyeti)
 These are trial conditions(dava şartı). There might be a objection for these matters. These are important issues.
Who is the party, whether that person can be a party etc.
 For example you can claim that the other international organization cannot be a party.
 Or a corporation signs a contract with the other corporation's legal representative who doesn’t have any authority
to sign that contract. So there is not a contract at all. That's why there is not capacity to be sued.
 For example 2 years ago, in France it's accepted dead people can file a case. But according to our and most of the
other laws, dead people don’t even have a capacity to have rights(hak ehliyeti).
 Yukarıda bazı usul konular esasla alakalı olabilir demiştik taraf ve dava ehliyeti de bunlardan. Here, for capacity
to be party/to sue or be sued, the way you object is procedural matter. However these two objects are related to
substantive law. Because whether that party has a capacity to be a party/sue or to be sued is a substantive matter.
So the way parties object is a procedural law; but the way determining the party has a capacity is about
substantive law.
 So objecting is concluded by lex fori rules. However the nature of the issue is related with substantive law. For
example 16 years old American National Jennifer wants to file a case against an Turkish guy in Turkey, because
he was saying bad things about her on the internet. Turkish judge decided Turkish court has a jurisdiction. After
that, Turkish guy claimed that 16 years old Jennifer has not a capacity to sue or to be sued. We agree that the way
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he object is a procedural matter. And we apply Turkish law about it. But the thing is that, whether she has a
capacity to sue or to be sued is a substantive matter. So we cannot go to our civil law. We need to look at TPIL
Art 9. which is about capacity. This article says "The legal capacity of a person shall be governed by his/her
national law". So we gonna apply American Law.
 Or Jennifer may be a stateless in Turkey. Or she may have both American and Turkish Nationality. Or she may be
a refugee etc. How we gonna decide she has a capacity is next semester's topic but right know let's look at Art. 4
of the TPIL: "If the applicable law is designated pursuant to nationality under this Act, unless otherwise provided
in this Act, the following laws shall be applied: a)With respect to a stateless person, the law of the place of his/her
domicile, in the absence thereof, place of his/her habitual residence, and in the absence thereof, the state where
he/she is residing on the date of the lawsuit, b)With respect to a person of multiple citizenship where he/she is
also a Turkish citizen, the Turkish law, c)With respect to a person of multiple citizenship where he/she is not a
Turkish citizen, the law of the state with which he/she is most closely connected". So these probabilities are all
solved in our TPIL.
 Yani dava ve taraf ehliyeti olmanın dermeyan şekli usuldur; lex fori uygulanır. Yani hakim bu bir dava şartı mı,
ilk itiraz mı hangi ana kadar sürüleceği konusunda kendi usul kurallarına bakacak. Ama az önce bahsettiğimiz
karinelerde olduğu gibi, dava ve taraf ehliyetine sahip olnuması hususu esasla çok yakın ilişkili olduğu için, bu
kişinin bunlara sahip olup olmadığı konusunda, ortada bir yabancılık unsuru da olduğundan, MÖHUK'un capacity
kurallarına göre karar vereceğiz.
5. What are the sources of Turkish International Civil Procedural Law?
 You have to know sources so you can apply it.
 TPIL Art 40 and the following articles are related with international civil procedure. So whenever a Turkish judge
has a case regarding international element, he/she looks at Art 40 and the other articles to solve the issue. But the
thing is that, not every issue is stipulated in Art 40 and following articles. So sometimes we need to apply other
sources as well.
 Art 40 is very important because it's a general article for jurisdiction. You should never ever forget this article. Art
40 refers to you local jurisdiction rules. It says: "(1) The international jurisdiction of the Turkish courts shall be
determined by the domestic jurisdiction rules". So mainly we need to look at HMK(Turkish Civil Procedural Act)
to find out if the court has a jurisdiction(or in case Turkish International Arbitration act, Civil Act etc.). Also
judges/lawyers must apply multilateral and bilateral treaties that regarding jurisdiction rules, as well. AY 90/4
says: "Usulüne göre yürürlüğe konulmuş milletlerarası andlaşmalar kanun hükmündedir. Bunlar hakkında
Anayasaya aykırılık iddiası ile Anayasa Mahkemesine başvurulamaz. (Ek cümle: 7.5.2004-5170/7 md.)Usulüne
göre yürürlüğe konulmuş temel hak ve özgürlüklere ilişkin milletlerarası andlaşmalarla kanunların aynı konuda
farklı hükümler içermesi nedeniyle çıkabilecek uyuşmazlıklarda milletlerarası andlaşma hükümleri esas alınır".
Also TPIL Art 1 says: "(2) Provisions of international conventions to which the Republic of Turkey is a signatory
are reserved". So if there is an international treaty regards jurisdiction, we are not going to apply Art 40. Because
TPIL Art 1 says if Turkey becomes a party of an international treaty, that treaty is reserved. Bu treaty'ler sign ve
retify edilmiş olmalı. Hatt bazen retify edilse de hemen yürürlüğe girmeyebilir. Treaty'de it came into force after 1
year diyebilir. Öyleyse bu vakit geçemeden o treaty'i uygulayamayız.
 There is an important treaty that Turkey is a party called "Hague Convention". It's regarding Private International
 Turkey is also a party of many bilateral treaties i.e with Iran, with Azerbaijan, with USA etc. These agreements
are really important because they are granting some rights and obligations. (Multilateral: çok taraflı, bilateral: iki
 Some important international treaties: UN Convention Regarding Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign
Arbitral Award, Hague Convention Concerning Law of Civil Procedure(yani hukuk usulüne dair çok taraflı bir
anlaşma), 1965 - Hague Convention Concerning the Notification of Official and Non-official Documents on Civil
and Commercial Matters(yani hangi deliller delil olarak kabul edilir ve nasıl bunu düzenleyen bir anlaşma),
Judicial Cooperation Agreement. Bu anlaşmaların ismini unutabilirsiniz ama böyle böyle bir anlaşma var pratikte
önemi şu diyebilmeniz lazım.
 Circulars(genelge) are also important in practice. General Director of International Law and Foreign Relation
Department of Ministry of Justice makes circulars. Dersimizde bu genelgelerden bir kısmını göreceğiz. Bazen bir

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kurumdan vs yukarıdaki sözleşmelere dayanarak birşey talep ediyorsun ama cevap olarak yapamayız genelge var
diyorlar ve bu genelgeler nerede Allah biliyor. General Director of International Law and Foreign Relation
Department bu genelgeleri internet sitesinde yayımlıyor, yayımlamamışsa gidip talep edebiliriz.
 Tomorrow, we gonna discuss Turkish courts' judicial power(yargı yetkisi)
6. Judicial Power of Turkish Courts
 We are going to talk about Turkish court judicial power and continue with international civil procedure as well. In
order to see that the Turkish court has jurisdiction, we need to look at whether Turkish court has a judicial power
or not. (jurisdiction'a sahip olmak ve judicial power'a sahip olmak aynı şey değil bunu şimdilik aklınızda tutun
aşağıda tekrar geleceğiz.)
 Judicial power means whether the Turkish court has a right to adjudicate(hüküm vermek) a case for a foreigner,
Turkish national and so on.
 When we look at Art 9 of Turkish Constitution, it says that "judicial power shall be exercised by the independent
courts on behalf of the Turkish Nation". So, Turkish Constitution grands judicial power within Art 9.
 Judicial power is one of the main aspect of sovereignty. Whether the person is a foreign national or Turkish
National, or the party is not a person Turkish Court has the power to adjudicate the trial. You cannot say a foreign
national cannot file a case in Turkey, because it's a fundamental right within the European Court of Human Rights
Art 6. Shortly, Turkish Court uses its judicial power for everyone and everything in its territory.
 But you may know from Public International Law class that there are some certain person or institution which
cannot be sued because of immunities arising from Public International Law. Especially state immunity and
diplomatic immunity(ambassador, consuls etc.) as well. Even though everybody can be a subject matter of
Turkish Court, but some categories cannot be sued.
 Why does Public International Law set up a rule that states cannot be sued in other state's courts? For example
you want to go to Wien to take your LLM degree. You have got an acceptance letter from a university there.
When you apply for Visa, government does not approve your Visa process. Can you file a case against the state?
Or you graduated from Law School of Istanbul Sehir University. And you become a legal consul in German
Embassy/Consulate. So, you made an employment contract with Embassy/Consulate but after 2 years they kicked
you out. Can you sue the Embassy/Consulate? Or you are having good time with your friend at the weekend in
Istanbul but then Malta Consulate's car hits you, so you want to get a compensation. Can you get a compensation
from Malta Consulate? These are some problems that we may face.
 Judicial power(not jurisdiction of Turkish courts. Karıştırma.) of states is derived from Public International Law.
It's the main source of it.
 We took Civil Procedural Law last year, and have seen that there are some issues that are considered as trial
conditions(dava şartları). When we look at Art 114 of Turkish Civil Procedural Act(HMK), there are certain trial
conditions. And Art 114/1(a) regulates that presence of the judicial power of the Turkish courts/adjudicate is one
of the trial condition. So court must a have right to adjudicate the case. So, when it comes to the immunity of a
state/person, there is a lack of trail condition.
 What are the trial conditions at Turkish Civil Procedural Code? To be able to bring a suit, to be a party, legal
interest(hukuki menfaat), lack of pending adjudication(derdestlik olmaması) and so on. When you go to home,
read all of them.
 If there is no trial condition what happens? The case is dismissed without prejudice(dava usulden reddedilir). The
court rejects the suit for procedural reason. It's written at Art 115/2 of TCCP.
 So as a party, when you realize there is lack of judicial power of the Turkish court, should you submit your
objection at the beginning of the trial? Are there any specific time for objection? Art 115 of TCPC states that
when there is a lack of trial condition, the judge has a ex officio(resen) power to take this deficiency into account
at the every part of the trial(yani hakim resen davanın her aşamasında dava şartlarını gözetmek zorundadır).
Parties can argue the lack of a trial condition every part of the trial(davanın her aşamasında dava şartlarının
eksikliği ileri sürülebilir). Objection to lack of trial conditions is not like preliminary objections(ilk itirazlar) in
this sense.
 We need to separate jurisdiction of Turkish court internationally and judicial power of Turkish court. These two
things are different issues. Judicial power of Turkish court is derived from Public International Law. Exception:
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states cannot be sued at other states' courts because of sovereign immunity that we gonna talk about later on. But
international jurisdiction granting whether the Turkish court has the jurisdiction on this matter. Jurisdiction of
Turkish court is not derived from Public International Law. Because of sovereignty, every state already has a right
to regulate the jurisdiction of its courts. Judicial power(state'leri elçileri vs yargılayabilir miyiz yargılayamaz
mıyız vs) comes from Public International Law. However, jurisdiction of courts comes from national law of the
 Second difference between jurisdiction and judicial power: Whether there is an international jurisdiction of
Turkish court or not is a matter of preliminary objection(ilk itiraz). So you should object at the beginning of the
case. But judicial power is a trial condition as we talked about, so judge has a ex officio right to take it into
account every step of the case and of course parties too.
 Türkçe anlatalım, burada anlattığımız şey "yargı yetkisi" ve "milletlerarası yetki". Milletlerarası yetki, bir ihtilafta
Türk mahkemesinin milletlerarası yetkiye sahip olup olmadığını ifade eder. Yani yabancılık unsuru ihtiva eden bir
olayda Türkiye'de dava açabilir misin, yetkili bir mahkeme var mıdır ki bunu zaten 3 hafta kadar anlatacağız(yetki
sözleşmesi vs bunun içerisinde). Ama milletlerarası yetkiden önce bir yargı yetkisi olmalıdır. Yani devletlerin
bağımsızlığından ötürü her devlet o suje/obje hakkında kendi hakimiyet alanı içerisinde yargı yetkisine sahiptir.
Fakat Devletler Genel Hukuku'ndan kaynaklı olarak bazı sujeler ve kişiler devletlerin yargı yetkisinden muaf
tutulmaktadır. Yargı yetkisi dava şartı olarak düzenlenmiştir. Ama Türk mahkemelerinin milletlarası yetkisi ise
ilk itirazdır. Dolayısıyla usul ve sonuçları birbirinden farklıdır.
7. Immunities
 When we look at the comparative legal systems and our legal system, we see that in order to maintain the
judicial power, some person and institutions cannot be a defendant because of immunities. Who have immunities?
1. Foreign states. 2. Head of a state 3. Diplomats 4. Consuls 5. Internatıonal Organizations. And the thing is that,
when we look at national law and international treaties on state immunity, immunities are derived from two things:
1. Immunities from jurisdiction 2. Immunities from execution(icra). Immunities from jurisdiction provides not to
be sued at the court.
 What does execution mean? You file a case against someone, you win but the other party do not perform its duty,
so you go to execution. It's about enforcement of court decisions.
a. Foreign States
 A sovereign state cannot be sued in Turkish courts without its consent.
 Par in parem non habet imperium: the principle that one sovereign power cannot exercise jurisdiction over
another sovereign power. It is the basis of the act of state doctrine and sovereign immunity.
 During 19th and 20th Centuries, states has begun to involve in economy. Thus, states has also become a part of a
private law transections. For example state's enterprises are established in Turkey are Sümerbank, BOTAŞ etc.
When involving of states to economy and trade has expanded, it has become possible to consider states as a party
in the court proceedings as they take a part in commercial transections(yani sadece governmental bir act olsa
ülkeyi zaten yargılayamayız ama ülkeler özel hukuk alanına girince artık yargılanabilir hale geldiler). So, when
state's corporation does not fulfill its requirement, it wouldn't be fair to not sue state on the ground that state has a
absolute immunity. So as states involves in economy, in order to make system work, absolute immunity is
 How can we separate whether the act of a state is governmental or commercial? Because if the act is
governmental, there is immunity. But if a state is acting in the field of private law, it does not have a immunity
(Acta jure imperii: state's governmental act. Acta iure gestionis: State's commercial act). Under international
treaties that is about state's sovereign immunities and under comparative law states are immune in respect of
governmental acts but not private law issues. So if it's a private law issue, you can take a compelsation from state.
 UK and US are common law countries but very interestingly they do have a law on state immunity when most of
the countries do not have. They describe when they have a immune and not, what are the exceptions etc.
 There is a UN treaty on state immunity which is accepted in 2004. But it's not into enforced. However, it's
counted as a customary international law in European Court of Human Rights and so on. Anlaşamalar yürürlükte
olmasalar dahi güçleri vardır. Bu bahsettiğimiz sözleşmenin yürürlüğe girmesi için 30 devletin imzalaması lazım.
28 devlet imzalamış. Türkiye de imzalamayan ülkelerden birisi. Ama imzalanmamış olsa bile Türk hakimi bu

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sözleşmeyi örf ve adet hukuku gereğince uygulamak zorunda. Yoksa kişi zaten AİHM'e gider, her türlü tazminat
 Do we have any law rules regarding state immunity in Turkish law? We have one provision: Art 49 of TPIL Act.
It says that states are immune in Turkish courts and no judicial immunity shall be granted to a foreign state in
legal disputes arising from private law relations. Art 49/2 is stating notification which we gonna talk later on but
let's give an example for now: You have a house in Ankara and an American ambassador needs a house for a
while so you rent out your house. One year later, he/she doesn't pay his/her payment and when you go to your
house you see that he/she already left the house and also didn't pay bills and harmed the house. So can you file a
case against US because of what its diplomat has done to you?(ambassador US'in temsilcisi olduğu için devlete
karşı açma söz konusu) Yes, because rental agreement is a private international issue. And 49 let us do file a case
against a state if there is private law relation. But, how we going to decide the issue is in the field of private law?
We will look at lex fori. Because we need to classify the issue as we talked about yesterday. Firstly we will look
at the transection's nature then how's regulated in our legal system. Irak'taki savaş için giden gemiye başka bir
gemi çarparsa bu governmental issue çünkü war is going on. Ama savaş için gitmeyen, sadece oradan geçen
gemimize zarar verilirse bu private law issue because there is a tort(haksız fiil). Mavi Marmara is like that in
terms of compelsation. (Criminal Law side of it is not examined in our lecture). Bu arada devletin askere silah
alması private act'tir çünkü ihalerle vs alınıyor bu.
 Next week we going to talk about immunity from execution(icra bağışıklığı).
 International Civil Procedure Law'dan devam ediyoruz. Before we talk about Turkis court international
jurisdiction, we should examine the judicial power of Turkish court because to have a jurisdiction we need to look
at whether parties can be sued in Turkey or not. Last week we also talk about Art 9 of the Turkish Constitution
which states there is judicial power of the Turkish courts and Turkish courts can adjudicate the cases either from
foreign national, foreign institution and of course Turkish nationals as well. But because of public international
law and sovereignty some subject matter of international law cannot be sued in Turkish courts and other countries'
courts as well. These are states, head of states, diplomats, consulates, and international institutions. We will
examine them step by step. We started with states last week.
 We also differentiated judicial power and international jurisdiction of Turkish courts. Judicial power of courts
derived from Public International Law. The reason whether Turkish courts has a jurisdictional power or not
results from Public International Law. The "concept" comes from public international law but every states may
have different rules. For example UK and US have very long and different codes for sovereign immunity. So
national laws can have different approaches.
 And as we said there are international treaties as well. Even UN Treaty on Sovereign(Jurisdictional)
Immunity(2004) is not in forced right now, in practice ECHR and other international/national courts regards this
treaty as a customary international law rule.
 Last week we divided immunities into two: immunity from jurisdiction and execution. For immunity from
jurisdiction we analyzed if a state can be adjudicated in a court or not. But execution is different. Here, you have a
court decision but the problem is whether you can attach(haczetmek) state's property or not.
 Immunities can be also examined as absolute immunity and restricted immunity as well. As states involved in
commercial transections, absolute immunity has fallen into disuse. And it's accepted that if states are acting
governmental they are immune. However if they are doing private transections, they are liable for their acts. This
is called restricted immunity. Last week we already talked about it.
 State can make an agreement and accept to be sued for some particular governmental issues. There is not any
obstacle for that. They can do it explicitly with an agreement, or they can do it implicitly by joining to court. So
countries can give a waiver(feragat). We see this when states makes bilateral treaties and accept international
arbitration. Bu zaten international investment law dersinin konusu.
 Let's look at immunity from execution in detail. Assume that you have a court decision that indicates US owe you
200.000 $ because of American Ambassasor didn't pay up your rent. So if US does not fulfill its obligation, what
will happen? Can you attach(execute) the property of US? Firstly, some of the state's properties cannot be
executed even you have a arbitral award or court decision. If the foreign state's property is used for commercial
activities, there is not any immunity. However if properties of states are used for governmental purposes, that

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properties cannot be executed i.e. taxations. For example, we have a case against Libya. And Kaddafi's money is
at bank . To attach this money, there shouldn’t be a governmental purpose. So, if the money is used for
consulate's/embassy's expenses, it cannot be executed.
 The law of execution and immunities can be different in every state. In our state, state's properties which are used
for governmental purposes cannot be attached.
 For our law system there are two types of execution/enforcement: 1. proceeding with judgment(ilamlı icra) 2.
proceeding without judgment(ilamsız icra).
 Art 82 of Turkish Execution and Bankruptcy Law says that state's property cannot be seized/attached. In practice
the word of state in this article is used for foreign states as well. In ECHR, there are some cases, i.e Tütüncü vs
Turkey, says that if you have claim(which means a court decision or an arbitral award), this claim can be accepted
as a property under ECHR Protocol 1, so Turkey must change its law in line with ECHR. But still Art 82 has
conflict with ECHR. Konuyu daha iyi anlamak adına Tütüncü Davası'na buradan ulaşılabilir.
 In 2012, Turkish Execution and Bankruptcy Law is amended and one paragraph is added to Art 32. According to
this paragraph, execution order prepared for the enforcement proceeding with judgement against a foreign state
should include that, apart from international treaties, that state's property can be compulsory executed. Yani bir
Türkçe anlatalım. İlamlı icrada bir mahkeme kararı olduğu için ilamsız icradaki bazı itiraz vs gibi prosedürler
uygulanmaz ve bu ilama dayanılarak bir icra emri çıkarıldığında eğer bu emir yabancı devlete karşı çıkarılmışsa
şöyle deniyor; uluslararası anlaşmalar dışında senin Türkiyede'ki malvarlığına zorla el konulabilir bunu belirtilen
süre içinde öde. Bunu ilamlı icrada deme hakkını kanun düzenlemiş.
 Art 42 of Turkish Execution and Bankruptcy Law states that the enforcement proceeding without judgment
cannot be used against foreign states. İlamsız icrada bildiğimiz üzere itiraz edilmezse ödeme emri kesinleşiyor.
Bunu da bir devlete uygulamak mümkün değil.
 Yurtdışındaki Türkiye Cumhuriyeti mallarına ne olacağına sonra geleceğiz.
b. Head of State(Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affair)
 They are representing the state so they have a absolute immunity according to Public International Law. They
cannot be criminalized(there are some exceptions) and they have a immunity for private law matters as well.
c. Diplomats
 Diplomatic representatives like diplomatic mission officers, ambassadors are representing the state in a way.
When they are working abroad they have to protect their country's dignity.
 There is a sending and a receiving state. For example if Turkey sends Ahmet to Jordan as an ambassador, Turkey
is sending state and Jordan is the receiving state. When Ahmet does the Turkey's diplomatic functions in Jordon,
he shouldn't do any harassment or encroachment. In Public International Law, there is an international treaty for
diplomatic representatives called 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. This is a very old
international treaty and a customary international law in a sense. This treaty provides immunity for diplomatic
representatives when they they are doing their activities in the receiving state. Turkey is also a party of this
convention. It also includes the immunity of diplomats from their criminal activities.
 A Danish Ambassador buys a property and he/she doesn't pay his debt. So can you file a case against him/her?
Here, you cannot go to Art 49 of TPIL Act anymore because that article is about state. Art 31 of Vienna
Convention on Diplomatic Relations exactly provides in any situation diplomatic immunities are accepted but
there are exceptions too. (Kanunun Türkçe metni için:
06803042.pdf )
 Art 31/1: "1. A diplomatic agent shall enjoy immunity from the criminal jurisdiction of the receiving State. He
shall also enjoy immunity from its civil and administrative jurisdiction, except in the case of:
(a) a real action relating to private immovable property situated in the territory of the receiving State, unless he
holds it on behalf of the sending State for the purposes of the mission;
(b) an action relating to succession in which the diplomatic agent is involved as executor, administrator,
heir(mirasçı) or legatee(ölüme bağlı tasarruf sahibi olan) as a private person and not on behalf of the sending

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(c) an action relating to any professional or commercial activity exercised by the diplomatic agent in the
receiving State outside his official functions."
 Exceptions of diplomatic immunities: 1(a) says that if the issue is about a real property(ayni hak), you can file a
case against the diplomat. Ayni hak: Right in rem, ownership etc. 1(b) says if the issue is about succession, you
can file a case against the diplomat. 1(c) says if the diplomat has commercial or professional activities apart from
his/her official function, you can file a case against the diplomat.
 Art 31/2: "2. A diplomatic agent is not obliged to give evidence as a witness." So he/she can give evidience as a
witness only if he/she wants to.
 Art 31/4: "4. The immunity of a diplomatic agent from the jurisdiction of the receiving State does not exempt him
from the jurisdiction of the sending State." Even though the diplomat has an immunity in receiving state, this
immunity doe not include the sending state. Diplomat geldiği yerde immunity'e sahip olsa da gönderen ülke
açısından bu immunity geçerli değil, gönderen ülke yargılayabilir.
 Sending state also has a right to waive(feragat etme). Art 32: "1. The immunity from jurisdiction of diplomatic
agents and of persons enjoying immunity under Article 37 may be waived by the sending State." Yani Diplomatik
ajanların ve 37. madde gereğince bağışıklıktan yararlanan şahısların yargı bağışıklığı gönderen Devlet tarafından
kaldırılabilir. Which person are lined up at Art 37? Family member of diplomatic agency and the members of the
administrative and technical stuff on the mission. Yani diplomatın beraberinde oturan aile üyeleri ve misyonun
idari ve teknik kadrosunun üyeleri de immunityden faydalanır. Art 31/1'deki 3 istisnai hal bunlar için de geçerlidir.
Devletin bu kişiler üzerinde ve diplomat üzerindeki immunityden feragat hakkı saklıdır.
 What about immunity from execution? Can we attach property of Denmark Embassy's property if we win tha case
against Danish Ambassador? Art 22/3 says "3. The premises of the mission, their furnishings and other property
thereon and the means of transport of the mission shall be immune from search, requisition, attachment or
 Türkçe özetlersek Büyükelçiliklerin veya burada çalışan kişilerin dokunulmazlığı konusunda kendi kanunumuza
değil, uluslararası sözleşmeye bakıyoruz. Bu sözleşmenin 31. Maddesi diyor ki miras, ayni haklar ve ticari
faaliyetler konusunda diplomatlara ve 37. Maddede söylenen kişilere dava açılabilir. Ama aynı sözleşmenin 22.
Maddesi diyor ki, büyükelçilik binaları, büyükelçilik arabalarında cezai anlamda araştırma yapılamaz ve haciz
d. Consulate
 Consulates have different mission than ambassadors. And there is a different international treaty for consulates:
1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relation. You cannot apply 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic
Relations to consulates. (Türkçe metin: )
 What does a consular do? For example German consular in Istanbul protect German people who lives here and
second job that they do is promoting and furthering the commercial and economic relations within two countries.
 For example a Poland consular hits you with a car, can you file a case for a compensation? Or Poland Consulate
made a employment contract with you then he/she terminated the contract. Can you file a case against the
 Art 43/1: "1. Consular officers and consular employees shall not be amenable to the jurisdiction of the judicial or
administrative authorities of the receiving State in respect of acts performed in the exercise of consular
functions." If a consular makes a consulate function he/she is immune. However, Art 43/2 brings 2 exceptions to
this rule.
 Art 43/2: "2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall not, however, apply in respect of a civil action
(a) arising out of a contract concluded by a consular officer or a consular employee in which he did not contract
expressly or impliedly as an agent of the sending State; or
(b) by a third party for damage arising from an accident in the receiving
State caused by a vehicle, vessel or aircraft."
 So if the consulate or consulate's employees made a contract by himself/herself without representing the state, you
can file a case against the consulate. And if the consulate makes an accident either with a vehicle or an aircraft, in
that case it's a tort act and you can file a case against the consulate.

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 Yani konsoloslukların ekonomi ve ticareti geliştirme amacı var(başka amaçları da var ama sonra gelicez).
Genellikle konsolosluk işleri ile ilgili olarak kendileri dokunulmazlığa sahip. Ancak bir sözleşme yapmışsa ve bu
sözleşmede kendisini gönderen devleti temsil etme gibi bir durum yoksa bu sözleşmeden doğan ihtilaflar
açısından kendisine dava açılabilir. Aynı zamanda konsolosluk/aile fertleri aracıyla kazaya neden olursa
konsolosluğa karşı tazminat davası açılabilir.
 We see that we cannot attach Embassy building, furnishing etc. However there is not any provisions in 1962
VCCR regarding immunity from execution of consulate. You can go to consulate office for attachment.
Diplomatlarda, elçiliklerde icra bağışıklığı var ama konsolosluklarda –bilateral treaty ile immunty getirilmesi hali
saklı olarak- konsolosluktaki malları haczedebiliyoruz. Çünkü 1963 tarihli sözleşmede bir hüküm yok.
 Yarın buradan devam edeceğiz, mahkemelere başlayacağız.
e. International Organizations
 They are working on investment, cultural issues, economy, environmental issues and so on.
 Some of international organizations are established under another international organizations. For example, UN
itself is a international organization, but under UN there are many specialized agencies and organizations such as
 For example there are international organizations under World Bank such as IFC, MIGA.
 There are also Islamic organizations as well. Islamic State Organizations is one of them
 The thing is that, this organizations have a separated legal body and so authority. How do they get this indepence
legal body? Through the international agreements. For example Islamic State Organization is established through
a multilateral treaty. So these organizations are getting their legal capacity from international agreements. These
agreements are also called "headquarters agreement".
 Can we sue them in Turkish courts? For example IFC(International Finance Corporation) is in Istanbul. What IFC
is doing is simply following how investments are made. There are lawyers, financers working in IFC. So assume
that you made an employment contract with IFC but after 2 months they cancel your labor contract and so that
they breached the contract. Do Turkish courts have a judicial power to sue IFC? In theory, international
organizations have an absolute immunity which means it doesn't matter that their activities are either
governmental or private law, they cannot be sued in the court. But even though this theory is accepted, we have to
look at headquarter agreements because there might be accepted a restricted immunity. We cannot apply Art 49 of
our TPIL Act, because that article gives immunity to states not to the organizations.
 For example UN Refugee Agency is an international organization which has also an office in Ankara. Assume
that you apply to this agency but they didn't fulfill so can you sue them in Ankara?
 In practice legal scholars, Turkish courts and Turkish Court of Appeal says that if the international organization's
act is a private law act, then you can file a case against that international organization. Bunu da şuradan
çıkarıyorlar, ülkelerin bile kesin dokunulmazlığı yoksa uluslarası organizasyonların da evleviyetle böyle bir
dokunulmazlığı olamaz. Yani önce organizasyonun kabul edildiği anlaşmaya bakacağız, orada dokunulmazlığı
kısıtlanmamışsa bu görüşü kullanacağız.
 Immunity konusunu bitirdik, şimdi 3-4 haftamızı alacak olan bir konuya başlayacağız.
8. International Jurisdiction of Turkish Courts
 What are we going to discuss in this topic is whether a Turkish court determine the issue which has a foreign
element or not
 When we examine whether Turkish courts has an international jurisdiction or not, we must ask if there is any
jurisdictional agreement or not. This is the first question we should ask. Because the parties may choose which
court has the jurisdiction in a contract.
 So two thing is possible: Directly recourse(apply) to national court and recourse to national court through
jurisdiction agreement.
 If there is not any jurisdiction agreement, parties can directly apply to national court. If there is a jurisdiction
agreement the law and the issue is going to be separated.
 International jurisdiction have so many different meanings. We don't give too many detail. Art 1 of TPIL Act says
that if the transection has a foreign element for international jurisdiction of Turkish court, this law(TPIL) is

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applied. If Turkish court is able to hear and determine an issue -which is a transection/legal act that- includes
foreign element, there is an international jurisdiction of Turkish court.
 Let's discuss the example of Pakistani Aysha and Canadian Jack that we talked about our first lecture. They want
to get a divorce in Turkey. Both parties are foreigners so the transection has a foreign element. They file a case in
Kocaeli. How will Kocaeli Family Court decide if it has a jurisdiction thus determine the divorce? We gonna
solve later.
 Or for example because of the failure coup attempt in Turkey, a famous Canadian circus organization canceled its
show that was supposed to take place in Expo 2016 in Antalya without saying anything. Because of this
cancellation Turkey made some loss. Does Turkish court(in the example, Turkish Commercial Court) has a
jurisdiction to hear this issue? We gonna learn.
 Before we get into the topic, you should know an important practical fact. Because of sovereignty, every state can
decide if their court have the jurisdiction or not. In this way, Turkish law decide the international jurisdiction of
Turkish court. So states, which represent the parties of the dispute, have an international jurisdiction on that
matter. For example, for Aysha&Jack Case Pakistan, Canada and Turkey may have an international jurisdiction
on this issue(because of sovereignty). So in this case, if more than one state have international jurisdiction on the
matter, parties can go to "forum shopping". Türkçe özetleyelim, her ülke kendi yetki kurallarına göre
milletlerarası olarak yetkili olup olmadığına kendisi karar verir. Böylece her ülke uluslararası yargı yetkisi olup
olmadığına kendi kanunları ile karar veriyorsa, söz konusu ihtilafın tarafı olanların bağlı bulundukları ülkelerin
hepsi de o ihtilaf üzerinde kendi kanunlarına dayanarak -büyük ihtimalle- yargı yetkisine sahip olacaktır. Böylece
forum shopping yaparak yani hangi ülkede bu davayı açmak daha avantajlı olur ona bakarak davayı o ülkede
açmak lazım. Forum shopping'i sonra daha ayrıntılı anlatacağız zaten.
 TPIL Act has general and specific provisions of international jurisdiction for directly recourse to national court.
Türk mahkemelerinin yargı yetkisi olup olmadığı konusunda MÖHUK en önemli kaynağımız. Art 40 of TPIL Act
is the general provision on international jurisdiction and it's a really important article.Also specific rules on
international jurisdiction which are regarding some issues like inheritance are also important. These specific rules
are taking from Art 41 to Art 46.
 Art 40: "The international jurisdiction of the Turkish courts shall be determined by the domestic jurisdiction
rules." So article 40 refers us to our domestic law(HMK and other laws have jurisdiction rules like Turkish
Commercial Code, Execution and Bankruptcy Law, Code of Obligations, Turkish Civil Code and so on) to
determine if Turkish court has a jurisdiction or not. Yani MÖHUK diyor ki Türk mahkemelerinin milletlerarası
yetkisini iç hukukun yer itibariyle yetki kuralları tayin eder.
 But there are specific provisions in TPIL Act from Art 41 to 46 regarding insurance contract, consumer contract,
inheritance, foreign personality, Turkish national's personality and employment contracts. So there are specific
international jurisdiction for this matters. If the issue is about one of them, we don't apply Art 40. We'll look it
detailed later.
 And never forget, other than Art 40 and Art 41-46 we also have international treaties regarding international
jurisdiction. If there is an international treaty that contains rules for jurisdiction, that treaty will prevail. Art 1 of
TPIL Act provides this. For example, for airline transportation there is Vienna Convention on Airline
Transportation. This convention has specific jurisdiction rules on airline transportation issues. Turkey is also party
of this convention.
 Sınavda sorduğunda direkt HMK'yı uygularsak 0 alırız. Önce MÖHUK 40 uygulanacak, sonra HMK ya da ilgili
kanuna gidilecek. Ama konu 41-46 arasındaki hükümlerden birine giriyorsa o zaman bu hükümlerin gösterdiği
mahkeme yetkili olacak. Tabi o konuda uluslarası sözleşmelerde yetkiye ilişkin hüküm varsa MÖHUK 1 gereği
öncelikle sözleşme hükümleri uygulanacak.
 For example: Aysha-Jack Divorce örneğine bakalım. Divorce is not contained Art 41-46. So we look at the
general provision, Art 40. And Art 40 refers us to Turkish Law for divorce. So we need to look at Turkish Civil
Code for jurisdiction. Davalının yerleşim yeri veya son 6 ay birlikte yaşadıkları yer mahkemesi der TMK. Ama
bunu hatırlamaktan ziyade, yetki nerede düzenlenmiş onun yerini bulmamız daha önemli. Aysha and Jack were
living in Kocaeli, that's why Kocaeli Family Court has the international jurisdiction.
 The court of domicile of the defendant(davalının yerleşim yeri) is the main rule for jurisdiction at TCCP(HMK).
If the defendant has a domicile in Turkey, it means that Turkish court will have jurisdiction. Because when we go

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to article 40, this article will refer us to TCCP's jurisdiction rules. Yani yabancı unsur taşıyan bir olayda, konu 41-
46'ya uymuyorsa 40'a gidiyoruz; 40 bizi -genellikle- HMK'ya gönderir. HMK 6 da davalının yerleşim yerinin
genel yetkili mahkeme olduğunu söyler. Böylece bu hüküm aynı zaman da milletlerarası yetkiyi de bize vermiş
 How we decide where is the domicile? Because this is an civil procedural, we are going to apply lex fori to solve
this. According to the Turkish Law, we will decide what the domicile means. So, where is domicile regulated? Art
19 of Turkish Civil Code. And it says that domicile is the place where somebody resides with the intention to
remain permanently and one person may have only one domicile.
 Respondent = defendant = davalı. Claimant = davacı.
 How do we find legal person/company's domicile? Firstly, we need to look at the statue(association of agreement)
of the company. If they didn't mention anything on the statue, where their operation are administrative, this place
is regarded as the court with international jurisdiction.
 What if the person(defendant) does not have any domicile in Turkey? Mesela Hollanda'ya giden bazı Türkler
orada kendilerini çalışmıyor göstererek hukuka aykırı şekilde işsizlik maaşı alıyorlar ve bu paralarla Türkiye'de
pek çok ev alıyorlar. Parayı ödeyen Hollanda'daki Sosyal Yardım Kurumu burada o paralarla Afyon'da pek çok ev
almış birine Afyon'da dava açıyor(Hollanda'da açmıyor çünkü adamın bütün malvarlığı Türkiye'de). Davalı taraf
olan Türk, Türk mahkemesinin jurisdcition'ı olmadığını ileri sürüyor, çünkü burada hiç yerleşim yeri yok. Sadece
yatırımını yapıp geri dönüyor. Art 9 of TCCP says that, if the individual does not have any domicile in Turkey,
the court where the habitual residence(mutat mesken) of the respondent is, has the jurisdiction. What does the
habitual residence mean? Where the central life of the person taking place is habitual residence. Olayda adamın
mutat meskeni bile yok. Bu nedenle jurisdiction yok. Bu arada aklımıza malvarlığının olduğu yer mahkemesi
yetkilidir şeklindeki HMK hükmü gelebilir. Ama şurası çok önemli, bu hüküm sadece uyuşmazlık o malvarlığına
ilişkin ise geçerli. Olayda ise uyuşmazlık direkt o malvarlığına ilişkin değil, sebepsiz zenginleşmeye ilişkin. Zaten
bu çok sorunlu bir hüküm. 2011 öncesinde malvarlığının bulunduğu yer şeklinde iken, 2011 değişikliği ile yanlış
çeviri yüzünden bu hüküm uyuşmazlık malvarlığına ilişkin ise o malvarlığının yer aldığı yer mahkemesi şeklinde
yer aldı. İngilizce olarak: According to Art 9 of TCPC, if the disputed property is in Turkey, the court where the
disputed property takes place, is also has a jurisdiction, but the issue must be related with that property.
 If the party(foreign/national) does not object to the court for lack of jurisdiction, is this Turkish court going to ha
ve jurisdiction for that case? Yani yetkisi olmayan bir yerde dava açılmış ve diğer taraf buna itiraz etmemişse
davanın açıldığı mahkeme yetkili olur mu? If the party didn't object the international jurisdiction of Turkish court,
that court become authorized court(sanırım bunu HMK 19'a dayandırıyoruz, bu bilgiyi vermedi veya unuttu ama
HMK 19'da yetki itirazı yapılmazsa davanın açıldığı yer mahkemesi yetkili olur diye zaten bir hükmümüz var).
Art 116 of TCCP states that absence of jurisdiction of a court is a preliminary objection(ilk itiraz). İlk itirazlar
cevap dilekçesi ile birlikte cevap dilekçesi süresi içerisinde yapılır. 2 haftalık süre içerisinde itiraz yapılmazsa
sürenin uzatılmasını isteyebilir miyiz? Ödev. Araştırın, sonra sınavda karşınıza çıkabilir.
 Yukarıda Canadian Circus Organization vs Expo diye bir case örneği vermiştik. In this example, does Turkish
Commercial Court in Antalya have a jurisdiction? As we can see this is a contractual issue, because Canadian side
breaches the contract. There is not any provisions for jurisdiction on that contract. So firstly we have to look at
Art 40 of TPIL Act. It refers us to Turkish Law. So we gonna look at whether CCP or Turkish Commercial Code
have any provisions. Art 10 of CCP regulates that if there is a case arising from contractual obligations, the court
where the contract is performed has the jurisdiction. Yani sözleşmeden doğan davalrda sözleşmenin ifa
edileceği(performance of contract) yer mahkemesi yetkilidir. So as the contract is going to be performanced in
Antalya, the court in Antalya has a jurisdiction.
 Bu arada konudan bağımsız olarak bir eleştiri: Anayasamız vatandaş iade edilemez diyor ama AY 38 Uluslarası
Ceza Davaları'na ilişkin bir ihtilaf varsa vatandaşı iade ederiz diyor. Biz Uluslararası Ceza Divanı'na taraf
olmamamıza rağmen Anayasa'ya böyle bir hüküm koymuşuz. Bu açıdan eleştirilebilir bir durum. Belki sınavda
bir şekilde sorabilir.
 International jurisdiction means: hearing and determining the issue.
 We talked about the sources of international civil procedure. And one of the sources is TPIL Code. When we look
at Art 40, it's a general provision.When parties want to apply to Turkish Courts, we perform Art 40 to give

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international jurisdiction to Turkish courts. Art 41-46 are also regulating international jurisdiction but these are
specific provisions(belli bazı durumlarda bu jurisdiction hükümleri uygulanır). Art 40 states that the international
jurisdiction of Turkish courts shall be determined by the rules of domestic law on local jurisdiction. So it refers us
to Turkish rules on local jurisdiction which are Turkish CCP and other Turkish laws regulates jurisdiction like
Turkish Civil Code(for example we apply this law's jurisdiction provisions for marital property), Turkish
Commercial Code(for example if the issue is about agency), or other specific laws.
 Sınavda Türk mahkemelerinin yabancılık unsuru içeren bir ihtilafta jurisdiction'ı olduğunu göstermek için hemen
HMK'yı uygulamayacağız, önce genel hüküm olan Art 40 ile(issue 41-46 arasına girmiyorsa) HMK veya diğer
local kanunlara refer yapacağız.
 Diyelim ki Art 40'ı uyguladık, HMK'ya gittik, şimdi yetki için hangi hükmü uygulayacağız? The main provision
is Art 6 of Turkish CCP. General competent court is the place of legal domicile of respondant. Tıpkı geçen sene
öğrendiğimiz gibi: davalının yerleşim yeri mahkemesi yetkilidir. For instance a Turkish man and an Italian
woman had a relationship then they had a child. To establish the recognition of the child(paternity of Turkish
man-soybağı), Italian woman needs to file a case. Firstly, we apply Art 40 because there is a foreign element. And
then, Art 40 may refer us to Turkish Civil Code(bcz fatherhood is regulated in Civil Code, ) or Turkish CPC. But
even though fatherhood regulated in Turkish Civil Code, there is not any regulations for jurisdiction, so we apply
general rule which is Art 6 of CPC. In this way, competent court is domicile of the Turkish man for this paternity
suit(fatherhood case). Tabi adamın yerleşim yeri Türkiye'de ise bu geçerli. Yerleşim yeri yoksa habitual
residence'a baktığımızı konuşmuştuk. Genel tekrarımızı yaptık, şimdi bugünkü konulara geçelim.
a. Some Examples For Jurisdiction Rules in Our Domestic Law Other Than Art 6 of Turkish CPC
 Yabancılık unsuru içeren bir ihtilafta Türk mahkemelerinin milletlerarası yetkisi için öncelikle MÖHUK 40'a
baktığımızı, MÖHUK 40'ın bizi yerel kanunlardaki yer bakımından yetki hükümlerine yönlendirdiğini ve genel
yetki kuralı olarak HMK 6'nın uygulandığını söyledik. Ama bazen bazı konularda yetki HMK 6'dan farklı
hükümlerde düzenlenmiş olabilir. Bu durumda MÖHUK 40 bizi başka yerel hükümlere refere edecek ve o
uyuşmazlık için genel hüküm olan HMK 6'nın aksine farklı yer mahkemeleri yetkili olacaktır. İşte bunlara birkaç
örnek verelim
 Actions Arising From Contractual Obligations: For example a Turkish company made a contract with an
Italian company regarding sales of forks and spoons. A problem occurred because when the Italian company gets
the goods, they see that the goods are defective(ayıplı). So Italian company wants to file a case at the Commercial
Court in Istanbul and they want compensation. In their contract there isn't any clause about jurisdictional. When
the Italian company filed a case in Istanbul, Turkish company's lawyer claimed that the Turkish court does not
have any jurisdiction. So, what the lawyer of Italian company should claim in return? He/she should say that there
is no any jurisdiction clause in our agreement but Art 40 grands a power international jurisdiction and says we
look at the rules of domestic law on local jurisdiction. That's why we need to look at Turkish CPC. Art 10 of CPC
states that "an action may also be brought where the contract will be performed". So in this point Turkish
company cannot claim that we are in Adana, you should file the case in Adana(domicile of respondant burada ileri
sürülemiyor, sözleşmeler için HMK'da özel yetki kuralı var). How we gonna decide where is the performance of
contract? Generally, we look at substantive rules at the contract because generally parties add clauses to their
 Right in rem in immovable property: When there is an issue regarding right in rem in immovable property, if
the issue has a foreign transaction, first we look at the Art 40 of TPIL Act for jurisdiction. It refrs us to domestic
law. In this case Art 12 of Turkish CPC has a specific provision. Art 12 of Turkish CPC says that the actions
pertaining the rights in rem in immovable property shall be initiated in the court for place where the property is
situated. If the issue is related with ownership/limited rights of a real property, the place of this property has an
exclusive jurisdiction. Taşınmazın aynına ilişkin davalarda taşınmazın bulunduğu yer mahkemesi kesin yetkilidir.
 Tort: When there is a tort case inclues a foreign element, we look at Art 40 of TPIL for jurisdiction first. As you
know it will refer us CPC's special jurisdiction rules for tort. Art 16 of CPC says the place of commitment of the
tort(haksız fiilin gerçekleştiği yer) has jurisdiction. So if the tort act happens in Bulgaria, Turkish court does not
have any jurisdiction. But beside that, Article also says the where the tort possibly(haksız fiilin gerçekleşme
ihtimali olan yer) occurs has also jurisdiction. Or where the domicile of the person sustaining damage(zarar
görenin yerleşim yeri) has jurisdiction.

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 Bankruptcy and enforcement issues: Art 154 of Turkish Bankruptcy and Enforcement Law states the place of
the debtor(borçlunun muamele merkezi) has exclusive jurisdiction.
 Regulations on validity/invalidity of intellectual property: Such as trade marks, geographical indications etc.
The place that Turkish Patent Institute in Ankara has an exclusive jurisdiction. Yani marka ve patentlerle ilgili
olarak AB ile 1995'de yaptığımız uyum çerçevesinde yapılan düzenlemelere göre Türk Patent Enstitüssü'nün
bulunduğu Ankara ili patentin veya markanın geçerliliği veya geçersizliği ile ilgili davalarda kesin yetkiye
sahiptir. Bu kanun değişecekmiş ama bilsek de sıkıntı yok.
 Kısaca, eğer yabancılık unsuru içeren ihtilaf MÖHUK 41-46'ya girmiyorsa + jurisdictional agreement da yoksa
biz MÖHUK 40'a giderek Türk mahkemelerinin yetkili olup olmadığına bakıyoruz. 40 diyor ki Türk
mahkemelerinin milletlerarası yetkisini iç hukukun yer itibari ile yetki kuralları tayin eder. Yani somut vakıada
Türk mahkemesi kendi kanununa göre yetkili ise uluslararası yetkisi de vardır.
b. Specific rules regarding international jurisdiction in Turkish PIL Code
 If there is any specific international jurisdiction, first we gonna apply that specific rules. TPIL Code has specific
international jurisdiction provisions from Art 41 to Art 46. We don’t apply Art 40 here. Yani 41'den 46'ya kadar
olan konularda artık genel hüküm olan MÖHUK 40 uygulanarak yerel kanunlara gidilmez; jurisdiction için direkt
bu hükümlerde yer alan kural uygulanır.
b. 1. Suits Related with Personal Status of Turkish Citizens(Art 41):
 If the issue is regarding personal status of a Turkish National, we look at Art 41 to find out whether the Turkish
court has international jurisdiction or not. Art 41 has some specific conditions and requirements. Personal status
can be divorce, marriage, adaption, capacity etc. These are personal matters. So for example if a Turkish National
was lost at Italy when we was taking a trip, considering her/him as a death person or not is a personal matter.
 We decide what is a personal matter according to our law. Yani konunun şahsın hukukuna ilişkin olup olmadığına
Türk Hukuku'na bakarak karar veriyoruz.
 Family matters are also related with personal status. Because if you are married with an Italian, when you want to
divorce, your personal status will be affected in Turkey as well regarding your ID, inheritance etc.
 Or if you are Turkish National and adapted by an American family, when there is a case in Turkey regarding the
validity of this adaption, we look at Art 41 for jurisdiction.
 So if there is a foreign element but the issue is regarding personal status of a Turkish National, Art 41 has aims
that at least provide one competent Turkish Court at all the time. But this is not like this every time. There are
some conditions.
 The cases related with personal status of Turkish National shall be earned before the court having local
jurisdiction in Turkey. So it's provided that this suits may not be brought before the courts of a foreign country. If
the requirements of the Article are met, the place of the residence of that person has the jurisdiction. If there is not
any residence of the person, the last domicile of the person has the jurisdiction. If there is not any last domicile,
the courts at Ankara, Istanbul or Izmir have the jurisdiction.
 What are the requirements? The first requirement is the cases must be about personal status of a Turkish National.
There is not any requirements for both parties must be a Turkish citizen. Either the claimant or respondent has a
Turkish nationality and the issue is about his/her personal status. Law of person(şahsın hukuku) or family law
forms personal status. For instance marriage, divorce, under guardianship(vasi altına alınma), custody of children,
legitimate/illegitimate descent, capacity to have rights&obligations and act. By the way the division of
matrimonial property(mal rejiminin tasfiyesi) is not related with personal status. It's a property issue.
 The second requirement is suits/cases have not been or may not be brought before the courts of a foreign country.
For example a Turkish man and an Italian woman are married in Italy and they live in Italy for 3 years. Turkish
man escaped to Turkey. Then Italian woman came here and wanted to divorce in Turkey. So we must apply Art
41 of TPIL Code. Because it's related with the personal status of Turkish man. In this point we should check the
second requirement: Either the case cannot be brought in the foreign court or the party did not want to go to the
foreign court. Dava yabancı mahkemede ya açılamıyor olacak ya da taraflar yabancı mahkemede açmak istemiyor
 The third requirement is there will be no court having local jurisdiction. Especially Turkish Civil Code has some
rules for jurisdiction. Let's go back to Italian woman-Turkish man divorce example. She want to file a divorce
case, so we gonna look at the Art 168 of Turkish Civil Code. It says that the residence of the both parties or last 6
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months where they reside together has the local jurisdiction for divorce case. In our example, parties do not have
any residence here because they are living in Italy and they do not have any common resşdence here which they
live for 6 months. Yani adamın da kadının da zaten yerleşim yeri Italya'da, adam da buraya kaçıp gelmiş
dolayısıyla yerleşim yeri burada değiil ve zaten son 6 ayTürkiye'de beraber yaşadıkları da bir yer olmadığından
168'in şartları gerçekleşmedi ve bizim üçüncü şartımız olan hiçbir yerel mahkemenin yetkisi olmaması böylece
gerçekleşmiş oldu.
 After these requirements are met, Turkish court has the jurisdiction all the time. To find out which Turkish court
has the jurisdiction, first we gonna look at the residence place of the citizen. If the citizen does not have any
residence we gonna look at the last domicile. If there is not any last domicile of the citizen, Istanbul/Ankara/Izmir
has the jurisdiction.
 As we said, this provision establishes a jurisdiction for all the time. MÖHUK 41 şahsın hukukuna ilişkin
davalarda Türk mahkemelerinin mutlaka yetkisi olması amacını taşımaktadır. Zaten dikkat edersek 3.
requirement'ımız gerçekleşmese bile demek oluyor ki local court yetkili yani Türk mahkemesi zaten yetkili. Her
durumda Türk mahkemesinin yetkili olması amacı gerçekleştirilmiş oluyor. Art 41 does not create any exclusive
jurisdiction. Yani buna kesin yetki veren bir madde de diyemeyiz. Asıl amaç yabancılık unsuru içeren ve bir Türk
vatandaşının şahısına ilişkin olan konuda mutlaka bir Türk mahkemesinin yetkili kılınması.
 Art 41 creates lis alibi pendens. Lis alibi pendens means the case is pending. For example Italian man file a
divorce case in Italy, in return to that Turkish woman says "who the f*+& you think you are? I'm filing a case in
Turkey too!" So what happens? Same case is hearing by two countries. There is a parallel proceeding(derdestlik).
So that's why Art 41's second requirement is important, Italian man filed the case in Italy before, so Turkish court
does not have any jurisdiction.
b.2. Suits Related with Personal Status of Foreign Nationals(Art 42):
 Assume that an Italian guy came to Bodrum and he's lost. Can we make a declaration of absence(gaiplik) or
presumption of death(ölüm karinesi)?
 Or a foreigner in Turkey is so drunk he's abusing everyone. So there is a case to put him/her under a guardianship.
Can we put him?
 As we gonna learn next semester there are different rules are applied regarding guardianship, curatorship,
placement under committee(kısıtlılık), declaration of absence, presumption of death for foreigners. Because Art
10 and 11 of TPIL Code has some specific conflict of law rules for foreigners in terms of these issues. Jurisdiction
for these cases are different.
 Art 42 states that regarding the foreigner who does not have a domicile in Turkey, verdicts on guardianship,
curatorship, placement under committee, declaration of absence or presumption of death shall be given by the
court in Turkey where the residence of the concerned person, or he/she does not have any residence in Turkey, by
the court of a place where his/or her property(assets) are located.
b. 3. Inheritance(succession) Cases(Art 43):
 Nowadays so many foreigners are living in Turkey, and they are dying too obviously. For their succession there is
a specific jurisdiction rule. Art 43 says that suits related with succession shall be heard at the court of a place
where his/her last domicile in Turkey. If the deceased(ölmüş) person's last domicile is not in Turkey, the case is
heard by the court of the place where his/her property is located(terkeye dahil olan malların son bulunduğu yer
mahkemesi yetkili).
 However, "certificate of inheritance" is a different issue. If you are a Turkish national, notary can prepare your
certificate of inheritance, but notary does not have any power to do this for foreigners.
 Mirası ikinci dönem öğreneceğimiz için şu an pek detaya inmeyeceğiz. Ama bilmemiz gereken şey, yabancı miras
olaylarında, kişinin Türkiye'de bir malvarlığı bulunduğu için, mutlaka bir Türk Mahkemesi'nin yetkili kılınması
b.4. Employment Cases(Art 44):
 A German woman is working as a legal advisor at a multinational company in Turkey. The company didn't pay
her salary(or didn't give a work permit etc). Does Turkish court have a jurisdiction?
 Or oppositely, you're a Turkish National who is working at a foreign company in a foreign country. Like Turkish
construction workers working in Saudi Arabia. So if you have a problem, does our courts have a jurisdiction?

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 In order to protect the weaker party(employee), Turkish court shall have the jurisdiction. Zaten Art 44-45-46'nın
asıl amacı yabancı unsurlu ihtilaflarda zayıf tarafı korumaktır. 44'te zayıf taraf işçidir, 45'te tüketicidir(consumer),
46'da sigorta ettirendir(insurant).
 Art 44 states that the court of work place in Turkey, where the employee habitually carries out his/her work, shall
has the jurisdiction in conflicts arising from individual employment contracts or employment relations. If
employer files a case against employee the court of workplace(yani işçi nerede çalışıyorsa) in Turkey has a
international jurisdiction. As if employee files a case against employer, at that time the place of Turkish court,
where the domicile of employer or the domicile/habitual residence of employee is situated shall also has the
 Yabancı unsurlu iş ilişkileri ve iş sözleşmelerinde zayıf taraf olan işçi lehine yetkili mahkeme düzenlenmiştir.
İşveren davayı açmışsa işçinin Türkiye'de çalıştığı yer mahkemesi yetkili. İşçi dava açmak istiyorsa ya işverenin
yerleşim yerindeki ya da kendisinin yerleşim yeri/mutat meskeninin bulunduğu yer mahkemesi yetkilidir.
b.5. Suits Related with Consumer Contracts(Art 45):
 You bought an I-Phone as a consumer. In the warranty(garanti belgesi) it's written that if there is any dispute,
Korean courts have the jurisdiction. Tabisi her zaman Kore'ye gitmeyeceksin, çünkü zayıf tarafsın.
 Art 45 says that The Turkish court where the domicile/habitual residence of the consumer or where the place of
business, or domicile/habitual residence of the opposite party is situated shall has the jurisdiction. Consumer has a
right to choose one of these courts. So in that way, I may sue the case in Korea too or if they have a domicile in
Turkey I can file the case in here as well.
 Assume that you bought something and you wrote some negative criticism on the internet that affected the
economy of the company. In this case, the company must file the case at the domicile/habitual residence of the
 Zayıf taraf olan tüketiciyi korumak amacıyla tüketici şirkete karşı dava açıyorsa maddede belirtilen yerlerden
birini seçerek dava açabilir.Eğer tüketiciye karşı dava açılıyorsa tüketicinin mutat meskeninde dava açılabilir.
b.6. Suits Related with Insurance Contracts(Art 46):
 Insurant has a weaker position against insurer. So Art 46 states that the court of the principle place of business of
the insurer or the place where the branch concluding the insurance contract or its agency situated in Turkey shall
have jurisdiction in conflicts arising from insurance contracts. The insurant person has a right to choose one of
these courts. However if the suit is filed against the policy owner(insurant), the insured(sigortalı) or the
beneficiary(lehtar) the court having jurisdiction shall be the court of their domicile or habitual residence in Turkey.
 Yani yabancılık unsuru içeren bir sigorta sözleşmesi söz konusu ise -ki pek çok yabancı sigorta şirketi mevcut-
dava açmak istediğinizde o şirket Türkiye'de kurulmuşsa kurulduğu esas işyerinde, şubesi(branch) varsa şubesinin
olduğu yerde veya acentası varsa acentasının bulunduğu yerde dava açmak için seçimlik hakkınız var. Size karşı
yani sigorta ettirene(sigortalı ve lehtar da dahil) karşı dava açılırsa sizin ya yerleşim yeriniz ya da mutat
meskeninizin olduğu yer mahkemsinde dava açılabilir.
 ***!!! That's really important that the jurisdiction of the court as determined in Art 44,45,46 may not be set aside
by the agreement of parties. Burada yazılan yetkili mahkemeler sözleşme ile bertaraf edilemez. Yarın yetki
sözleşmelerinden devam edeceğiz. Çok önemli. Eve gidince 44,45,46'yı bir Türkçe okumanızı tavsiye ederim.
c. Jurisdiction Agreement(Yetki Sözleşmesi)
 Parties can make a jurisdictional agreement within their contract or separately.
 A French Company and a Tunisian Company made a contract regarding international sales of goods. French
Company sales wine to Tunisia. Assume that in their contract they put a provision which states that the Istanbul
Court has the jurisdiction.
 Or Turkish company and Tunisian company makes a contract which also includes a provision says London Court
has the jurisdiction.
 Please be aware that applicable law and jurisdiction are completely different issues. Parties can also choose an
applicable law but jurisdiction is different. Yani uygulanacak hukuk ile yer bakımından yetkili mahkeme
birbirinden ayrı şeyler. Bunu sınavda ayırt edemeyen mezun da olamaz. Zaten applicable law önümüzdeki
semester'ın konusu.
 Parties can also decide arbitration has the forum for jurisdiction.
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 Choice of forum: Choosing a national court of a country or arbitration or other alternative dispute resolutions such
as mediation. Generally at the end of the contracts, parties include forum and law choices. We are not going to
talk about arbitration today. We'll talk about choosing a national court in the contract.
 If parties add a clause to their contract regarding jurisdiction, this clause is also choice of forum clause/choice of
jurisdiction clause. But parties can also make a separate agreement for jurisdiction as well.
 For example they may say in their contract this, "each party irrevocably(geri dönülemez bir şekilde) agrees that
the courts of London shall have (exclusive or non-exclusive) jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim that arise
out of or in connection with this agreement" Or you may see "Istanbul court has exclusive jurisdiction to settle
any dispute arising out of or in connection with this agreement". So parties may choose a completely different
court or one of the party's country court. Or you may see "The parties submit all their disputes arising out of or in
connection with this agreement to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Berlin".
 Sözleşmelerde yabancılık unsuru olsun veya olmasın taraflar uyuşmazlık çıktığında bunu nerede çözeceklerini
iradi olarak belirleyebiliyorlar. Buna uyuşmazlığın çözümüne ilişkin clause'lar diyoruz. Bunun içinde
arabuluculuk, tahkim veya yetkili mahkeme olabiliyor. Bugün itibariyle biz sadece yetkili mahkemeden
bahsedeceğiz. Taraflar New York Mahkemesi'ni yetkili seçip, Türk Hukuku'nun uygulanmasına karar verebilirler.
Ya da İstanbul Mahkemesi'ni seçip İngiltere Hukuku uygulansın diyebilirler. Hukuk seçimi ve yetki farklı
 Why parties make a jurisdiction agreement? Because freedom of contract and party autonomy allows them to do.
Parties may want to solve their problems where they know the court system. But parties should be very careful
when they are choosing a court, because consequences might be unexpected. Especially taking evidences to
another country's court can create a problem. And you should be careful also because whenever you choose a
forum, that forum's conflict of law rules decide which law is going to be applied even though you choose another
country's law as the applicable law in your agreement.
 For example Tunisian and Turkish parties choose New York Court. A problem occurred so as the Turkish side
you filed a case in NY Court and you win the compensation. However, Tunisian company party does not have any
assets in NY, their assets are in Tunisia. So you have go to Tunisian court to enforce and recognize that NY Court
decision. So you have to be very careful as a party when choosing the court regarding procedural consequences.
Yani taraflar sözleşmede yetkili mahkemeyi kendilerini rahat hissedebileceği, delillerin rahat ileri sürülebileceği
ve güvendikleri için seçerler. Bu noktada dikkatli olmak lazım, uygulanacak hukuk ile yetkili mahkeme farklı
seçilse dahi, yetkili mahkeme uygulanacak hukuk kendi kanunlar ihtilafı kurallarına göre geçerli mi yoksa değil
mi bakacak. Bunun yanında tanıma ve temfiz meselesi de çok önemli. Dava sonucu tazminat kazandınız ama
borçlunun malvarlığı, yetkili mahkemenin bulunduğu ülkeden farklı yerde ise mahkemenin kararını alıp bir de
malvarlığının bulunduğu yere giderek tanıma ve temfiz prosedürü uygulamak zorunda kalabilirsiniz. Yani
applicable law seçilmesi serbest olsa da applicable law scope'u dışında kalan konular oluyor ve o konularda
yetkili mahkemenin bulunduğu ülkenin hukuku uygulanıyor.
 It's also possible that even though you choose a country's court as the competent court, that court may say we
don’t have any jurisdiction according to o law.
c.1. Choice of jurisdiction in favor of Turkish Courts
 It's obviously possible that two foreign party or one foreigner-one Turkish party may choose a Turkish court as
the competent court in their agreement.
 In that case, Turkish court decide if there is a foreign element or not.
 Can Turkish court say I don’t have a jurisdiction? Yes. Because there must be formal and essential(substantive)
validity of the jurisdiction agreement. In TPIL Code we don't have any provision for jurisdictional agreement but
we have Art 40 which is the general article for jurisdictional issues, and it says that international jurisdiction of
Turkish courts shall be determined by the rules of domestic law on the local jurisdiction. So it refer us our
domestic law. From this aspect, the conditions for formal and essential validity of an agreement on jurisdiction are
regulated at Art 17 and 18 of Turkish CPC.
 What is the condition for formal validity of jurisdiction agreement? Art 18 of CPC states that "The agreement on
jurisdiction should be in writing". Must the agreement be notarized or is the simple writing enough? Art 17
doesn't mention anything about it. So we need to look at lex fori for what does the in writing mean. In this sense

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Turkish Code of Obligations says that simple writing is enough if there is a requirement of writing. And also,
simple writing is enough for evidence too(adi yazılı şekil ispat için de yeterli).
 What are the conditions for essential validity of the jurisdiction agreement? According to Art 17 of CPC, the first
requirement is only merchants and public entities are entitled to entry into a contractual agreements on
jurisdiction. As a consumer if you are making a leasing agreement and if it includes a jurisdiction clause, that
clause is invalid. The second requirement is disputes that are not within the parties disposal cannot be subjected to
the jurisdiction agreement. There are some issues that parties do not have an authority to sign jurisdictional
agreement on. Because these issues are about public policy and that is why parties do not have any disposal right
to make an agreement on them. For example divorce actions, right in rem in immovable properties etc. Yani
kısaca sadece tacirler ve kamu tüzel kişileri yetki sözleşmesi yapabilir. Ama tarafların üzerinde tasarruf
edemeyecekleri -özellikle kamudan kaynaklanan- konularda yetki, tahkim anlaşmları yapılamaz. Boşanmada,
taşınmazın aynına ilişkin davalarda vs yetki sözleşmeleri yapılamaz. Third requirement is the legal subjects of the
disputes should be or may be determined. Yukarıda yetki cluase'larına örnek verdik ya orada "out of or in
connection" dedik, bunla alakalı bir mesele. Out of or in connection with this agreement means the dispute is
going to be arisen through this contract or it may arise from this contract. They have to mention this legal pattern
in their contract, otherwise jurisdiction agreement covers every dispute may arise between them. Yani
sözleşmeden veya sözleşme ile ilgili doğabilecek veya doğan uyuşmazlıklarda bu yetki hükmü uygulanır diye bir
kalıp mutlaka eklemeliyiz. Yoksa yetki hükmünün hangi konuları kapsadığı belirlenemez. The fourth requirement
is the court which is granted with jurisdiction should be determined. So, parties must determine the court or the
courts in their agreement precisely. They can write more than one court, Art 17 allows that. And they should
mention the city of the court. The last requirement is in case where the local jurisdiction of Turkish court is
determined because of the exclusive jurisdiction a Turkish court shall not be granted jurisdiction by agreement of
the parties. If within that dispute there is a Turkish court has a jurisdiction exclusively, you cannot make any
jurisdiction agreement for that dispute. Because Turkish court already has a jurisdiction for that dispute. Yani
kanunda o konu için kesin(münhasır) yetkili bir mahkeme varsa o mahkemenin yetkisini sözleşme ile
kaldıramayız, başka bir Türk mahkemesini hatta yabancı mahkemeyi yetkili kılamayız. For what kind of issues
there are exclusive jurisdiction in CPC? For example Art 12 of CPC says that for rights in rem disputes, the court
where the real property is located will have jurisdiction to hear the dispute. Yani taşınmazın aynına ilişkin
davalarda taşınmazın bulunduğu yer mahkemesi kesin yetkilidir. Bunun hakkında jurisdiction agreement
uygulanamaz. Or Art 154 of Turkish Execution and Enforcement Act provides that exclusive jurisdiction rule
regarding bankruptcy proceedings stating that they may only be filed in Commercial Court where the debtor's
business center is located. So if the debtor's business center is in Turkey, you cannot make a jurisdiction
agreement for bankruptcy cases. Or there are other regulations for intellectual rights as we talked yesterday.
Validity/invalidity of intellectual property cases shall be heard in Ankara, because Turkish Patent Institution is
there. Yani marka, patent vs'nin geçersizliğine ilişkin davalarda Ankara'daki yer mahkemesi kesin yetkilidir.
 There is not any condition like the issue must be related with Turkey. Even two foreigners can make an agreement
and give Turkish court to jurisdiction.
 What are the legal consequences of choosing Turkish courts as the court of competent jurisdiction? Art 17 of CPC
states that unless otherwise stipulated by parties the lawsuit can be filed only in the court which is determined by
the agreement. Taraflar yetki sözleşmesi ile bir Türk mahkemesini yetkilendirdiler ise taraflar aksini sözleşmede
belirtmedikçe bu mahkeme münhasır yetkiye sahiptir. Ama taraflar sözleşmede seçtikleri mahkemeyi non-
exclusive olarak da belirleyebilirler. Belirlememişlerse bu mahkeme exclusive olacak, başka yerde dava açılırsa
karşı taraf yetki itirazında bulunabilecektir.
c.2. Choice jurisdiction in favor of foreign courts
 There is a specific provision in Turkish PIL Code. We don't use Art 40 and CPC here. Art 47 regulates the formal
and material requirements. Befor explaining the requirements, we'll look at how Turkish courts apply Art 47.
 Article 47 says that "in cases where the local jurisdiction is not determined on the basis of exclusive jurisdiction,
the parties may agree on having a suit between them with a foreign element and arising from obligatory
relationship before the court of foreign state. The agreement shall be valid on the condition that it may be proven
by written evidence." The Turkish party made an agreement with a Tunisian company and they said the London
court has the jurisdiction. How are we going to decide that this agreement is valid according to TPIL? Yani biz
aramızda yabancı bir mahkemeyi yetkilendirdiysek, neden hangi hallerde yabancı mahkeme yetkisinin seçilmiş
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olmasının geçerliliğini inceleyerek kendimizi yoruyoruz? Taraflar Londra mahkemesini seçmişlerse bize ne?
Hangi hallerde dava bize geliyor ki Londra'nın yetkili mahkemenin olup olmadığını belirliyoruz? In what
situations Turkish judges examine if the Art 47 is fulfilled or not? The first situation is the same case is filed both
in Turkey and London. So the party will make an objection of lis alibi pendens(derdestlik) and say we already
filed the same case in London and the London court has the jurisdiction because we have a jurisdiction agreement.
In this point Turkish judge is going to check Art 47's requirements. As we are going to talk about next week, lis
pendens is a trial condition. The second situation that may be arise is one party file a case in İstanbul court and the
other party makes a objection to jurisdiction and says that sorry Tunisian company files a case against me but we
choose London court by an agreement, so please check the requirements of Art 47. Burada bir derdestlik söz
konusu değil, ama yabancı ülke mahkemesi yetkili olmasına rağmen Türkiye'de dava açılmış. So there are only
two possible ways that the Turkish courts can evaluate the requirements of Art 47: objection to pendency,
objection to jurisdiction.
 Art 47 includes formal and material requirements. 1. The first requirement is dispute among the parties must
include a foreign element. Even though both parties are Turkish, it's possible that the transaction has a foreign
element in the present case(somut olayda taraflar Türk olsa bile uyuşmazlığın yabancı unsur içermesi mümkün
olabilir). For example two Turkish company delivers goods to Germany. If you remember we talked about foreign
element and said there is not a definition in TPIL Code, so we have to analyze case by case what the foreign
element is. 2. The second requirement is the dispute should be derived from an obligatory relation. Borçtan
kaynaklanan bir uyuşmazlık olmalı. Bir borç nelerden doğabilir? Sözleşme(contract), haksız fiil(tort), sebebsiz
zenginleşme(unjust enrichment), vekaletsiz işgörme vs. For example I brought my trade "Sony" to Turkey,
somebody made a trademark called "Suny" here, so there is violation of my trademark. 3. The third requirement is
the agreement shall be valid on the condition that it may be proven by the written evidence. So parties can make
the agreement by e-mail etc, however when it comes to proving, they must present a written evidence to the court.
4. The fourth requirement is the legal subjects of the dispute should be determined or may be determined. If there
is any dispute raises out or in connection with this agreement diyerek(sözleşmede) sadece bu sözleşmeden doğan
ya da doğabilecek uyuşmazlıklarda yetki hükmü uygulanır şeklinde sınırlandırmaları gerekir. Uyuşmazlık belirli
veya belirlenebilir olmalıdır. Sözleşmeden doğan veya doğması muhtemel olan tüm uyuşmazlıklarda yazar
genelde. Mesela bu örnekte sözleşmeden doğan/doğabilecek dediğimiz için tort bu kapsama girmeyecek. 5. The
fifth requirement is the court or courts which are granted by jurisdiction should be distinguished. Saying England
court, American court is not enough, you should mention the city name of the court according to Turkish law. 6.
The sixth requirement is in cases where the local jurisdiction of Turkish court is determined as the exclusive
jurisdiction a foreign court may not be granted jurisdiction by agreement. If Turkish court has an exclusive
jurisdiction on the matter, you cannot make any jurisdiction agreements such as matters are regulated at Art 12 of
CCP or Art 154 of Turkish Bankruptcy and Enforcement Law. For example there is an invalidity of a trademark
case and before the dispute occurred you have made an agreement that London court has the jurisdiction for that
matter. It's not valid. Yani bazı konuların(örn taşınmazın aynı, fikri mülketin geçersizliği) mutlak suretle Türk
mahkemelerinde görülmesi anaçlanmaktadır. Bu konulardaki ihtilaflar için asla yabancı bir mahkeme
yetkilendirilemez. 7. The seventh and the last requirement is that if the jurisdiction of the court is determined by
the law regarding employment contracts and employment relationships, consumer contracts, and insurance
contracts may not be set aside by the agreement of the parties. Yesterday we talked about Art 44,45, and 46 of
TPIL Code. In order to protect the weaker party, these articles have jurisdiction granted by Turkish courts. There
are some exceptions that you can make a jurisdictionagreement for these matters however still you cannot exclude
the jurisdiction rules that is regulated at these articles. Tüketici, iş ve sigorta sözleşmelerinde taraflardan biri daha
zayıf konumda olduğu için mutlak surelte Türk mahkemeleri yetkilendirilmiştir. Mesela tüketicinin Türkiye'de
mutat meskeni varsa Türk mahkemesinin münhasır yetkisi vardır, işçi Türkiye'de çalışıyorsa ve işçiye karşı dava
açılmışsa Türk mahkemelerinin yetkisi vardır vs. Taraflar bu yetkileri bertaraf edemezler. Bazı istisnalar var fakat
sonra geleceğiz, ama bu istisnalarda bile bu yetki kurallarını bertaraf etmeden bir yetki sözleşmesi yapılabilir.
Buna sınırlı münhasır yetki(restrictive exclusive jurisdiction) denmektedir.
 The ability of the foreign court judgment to be recognized and enforced in Turkey is not a condition of
agreements on the jurisdiction.
 What are the legal consequences of choosing a foreign court as the court of competent jurisdiction? If parties
didn't mention anything on the jurisdiction agreement and only wrote the name of the court, that court has an
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exclusive jurisdiction(menfi yetki sözleşmesi). But parties can stipulate the opposite which means they write
"non-exclusive"(müspet yetki sözleşmesi).
 Even though a foreign court -for example London court- has the jurisdiction by an agreement, in two situations
Turkish courts can still have the jurisdiction. First is the unacceptance of the jurisdiction agreement by the foreign
court which was indicated as the court of competent jurisdiction. In other words, foreign court says I don't have a
jurisdiction on this matter. Second is not making an objection when the party is filing the case inTurkey even
though there is an jurisdiction agreement which is in favor of a foreign court. Türkçe olarak, ortada bir yetki
sözleşmesi olsa dahi, iki durumda Türk mahkemeleri hala yetkili olabilir: 1. yabancı mahkeme kendini kendi
kanunlarına göre yetkisiz görmüşse, sonuçta sovereignity'e göre bunu yapabilir. 2. Ortada yabancı bir mahkemeyi
yetkili gören bir sözleşme olmasına rağmen Türk mahkemesinde dava açılmış ve fakat diğer taraf yetki itirazı
yapmamışsa yetkisiz mahkeme yetkili hale gelir.
 We were examine jurisdiction agreement. We said that there is not any provision in TPIL Code about giving
Turkish courts jurisdiction by an agreement but we said Art 40 which is the general rule refer us to Art 17 and 18
of Turkish CCP. We said Art 47 regulates the requirements of a jurisdictional agreement and we also said that
under two circumstances Turkish judges look at if the requirements are provided: 1. the case is already filed at the
foreign court but one of the party filed the case in Turkey too, so respondent makes objection of pendency claim.
2. One of the party files the case in Turkey but the other party makes a claim and says sorry judge we already
have a jurisdiction agreement.
 Hereafter we have looked what are the consequences of having a jurisdictional agreement in favor of a foreign
court. Before 2007 there was a problem but right now we have certain article which is Art 47 of TPIL Code. It
says that the suit may be heard before the Turkish court having jurisdiction only in cases where the foreign court
consider itself has not having jurisdiction OR where an objection on jurisdiction is not raised before Turkish court.
So under in two conditions(and these conditions are not cumulative, either one of them is enough) the suit may be
heard before the Turkish court : 1. foreign court consider itself as not having jurisdiction 2. where an objection on
jurisdiction is not raised before Turkish court. So what does it mean is that? When the parties made and
agreement saying that foreign court has a jurisdiction, it means that foreign court has an exclusive jurisdiction. So
if the parties were agreed that London court has the jurisdiction, London court has an exclusive jurisdiction. Art
47 provides this, because it says Turkish court may only have a jurisdiction when the party file a case in Turkey
but the other party do not make any objection, at that time Turkish court become having the jurisdiction or where
the foreign court consider itself not having a jurisdiction. We said that when parties choose a foreign court, it has
an exclusive jurisdiction, but parties can change this through their will and add "non-exclusive" word to their
contract. In that way, the court will not have a exclusive jurisdiction, so one of the party may file the case in
Turkish courts and other courts or the foreign court they choose in the agreement as well.
 For example, a Turkish company sales 10.000 tons cucumbers to an Italian company. In their agreement they said
the London court has the jurisdiction. They didn't mention anything like non-exclusive. So London court has an
exclusive jurisdiction. After that, a problem occurred and Turkish company sold the cucumbers but Italian
company didn't pay. So Turkish company filed the case at the Commercial Court in Torbalı, İzmir. So how can
the Turkish Commercial Court can have a jurisdiction when they already have a jurisdiction agreement? First, if
the Italian company, as the respondent, do not object the jurisdiction Turkish court will have the jurisdiction
because of Art 47. Or Turkish company already files a case at London court but the London court says according
to our law we don't have any jurisdiction for that matter even though you have a jurisdiction agreement, so in that
way Turkish court can have a jurisdiction.
 In practice, Turkish Court of Appeal can give a different decisions from the provisions of law unfortunately. Even
there is a foreign court is given jurisdictional power by an agreement, when the file is cased in Turkey and the
other party makes a claim that the foreign court has the jurisdiction, sometimes Turkish courts keep hearing the
case and when it comes before the Turkish Court of Appeal, Turkish Court of Appeal says the parties can make
defenses more properly in Turkey. Yani taraflar yetki itirazı yapsa bile bazen Yargıtay davanın Türk
mahkemelerinde görülmesini daha uygun bulabiliyor. Yargıtay MÖHUK 47'ye rağmen başka şartlar
yaratarak(davalı/davacı burada savunma hakkını dava iyi kullanabilir, deliller buradadır vs gibi) Türk
mahkemelerini yetkili kılabiliyor. Buna karşı yapılabilecek şeyler biraz zahmetli, anca mal kaçırma olabilir veya

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yurtdışında karar alıp burada tenfiz edilecek veya çok güç bir ihtimalle yargılamanın iadesi olabilir. Ama bunlar
yıllar alacak süreçler.
 Türkçe olarak, öncelikle bir yetki anlaşması yapılmışsa Art 47'ye göre non-exclusive olarak belirtilmediği
müddetçe bu sözleşmede seçilen mahkeme kesin yetkilidir. Kesin yetkili demeseler bile non-exclusive diye
belirtmezlerse kesin yetkili kabul ediliyor. MÖHUK 47 ancak iki durumda Türk mahkemelerinde dava açılabilir
diyor: 1. yabancı mahkeme kendini yetkisiz görürse veya 2. Türk mahkemesinde açılan davada yetki itirazında

9. Lis Alibi Pendens(Milletlerarası Derdestlik

 Same parties, same subject matters, the same causes are pending in two different court. This is called lis alibi
pendens. Lis alibi pendens refers to situations where parallel actions involving the same parties, same subject
matter and same cause.
 Within the European Union, there is Brussel I Regulation regarding the jurisdiction and enforcement of foreign
judgments within EU member states. They have their own regulations regarding lis alibi pendens within that
 If the same case is heard by two different countries, there is a risk of contradict judgements between each other.
We are looking for justice and fairness. That's why we have lis alibi pendens/pendency/parallel proceeding issues.
After the break we gonna look at how Turkish law system solves this.
 When we look at the TPIL Code, there is not any specific article regarding international parallel proceeding. Ama
pratikte spesifik olarak bir hüküm olmasa da MÖHUK'daki bazı diğer maddelerden derdestliğe ilişkin hükümler
çıkarılmaktadır + international treaty'lerde buna ilişkin hükümler olabilmektedir. So what are those articles? Art
41, Art 47 of TPIL Code and international treaties that provides lis alibi pendens.
 Art 41: As you remembered we already examined Art 41. It's related with the personal status of Turkish nationals.
As we talked this article is about jurisdiction regarding personal status of Turkish nationals. We said that in order
to have one court which has a jurisdiction every time for personal status of Turkish nationals, there are 3
conditions: 1. The key must be related with personal status of Turkish national 2. There must not be any local
court having the jurisdiction in Turkey. 3. These suits have not be or may not be brought before the courts of a
foreign country. For example there is a Turkish man and an Italian woman want to divorce. The divorce case is
already filed in the Italian court by the Italian woman. And think that Turkish man living in Italy, he dos not have
any residence in Turkey(Neden? 41'de bahsedilen mahkemenin yekili olmasının şartlarından biri lokal bir Türk
mahkemesinin yetkisi olmaması demeiştik. Adam zaten Türkiye'de yerleşke sahibi ise 41'in bu şartı
sağlanmayacak) But later on Turkish man file a case in Istanbul Family Court. At that time, the other party will
say that sorry Art 41 of TPIL Code provides some requirements and one of the requirements is that the case
related with personal status of Turkish national cannot or may not be filed in Turkey if the case is already filed in
another country.Doctrine says the Art 41 of TPIL Code is about pendency but Yusuf Hoca and Ankara &Istanbul
University Professors thinks that when you make an objection depends on this article, it's an objection for
jurisdiction. These are theoretical arguing. Legal doctrine and practice in Turkey say that through the Art 41 you
may object for pendency because of requirements.Yani normalde yabancı derdestlik dediğimiz olay Türk
Milletlerarası Usul Hukuku'nda düzenlenmiyor. Sadece MÖHUK 41, 47 ve uluslararası anlaşmalardan
milletlerarası derdestliği çıkarabiliyoruz. Bunlardan biri olan MÖHUK 41 Türk vatandaşlarının kişi hallerine
ilişkin olan davaların Türkiye'de açıldığını düzenlemektedir. Fakat aynı maddeye göre daha önce bu dava yabancı
bir mahkemede devam etmekte ise Türkiye'de açılan davada davalı MÖHUK 41'in şartlarından biri ya yabancı
mahkemede dava açılmamaış veya açılamayacak olmasıdır demek suretiyle derdestlik itirazında bulunur. Ankara
Hukuk ve Hoca'mız buna yetki itirazı demeyi tercih ediyor fakat Türk Hukuk Doktirini ve Türk pratiğinde
dersdetlik olarak gösteriliyor. Aslında yetki şartlarından biri olmasına rağmen. Zaten yeni bir kanun gelecek ki
gelmese bile derdestlik ile alakalı bir uygulama var ama buna sonra geleceğiz.
 Art 47: Art 47 of TPIL Code is regulating the jurisdiction agreements in favor of foreign courts and it says if the
parties are agreed that the foreign court has an exclusive jurisdiction. Only in two conditions, the suit may be
heard before Turkish courts: 1. Foreign court consider itself not having a jurisdiction. 2. Objection to jurisdiction
is not raised. But what is important for lis alibi pendens is that one of the party files the case at the foreign court
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which is given jurisdiction by the agreement, later on other party files the case in Istanbul which has the local
jurisdiction through Art 40 and so on. But the other party can say that "sorry the case is pending, there is a parallel
proceeding(same subject matter, same parties, same cause), the case is already filed in the foreign court which is
granted jurisdiction by the jurisdictional agreement between us. And 47 says that, Turkish courts only can look at
the case if the foreign court says we don't have any jurisdiction." So Lis alibi pendens objection derives from this
provision according to Turkish Court of Appeal and doctrine.
 International treaties: There are international treaties that provides international jurisdiction. So some cases are
filed at the courts which are granted jurisdiction by international treaties. For example Convention for The
Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air(aka Warsaw Conveniton-1929)(uçak
havadayken bir sorun yaşadınız, mallarınıza zarar geldi neresi yetkili bunu düzenliyor), Convention Concerning
the Recognition of Decision Pertaining the Bond of Marriage etc. So international treaties provides some
jurisdiction aw well. Despite all these agreements, if you file the case in Turkey, other party can claim that sorry
there is a jurisdiction provision according to this international treaty. Yani bu uluslararası sözleşme kapsamına
giren konularda yetki verilen mahkemelerin dışına çıkarak Türk mahkemelerinde davayı açarsanız karşı taraf
uluslarası anlaşma hükümlerini ileri sürecektir. Moreover, if one of the party(A) files the case at the another court
which is granted jurisdiction by an international treaty, and the other party(B) files the same case in Turkey,
respondent(A) can claim lis alibi pendens. For example Art 28 of Warsaw Convention regulates that "1. An action
for damages must be brought, at the option of the plaintiff, in the territory of one of the High Contracting Parties,
either before the Court having jurisdiction where the carrier is ordinarily resident, or has his principal place of
business, or has an establishment by which the contract has been made or before the Court having jurisdiction at
the place of destination. 2. Questions of procedure shall be governed by the law of the Court seised of the case."
So assume that you forgot your luggage and there were very important documents and goods in it. And you gonna
file a case. So according to this Article, as a plaintiff you have options. Either you can file at the territory of one
of the High Contracting States, either the resident/place of business of the carrier(taşıyıcı), or where the contract
has made, or place of destination. So there are so many different may have jurisdiction(we call this forum
shopping as well). So if you filed the case at one these place, and the other party files the same case in Turkey,
you will claim that "through the Warsaw Convention I filed the case at one of the place which is granted by
jurisdiction by this international agreement, so the case is already pending". Uluslarası anlaşmalar milletlerarası
hukukun bel kemiğidir. Bazen bu tip anlaşmalarda taraflara yetkili mahkeme konusunda birtakım alternatifler
sunulur. Örneğin Varşova Paktı(Uluslarası Hava Taşımalarına İlişkin Bazı Kuralların Birleştirilmesi Hakkında
Anlaşma) hava taşımacılığjnda yaşanan ihtilaflarda tamamen davacının seçimine göre farklı mahkemeleri
yetkilendirmiştir. Anlaşmaya taraf olan ülkelerden(High Contracting States) birinde olmak şartıyla taşıyıcının
ikametgahında veya esas faaliyetini yürüttüğü merkezde, ya da varsa anlaşmanın yapılmış olduğu işyerinin
bulunduğu yer mahkemesinde, ya da varış yeri mahkemesinde bu davayı açabilirsiniz. Diyelim ki bu anlaşmaya
dayanarak yurtdışında yer alan bu mahkemelerden birinde dava açıldı. Diğer taraf da bur bir tort act olduğu için
Art 40 of TPIL Code oradan da HMK 16'ya giderek Türkiye'de yetkili görünen mahkemede davayı açtı(bu
konuyu görmüştük hatırlayın). İşte türkiye'de açılan davada davalı taraf uluslararası bir anlaşmaya dayanarak
gösterilen yetkili mahkemelerden birinde zaten davayı açtığını belirterek derdestlik itirazında bulunacak.
 As we know from last year CCP class, lis alibi pendens is a trial condition(dava şartı-HMK 114). There is not any
provision in TPIL Code regarding trial conditions. So as we know that if there is not any provision on TPIL Code,
we gonna look at lex fori, for procedural matters because of sovereignty. And CCP says objection pendency is a
trial condition. So Turkish court reject the case for procedural reason. Yani derdestlik HMK 114'e göre bir dava
şartıdır. PEki neden HMK'ya gidiyoruz? Çünkü MÖHUK'da düzenleme yoksa usul konularında(function of the
court) egemenlik gereği lex fori'ye bakıyoruz. Doalyısıyla HMK'ya gidiyoruz. Doalyısıyla derdestlik itirazı kabul
edilirse dava usulden reddedilir(HMK 115). (Art 40 a giderek oradan HMK'ya gittiğimiz olayla bunu
karıştırmayın, Art 40'ın HMK'ya refere etmesi yetki ile)
 There is a new approach for lis alibi pendens thanks to globalization. Even though we don't have any specific
provision but new Turkish Court of Appeals decisions say that if the case is pending in foreign court first, the case
must continue to be heard there. If there is a possibility and ability of the recognize and enforcement of that
foreign court's decision in Turkey, Turkish courts tend to accept lis alibi pendens even though there is not any
specific provision for pendency. Assume that there is a problem there is not any international convention regulates
and the matter is not about Art 41 and Art 47. So one party files a case in London and the other party files the
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same case in Istanbul. So the respondent claims that the case is already pending in London and the when the
London court will give the decision, that decision can be recognized and enforced in Turkey. In that way, because
of globalization and international developments, Turkish judge accepts lis alibi pendens. But for right now, this is
just a practice. Yani dikkat ettiyseniz tüm konuları kapsayacak bir derdestlik kuralı henüz MÖHUK'ta yok.
Sadece Art 41, 47 ve uluslararası sözleşmelerde belirtilen konular için derdestlik özel olarak düzenlenmiş. Böyle
olmasına rağmen, şu anda pratikte ilk olarak yabancı bir mahkemede açılmış bir dava devam ediyorsa, aynı dava
Türkiye'de de açılmışsa(dikkat: konu Art 41,47 ile ilgili değil ve o konuda derdestlik açısından bir uluslararası
sözleşme düzenlemesi yok) ve o dava sonunda verilecek olan karar Türkiye'de tanınıp temfiz edilebilecek güçte
ise(tanıma-temfizi görücez) artık biz derdestlik itirazını kabul ederek usulden reddediyoruz.
 Haftaya forum non conveniens konusu ile devam edeceğiz.
10. Forum Non Conveniens
 When we talk about international jurisdiction, every state decide itself whether their courts has international
jurisdiction by their own law. For example Turkey has Art 40 of TPIL Code. So for one international transaction,
different states may have different interest and different jurisdiction as well. For instance Iranian seller and
Turkish buyer made a natural gas sale contract. Iranian court most probably have the jurisdiction, because seller is
Iranian. And Turkish court have the jurisdiction as well. Or parties can decide that New York court has the
jurisdiction. So in one transaction, there may so many courts have jurisdiction because every state has its own
jurisdictional rules. Especially UK and USA has a so broad jurisdictional law that every state may file in USA and
UK. For example just entering UK makes you a subject matter of jurisdiction whether you have a domicile there
or not. Or US Law has also jurisdictional rules grants power for most of the courts in US. And they call this long
arm jurisdiction.
 Excessive(Exorbitant) jurisdiction: Some state has such jurisdictional rules that they don't have any connection
with the court or the case or the parties. Especially UK and US have this kind of jurisdictional problem. But in
Turkey, we have jurisdictional rules which is Art 40 of TPIL Code, and it says that international jurisdiction of
Turkish courts is decided through the local law. So we refer some connecting factors that already are decided.
These are traditional connecting factors. For example domicile of the defendant or performance of the contract
etc. So we have more likely objective grounds. But in UK and US, courts are granted by much more general rules.
We’ll come to this topic after anyway.
 So if we come to Iranian seller-Turkish buyer example, you may file a case in Iran or Turkey. You have a
shopping option that is called “forum shopping”. Forum means either arbitration or court , you have a right to go
to the court that liked to go(but you need to think conflict of law rules, evidences, recognition and enforcement
carefully). Let’s give another example, an Iranian man is married with a Turkish woman, they want to get a
divorce. So they may file the case in Iran or Turkey, or if they were on a trip at the US, they may get a divorce at
US too. Aw we can see there are so many options and this is called forum shopping.
 Why there is a forum shopping? As we said every state has specific rules for the jurisdiction thanks to thier
sovereignty. But the problem is that, like UK and USA, there might be such a broad exorbitant jurisdiction. And
everybody can file a case in UK and US courts. So to prevent workload of UK and US(and Sweden) courts, there
is a “forum non conveniens” doctrine. This doctrine is created by Swedish law but it’s used for mainly UK and
US court system. This doctrine stipulates that even though US and UK court has the jurisdiction for a matter,
there are other courts in the world that are more convenient than US and UK courts. So when someone filed a
case in UK/US the other party can make an objection and saying that even though you have a jurisdiction under
your own law, but you also have the forum non conveniens doctrine provides me to file this case in Turkey(or any
other state), because this case can be filed better and more convenient way there.
 Forum non conveniens doctrine is used for to prevent the exorbitant jurisdiction caused by UK and US. We
cannot apply forum non conveniens doctrine to our system because we have a objective connecting factors which
are decided in our law system, more specifically in Turkish International Civil Procedural Law. It means we don’t
accept every case, we are looking if the domicile of the defendant is here, or where the tort act is happened etc.
But for UK and US, as a defendant or respondent, you can make a claim that there is a more convenient court
rather than UK or US court(of course you need to show your argument and evidences as well). And by the way,
you cannot apply this doctrine for arbitration.

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 In practice, this doctrine is really important. The UK or US court has a discretionary power(takdir yetkisi) to
decide whether forum non convenience claim is acceptable.
 Let’s look at Imanagement Servs., Ltd v. Karamehmet Case. It was a NY court decision. This Imanagement Servs
Company is one of a British Virgin Islands law firm. Karamehmet was the owner of Pamukbank. He made a non-
written/oral(yazılı değil, sadece sözlü olarak bunu dedi) contract with this company saying that “there is a
privatization going on with TÜPRAŞ, and i know that Russians are getting TÜPRAŞ from Turkey, so you need to
do something that Russians must never ever win this privatization process. If i win the privatization process, i will
give 5 million $”. And then, when Russian companies make a move to buy TÜPRAŞ, Imanagement Company
filed a case in Germany, Turkey, NY and made press conferences. So they try any possible way to stop the
privatization, because at that time Karamehmet was not ready for privatization process yet. And Imanagement
Company was successful, Russians couldn’t win the privatization process. So Imanagement Company filed a case
in NY, saying that “we made an oral contract(ABD’de sözlü anlaşmaları ispat daha avantajlı) and stopped the
privatization of TÜPRAŞ, so Karamehmet should pay us because of unjust enrichment(5 million $)”.
Karamehmet as respondent said that “NY Court has no jurisdictional power because of the forum non
convenience doctrine. The privatization process has taken in Turkey, so all of the evidences and witnesses are in
Turkey. Your decision that you gonna granted will affect Turkey as well. So Turkish court is the more favorable
forum. Imanagement Company must have filed the case in Turkey”. In return to this, Imanagement Company said
that “Karamehmet has a close relations with Turkish government,Turkish judge can not be independent. So
Turkish court is inconvenient.”. NY Court said, “ Sorry Imanagement Company, we have a court decision which
is given in 1960’s. And according to this decision, judges are independent in Turkey. So political power will not
be influenced at all. That’s why as NY Court, we don’t have any jurisdiction because of forum non conveniens.
Turkish court has the jurisdiction. Turkish court has a power to decide fairly”.
 What are courts looking at when they are reviewing the forum non conveniens claim? There are so many elements
that must be existed at the same time to reject the case for forum non conveniens. Parties nationality, the location
of potential witnesses, location of relevant evidence, possible undue hardship of defendant(davalının o ülkeye
gidip gelmesinin zor ve yorucu olması), etc. In Karamehmet Case, Mr. Karahmehmet had an ofiice in NY, so
there wasn’t any undue hardship, but KAramehmet has shown many other things like applicable law, public
policy as well. Because the issue was about privatization process and therefore it’s related with the Turkish law
11. Prejudicial Issue(Bekletici Mesele)
 Sometimes you file a case, but the situation of your case may depend on another court’s/administrative body’s
decision. Or determining the existence of a legal relationship in your case, may needed to be decided either by
another court or administrative body.
 TPIL Code dos not have any rule on prejudicial issue. But when you look at the main rules of international civil
procedure, we said that we apply lex fori for international civil procedure. So, we apply our forum’s law and our
forum’s law is Turkish CCP. Because Art 165 of CCP has provisions regarding prejudicial issue.
 For example, there is a distribution agreement between Turkish and American party. Turkish part begins to
practice unfair competition(haksız rekabet) in Turkey. Why is it an unfair competition act? Because Turkish party
is the distributor of that American good/services according to their agreement. However, after 2 years Turkish part
started to use the products/services under their own name. So American party filed a case in Turkey regarding
unfair competition. But imagine that, there is also another case is going on in US regarding the validity of the
distribution agreement. Can Turkish court wait for the American court decision? Yani bir tek satıcılık anlaşması
akdedilmiş, ama Türk tarafı 2 yıl sonra bu sözleşme mahiyetinde yer alan hizmeti/malı kendi isminin altında
kullanınca Amerikan şirket haksız rekabet davası açıyor. Ama haksız rekabet davası açılmışken, Amerika’da bu
distribütörlük anlaşmasının varlığı, geçerliliği için bir dava görülüyor. Dolayısıyla bu kararın Türk mahkemesinde
verilecek olan kararı etkileyeceğinden hareketle Türk hakimi bekletici mesele yapabilir mi? We gonna apply Art
165 of CCP which is granting a discretionary power to court, so judge may stop the case for the other court’s
decision on the ground of prejudicial issue(yabancı mahkeme açısından bekletici mesele yapmanın diğer şartlarına
aşağıda tekrar geleceğiz. Bu sadece genel bilgi amaçlı).
 Or think that American party go to arbitration process against Turkish party, in Vienna. American party won but
Turkish party didn’t pay the arbitral award which was decided at this arbitration process. So American company
comes to Turkey to recognize and enforce this international arbitral award to get the money, so they filed a
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recognition and enforcement case here. Turkish party says to Turkish judge “I already filed a case in Vienna for
annulment of the arbitral award, so you cannot go through the recognition and enforcement”. Can Turkish court
agree with the Turkish party in this case? Yeah, it must. Because Art 165 of CCP provides prejudicial issue as a
discretionary power. Arbitration olayı biraz karmaşık ilerde geleceğiz zaten ama iyi bir örnek olduğu için
anlatıyoruz. Yani herhangi bir ülkede verilmiş olan yabancı bir hakem kararı var diyelim. Türk tarafı aleyhine
verilen bu kararda gösterilen miktarı ödemedi. Karşı taraf da bu parayı alabilmek için hakem kararının Türkiye’de
icrasını sağlamak için tanıma ve tenfiz davası açıyor. Ama olayda davanın görülebilmesi başka bir davanın
sonucuna bağlı. Türk tarafı hakemkararı verilen ülkede hakemler bağımsız değildi, yetkilerini aştılar vs diye
kararın iptali için dava açmış. İşte bu durumda Türk mahkemesi yabancı mahkeme kararını bekletici mesele
yapabilir. Bu da HMK 165’de düzenlenmiştir(HMK 165’i neden uyguladığımızı yukarıda söyledik, MÖHUK’da
bir hüküm yok, bu da bir uluslarası usul mevzusu olduğundan lex fori uygulanacak, dolayısıyla HMK
uygulanacak). Bu örnek hakem kararını bekletici mesele yapmakla ilgili olduğundan konumuzla çok alakası yok,
biz daha çok yabancı bir mahkeme kararının bekletici mesele yapılması şartlarına bakacağız.
 What about administrative decision? For example there is a case in Turkey, one of the party is claimin he/she’s a
Chinese national, but the other party says he/she is not. So court should ask to Consulate’s administrative decision
for verifying his/her nationality. So judge will make prejudicial issue until the administrative decision.
 As we’ll learn later, foreign courts decisions only affect in Turkey if they are recognized and enforced. So in order
to have the prejudicial issue, the possibility and the ability of recognition and enforcement of the foreign
judgment must be considered. Yabancı bir mahkeme/yürütme makamının Türkiye’de direkt etkisi yok. Öncelikle
bu karar Türkiye’de tanıma ve tenfiz edilmeli, bu yapılmazsa o kararın etkisi takdir-i delil olmakla kalır.
Dolayısıyla bekletici mesele yapmadan önce, Türk yargıcı yabancı ülkede verilecek olan kararın Türkiye’de
tanıma ve tenfiz şartlarını karşılaması olasılığına bakmak zorundadır. Her somut olaya göre bakacak.
üzere usul konuları(ki 11 başlık şeklinde yazdım) ve vatandaşlık hukukundan haftaya salı geldiğimiz yere kadar
 We will look at how Turkish nationality is acquired and lost. Before that, why do we need a nationality law?
Nationality means a legal bond between the person and the state. Nationality does not indicate any ethnic origin.
So why do we need a nationality? Social system provides some legal rights and obligations for nationals. But if
you are an alien(foreigner) in Turkey, you have more different rights and obligations than nationals. For example,
if you are graduated from a law school, you can work as a lawyer/judge. But alien cannot work as an alien/judge
in Turkey even though they’re graduated from a law school here. Or Turkish nationals can buy a real property
much more easier than foreigners. And every country has its right to protect their nationals, if there is an
unlawful act done by a foreign state. This is called diplomatic protection. For example your Visa will expired in
three days, so the foreign police officer took you. You ask diplomatic protection from Turkish Embassy there.
Also it must be indicated that countries have a discretionary power to practice diplomatic protection as well. So
Embassy can also say i don’t protect you. Countries never want to deal with another country. But general
acceptance is that countries must protect you from a wrongdoing action of another state. How they can protect
their citizen? They can file a case against that state, or hire a lawyer or go to other diplomatic ways.
 Diplomatic protection for international investments is also important in a sense. For example, you made an
investment in another country, but your property is expropriated. You can ask for diplomatic protection from your
 For example, you committed a crime in USA and came to Turkey back. US court asked for your
extradition(suçluların iadesi). Can Turkish court allow you to accept extradition decision just like that? According
to Turkish Constitution, nationals can be extradited only if the case is related with International Criminal Law
 And the first reason for why the nationality law is important that, in Private International Law, one of the
applicable law is nationality law. For example 16 years of Danish woman came to Turkey and made a contract.
The issue that if a 16 years old foreigner has the capacity is decided according to our Nationality Law as TPIL
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Code refers us to. So Private International Law rules generally provides connecting factors by national law. For
example in Turkish Law, some of the issues are regulated as parties nationality is applied like capacity to have
rights shall be governed by the national of the person concerned. So which nationality are you belong is important.
If the transaction has a foreign element, which law is applied can effect depends on the connecting factor if the
connecting factor is based on nationality. Yani Devletler Özel Hukuku’nda, özellikle Türk Milletlerarası Özel
Hukuku’nda bağlama noktaları dediğimiz bazı hukuk kuralları bize “bu konuda ilgilinin vatandaş hukuku
uygulanır, çifte vatandaşsa şöyle uygulanır, vatansızsa şöyle uygulanır” der. Bu yüzden vatandaşlık hukuku önem
arz ediyor.
 Second reason is deportation(sınırdışı etme) or deprived of right of entry to Turkey(Türkiye’ye girişe engel
olmak). Art 23 of Turkish Constitution states that “Citizens shall not be deported or deprived of right of entry to
homeland”. Imagine that you realized your Passport is stolen at the airline when you are about to come to Turkey.
So you should say “Passport Law and Art 23 of Turkish Constitution give me right to entry to Turkey. You just
check my Turkish ID”. But if you were a foreigner, that is not possible in principle(yani istisnalar var).
 Art 38 of Turkish Constitution says “No citizen shall be extradited to a foreign country because of an offense
except under obligations resulting from being a party to International Criminal Court”. But, as you know we are
not a contracting state to Rome Statue of the International Criminal Court but we put it in our Constitution.
 The last important reason as we talked at the beginning is fundamental rights and freedom of aliens. If you are an
alien you have different rights and obligations according to Art 16 of Turkish Constitution. This article stipulates
that fundamental rights and freedom of foreigners may be restricted by law compatible with International Law.
And remember that, if Turkish Constitution says”everybody” it means that the right or obligation is indicated in
that rule is for both nationals and foreigners. But Art 16 grands a power to lawmakers to enacting a law and make
some limitations for fundamental rights of aliens in line with International Law. For example, aliens can work in
Turkey according to Art 48 of Turkish Constitution. Because this article says everybody has a right to work. But
as Art 16 grands this right can restricted for foreigners in line with International Law. So some sectors like
lawyers, judges are closed for foreigners to work.
1. Sources of Turkish National Law
 There are international sources like international treaties, customs, general principles of law, court decisions and
doctrines. There is European Convention on Nationality, but Turkey is not a contracting state. There is also
another convention called Convention on Reduction of Cases of Multiple Nationality on Military Obligation
regarding multiple nationality.
 But the most important thing is National Law is important because of sovereignty. Every state decides who are
their nationals. Can you lose your nationality easily? How can Syrian people get citizenship? Are Syrian’s
children get Turkish citizenship because they were born here? So we’ll examine getting/losing Turkish citizenship
in this topic only.
 We have Turkish Nationality Law, Settlement Law, Regulations for the Implementation of Turkish Nationality
Law and we also have court decisions. But main national law rule is Art 66 of Turkish Constitution. If you know
this article, you know what Turkish Nationality Law means as well.
 Art 1 of Convention on Certain Questions Relating to the Conflict of Nationality Laws(1930 ) says that “Each
state shall determine under its own law who are its nationals”. Are there any boundaries/limitations for the states
to decide their own nationals? How states respect each other regarding who’re their nationals? Generally each
state shall determine under its own law who are their nationals but the continuing of Art 1 says “This law shall be
recognised by other States in so far as it is consistent with international conventions, international custom, and
the principles of law generally recognised with regard to nationality”. For instance if Turkish National Law is
consisted applicable with International Convention, International Human Rights Law, Customary International
Law, and general principles of laws regarding nationalities then the nationality given through Turkish Nationality
Law will be accepted by other states as well. But happens if you don’t comply with these laws? Nothing really.
But maybe some cases are filed at ECHR for violating these human right treaties, but still sovereignty is a much
more powerful defense. However, because of courtesy(nezaket) states feel themselves to comply with these
international conventions, human rights and general principles according to International Comity Doctrine.

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 Tomorrow we are going to explain what are the boundaries and general principles of National Law and how
Turkish Nationality is acquired by birth or how the Turkish Nationality can be acquired through the Turkish
2. General Principles of Nationality Law
 We call them directive principles. In 1830’s people began to discuss what the state means. So general principles
for states and nationality has come to light through these discussions. But these principles were not written back
in time. Later on, these general principles has became a positive norms through international conventions
 There is European Convention on Nationality within European Council. Turkey is a member of European Council
but not a contracting state of this convention. However, in justification section of Turkish Nationality Law, it’s
indicated that even we are not a contracting state of European Convention on Nationality, we follow this
 But in practice general principles are really important. Some of them has lost is power but some of the principles
still has influences. What are these principles?
 First is everyone must have a nationality. So every human have a right to be a national. This principle is existed in
order to prevent statelessness. Why? If you are stateless, you are a problem and you have problems too. How you
gonna travel, or buy stuff or work etc.
 Second is everyone must have only one nationality. Right now, this principle is not in force obviously. This
principle was emerged to prevent multiple nationality. Turkey is also accepted multiple and dual nationality as
well. Turkish Nationality Law says that if you acquire a nationality rather than Turkish nationality and you also
want to keep your Turkish nationality, you only need to inform(not permission!) Population and Birth
Administration Body. So they write down your other nationality in your ID. But some countries still use this
principle. For example if a Japan national married with a Turkish national and if he/she want to acquire Turkish
nationality, first he/she must lose its Japanese nationality. Also this principle was in force in Germany until 2005
as well.
 Third is everyone has a right to change his/her nationality, no one shall be denied to change its nationality.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights also states this principle. European Treaty on the International Human
Rights has also some provisions about it. But in practice, there are some requirements to change nationality. For
example in Turkey, reaching majority age, fulfilling military service and some other requirements must be
fulfilled to lose Turkish nationality. All the states put these kind of requirements to protect its statehood and
 Fourth is no one shall be arbitrarily deprived his/her nationality. So no one can say that i don like your hair or i
don’t approve your sexual preference, get rid of my nationality. But there is an exception that if you are spy of a
talk about it later.
 So when we are evaluating our Turkish law system on acquiring or losing nationality, we need to put in our mind
these general principles and know some of these principles are already involved in our legal system. It’s better to
follow these principles for every cases to keep up with the common system.
3. Article 66 of Turkish Constitution
 You know that there are some constitutional changes are under development Turkey. But for right now, we have
one important article that is Art 66.
 For Turkish Alien Law -> Art 16 is important. For Turkish Nationality Law -> Art 66 is important.
 Art 66/1 says that “Everyone bound to Turkish State through the bound of citizenship is a Turk”. This is the main
article for Turkish nationality. This article provides permanent nationality.
 Art 66/2 says that “The child of a Turkish father or Turkish mother is a Turk”. This is also called law of blood
principle(jus sanguinis). Kan esası is the principle.
 Art 66/3 is really important. It states that “Citizenship can be acquired under the condition stipulated by law and
shall be forfeited only in cases determined by law”. So only by law, citizenship can be acquired or lost. Principle
of legality(kanunilik ilkesi) is stipulated in that sub-article. Yani genelgeyle vs vatandaşlık kazanılamaz. Bir
genelge yayınlanmış, şu şu ülke vatandaşları Türk vatandaşlığına alınabilir denmiş ise bu Anayasa’ya aykırı
olacaktır. Ama bazen, özellikle eski zamanlarda, Bakanlıklar saklı genelgeler yayınlıyorlar. Adam kanundaki tüm
şartları karşılasa da gizli genelgelere dayanılarak vatandaşlık verilmiyor. Bunun bir dayanağı var ona sonra
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geleceğiz. Ama kural olarak bir genelge ile vatandaşlık kazanılamaz/kaybedilemez, şartların kanunda belirlenmiş
olması lazım.
 Art 66/4 says “No Turk shall be deprived citizenship unless he/she commits an act incompatible with the loyalty
to the motherland”. So as a Turkish national if you do not make any act against loyalty to the motherland, you
continue to keep your nationality. But what kind of acts are incompatible with the loyalty to the motherland?
Vatana bağlılıkla bağdaşmayan eylemler nelerdir? When we will come to losing Turkish nationality, we’ll see
there is an article regulates the acts which are incompatible with the loyalty to the motherland. For example
working with another state against the security of Turkey.
 Art 66/5 says that “Recourse to the courts in appeal against the decision and proceeding relating to deprivation
shall not be denied”. If you want to acquire or lose Turkish nationality, you have a right to file a case at Turkish
courts. Relative authorities cannot deny your application to the court. But even though we didn’t have this article,
Art 125 of Turkish Constitution will bring us to the same result that this article provides. Art 125 states that any
act that have an administrative functions done against you, you can go to the court(idarenin her türlü eylem ve
işlemine karşı yargı yolu açıktır).
4. Turkish Nationality Law(Turkish Citizenship Law)
 Art 1 of Turkish Nationality Law(5901 sayılı 2009 tarihli Türk Vatandaşlık Kanunu, aka Turkish Citizenship Law)
says that “This law govern the principles and the procedures regarding the conduct of affairs and processes
related acquisition and loss of Turkish citizenship”. So we’ll analyze acquisition and loss of Turkish citizenship
in this part.
 This law is also containing a definition part which is really helpful for us. These definitions are organized under
Art 3. Art 3/1,ç defines Turkish citizen as “Turkish citizen shall refer to a person who is bond to the Republic of
Turkey through the bond of citizenship”. Art 3/1, d defines alien as “Alien or foreigner shall refer to a person
who has no bonds of citizenship with the Republic of Turkey”.
4.a. The Acquisition of Turkish Nationality
 There are two headings 1. By birth 2. After birth.
4. a. 1. Acquiring Turkish Nationality by Birth
 Art 6 of Turkish Nationality Law provides that “Turkish citizenship by birth shall be automatically acquired on
the basis of descent(soybağı) or place of birth”. So acquiring citizenship by birth divided: 1. by descent 2. place
of birth. Continuing of the article says “When the person acquired citizenship by birth shall be effective from the
moment of birth”.
4. a. 1. a. By descent
 What does descent or parentage mean? Art 7 regulates it. When you read the Art 7, first you need to know
whether the child was born within the marriage or not. So under the descent there are two separations: 1. within
the marriage 2. without the marriage(out-of-wedlock).
 Within marriage: If a child’s mother or father is a Turkish national and the child was born within the unity of the
marriage, either in Turkey or abroad, that child is a Turkish National. And as we gonna see in next semester, that
marriage must be legally valid according to our law(yabancılık unsuru olduğu için according to Art 13 of TPIL
Code). For example a Turkish man is married with a Colombian woman. They had a child in USA, so the child
has a Turkish nationality. PLZ DO NOT write in the exam the child also has US and Colombian nationality, it is
not our concern, we don’t know their nationality law! Turkish nationality do not grand other nationalities!
 Another issue is this, sometimes the child(let’s say Mehmet) was born within the marriage but later on parents get
divorce or some other things happen and they didn’t ratified the nationality of the child. For example the couple is
living at USA. The child was born but they didn’t inform Turkish Government. Mehmet do not have a Turkish
Passport etc. Can Mehmet acquire Turkish nationality? Yes. Art 6 and 7 of Turkish National Law and Art 66 of
Turkish Constitution saying if a child was born through a Turkish mother/father, that child is a Turk. But think
that after 18 years(when he is 19 years old), Mehmet wants to go to University and he thinks that Sehir University
is really good. And he thinks that he’s a Turkish National and he is planning paying less taxation or whatever. So
he came to Turkey but his Turkish nationality was never ratified, so he only seem as an American citizen. What
can he do? There is Regulation for the Implementation of the Turkish Nationality Law(Bu yönetmeliği bilin, çok
ayrıntıya girmeyeceğiz ama kanunun uygulanmasına ilişkin olan bu yönetmelikte bütün prösedür anlatılıyor.
Bütün konu boyunca bu yönetmeliğe refer yapacağız. Nerelere, ne kadar sürede başvuru yapılacak vs hep bu

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yönetmelikte düzenlendiğinden lütfen bilin). Regulation of the Implementation of the Turkish Nationality Law
states that somebody who was born through a Turkish mother/father can apply for Turkish nationality to Turkish
Consulate in or outside of Turkey, when he/she get 18 years old. He/she need to show his/her birth
certificate(evlenme birliği içinde olduğunu görmek için), his/her mother/father’s Turkish nationality. The Ministry
of Interior looks at papers, and after this procedure Mehmet can acquire Turkish nationality.
 Without marriage(out-of-wedlock): For example Ahmet went UK to study, he had a girlfriend there, and they
had a child without a marriage. Can the child get Turkish nationality? Or think that a Turkish woman had the
child before the marriage, can the child get Turkish nationality?
 According to our law system, if the mother is Turkish and the child was born out-of-wedlock, the mother is
biological mother of the child, therefore she is the mother of the child legally. But in France it’s not like that, if a
French woman has a child out-of-wedlock, there is not any presumption accepts her as the mother of the child
legally, the mother must say this is my child. Yani tanıma yapması gerekiyor. Enteresan bir uygulama. Bizde ve
diğer pek çok ülkede çocuğun biyolojik annesi doğal olarak hukuken de annesi sayılıyor.
 So as a result, according to Art 7/2 of Turkish Nationality Law “If the child was born through a Turkish mother
and an alien father out-of-wedlock, that child is a Turkish citizen”.
 What about if the child was born through a Turkish father and an alien mother out-of-wedlock? According to Art
7/3 “ A child born through a Turkish father and to an alien mother out of wedlock acquires Turkish citizenship if
the principles and procedures ensuring the establishment of descent are met”. As you can see, it is not easy like
the Art 7/2. There must be a legal tie between the child and father. Because there is not a marriage. The child can
acquire the Turkish nationality, if the procedure and establishment of descent(soybağının kurulması) are done.
How are the procedure and establishment of descent met? By the fatherhood case. But here, mother is foreign so
there is a foreign element. And because of that, we gonna apply Art 16 of TPIL Code which is about the
establishment of descent. Yani anne yabancı olduğu için yabancılık unsuru içeren bir durum oluyor, bu nedenle
artık kendi babalık davası kurallarımıza göre değil, kanunlar ihtilafı kurallarımıza çerçevesinde babalık davasını
açıyoruz. Bu zaten kanunlar ihtilafı olduğu için ikinci dönemin konusu. Ama yabancılık unsuru ihtiva ettiği için
ve yabancılık unsuru içeren tanıma davalarını MÖHUK 16 düzenlediği için, bu hükmü uyguluycaz. Ikinci dönem
de göreceğiz, MÖHUK 16’ya göre soybağının kurulması açısından çocuğun yararına olan hukuk uygulanmaktadır.
4. a. 1. b. By place of birth
 Here, the mother or father is not a Turkish citizen, but the child was born in Turkey. Can someone acquire the
Turkish nationality just by being born here?
 For example the children of Syrian refugees that were born here. Can they acquire Turkish citizenship?
 When we look at our system, being born in Turkey is not a constitutional regulation. Jus sanguinis(law of blood)
is accepted in our constitutional system as we said before. Place of birth which is also is called jus soli means low
of soil. Toprak esası bizde asıl değil ikincil sistemdir. Jus soli is the principle by which a child born within a
country’s territorial jurisdiction acquires that country’s nationality. Jus soli is accepted as secondary system in
Turkish law(primary is law of blood).
 Art 8 of Turkish Nationality Law states that “The child was born in Turkey, but acquiring no citizenship of any
state by birth through his/her alien mother or father is a Turkish citizen from the moment of birth”. So, the law
brings two requirements for acquiring Turkish citizenship by place of birth. The first requirement is the child must
be born in Turkey. What or where does “Turkey” actually cover? Territory, territorial waters, airline(FIR hattı),
continental shelf, open seas(if you are in war or commercial ships that are carrying Turkish flags, when the child
is born in that ship he/she is considered as a Turkish citizen). By the way there is not such a thing like world
citizenship(dünya vatandaşlığı). And the second requirement is that the child must not require any citizenship by
birth through his/her alien mother/father. For example Argentinean man and woman came to Turkey, their child
was born here. But according to Argentinean Law, the only way acquiring citizenship by birth is being born in
Argentina. So the child has not any citizenship through their parents, that’s why the child can acquire Turkish
citizenship. Or assume that the parents are stateless in Turkey, their child was born here, so the child cannot get
any citizenship through his/her parents. At that time the child can acquire Turkish citizenship.
 What about Syrian people in Turkey? They are not legally stateless because they are still have connection with
Syria. They are just de facto stateless(fiili vatansız). So, because that their children can get Syrian citizenship
through their mother/father, these children who were born here cannot acquire Turkish citizenship. And also, they

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are not accepted as refugee either, their status are different than being a refugee because they are considered as
temporarily living here.
 Art 8/2 regulates another issue. According to this sub-article “A child found in Turkey is deemed born in Turkey
unless otherwise proven”. 2004-2005 yıllarında camilerde bulunan çocukların çoğunun yabancı uyruklu olduğuna
ilişkin veriler yayınlandı. Bu bulunan çocukların Türkiye’de doğduğu varsayılmaktadır. Belirli bir zaman sonra
belli bir prosedür ile çocuk Art 8 çerçevesinde vatandaşlık kazanabiliyor.
 Kısaca toprak esası kişi vatansız kalmasın diye toprak esasını da ikincil bir esas olarak kabul ediyoruz. Dikkat
ederseniz bunun arkasında daha önce bahsettiğimiz bir general principle yatıyor. Hangisi? Everyone must have a
nationality prensibi.
Sonra çocuk
Art 8’e göre kazandığı vatandaşlıktan ayrılmak isteyebiliyor, bu tip durumlarda bu kişiler için daha kısa yoldan
vatandaşlıktan ayrılma imkanı vardır. 15/11/16
4. a. 2. Acquiring Turkish Nationality After Birth
 The second way to acquire Turkish nationality is after birth. When we look at the Turkish Nationality Law we see
that there are three ways for acquisition of Turkish Nationality after birth. First one is decision of the competent
authority(yetkili makam), second one is by adoption(evlat edinme) and the last one is utilizing(or using) right to
choose(seçme hakkı yoluyla vatandaşlık).
4.a.2.a. By the Decision of the Competent Authority
 Before we start the decision of the competent authority topic let’s give a real example. One US National is living
in Turkey for 6 years, He is working in a radio station as a DJ. Because of the problem of acquiring Turkish
Nationality and some taxation problems, he wants to have Turkish Nationality. Bunun gibi sorunlar çözücez.
 To acquire Turkish Nationality by the decision of a competent court, first requirement is intention(niyet). The
person must wish having Turkish Nationality.
 But intention is not enough. The decision of the competent authority must be given. There are also four ways to
get the decision of the competent authority: 1. General acquisition 2. Exceptional situation in the acquisition of
Turkish citizenship 3. Re-acquisition of Turkish citizenship(bu konuyu lose of nationality içerisinde anlatacağız)
4. By marriage. Yani bu 4 yoldan biri + decision of the competent authority olacak. Mesela sadece evlilik yeterli
eğil. Yekili makamın da kararı olacak.
 But today we’ll examine only one type which is called general acqusition of Turkish Nationality. Yetkili makam
kararıyla kazanmada da dört tip var. Biz bunlardan bugüñ sadece genel olarak vatandaşlığa alımı göreceğiz.
 The competent authority is generally Ministry of Internal Affairs(İçişleri Bakanlığı). There are also an exception
that sometimes Council of Ministers(Bakanlar Kurulu) can give the decision as well.
 Under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs(Nüfus ve
Vatandaşlık İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü) is in charge.
 As you know MERNIS system is the computerize system right now. We’ll explain this when we come to results
of acquisition of Turkish citizenship. But what we should know right now is this system makes easier to follow
General acquisition of Turkish Nationality.
 Art 10, 11, 15, 17, 18, 19 and 20 regulates this. Art 11 shows the requirements which is very important. These
requirements must be fulfilled. These requirements are cumulative so they all must be met.
 The first requirement is majority and capacity to act. Majority is reaching the certain age. For Turkey this age is
18 but other countries may have different i.e. 21 for Denmark. If a foreigner wants to acquire Turkish citizenship,
he/she must have the majority age(or capacity to act) according to their law. Why do we apply his/her national
law? Because our Turkish Nationality Law says foreigner shall be in the age of majority and have the capacity to
act according to his/her own national law. If he/she is stateless, then we can apply Turkish Nationality Law for the
majority and capacity to act.
 The second requirement residence. If a foreigner wants to acquire Turkish Nationality by the general acquisition,
he/she must have residence here without interruption for 5 years preceding(previously) the day of his/her
application. 5 yıldır başvurudan önce Türkiye’de yaşıyor olacak. Turkish Law on Foreigners and International
Protection regulates the rules for it. How we can know he/she lives for 5 years? We check his/her residence permit
and calculate. If there is an interruption for 6 months and more, all period resets. So the foreigner may stay abroad
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without exceeding 6 months. If the interruption period is less than 6 months, that period is also calculated in 5
years. If the period is exceeding 6 months, all period resets. According to which law do we calculate? Regulation
on Implementation of Turkish Nationality Law(Vatandaşlık Kanunu’na İlişkin Yönetmelik). This is very
important in practice. Law and Regulation must be applied together. According to the Turkish Law on Foreigners
and International Protection, alien must reside in Turkey but the calculation is done according to Regulation.
 The third requirement is intent to settle down(yerleşme niyeti). Intent is a very abstract concept. Regulation on
Implementation of Turkish Nationality Law shows what the intention means. For example buying real property,
opening a shop, make an investment, getting married etc shows he/she has a intent to settle. But there is a problem.
If the foreigner has student permission, even though he/she lives for 6 years here, he/she cannot get the Turkish
citizenship. Because it’s accepted the being student does not show an intent to settle down. Art 16 and Art 71(ç)
of Regulation on Implementation of Turkish Nationality Law says that students and refugees cannot be considered
even though they have resided more than 5 years in Turkey, because they are not showing what for the have
settled down. There is also another status other than student permission and being refugee. There is an
international protection status under Law on Foreigners and International Protection. It’s not like being refugee.
Art 16 and Art 71(ç) stipulates that international protection status also does not show intent to settle down. By the
way Art 71(d) also gives another right: If somebody, especially students, wants to work in Turkey or get married
and they change their residence; they can require Turkish citizenship and their previous years are counted as well.
However this rule cannot be applied for international protection status unfortunately. Yani 71(ç) yerleşme niyeti
olmadığını varsaydıkları yabancıların burada geçirdikleri süreleri saymıyor, fakat 71(d) bu kimseler için ayrıca bir
hak da tanıyor ve diyor ki mesela bir yabancı öğrenci daha sonra Türkiye’de başka bir statüye geçerse(evlenmek,
çalışma izni almak gibi), önceden öğrenci olduğu yıllar da sayılarak vatandaşlık kazanabilir. Mezun olmak gibi
anlamayın bunu. Öğrenciyken başka bir statüye geçmek. Ve bu hak malesef international status yoluyla
Türkiye’ye gelen yabancılar için tanınmamış, bunun dışındaki yerleşme niyeti olmadığı varsayılan öğrenci
sığınmacı vs için tanınmış.
 The fourth requirement is being healthy which means having no disease constituting an obstacle in respect of
public health like AIDS, SARS. So they need to show medical report to prove they are healthy.
 The fifth requirement is good moral character. We decide this by making interviews.
 The sixth requirement is speaking Turkish to ability to show that able to speak a sufficient level of Turkish.
 The seventh requirement is having income to maintain himself/herself and his/her dependencies like child.
 The eighth requirement is national security and public order. An alien show no obstacle in respect of national
security and public order. Art 72/5 of the Regulation explains what are against national security and public order:
being a spy or terrorist, smuggling money, human or drug, being sentenced to prison more than 6 months for any
 Lastly there is an additional requirement: Sometimes even though all these eight requirements are met, Turkish
Council of Minister has a right that to say that if a foreigner wants to have Turkish Nationality, he/she must
relinquish his/her previous nationality. So alien who wishes to acquire Turkish citizenship may required in
addition to condition to relinquish previous citizenship and the Council of Minister has a discretionary right to
decide that. Why? Countries like Germany or Netherlands requires to lose previous nationality to get their
nationality. Karşı işlem gibi. Bu tarz policy güden ülkelere karşı onların vatandaşları Türk vatandaşı olmak
istediğinde Council of Minister’in önce kendi vatandaşlığını kaybetmelisin diyebilme hakkı var.
 Foreigner applies to governorship, they begin the process and the check if the requirements are met or not.
National Intelligence Organization(MIT), Citizenship Application Examination Commission and other
organizations also involves this process as well.
 Please evaluate the following Istanbul Commercial Court decision:
“Even though the incident in question occurred in the Pacific Ocean, the jurisdiction agreement authorizing a foreign
court may not abolish international jurisdiction of Turkish courts that are generally and specially competent. Turkey
has not become a signatory of the London Convention. Thus the lawsuit in question has been brought before the
Turkish courts as the forum of the place of performance and thus competence in accordance with Art 10 of the Law of
Civil Procedure.”

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London Convention kafamızı karıştırmasın. Burada bir önemi yok. Legal consequences of choosing foreign court
by the jurisdiction agreements diye bir ders anlattık. Art 47 diye bir maddeden söz ettik. Bu madde diyor ki eğer
yabancı bir mahkeme yetki anlaşması ile yetkilendirilmişse Türk Mahkemesi ancak 2 durumda yetkili olabilir: 1.
yabancı mahkemenin kendini yetkisiz kalması 2. Türk mahkemelerinde açılan davada yetki itirazında bulunulmaması.
Bunun dışında eğer taraflar özellikle sözleşmede “münhasır olmayan yetki” diye belirtmemişlerse, yetki sözleşmesi
ile yabancı mahkemenin yekilendirilmesi o mahkemeyi münhasır kılar. Artık sadece o yabancı mahkemede dava
açılabilir. Olayda da yabancı bir mahkeme yetki sözleşmesi ile yetkilendirilmişken Türk Mahkemesi’nin bu şekilde
Art 47 oluşmadan veya sözleşmede münhasır olmayan diye belirtilmediği halde kendini yetkili görmesi yanlıştır.
Sınavda Türkçe yazmayın. Çok sıkışırsanız kelimeleri yazın. Yoksa puan alamazsınız.
 Sınav yapılmıştır.
 Ders işlenmemiştir.
Exceptional situation in the acquisition Turkish citizenship
 Last week we’ve talked about general acquisition. Today, we gonna explain the exceptional situation in the
acquisition Turkish citizenship. Why is this called exceptional? Because some foreigners have a very tight
relation with Turkey. These people are generally constitutes a group which are counted as having a close relation
with Turkey. And because of that we don’t ask for all the requirements we learned from general acquisition. We
ask only for one requirement. Art 12 of Nationality Law regulates this. The requirement is just no quality
constituting an obstacle in respect of national security and public order can apply for Turkish citizenship.
 This time competent authority is Council of Minister(previously it was Ministry of Internal affairs).
 For instance Reza Zarrab has Turkish Nationality in that way because of some industrial plans, huge economical
fields relating with Turkish economy. Or for example Maria is a volleyball player in Eczacıbaşı. In order to
compete in Turkish volleyball team, she asks exceptional acquisition. Or there is Russian-Azerbaijani Olimpic
wrestler comes to Turkey and wants to be the coach of Turkish National team. So the Ministry of Youth and
Sports wanted to him to acquire Turkish nationality in exceptional way and follows situation. Or a French
professor was the backside of Turkish policy about so-called genocide. He was saying there is not any genocide.
And the Turkish government said that if he wants he can be a Turkish National because he has an exceptional
situation in acquisition Turkish Nationality through cultural activities that helps Turkey.
 So, in what conditions Turkish citizenship can be required exceptionally? First: alien must be in the group that
stipulated in Art 12. Second: intent and application . Third: Ministry of Internal Affairs proposal + Council of
Minister decision.
 What are these “groups”? The first group is person who has broad industrial plan into Turkey or have rendered or
are being considered to render in future outstanding services in the scientific, technological, economic, social,
sporting, cultural and artistic fields: If an alien provides or will provide services in the field of science, technology,
economy, social, sport, culture and art which are also relating Ministries; the related Ministry grants an opinion,
Ministry of Internal Affairs propose and Council of Minister gives the decision. But never forget, the application
is made by the foreigner. Foreginer application yapmadan bu process başlayamaz. Yani futbolcu geldi, kalkıp onu
zorla vatandaş yapamazsın. Kendisi isterse bu process başlar. Hoca belki bi gazete haberi verebilir, gazete
haberinde mesela “x futbolcusunu Türk vatandaşı yapacağız” şeklinde açıklama yapan bir kulüp başkanı olur. Bu
ifadedeki yanlışlığı bulmamızı isteyebilir. Her sporcu için exceptional way uygulanamaz. Türkiye’ye hizmet
edeceği düşünülmeli. The second group is persons whose naturalization has been considered necessary. Zorunlu
görülen kişiler. But who are them? We don’t know. Council of Minister has a discretionary power to decide who
are necessary. This is against the legality principle. For instance Reza Zarrab is like that. The third group is
persons who have been recognized as immigrants. Göçmen olarak kabul edilen kişiler. Which people can be
considered as immigrants? We need to lookpğ at Art 3 of the Settlement Law(İskan Kanunu). It says that persons
who have Turkish ethnicity and have Turkish cultural background immigrate for the intention of settlement in
Turkey would be accepted as by the decision of Ministry of Interior. For example Ahıska Turks, Bulgarian Turks.
Göçmen Kanunu anlatıcaz yabancılar hukukunda ama 12. maddede göçmenler de istisnai olarak vatandaşlığa
almada kabul edilmiş. Peki göçmen kimdir? İskan Kanunu’nun 3. maddesine göre Türk kültüründen ve Türk
ırkından gelen ve Dış İşleri Bakanlığı’nın görüşüyle İçişleri Bakanlığı’nca göçmen olarak kabul edilenler
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göçmendir. İç İşleri Bakanlığı’nın dışındaki dernekler vs’lerin verdiği bu kişi Türk’tür belgeleri bu bağlamda
kullanılamaz. In 28 July 2016 a new law has come into force called International Workforce Law. This law
amended and abolished some law. This law had a provision saying that Art 12 of Turkish Nationality Law must
add some new group for exceptional situation. What are those new groups? First one is foreigners who made an
investment in Turkey and have a short-time residence permit and the second one is holders of Turquoise card and
their foreign spouses and their minor children. For the first group the type of investment does not matter. Council
of Minister defines it. However, there is not any statement is made. Uluslararası İşgücü Kanunu ile birçok
kanunda değişiklik yapıldı. Bunlardan biri de Vatandaşlık Kanunu’nun 12. maddesi ve dendi ki yabancı kişi
Türkiye’de çalışma izni olmasa dahi yatırım yapmışsa bu kişi, eşi ve ergin olmayan çocukları Bakanlar Kurulu
kararı ile kısa süreli oturum izni alarak istisnai vatandaşlığa başvurabilirler. Bu yatırımın ne boyutta olması
gerektiği henüz bilinmiyor. Bir nevi vatandaşlığın satılması gibi bir durum var. Turkuaz kart olayı ne? Hoca
sormayı seviyormuş. Bu Uluslarası İşgücü Kanunu’na göre bazı yabancılara Turkuaz kart verilecek. Bu kişiler
öyle kimseler ki çalıştıkları alanlarda çok önemli teknik, tıp, yatırımsal vs bilgilerini kullanıyorlar. Bu nedenle bu
kişilere geçici olarak 3 yıllık Turkuaz kart veriliyor ve böylece izin almaksızın Türkiye’de çalışabilir hale geliyor,
3 yıldan sonra Turkuaz kartları kalıcı hale geliyor. Böylece bu kişiler tekrardan izin almaksızın Türkiye’de
yaşayabiliyorlar. But there is not any regulation on implementation for Turquoise card. Kanunla Turkuaz kart
getirildi ama nasıl verilecek, hangi işleri yapanlara verilecek belli değil. Adam gitse bana Turkuaz kart verin dese
kapıdan kovarlar şu an. Ama şu an kanunsal olarak Turkuaz kart sahiplerine, eşlerine, çocuklarına istisnai olarak
vatandaşlık veirlmesi öngörülmektedir. Bu da bir nevi vatandaşlığın satılması.
 Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus(TRNC): We have a specific article(Art 42) for their citizenship. There is no
requirement at all. But whether you acquired Nationality of TRNC by birth or after birth is important. If he/she is
the national of TRNC by birth, there is no requirement for him/her to be a Turkish citizenship. Applying in
writing is enough. Minister of Internal Affair just checks. But for example many people from England, Jordan,
Israel lives in TRNC. If these persons acquire citizenship of TRNC after birth, after that if they want to be a
Turkish citizenship, at that time we ask for every requirement Art 11 asks which is general acquisition of Turkish
Nationality. Why? Somebody who cannot get Turkish Nationality directly might go to TRNC, get the citizenship
of TRNC and come to Turkey to gain Turkish Nationality indirectly. To prevent this abusing of law(hakkın
kötüye kullanılması) to happen there is this rule. Yani eğer bir kimse KKTC vatandaşlığını doğumla kazanmışsa
milli güvenlik şartı bile aranmadan Türk vatandaşlığını alabiliyorlar. Ama KKTC vatandaşlığını doğumdan sonra
kazanmışsa 11. maddede yer alan genel kazanmadaki tüm şartları arıyoruz. Çünkü kişi Türk vatandaşlığını
doğrudan kazanamıyodur ama gider KKTC vatandaşlığını alır sonra Türk vatandaşlığını dolaylı yoldan alır. Bu
hakkın kötüye kullanılması durumunu önlemek için böyle bir hüküm var.
By Marriage
 We have a specific article: Art 16 of Nationality Law. And there are some requirements. But before Art 16, we’ll
talk about historical background. This is a very highly debated issue. Prearranged marriages may happen
unfortunately. Before in Turkey, a foreign woman(only for woman) could acquire Turkish Nationality when she
get married. However after Soviet Russia collapsed, white woman trade has showed up sadly. Fake marriages
have risen up. That’s why European Convention on Nationality is taken as an inspiration even though Turkey is
not a member of European Council. This Convention states that discrimination arising from genders in the
Nationality Laws must be demolished. Acquiring Nationality must be equal for both gender. You cannot say only
women or only men by marriage can acquire nationality without any requirements. And Convention says
marriage cannot directly affect the citizenship of spouses. Marrying with a foreigner cannot cause losing the first
 So in 1995 we amended our law and brought some requirements for acquisition of Nationality by marriage for
both women and men. Then new law is legislated in 2009.
 Yani 1954 sayılı eski kanunumuzda yalnızca kadınlar için vatandaşlığın doğrudan evlilik yoluyla kazanılması
vardı. Sonra sahte evlilikler artınca Avrupa Vatandaşlık Sözleşmesi baz alınarak kanunumuzda birtakım
değişiklikler yapıldı. Cinsel ayrımcılığın olmaması ve evlilik ile vatandaşlığın kaybedilemeyeceği gibi ilkler kabul
edildi. 1995 yılında hem kadın hem erkekler için evlilik yoluyla vatandaşlığın kazanılmasında belli şartlar getirildi.
2009 tarihli yeni kanunda da aynen alındı. Ama hala bittakım problemler var.
 What is the regulation right now? Art 16/1 says “(1)Turkish citizenship shall not automatically be acquired by
marriage with a Turkish citizen. Aliens who have been married to a Turkish citizen for at least three years and
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whose marriage still continues can apply for the acquisition of Turkish citizenship.The applicants shall fulfill the
conditions mentioned below; a) living within the unity of marriage, b) abstaining from acts incompatible with the
unity of marriage, c) having no quality constituting an obstacle in respect of national security and public order.”
So before the applications they have to married for at least 3 years and their marriage must still be continued. For
acquiring Turkish Nationality through marriage there are preconditions and main conditions.
 Preconditions: 1. the foreigner must be married for at least 3 years, marriage must be legal marriage. For the
material or formal validity of the marriage, we gonna look at to the Art 13 of TPIL Code. We wont look at this
article this semester(Yani 3 yıldan beri geçerli bir evlilik olmalı. Yabancı bir unsur olduğundan şekli geçerlilik
için direkt TMK’yı uygulamıyoruz; hangi kanunu uygulayacağımızı MÖHUK 13 gösteriyor. Bunu ileride
göreceğiz). 2. Marriage must still continue. 3 yıldan beri evli olunacak. Başvuru esnasında boşandılarsa hemen
hemen bütün hukukçular kazanamayacağını söylüyor. Ama başvuru yapıldıktan sonra ölüm durumunda unity of
marriage aranmıyor. Kazanıldıktan sonra boşanmada ise bir sorun yok. 3. And there must be consent of course.
Foreigner must apply for Turkish Nationality by himself/herself.
 Main conditions: 1. They shall live in family unity: In order to prevent fake marriages we make interviews and
examinations. We check if they live together or not. But it does not mean that going another city for jobs like 10
days of a month breaks unity. 2. They shall avoid acts incompatible with the unity of marriage: They shouldn’t
involve some bad acts that not compatible with the marriage like trading their bodies. 3. They shall not pose a
threat on national security and public order: Art 72 of Regulation and Implementation of Turkish Nationality Law
says that acts such as spying, smuggling, terrorism or getting punishment more than 6 months for any crime can
be considered as a threat against national security and public order. Bu sıkıntılı bir madde. Mesela yabancı kadın
tüm şartları karşılamış, vatandaşlığı vermişler, sonra hakaret suçundan 6 ay 10 günlük ceza aldığı gerekçesiyle
vatandaşlığını geri almışlar. Bu olay belki Anayasa Mahkemesine gidebilir. Yönetmeliğin bu maddesindeki 6
aylık süre kanunilik ile kıyaslanarak kamu düzeni ve milli güvenlik yönünden önce İdare Mahkemesi’ne oradan
Anayasal denetime gidilebilir. Ama çok zor. Haftaya evlenme yoluyla evliliğe devam edicez. Bu şartlar olsa bile
bir deneme yapılıyor. Mesela kurufasülye pişirebiliyor musun diye bile soruluyor.
 We were talking about requiring nationality through marriage. For example a Moldavian lady married with
Turkish guy 4 years ago. She wants to apply to Turkish Nationality through marriage. Can she acquire Turkish
Nationality? Previously foreign women could acquire Turkish Nationality by marriage without any requirements.
But now Art 16 of Nationality Law brings requirements both for men and women. Assume that Moldavian
woman and Turkish man’s marriage is valid(Art 13 of TPIL Act is applied for validity. It will be examined later).
There are two type of conditions: 1. Preconditions: Alien must be married Turkish citizen for at least 3 years,
marriage must still continue, and consent of the foreigner. 2. Main conditions: Living in family unity, avoiding
acts that incompatible with the unity of marriage, not posing a threat on national security and public order.
 Ministry of Internal Affairs give the decision. But even though all the requirements are met, Ministry of Internal
Affairs cannot grant the decision for acquisition of Turkish Nationality. This is not an absolute right, there is
discretionary power of Ministry of Internal Affairs. But as we remember from our administrative law classes,
discretionary power must be used and utilized in line with the law. So if the Ministry of Internal Affairs says i
don’t accept that foreigner’s application, there must be a legal reasoning.
 Sometimes the marriage may not be valid. For example the Turkish person was already married before. Then the
next marriage can be nullified. We will see the validity of marriage next semester but what will happen is
important. If the foreign party didn’t know the reason that makes the marriage nullified, in other words he/she has
good faith, then if he/she acquired Turkish Nationality by that marriage, his/her status is preserved. Art 16 says
that in the case of declaration of nullify of the marriage alien who acquires Turkish citizenship by marriage shall
kept Turkish citizenship provided they had entered into marriage with good faith. Foe example a Russian
volleyball player Maria acquired Turkish Nationality in 2013 through exceptional way(not by marriage). Because
she is considered as a good volleyball player for Turkish Nationality team so Consul of Minister gave her Turkish
Nationality by exceptional way. And she had been married with a Russian guy for 15 years. So today can he claim
that I’m married with Maria for 15 years and she has Turkish nationality so i can get Turkish nationality through
marriage? No. Because Maria is a Turkish citizen since 2014. We will count from that year. So only 2 years have
passed. He need to wait one year more.

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Procedure of Acquisition of Turkish Nationality by the Decision of Competent Authority

 Art 18 and 19 of Nationality Law says that alien who wants to acquire Turkish Nationality through the decision of
the competent authority must apply to governorship but if they are living outside of Turkey, they can apply to
Turkish Consulate there. For example a Syrian guy married with a Turkish woman for 5 years. They are living in
Syria. So Syrian gut can apply the Consulate there.
 Application to Turkish Nationality is a personal right. So the alien uses it himself/herself. Or he/she can get a
legal representative for making his/her application.
 Yani başvuru yabancının oturduğu valiliğe yapılır. Ama yurtdışında yaşıyor olabilir. Bu halde Türk
Konsolosluğu’na başvuru yapılabilir. Mesela Türk vatandaşıyla evlidir ve yurtdışında yaşıyordur.
 Under the governorship there is the Citizenship Application Examination Commission(Vatandaşlık Başvuru
İnceleme Komisyonu). This Commission examines the application, checks documents, makes interviews etc. And
the request is send to Turkish National Police and National Security Organization(MİT). Police and MİT do
archive research(arşiv araştırması) like checking birth certificate and all the other things and possibilities may
occur against security and public order.
 After this procedure, documents are send to Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ministry of Internal Affairs look at
whether all the requirements are met and he/she can Turkish Nationality or not. But only for exceptional way of
acquisition of Turkish Nationality the Consul of Minister decides.
 Yani usul önemli. Yönetmeliği unutmayın. Yönetmelikte herşey detaylı anlatılıyor biz derste çok girmiyoruz. Ne
evraklar isteniyor vs. Bunlar toplanıpVatandaşlık Başvuru İncileme Komisyonu tarafından incelenir, MİT ve
Emniyet arşiv araştırması yapar, milli güvenlik ve kamu düzenine engel olabilecek bir hal var mı inceler. Bundan
sonra dosya İçişleri Bakanlığına gider, burada da Nüfus ve Vatandaşlık İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü en son kararı verir.
İstisnai olarak vatandaşlığa alınmada ise dosya İçişleri Bakanlığı onay verir ve Bakanlar Kurulu onay verir.
Validity and Consequences of Acquisition of Turkish Citizenship by the Decision of Competent Authority
 Geçerlilik ne zaman başlar ve sonuçları neler? We have Art 20 of Nationality Law. Art 20/1 says that “(1)
Decisions relating to the acquisition of Turkish citizenship shall be effective from the date of decision.” When
Ministry of Internal Affairs(for exceptional way: Consul of Minister) give the decision, that date Turkish
Nationality begins. Doğum sonrası kazanımlarda İçişleri Bakanlığı’nın karar verdiği tarihten itibaren vatandaşlık
 Art 20/2 says “(2) The acquisition of Turkish citizenship by the decision of the competent authority shall not
affect the spouse’s citizenship.” Assume both spouses are foreign. If one of the spouses get Turkish Nationality,
other spouse’s nationality is not affected.
 What about the children? Assume that Russian Maria got Turkish Nationality. She has two kids aged 10 and 14.
And their custody belong to her. Can children acquire Turkish Nationality? If the person has the custody of
children, then children can acquire Turkish Nationality only if the other parent gives the consent.
 Yani vatandaşlığı kazanmanın diğer yabancı eşe etkisi yok. Çocuklar açısından ise, çocuğun velayeti kendinde
olan taraf Türk vatandaşlığını kazanmışsa ve çocuğunun da kendisiyle beraber Türk vatandaşı olmasını istiyorsa,
diğer eşin rızası gerekir. Evlilerse de boşanmışlarsa da diğer ebeveynin rızası gerekiyor. Diğer eş rıza vermezse
nolacak? What if there is no consent? Art 20/2 says “In case of lack of consent, action shall be taken according to
the decision of a judge in the country of habitual residence of the mother or the father.” So judge is going to
decide whether the other parent is right not giving consent or not. Habitual residence: mutat mesken. Central life
of the person. So the court located in father’s or mother’s habitual residence give the decision. Bu maddeyi
uluslarası usul bilgilerimizle yorumlar mısınız? Sınavda bunu sormuş. Kendi kanunumuzla yabancı bir
mahkemeyi yetkili kılmışız. Ama ne demiştik? Her ülke egemenlik hakkından ötürü kendi yetki kurallarını kendi
belirler. Kendi kendimize kalkıp da Rusya’daki mutat mesken mahkemesi vs yetkili diyemeyiz. Bunu yaparsak
diğer devletlerin egemenliğine aykırılık teşkil eder. Bununla birlikte bizim kendi vatandaşlığımızı yabancı bir
devlet mahkemesinin kararıyla verme tehlikesi de ortaya çıkıyor. Bu tanıma ve tenfizin de ötesinde bir durum
4. a. 2. b. By Adaption
 Another way to acquire Turkish Nationality is adaption. A foreign child is adapting by a Turkish citizen. So
because there is a foreign element, we cannot go to Turkish Civil Code directly. We need to check Turkish
conflict of laws rules(Art 18 of TPIL Code) and see which law is going to be applied. We’ll talk about adaption in

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spring semester anyway. Foreign adaption is possible but we have some specific regulations. There is an Article
in Nationality Law says that adapted person must be a minor. That minor can acquire Turkish citizenship from the
day of decision provided that she/he has no quality constituting an obstacle in respect of national security and
public order. So they are acquiring Turkish citizenship from the day the decision is made. Court gives that
decision. But what is the decision date? Adaption decision date? Recognition and enforcement decision date?
Decision done by Ministry of Intern Affair date? There are two opinion in doctrine. Istanbul doctrine says that the
date adaption decision made is the date Ankara doctrine says that the date is the Ministry of Internal Affair
decison is made. Hoca da bu görüşte. Because we have a specific article in Regulation on the Implementation of
Turkish Nationality Law, Art 13.
5. Lose of Nationality
 As you remember everybody has a right to change his/her nationality. Nobody can be deprived from his/her
nationality. But sometimes countries have different approaches for lose of nationality. People may also want to
lose their nationality willingly for some social or economical reasons. But some countries like Holland, Denmark
says that in order to gain their nationality you need to lose your own nationality.
 Losing nationality may also occur without the willingness because of some acts against the country like spying.
 Art 66 of Constitution: Legality principle. Losing or acquiring nationality must be based on law.
 Art 23 and following articles of Nationality Law is about losing nationality. To lose the nationality, decision of
the competent authority is a one way. Using right to choose is also another way. We gonna talk about this later.
Just the people who are mentioned in the law have the right to choose. Yetkili makam kararıyla kayıp bir yoldur.
Seçme hakkıyla kayıp ise kanunda sayılan kişi gruplarına tanınmıştır. Mesela toprak esasıyla Türk vatandaşlığını
kazanan çocuğun 18 yaşına gelince 3 sene süreyle seçme hakkını kullanarak Türk vatandaşlığını kaybedebilmesi
 Decision of the competent authority may happen in two way: Voluntarily lose nationality: person has a will for
losing his/her nationality. This is called renunciation(vatandaşlıktan çıkma). Involuntarily lose nationality: there is
no intent of the person but the competent authority decides because of some wrongful acts he/she is done. This is
called revocation or deprivation(vatandaşlığı kaybettirme). Or it may happen like cancellation/annulment of the
decision of Turkish Nationality(vatandaşlığa alınma kararının iptali. Kanunda vatandaşlığın iptali şeklinde bir
başlıkta düzenlenmiş ama kelimesel olarak yanlış).
 Yani vatandaşlıktan çıkmada irade söz konusu iken vatanlığı kaybettirme ya da vatandaşığın iptalinde kişinin
iradesi yoktur. Vatandaşlığa alınmakararının iptaline örnek verelim. For example the foreigner gained his/her
nationality by general acquisition but the documents were fake. Government realized it then his/her nationality is
annuled. And there is not a discretionary power of the competent authority for annulment, it is compulsory.
 Art 25 of Nationality Law regulates renunciation of Turkish Nationality. It states that “Minister of Internal Affairs
may give the permission for lose the Turkish Nationality through renunciation if the four requirements are met.”
These requirements are cumulative so four of them must be fulfilled. The first requirement is being the age of
majority and having the capacity to act. For the majority act we gonna look at Turkish Law bcz the person who
wants to lose his/her nationality is Turkish. The second requirement is having already another citizenship or
showing an evidence and existing indication that he/she is going to have another citizenship. In order to prevent
being stateless this requirement is brought. First thing is clear, you should have another nationality. What about
showing an existence that you are going to get another nationality? There is not any examples for that in our law
but Regulation on Implementation of Turkish Nationality Law states that he/she should show a guarantee
document from the foreign government. But obviously this is very difficult to show that a foreign country will
definitely insure its nationality to you. Most of the countries do not even have this kind of guaranteeing
documentation system. So in practice and doctrine, guarantee documents are interpreted differently. Showing a
document saying that he/she is already married there or he/she is applied or he/she is going to apply or he/she is
working there or he/she has investment there etc is enough. This second requirement is really important. If you
already have another country’s nationality and applied for renunciation, Ministry of Internal Affairs will give you
a renunciation document(çıkma belgesi). However if you show an evidence that you gonna acquire another
country’s nationality, then the Ministry of Internal Affairs will give you a renunciation permit(çıkma izin belgesi).
We’ll explain the difference later. The third requirement is not being a wanted person for criminal offense,
military services. The fourth requirement is like the third one that is being free from criminal or financial
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restrictions. Even traffic violation can be counted as criminal or financial restriction. So government make an
investigation for searching this. We don’t kick out Cem Uzan or F.Gülen from Turkish Nationality because of this.
Otherwise we cannot give punishment or get money they owed. By the way financial restriction only covers
governmental restrictions.
 After all these requirements fulfilled Ministry of Internal Affairs has a discretionary power to renounce. Always
remember that discretionary power always derived from law.In the decision the reason why your application is
rejected must be showed. And you have a right to sue the administrative body for their decision because Art 66
and Art 125 of Constitution grants this. İdari yargıda görmüştük zaten. İster vatandaşlık kazanma kararının reddi
isterse vatandaşlıktan çıkma kararının reddi olsu bir idari karar söz konusu, bu nedenle bu kararlara karşı dava
yoluna gidilebilir.
 Renunciation document: If somebody who applies for lose of Turkish nationality and also has a foreign national
meets all the requirements, then he/she is given renunciation document by Ministry of Internal Affairs. The
moment you get renunciation document in hand, that moment you lose your Turkish nationality. So not the
moment decision is given but the day the document is given in hand is counted as the start point. Renunciation
permit: If you don’t have any foreign nationality but you have a evidence to convince that you are going to get a
foreign nationality and meet all the requirements, at that time the Ministry of Internal Affairs gives you
renunciation permit which is for 2 years. Art 26 states that renunciation permit is valid for 2 years. In this 2 years
you need to gain foreign nationality. If you get, then renunciation document is given and you lose Turkish
nationality. Having renunciation permit does not provide lose of Turkish Nationality. What will happen if the
person change his/her mind within this 2 years? He don’t lose his/her Turkish Nationality.
 Yani vatandaşlıktan çıkmak isteyenler için 25. madde 4 şart saymış. Bunu yerine getiren kişi önceden zaten başka
bir ülkenin vatandaşı ise İçişleri Bakanlığı elden çıkma belgesini verdiği an artık yabancı olur. Ama kişi daha
yabancı bir devlet vatandaşlığını kazanmış değilse bütün şartları da taşıyorsa İçişleri Bakanlığınca çıkma izin
belgesi verilir. Bu belge 2 yıl boyunca geçerlidir. Bu kişi 2 yıllık süreç içerisinde Türk vatandaşıdır. 2 yıllık süreç
içerisinde başka ülkenin vatandaşlığını kazandığını gösterdiği anda çıkma belgesi verilir ve yabancı olur. 2 yıllık
süreyi geçirirse, vazgeçerse, başka ülke vatandaşlığını kazanamadı ise Türk vatandaşlığı devam eder. Adam
yabancı ülke vatandaşlığını aldı ama bunu 2 yıl içinde çıkma izin belgesi ile sunmadı ise iki vatandaşlığını(Türk
ve diğeri) da korur.
 Almanya, Hollanda, Danimarka’ya göç eden Türk vatandaşları bu ülkelerin vatandaşlığını kazanabilmek için
kendi Türk vatandaşlıklarını kaybetmek zorunda kılınmışlardır. Biz de bu kişiler mağdur olmasın diye
vatandaşlıklarını kaybetseler bile mavi kart diye bir kart tahsis ettik, tıpkı vatandaş gibi hakları devam ediyor. Bu
konuyu sormayı seviyormuş´. Buna sonra geleceğiz.
 Validity and consequences of renunciation of Turkish citizenship: Vatandaşlıktan çıkmanın sonuçları. Art 27 and
28 regulates the validity and consequences of losing Turkish Nationality. 1. Alien status: Rights and obligations
changes. Art 27/1: “Turkish citizenship shall be lost when the renunciation document is handed over against
signature to the person concerned.” Vatandaşlık çıkma belgesi düzenlendiği anda değil, kişi imzaladığı ve elden
teslim edildiği anda kaybedilir. 2. Effects to spouses and children nationality: Art 27/2 says that “Loss of Turkish
citizenship of one of the spouses by obtaining a renunciation permit shall not affect the other spouse’s
citizenship.” So losing nationality doesn’t affect the spouse’s status simply. What about children? Art 27 does not
say anything about custody(velayet). If someone lose his/her nationality and he/she also wants to abolish his/her
child’s nationality as well, his/her spouse must give the consent. If the other parent does not give the consent,
Turkish Court decide based on Turkish Civil Code. Türkçe olarak: burada vatandaşlığa alınmadaki gibi değil,
vatandaşlığa alınmada velayet gündeme geliyordu, vatandaşlıktan çıkan kişi için ise çocuğunun velayetine sahip
olup olmadığına bakılmaz, istemesi yeterli. Kişi çocuğunun da vatandaşlıktan çıkmasını istiyorsa eşin de buna
rıza göstermesi gerekiyor. Rıza göstermemişse Türk Mahkemesi’ne gidilebilir, mahkeme Türk Medeni
Kanunu’na göre bir karar verir. And Art 27/3 states that “(3) If loss of citizenship would render the children
stateless, the provisions of this Article shall not be applied.” If the person who wants to renunciation of his/her
nationality also wants to renunciation of his/her child’s nationality toward Art 27 causes making the child
stateless, then this Article shall not be applied in order to prevent being stateless. Unfortunately our civil registry
offices and consulates cannot get what Art 27 means. They are interpreting this article very funny. But the Article
is very clear and explicit. If two of parents lose their Turkish Nationality, child can lose his/her nationality
together with them. But if the child will end up being stateless, then the child cannot lose his/her nationality. Aynı
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anda iki ebeveyn de vatandaşlığını kaybederse ve ikisi birlikte çocuğun da vatandaşlığını kaybetmesini siterse
çocuk da kaybeder. Stateless durumuna düşmemek kaydıyla. 3. Special status of aliens(Art 28): This article says
that if Turkish citizen acquire Turkish citizenship by birth and lost the Turkish citizenship through renunciation
and their third degree descendants(3. dereceye kadar olan altsoy) are considered as having special status of aliens.
This article is brought in 1995 because Germany, Holland, Denmark were asking our nationals to lose their
Turkish Nationality if they want their nationalities. So when those people were losing their Turkish Nationality,
many problems occured because those people have properties, successions, families in Turkey. So we made this
article and even though they lost their Turkish Nationality, they are given special status so special right as well.
They have as same rights as a Turkish National has(there are some exceptions as well). So a Turkish citizen
acquire Turkish citizenship by birth and lost the Turkish citizenship through renunciation and their third degree
descendants have same rights as a Turkish National, they are considered as alien only for rights and obligations
are written in this article. As we say Art 28 shows exceptions that do not grant those people to have rights and
obligations like a Turkish National. But other than these exceptions, they are like a Turkish National. We give
“blue card” to those people. Actually it was pink at first but guys didn’t like the color so they changed it to blue.
Bu çok önemli bir düzenleme. Göçmen olarak bu ülkelere giden kişilerin gittikleri ülkenin vatandaşlığını
kazanabilmeleri için öce Türk vatandaşlıklarını kaybetmeleri gerekiyordu. Ama bu kişilerin Türkiye’de mülkleri,
aileleri var. Bu nedenle bu kişiler Türk vatandaşlığından çıksın ama onlara öyle bir hak verelim ki Türk vatandaşı
gibi haklara sahip olsunlar diyerek bu düzenlemeyi getirdik. Sadece kanunda yazılan istisnai hak ve borçlar için
ise yabancı gibiler. Kanunda bu durum milli güvenlik ve kamu düzeni saklı kalmak kaydıyla şu şu haklardan
yararlanamazlar şeklinde belirtilmiştir. Bunu zaten sonra anlatıcaz. Bu kişiler kim? Türk vatandaşlığını doğumla
kazanan ama çıkma izni/çıkma belgesi alarak Türk vatandaşlığını kaybedenler. Mavi kart almak zorunlu değil.
Ama uygulamada MERNIS sistemiyle alınması zorunlu. Bu kişilerin 3. dereceden altsoyları da bu kartı alabiliyor.
Hatta Bakanlar Kurulu’nun 3. dereceden daha fazla genişletme yetkisi de var. Ama şu ana kadar genişletmedi.
Türkçe açıklama bu şekilde. So what are the exceptional right and obligations that cannot be applied to persons
who have special status? Art 28 shows, buradaki yükümlülükler ve haklara sahip değiller: 1. Military service
obligation: askerlik yükümlülükleri yok 2. Right to vote: seçemiyorlar 3. To be elected: seçilemiyorlar 4. Right to
import exempted vehicles and household goods: geçici süreli olarak araç veya mal ihraç edemiyorlar. 5. Working
as a permanent stuff in public services under public law regime: like being lawyer in public institution, judge,
public notary etc. But he can work as temporarily or contracted stuff in public services. Yani kamu rejimine dahi
işlerde sürekli olarak çalışamıyorlar ama geçici olarak işçi statüsünde veya sözleşmeli olarak çalışabilirler. 6.
Social security insurance right: sosyal güvenlik açısından Türk vatandaşı iken elde etmiş olduğu haklar saklı
tutuluyor ama bu kişiler Türk vatandaşlığını kaybedince social security açısından yeni bir rejime tabi oluyorlar, bu
rejim Türk vatandaşlarına uygulanan rejimle hemen hemen aynı özellikleri taşıyor.
 Who acquire the Turkish Nationality by birth and lost it by renunciation and their 3rd grade descendants still
exercise certain rights and obligations like a Turkish. These rights pertaining the residence without residence
permit, travel, work, inheritance, ownership, sale movable and immovable property etc. Ayrıca blue cart sahipleri
için yönerge de var.
 Hocanın karşılaştığı bir olay. Someone who have Bulgarian Nationality and blue card wanted to take university
entrance exam here. At that year the law changed and the exam for foreigners is annulled(üniversteye giriş sınavı
yabancılar için ayrı Türk vatandaşları için ayrı şekilde yapılıyordu). So those blue card holders applied ÖSYM but
ÖSYM didn’t accept. 95 tarihli bir kanuna dayanarak reddeti ama kanun çoktan değişmişti. So Proffessor suggests
them to write Art 28 and specify that they have blue card so they have educational right so they can take the exam.
ÖSYM kanunu bilmediği için bu kişiler mağdur olacaktı. Sadece ÖSYM de değil Türkiye Barolar Birliği de bu
konuda hata yaptı. A blue card holder wanted graduated from law school here so she wanted to make internship.
TBB Avukatlık Kanunu’na göre Türk vatandaşlarıyapabilir siz Türk vatandaşı değilsiniz dedi. Ama mavi kartlılar
için özel bir kanun var: Art 28. Art 28’in o günkü halinde kamu hizmetinde bulunamaz deniyordu ama eski
haldeki bu düzenleme sadece devlet memurluğu içindi. Yani kalkıp da mavı kartlı birine sen avukat olamazsın
çünkü avukatlık kamu ile ilgilidir denemezdi. Şu anki haliyle mavi kartlılar elbette avukatlık yapabilir. İstisna:
Hazine’de ve Sermaye Piyasası’nda avukatlık. Çünkü bunlar devlette kamu hizmetinde çalışmak demektir.
 We were talking about lose of nationality. Everybody has a right to change his/her nationaltiy. But the thing is
that, some people may want to lose his/her nationality willingly but sometimes some acts that are committed by a
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Turkish National don’t complies with the duty of loyalty to Turkish State. We talked about voluntarily and
involuntarily losing Turkish Nationality. For voluntarily losing we talked about renunciation of Turkish
Nationality and blue card as well. Today we are going to talk about involuntarily losing Turkish Nationality.
Because of some acts, competent authority may decide loss of citizenship.
 Involuntarily loss of Nationality may occur as annulment/cancellation of Turkish Nationality or
revocation/deprivation of Turkish Nationality.
 Firstly we are going to talk about annulment of Turkish Nationality. Some people may acquire Turkish
Nationality after birth like by marriage. If they give false information or hiding an essential matter that is
important for acquiring Turkish Nationality, in case of authorities realize this then competent authority shall annul
Turkish Nationality. There is not a discretionary power. Which authority has given the decision also competent
for the annulment as well. Art 31 of Nationality Law regulates this issue. Actually wording of this article is
problematic because of translating. The title is annulment of Turkish citizenship. However, it should have been
“annulment of decision on acquiring Turkish Nationality”. Vatandaşlık Kanunu’nda vatandaşlığın iptali şeklinde
yazılmış. Vatandaşlığa alınma kararının iptali şeklinde yazılması gerekirdi. Çünkü iptal edilen vatandaşlığa alım
kararının iptali. Burada yabancı kişi doğumdan sonra vatandaşlık kazanmıştır. Ama vatandaşlığı kazandığı sırada
şartları karşılamamasına rağmen verdiği yanlış bilgilerle ya da sakladığı önemli bilgiler nedeniyle şartları
sağlamış gibi görünerek vatandaşlığı kazanmıştır. Eğer bu yanlış bilgiyi veya saklanan bilgiyi bilseydik
vatandaşlığı vermezdik diyebiliyorsak, o vakit vatandaşlığın iptali gündeme gelecektir.
 For the annulment of Turkish Nationality, authorities do not have discretionary power. Art 31erçekleşmiş ise artık
yetkili makam vatandaşlığın iptaline karar verir. In our Administrative Law lecture, we learned about
“administrative act” which means who has given the decision also be able to withdraw and get that decision as
well. If the competent authority granted the Turkish Nationality to someone, that same competent authority is
deciding for loss of citizenship. Yetkide ve usulde parallellik, bağlı yetki. Paralellism for jurisdiction and
competent authority. Yani mesela genel yolla vatandaşlığa alım kararının İçişleri Bakanlığı verir dedik. O zaman
bunun için vatandaşlığın iptali kararını da İçişleri Bakanlığı verecek. Ya da bir kişi spor, ekonomi vs alanında çok
önemli işler yapacağı için istisnai yolla(exceptional way) vatandaşlığa alındı diyelim. Bu kararı Bakanlar
Kurulu(Consul of Minister) verdiği için, vatandaşlığın iptali söz konusu olursa bu kararı da Bakanlar Kurulu
 Article 31: “(1) The decision of acquisition of Turkish citizenship shall be cancelled by the decision-making
authority, if the concerned person acquired citizenship by misrepresentation or by hiding essential matters
constituting the basis in the acquisition of citizenship.” For example, showing a fake document contains that they
are married for 4 years, or a fake document contains he/she has been living here for 5 years(for general
acquisition), or hiding a crime that is against Turkish national security and public order, or hiding illnesses like
AIDS or SARS, hiding information about their relatives or depending children etc. So firstly there must be given
a false information or hidden an import matter. Beside that, this false or hidden information must be related with
prior acceptance and the acceptance must be based on the assume existing or non-existing of this facts. Also
according to the doctrine, willful intent(kasıt) is another requirement. It means the person who acquired Turkish
Nationality and gave false information or hidden an essential matter must have intent to do that. For example for
the general acquisition of Turkish Nationality, one of the condition is speaking Turkish. About 10 years ago
especially football clubs were providing some documents from Ministry of Education about their foreign football
players saying that he can speak English fluently even though he cant even say “hi” in Turkish. In this example, a
third party, football club is making this document, a third party is giving the false information. So can we directly
assume that the football player has a willful intent for that misinformation? Here, we need to say that if he know
about this document he has an intent but if he does not have any idea then he does not have an intent.
 For example he/she applied for Turkish Nationality and competent authority realized that he/she gave the false
information and hided some facts. So annulment of decision is given by the administrative body. What will
happen now? What are the consequences?
 Article 32: “(1) Cancellation decision shall be effective from the date of decision. Cancellation decision shall also
be applied to the spouse and children, who acquired Turkish citizenship through the person concerned.” So when
the competent authority gives the decision, that day the person becomes alien. Art 32 also regulates the effect of
the decision for spouses and children. Vatandaşlığa alınma kararının iptali, iptal tarihinden itibaren hüküm ifade
eder. İptal kararı, “iptal kararı verilen kişi ile bağlı olarak vatandaşlığa geçen” eş ve çocuklara da tesir eder. And
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when we look at Art 20 we said that acquiring Turkish Nationality by the decision of a competent authority does
not affect spouse, so the spouse can never Turkish citizenship “through the person” who acquired Turkish
Nationality by the decision of competent authority. So if acquiring does not affect, how annulment can affect?
Yani 20’de yetkili makam kararıyla vatandaşlığı kazanma eşinin vatandaşlığını etkilemez diyor, ama 32/2 yetkili
makam kararıyla vatandaşlığı kazanan kişinin vatandaşlığı kaybetmesi bu kişiye bağlı olarak vatandaşlık kazanan
eşini de etkiler diyor. Aklımıza Türk vatandaşlığını kazanmış kişiyle 3 yıl boyunca evli olanların da Türk
vatandaşlığına başvurabilmesi hususu gelse de, burada eş, vatandaşlığı yetkili makam kararıyla kazanan eşi ile
bağlı olarak Türk vatandaşlığını kazanmamıştır. Türk Vatandaşlık Kanunu’nda belirtilen evlenme düzenlemesi
hasebiyle kazanıyor. 3 sene Türk vatandaşlığını kazanmış kişiyle evli kalarak Türk vatandaşlığıını kazanma “o
kişiyle(eşiyle) bağlı olarak kazanma” değildir! Öyleyse her ne kadar 32/2 vatandaşlığın iptali kararı o kişiyle bağlı
olarak vatandaşlık kazanır dese de pratikte böyle bir durum ortaya çıkamayacaktır. Çünkü olması mümkün
değildir. Bu nedenle 32/2 sadece o kişiyle bağlı olarak vatandaşlık kazanan çocuk için önem arz etmektedir.
Bağlı kazanma bu halde sadece çocuğun Türk vatandaşlığınının kazanması velayet sahibi olan Türk vatandaşlığını
kazanan eşin, diğer eşin de rızasını alması hususunda olacaktır. İkinci ders devam edicez.
 Yani 32/2’nin uygulanabilmesi için yetkili makam kararıyla biri vatandaşlığı kazanacak ve aynı anda (pratikte
mümkün olmasada eş ve) çocuk bu kişi ile bağlı olarak birlikte kazanacak. Bunun dışındaki hallerde uygulanmaz.
Mesela kişi vatandaşlığa alındı, evlendi, evlendiği kişi 3 yıl geçtiği için vatandaşlık kazandı ise bu kişiye bir etkisi
yoktur. Çünkü söylediğimiz üzere bu o kişiyle bağlı olarak kazanma değildir. Bu kazanım sadece Art 20’de yazan
durum için söz konusudur. Mesela kişi Türk vatandaşlığını yetkili makam kararıyla kazanmış ama birtakım
önemli bilgileri gizli tutmuş vs. ve 1 sene sonra da küçüğü evlat edinmiş ise küçük “evlat edinme” yoluyla Türk
vatandaşı olmuştur. Küçük o kişiye bağlı olarak değil; kanunda yazan evlat edinme hükmüne dayanarak Türk
vatandaşlığını kazanmıştır. Artık bu kişinin Türk vatandaşlığı iptal edilse bile çocuğa bir etkisi yoktur. Mesela
Rus sporcu Maria Türkiye’ye geldi, önemli bir sporcu olduğu için istisnai yolla Türk vatandaşığını kazandı.
Maria’nın eşi Boris bir Rus vatandaşı ve iki tane de 12 ve 5 yaşlarında Rus vatandaşı çocukları var. Bunların
Maria ile bağlı olarak Türk vatandaşı olabilmesi mümkün mü? Eş için mümkün değil. Çünkü Art 20 yetkili
makam kararıyla vatandaşlığa alınma eşe etki etmez diyor. Çocuklar için ise mümkün. Eğer velayeti varsa ve
Boris izin verirse 5 ve 12 yaşındaki çocuklar “anneye bağlı olarak” vatandaşlığı kazanır. Çünkü Art 20 bunu
öngörmektedir. Diyelim ki Maria’nın Türkiye aleyhine çalışan bir Rus ajanı olduğu ortaya çıktı. Milli güvenlik ve
kamu düzeni açısından tehlike arz ediyor. Bakanlar Kurulu bu nedenle vatandaşlığını iptal etti. Bu durum çocuğa
ve eşe nasıl etki eder? Eş zaten kazanmamıştı, sıkıntı yok. Çocuklar ise anneye bağlı olarak Art 20 bağlamında
vatandaşlık kazandıkları için çocuklar vatandaşlıklarını Art 32 çerçevesinde Maria’nın vatandaşlığının iptali ile
kaybederler. Olayı biraz değiştirelim. Maria 2014 yılında Türk vatandaşı oldu, 2015 yılında bir çocukları daha
oldu. Kadının casus olduğu ortaya çıktı ya da belgeleri gizlemiş vs ve vatandaşlığı iptal edildi. 5 ve 12 yaşındaki
çocukların vatandaşlığı söylediğimiz nedenle iptal edilir. Ama yeni doğan çocuk Türk vatandaşlığını “doğumla”,
yani anneye bağlı olmadan kazandığı için, bu çocuğun Türk vatandaşlığı Maria’nın vatandaşlığının iptalinden
 Doğum, evlat edinme -> bağlı kazanma olmuyor!
 Bir soru üzerine; Türk vatandaşığını kaznamış kişiyle evli biri var. 3 sene dolmadan Türk vatandaşlığını eş
kaybediyor. Bu halde evlilik yoluyla kazanım için kişinin Türk vatandaşıyla evli olması şartı arandığından, 3 sene
dolmadan eşin vatandaşlığı iptal edilirse zaten diğer eş de artık bir Türk vatandaşı ile değil; yabancı biriyle evli
olmuş olacak.
 For the annulment case we have 1. Simple annulment 2. Comprehensive(/broad) annulment. So there are these
two type of cancellation decision can be given by the authority. If competent authority finds out that there is a
misinformation or concealing an essential matter, then the competent authority gives a decision which is simple
annulment decision. But sometimes according to Art 33 an alien may give such an misinformation or hide such a
matter that instead of giving just a simple annulment decision, the competent authority will say that the person
must also liquid(tasfiye etmek) his/her assets in 1 year. Şimdi, basit ve kapsamlı olmak üzere iki çeşit iptal türü
var. Basit iptalde iptal şartları oluşur, iptal kararı verilir ve iptal kararının verildiği tarihten itibaren kişi artık
yabancı olur. Fakat kapsamlı iptalde öyle büyük bir sebepten ötürü kişinin vatandaşlığı iptal edilmektedir ki aynı
zamanda kişiye 1 yıl içerisinde Türkiye’deki tüm malvarlığını tasfiye etmesi de söylenir. Ama hangi durumlar
kapsamlı iptale giriyor belirtilmemiş. Her somut vakıada bu incelenir. Kişi mallarını tasfiye etmezse yetkili
birimlerce bu tasfiye yapılarak para kişinin kamu bankasında oluşturlacak olan hesabına yatırılır.
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 Bu arada hatırlatalım idare hukukunda öğrendiğimiz üzere idarenin her türlü eylem ve işlemine karşı dava
açılabileceği için annulment decision’a karşı da dava açılabilir. Eğer kapsamlı annulment kararı bakımından iptal
davası açılırsa davanın sonuçlanmasına kadar malların tasfiyesi İdari Yargılama Kanunu gereğince resen durur.
 Bir diğer vatandaşlığın iptali hali: revocation(/deprivation) of Turkish citizenship. Again, this is an involuntarily
way to lose. Here, there is a persons act which is written Art 29 of Turkish Nationality Law and this act is not in
comply with the duty of loyalty. We’ll see that revocation of Turkish citizenship is a rare way to lose Turkish
Nationality. Art 7 of European Convention on Nationality Law aligns some acts and says these acts can be
considered as a reason for revocation of citizenship by the law makers. Our Nationality Law shows 3 reasons for
revocation. Consul of Minister has a discretionary power for revocation. Eski kanunda kaybettirme daha geniş
düzenlenmişti. Türk vatandaşıyken izin almadan başka bir ülke vatandaşı olmak gibinedenler vardı. 2009 tarihli
yeni Vatandaşlık Kanunumuz ile 29. maddede sadece 3 durumda kaybettirme olacağı düzenlendi. Bakanlar
Kurulu kaybettirmede takdir yetkisine sahip. Yani bazen sebep oluşur ama kişinin vatandaşlığı kaybettirilmek
istenmez. Çünkü o kişi üzerindeki egemenlik devam ettirilerek kişinin yargılanması amaçlanabilmektedir.
 What are 3 situation provided in Art 29? 1. Serving the interest of a foreign country contrary to the interest of
Turkey. Like spying in/outside of Turkey. But the person must do this act willfully. If someone is threatening
him/her to spy, then revocation do not take place. When the authority realize there is this kind of act, at least 3
months are given to quit that job. Yani Türkiye aleyhine isteyerek yurtiçinde veya yurtdışında çalışıyorsa iliglii
makam en az 3 aylık bir süre vererek bu işi bırakmasını ister. Bırakırsa kaybettirme kararı verilmez. Ama bu
zamana kadar hiç uygulanmamış bir durumdur. 2. Voluntarily continuing to render any kind of services to a state
at war with Turkey without permission from Council of Minister. Either interest of Turkey or against, any kind of
services to a state which is in war Turkey without permission of Council of Minister is another situation that can
be considered as a revocation reason. Council of Minister may give the permission but until that time there will be
revocation in practice. Yani Türkiye ile savaş halinde olan bir devletin herhangi bir hizmetinde çalışmak kast
edilmektedir. Devletin menfaatine olup olmadığına bile bakılmaz. O ülkede avukatlık hatta hizmetli olarak
çalışsanız bile kanun Bakanlar Kurulu izin vermemişse vatandaşlığınız kaybettirilebilir demektedir. Ama bu da
hiç pratikte olmamış bir durum. Türkiye içinde veya dışında olup olmadığına bakılmaksızın o devletin bir
hizmetinde çalışması yeterlidir. 3. Carrying voluntarily military service for another state without permission. So
as a Turkish citizen carrying military services voluntarily is another situation may cause revocation. This situation
is actually like the first situation because it’s actually against interest of Turkey. Yani isteğe bağlı olarak izin
alınmaksızın bir devlette askerlik yapmak da kaybettirme sebebidir. Bu da uygulamada yok.
 So in practice no one lost his/her nationality because of these three situations mentioned in Art 29. Eski kanunda
kaybettirme ve çıkarma diye pek çok sebep vardı. 2009’da bu sadece 3’e düşürüldü. Bu zamana kadar da bu 3
sebepten ötürü kimse vatandaşlığını kaybetmedi. Mesela eski kanunda vatandaşlığı kazandıktan sonra 7 yıl
Türkiye’de bulunmamak bir kaybettirme sebebiydi. Mehmet Aurelio bu nedenle vatandaşlığını kaybetmişti.
 Art 29’daki nedenlerle vatandaşlığın kaybettirilmesine Bakanlar Kurulu karar verir.
 Validity and consequences of revocation of Turkish citizenship: Art 30/1 stipulates that “Revocation of Turkish
citizenship shall be effective from the date on which the decision of the Council of Ministers is published in the
Official Gazette.” Vatandaşlığa alınma kararının iptalini işlerken, bu kararın etkisinin karar tarihinde etkili
olduğunu söylemiştik. Kaybettirmede ise karar tarihi değil; o kararın Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanma tarihinde etki
 Is there any effect of revocation to the child or spouse? No. Because Art 30/2 says “Revocation decisions are
personal and shall not affect the spouse and children of the person concerned.” Kaybettirme kararı şahsidir ve bir
cezalandırmadır. Bu nedenle çocukları ve eşi etkilemez. İptal ise etkili demiştik.
 Can a person, who lost his/her nationality by revocation decision, reacquire his/her nationality again? Art 14 of
Nationality Law says that if somebody’s nationality is revoked, that person can reacquire in case of living 3 years
in Turkey and not obstacle any threat to national security. Kanun tekrar vatandaşlığa alma imkanı tanımış. Kişi 29
madde kapsamında vatandaşlığını kaybetmişse, bu kişi Türkiye’de 3 sene oturur(vatandaşlığı kaybedince yabancı
statüsünde Türkiye’de ikame edebiliyor) ve kamu düzenine karşı bir tehdit oluşturmadğı kanaatine varılırsa
yeniden vatandaşlığa alınma kararı verilebilir.
 Yarın tekrar usul konularına geri dönücez. Ama idare hukuku bilgilerimiz de lazım olacak.

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 Bugün tekrar usul konularına geçeceğiz. Sınavdan önce hatırlarsak usul konularına ara vermiştik, vatandaşlığı
işlemiştik. Usul konularından en son 11. başlık olarak prejudicial issiue konusunu işlemiştik. O yüzden sistematiği
de bozmamak adına bugünkü konuyu 12. başlık olarak devam edeceğim.
 Bugün işleyeceğimiz konu çok önemli. Örnekler vererek anlatacağız. Kitaplar yeterli olmayabilir.
12. Security for Costs(Teminat Gösterme)
 This is a very important topic in practice. Because when a foreigner file a case in Turkey he/she must stand
security for costs in order to pursue the case. So we gonna examine some cases.
 An American company called JK makes a contract with a Turkish company called Toprak. Their contract is about
sales of spoon, fork and other kitchen equipment. American company is the seller. When the American company
sent the products it turns out the products are defective. So Turkish company didn’t pay the prize. Just suppose
that when the American company file a case against Turkish company in Turkish Commercial Court, should the
American company stand any security for costs? We gonna answer this later. OR suppose that American company
files the case in US Court. The American Court ruled that the Turkish company would pay $ 1.6 million in
compensation because the Turkish company didn’t pay the prize. After receiving the judgment of US Court,
American company came to Turkey and file a case here for recognition and enforcement of the decision of US
Court. So, should American Company show security for cost for this recognition and enforcement case in Turkey?
This is also another issue we gonna solve later.
 Or suppose that Turkish company gave check(çek) to the American company. When the American company
wanted to cash the check a problem occurred. As we know from our Bankruptcy and Enforcement Law class,
there is a process called execution proceeding with negotiable instruments(kıymetli evrağa dayalı takip). When
the American company goes to an executive office in Turkey, American company must pay security for costs in
order to start enforcement proceeding.
 Türkçe olarak anlatalım. Bir Amerikan ve Türk firması satım sözleşmesi yapıyorlar. Satım sözleşmesinden
kaynaklanan alacağı için Türkiye’de 1.6 milyon dolarlık bir dava açıyor. İlk sorun: Acaba Amerikan firması Türk
firmasına karşı dava açarken(Türk firması da olmayabilir, yabancı birine karşı da Türkiye’de açıyorsa aynı
sorumuz geçerli) bir teminat yatırmak veya banka teminat mektubu göstermek zorunda mı? İkinci sorun: Ya da
Amerika’da alınan 1.6 milyon dolarlık karar var diyelim. Bu kararın Türkiye’de tanınması için açılacak olan
tenfiz davasında teminat yatırılması zorunlu mu? Üçüncü sorun: Alacaklı yabancı var, borçlunun malları
Türkiye’de. Yabancıya çek verilmiş bu nedenle kambiyo senedine dayalı takip yapmak istiyor. Acaba kambiyo
senedine dayalı icra takibi yapılırken veya hatta ilamsız icra yoluyla takip yapılırken alacaklı bir teminat ödemek
zorunda mıdır? Bu üç sorun etrafında konuyu çözeceğiz.
 Security for costs, or in Latin cautio judicatum solvi, is one of the limitation for foreigners when they file a case
or start an execution proceeding here. In order the understand this topic first thing we should do is looking our
Constitution. To show security for costs in a court, obviously the party must have a right to file a case in Turkey.
Simply, everybody has a right to file a case because of accessing to justice. Art 38 of Turkish Constitution says
everyone has a right to litigation either as plaintiff or defendant and right to affair trial before the courts through
legitimate means(?) and procedure. Art 6 of European Convention of Human Rights also provides fair trial. When
we see word of “everybody” in our Constitution it covers both Turkish citizens and foreigners. So everybody has
a right to litigation either as plaintiff or defendant. However, there is also another important article in our
Constitution. Art 16 says that fundamental rights and freedoms in respect to aliens may be restricted by law
compatible with international law. So everybody can file a case in Turkey but there might be some restriction for
aliens because of some legitimate reasons. If the restriction is not based on a legitimate reason, then it may be
against European Convention on Human Rights. Art 48 of TPIL Act and Art 84 and continuing article of CCP
show a limitation which is security for costs for litigation, intervening(davaya müdahil olma) or execution
 Art 48 brings a limitation which is security for costs to foreigners based on Art 16 of Turkish Constitution. Art 84
of CCP also shows some situation to stand security for costs. According to this Article, a Turkish citizen who
does not have habitual residence in Turkey must pay security for costs. Art 84 is not based on Art 16 of Turkish
Constitution, because Art 16 is about foreigners. Its basis is another articles of the Constitution. Security for costs
for foreigners is important for our lecture.

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 What does security of costs mean? Security of costs is a security that a plaintiff(/claimant), or intervening party,
or who started execution proceeding order to provide to the court as a condition of continuing a claim. Security
for costs prevents filing cases just for fun and more importantly, if defendant won, his/her expenses will be paid
from this security.
 Kısaca Türkçe olarak açıklayalım. Anayasa’da herkes tabiri kullanılmışsa hem türk vatandaşları hem de
yabancıları kapsar. Ama AY 16 temel hak ve özgürlüklerin kanunla yabancılar için uluslararası hukuka uygun
olarak sınırlandırılabileceğini öngörmüştür. Kişi dava açmak istiyor, ya da müdahil olmak istiyor veyahut takip
başlatmak istiyor olabilir. AY 36 kural olarak teminat yatırılmayacağını öngörse de AY 16 sayesinde yabancılar
için teminat ödeyeceklerine dair bir sınırlama vardır. Bu sınırlama 2 maddede görülüyor: 1. MÖHUK 48 sadece
yabancılar için olmak üzere teminat gösterme zorunluluğu getirmiştir. Davacı, davaya katılan veya icra takibinde
bulunan kişi yabancı ise MÖHUK’a bakacağız. 2. HMK 84 vd sadece Türk vatandaşları için belli koşullarda
getirilmiş olan teminat gösterme düzenlemesini içermektedir. Türkiye’de mutat meskeni olmayan Türk
vatandaşları Türkiye’de dava açarlarsa kural olarak teminat yatırmak zorundalardır.
 Teminat neden getirilir? Davalı için bu dava dolayısıyla bir zarar doğabilir veya avukat masrafları gibi masraf
kalemleri ortaya çıkar. Bu zarar ve masrafları karşılamak + mahkemenin kendi yargılama prosedürünü
yürürtürken ortaya çıkan masrafları karşılamak adına teminat gösterilir. Teminatların türü nedir, banka teminat
türü ne zaman getirilir, teminat olarak kaçta kaçı ödenecek, döviz getirilebilir mi vs konularını ileride ele alacağız.
 Art 48 of TPIL Act says that the foreigner(legal or natural person) who is plaintiff, intervenor or the foreigner is
pursuing execution proceeding must pay the security for costs in order to cover litigation and proceeding costs
and damage of the opposing party. So Art 48 is actually an obligation. For legal person how we gonna decide it’s
a foreigner or not? We check the statue and see where their administrative center is located, that place counted as
the kind of a nationality of the legal person. For example if a company’s statue says that it’s established in New
Jersey, then it’s an American company.
 Refugees and stateless person are also counted as foreigners in this term. Because they do not have any tie with
Turkey. As you remember from our class, some people may have two nationalities. What will happen if someone
who holds both Turkish and other state’s nationality file a case in Turkey? Should he/she pay security for costs?
Art 4 of TPIL Act is a one of the general provision says that if somebody is a Turkish national and carrying other
nationality as well considered as Turkish national in our court. There is still a foreign element but we just take
into account his/her Turkish nationality in the court. Çifte vatandaşlığı varsa kanun koyucu biz onun Türk
vatandaşlığını göz önüne alırız demiş, ama dava hala bir yabancılık unsuru içermektedir tabi ki.
 Yabancı gerçek ve tüzel kişiler dava açtıkarında davaya katıldıklarında veya icra takibi yaptıklarında davalnıın
muhtemel zararlarını karşılamak + yargılama giderlerini gidermek için teminat yatırır.
 The thing is that, security for cost is a requirement. But there is an exception for that. Art 48 states that the court
shall accept plaintiff, intervening party, or the party pursuing execution and enforcement proceeding from
providing security on the basis of reciprocity(mütekabiliyet, karşılıklılık). It means that if there is a reciprocity, at
that time the foreigner do not need to provide security for costs. What is a reciprocity? For instance when a
Turkish company wanted to file a case in USA does not need to pay security for cost there, then American
companies do not pay security for costs in Turkey either. Where the country of which the plaintiff is a national
does not require Turkish Nationals to give such security, at that time there is a reciprocity. Yani bir Türk
vatandaşı veya Türk şirketi o yabancı ülkede dava açacak, davaya katılacak veya takip yürütecek olsa idi teminat
göstermeyecekti diyor isek, o zaman o yabancı ülkenin vatandaşı veya şirketi de burada teminat göstermek
zorunda değildir. There are three ways to have reciprocity: 1. by treaties 2. by law 3. by a defacto application.
Karşılıklık anlaşmalar, kanun veya fiili durumlarla ortaya çıkabilir. İkinci ders devam edicez.
 By treaties: There are bilateral or multilateral treaties establishing reciprocity. Turkey has signed more than 60
bilateral treaties includes judicial cooperation agreements(adli yardım anlaşmaları). For example Turkey and
Germany has signed a bilateral treaty in 1960’s. One of the provision states that if the nationals of signatory states
file a case, or intervene, or start an execution process, they do not need to pay any security for costs. İkili
anlaşmalarda temniat yatırılmayacağına dair hükümler genelde koyuluyor. Adalet Bakanlığı’nın Uluslarası Hukuk
ve Dış İlişkiler Genel Müdürlüğü’nden bu ikilii anlaşmalar öğrenilebilir. Countries also sign so many multilateral
agreements. Within that multilateral agreements, like Hague Convention on Governing the Law of Civil
Procedure(1954), reciprocity is provided. So contracted states’ nationals do not need to pay any security for costs.

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By the way it is important to know that Hague Convention is only for real persons, not legal persons. In that way,
Hague Convention do not provide reciprocity for legal persons. So for example when a Spanish company file a
case in Turkey, it must pay the security for costs. Company cannot claim that Spain is a contracted state so they
don’t need to pay.
 Uluslararası anlaşma var diye hemen reciprocity var diye atlamıycaz. Anlaşmanın scope’u önemli. Anlaşma
kimleri kapsıyor bakıcaz. 2013’de İspanyol şirket Hague Sözleşmesi’ne taraf olduğu gerekçesiyle teminaat
ödemeyi reddetmiş, ama Yargıtay Hague Sözleşmesi sadece gerçek kişileri kapsar diyerek davalı tarafı haklı
 Turkish nationals pay security for costs only if they don’t have any habitual residence in Turkey, Art 84 of CCP
 Also there is another convention called Convention Relating the Status of Refugees(1961). This convention says
that refugees shall enjoy in contracting states in which he/she has the habitual residence the same treatment as a
national in matters regarding access to courts and exceptions for cautio judicatum solvi. So if the refugee’s
habitual residence in Turkey, when he /she wants to file a case in Turkey, he/she does not need to pay security for
costs because the Convention creates reciprocity for refugees.
 What about stateless persons? Stateless people are counted as foreigners. So they have to pay security for costs.
But there is a international treaty for them. And because of Syrian people problem, Turkey has signed and ratified
this treaty 2 years ago. This treaty is called Convention Relating the Status of Stateless Person. It is also a
multilateral treaty. It states that stateless person shall enjoy in the contracting state in which he/she has the
habitual residence as a national in matters pertaining to access to courts, including exceptions cautio judicatum
solvi. Mesela Almanya’da yaşayan bir stateless Türkiye’de dava açmak isterse, habitual residence’ı Türkiye’de
olmadığı için teminat yatırmak zorunda.
 The other international treaty is European Convention on Establishment(İkamet Anlaşması). Turkey, Germany,
UK, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Sweden and many other states have signed it. It says that the
contracting states from this treaty do not need to pay any security of costs.
 There are many other international treaties as well. Many of them provides exemption from security for costs by
 By law: There are many treaties as we said but for example there is not any treaty between Turkey and USA,
France regarding reciprocity. So what we gonna do? We gonna look at law of those states. If their law is saying
that there is not any security for costs, then there is a reciprocity.
 By defacto applications: If reciprocity is not provided by a treaty or law, we can look if there is a defacto
application for reciprocity between Turkey and the other state. In order to do that, we need to check case studies.
You can ask cases from International Relation Department of Ministry of Justice. So if there is a practice is going
on for reciprocity then there is not security for costs. How can find that? We need to look at international treaty
applications. In the end, judge will decide if there is a reciprocity by defacto applications.
 What about the form and amount of the security of costs? When we look at TPIL Act, there is not ant provision
for form, amount etc. So we gonna apply Turkish CCP. Because if there is not any provision in TPIL Act, we
gonna look at lex fori, in this case CCP. Teminatın miktarı, ne şekilde olacağı, ne olacağı konusunda MÖHUK’da
bir düzenleme yok. MÖHUK’da düzenleme yoksa lex fori uygulandığından Türk hakimi kendi kanununda böyle
bir düzenleme var mı ona bakacak, teminat da HMK 84 vd’da düzenlendiği için HMK’ya bakacak. For example
in the connection with the amount and form of security, Art 114 of CCP regulates security for costs as a trial
condition. Judge will seek every part of the case if the security is paid. Why is this regulated as a trial condition?
Because security for costs is a public policy issue in terms of sustaining the court proceeding. Yani teminat
yatırma yükümlülüğü dava şartıdır. Mahkeme her aşamada resen gözetir. For the amount of security, judge has a
broad discretionary power. Unfortunately in practice, judges do not even check the amount, they just say %50,
%20 of total case amount must be paid as security. So if the case amount is 1 million dollar, and the judge say
%20 will be paid as a security, then the plaintiff must pay $ 200.000 for security. That is a huge amount for a
security. Şöyle ki, uygulamada yargıçlar, icra müdürleri direkt %20 teminat yatır diyorlar. Adam 1 milyonluk
dava için 200 bin yatırıyor. Bu da kişinin dava açıp, hak arama hürriyetini kısıtlayan bir durum oluşturduğundan
AİHM’e kadar uzanabilecek insan hakları boyutu olan bir durum. So court has the discretionary power. But when
we look at the CCP, Art 87 says that the parties can make an agreement for the form of the security(not amount).

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So they can say that, if there is a case occurred, security for costs will be paid as bank letters of guarantee. But in
practice parties are making agreements including a provision states that parties do not need to pay security for
costs at all. This is not valid, because it’s a trial condition. So it’s a mandatory rule because of public policy. Yani
pratikte öyle sözleşmeler yapıyorlar ki taraflar teminat ödemek zorunda değildir diye hüküm koyuyorlar. Bu
geçersiz. Kanun sadece formu belirlemek için bir yetki vermiş. Banka teminat mektubu mu olacak nakit para mı
olacak ona karar verebilirsin diyor.
 Gerçek bir davada adamlar teminat ödememek için idare merkezlerini değiştirmişler. Ama bunu tüzel kişiliğin
perdesinin aralanması suretiyle, hakkın kötüye kullanımı olduğuğunu söyleyip teminat isteyebiliriz.
 Generally, the amount can be deposited in the form of cash, real property i.e. mortgage(ipotek), bank letters of
guarantee. Judges in practice generally says that the plaintiff must pay the security for costs in foreign currency
like dollar. But there is not any legal basis for this. Mahkemeler teminatın yabancı para birimi üzerinden
yatırılacağını söylüyorlar. Ama bunun bir yasal dayanağı yok. Zaten günümüzde ekonomik nedenlerle Türk
Lirası’na geçiş var. Haftaya devam ediyoruz.
 We were talking about security for costs. We said judges must be careful about the amount of the security.
Because it may violate right of the access of courts.
 Art 84 of CCP(HMK) is for someone who are Turkish citizen but not have any habitual residence in Turkey.
 What is the form of the security for costs? What are the consequences of not paying the security for costs? These
are the issues will come up during case proceeding. Art 48 of TPIL Act regulates only two issues: Obligation to
stand security for costs to file a case and the exception of reciprocity. What about the formation of the security?
Does party pay it in cash, bank letter of guarantee? Or suppose that the party didn’t pay the security and you
wanna involve to case as a intervenor, what you gonna do? There is not any rules on TPIL Act for these issues. So
because there is not any rules at TPIL Act for formation and consequences, we need to apply lex fori for
procedural rules, in that case: CCP. Uygulamada her davada teminat sorunu çıkar. MÖHUK’un 48. maddesinde
yabancılar için teminat düzenlenmiş olsa bile, bu sadece teminat zorunluluğu ve karşılıklılık istisnasını gösteren
bir düzenlemedir. Teminatın formu ve sonuçları açısından ise bir düzenleme yoktur. Öyleyse burada mahkemenin
işleyişi ile ilgili bir husus olduğu için ve teminatın formu ile sonuçları açısından da MÖHUK’da bir düzenleme
olmadığından lex fori gereği HMK’ya gideceğiz. HMK’da bu konularla ilgili olarak düzenlemeler var. Teminatın
formu, teminat ödenmezse ne olacağı veya teminat ödeme zorunluluğu kalkınca teminatın iadesi vb gibi hususlar
HMK’da açıkça düzenlenmiştir. Şímdi bu konularla alakalı olarak HMK neler düzenlemiş onlara geçelim.
 Amount and form of security: Art 87 of CCP says that parties have a right to decide the “form” of the security.
But they cannot decide for amount. Amount is gonna be decided by the judge. As we said in our last lecture,
especially companies writes in their agreements that they will not pay any security for costs in case of a dispute.
But this is invalid according to the Turkish Law. Security for costs is a trial condition and it’s about public policy.
Gelen bir soru üzerine: Taraflar teminatın formuyla alakalı olan sözleşmeyi dava açıldıktan sonra da yapabilirler
mi? Evet. Ön inceleme geçtikten sonra ise hakim artık miktarına vs hükmetmiş olduğu için biraz zorlanma
çıkabilir. Also, court may decide increase or decrease of the security later too.
 Default of plaintiff: Art 88 of the CCP says where the plaintiff defaults in giving the security required by an order,
the court dismiss the proceeding for procedural reason. So if the party didn’t pay the security in the certain time
judge gave to the party(ya da icra takibinde de süresi içinde teminatı ödemedi), the case is dismissed for
procedural reason. Also, if the foreigner wants to intervene the case, he/she/company must pay the security for
costs. Art 88 also says that not paying security by the intervenor results as not involving to case. Yani mahkemeye
talebinde bulunmuş ama teminatı ödememişse katılma talebi reddedilir. Yabancı kişi veya şirket dava açmak
istedi, icra tabiki başlatmak istedi veya davaya katılmak istedi ve karşılılıklılık istisnası da yoksa mutlaka teminatı
yatırmak zorundadır. Yatırmazsa dava usulden reddedilir. Açılmış bir davada ise katılmatalebinde bulunur ama
teminat yatırmazsa katılma talebi reddedilir.
 Release(/refund) of security: Art 89 of the CCP says any security furnished pursuant to an order made under the
provision 84 of the CCP will be released(refunded) on the written request of the plaintiff, provided that the
grounds of the order requiring the security are no longer exist. This is a new provision came into account 2012. So
there is a ground for security of costs but it becomes no longer valid for some reasons like the party becomes
Turkish+ has a habitual residence in Turkey or parties made a peaceful agreement(sulh anlaşması) to end up the

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process or reciprocity has occurred between Turkey ans the party’s country. In that case, the party(plaintiff) must
request refunding of the security in written while the case is hearing and judge will decide the refunding and pay
back the amount. Teminatın geri alınması diye bir kurum var. Yani taraflar sulh olmuş ya da teminat ödenmesini
gerektiren sebep kalmış ise(mesela davacı Türk oldu+burada mutat meskeni de var ya da dava devam ederken
ülkeler arasında yapılan anlaşmalar ile reciprocity ortaya çıktı, ya da sulh oldular) bu halde davacının yazılı talebi
ile ödenen teminat geri alınabilir. Önemli: Davacı bu talebi kanun metninden anlaşıldığı üzere “dava devam
ederken” yapmalıdır.
 The impact of the European Convention on Human Rights on PIL: International human rights law affecting PIL.
As we said judges in Turkey directly asks for %15-20 percent of the value of the subject of the legal proceeding.
Art 6 of ECHR is really important. It regulates the principle of fair trial. So if you do not access to the court fair
trial principle is not provided. Access to the justice is a fundamental human right for everyone. You cannot
restrict accessing to the court and justice. There are some tests that The European Court of Human Rights make if
the Art 6 is violated or not. One of them is margin of appreciation test. States can put some certain limitation but
this limitation must be fulfilled with margin of appreciation test to not violate Art 6. Adil yargılanma olabilmesi
için mahkemeye erişim olması bir ön şarttır. Mahkemenin kullandığı margin of appreciation testine göre devletler
düzenleme yaparken mahkemeye erişim hakkının esası sınırlayamazlar ama belirli durumlarda hukuki bir amaç
doğrultusunda getirilen yasal düzenlemeler ile AİHM 6’daki adil yargılanma hakkı bazı şartlar altında orantılılık
ilkesine göre sınırlanabilir. Bu bağlamda MÖHUK 48’in teminat şartı getirmesi AİHS 6’nın bir ihlali değildir.
Sonuçta kişi teminatı yatırınca mahkemeye erişebilecektir. Teminatı getirmek için hukuki sebepleri de anlattık.
Kötü niyetli yabancıları önlemek ve mahkeme masraflarını karşılamak amaçları olduğunu söyledik. İşte bu
teminat istemenin AİHM 6’ya aykırı olmaması için orantısal olarak kullanılması lazım. Hakim hiçbir gerekçe
göstermeksizin mesela 1 milyon dolarlık davada direkt %20 teminat öde derse bu uygulama orantısız olur. Kişinin
200 bin dolar ödemek zorunda olması mahkemeye erişim hakkını engelleyici nitelikte olduğundan adil
yargılanma hakkını ihlal eder. English: So the right of access to the court is an essential right. To comply with
margin appreciation test, there must be three condition met according to the European Court of Human Rights: Do
not affect the substance of the right of access to courts, pursue a legitimate aim, reasonable relationship of
proportionality between restrictions imposed and purpose
 Legal aid: Adli yardım. In Turkey, the proceeding of courts is expensive. Art 334 of CCP regulates legal aid.
Turkey has paid a lot compensation to ECHR regarding legal aid, so we changed our law in 2013. For foreigner if
he/she is poor and wants to get the legal aid, there must be reciprocity. For example an Iranian guy living in
Konya wants to get some legal aid to file a case because he is poor. He should show his poverty, claim should not
be clearly baseless and there must be reciprocity about legal aid between Turkey and Iran which means
hypothetically if a Turkish citizen can get legal aid in Iran so the Iranian citizen can get here too.
13. International Litigation
 For example a Japanese Company filed a case in Turkey regarding the violation of the international sale contract,
so they ask for compensation from a Turkish Company. And for the rule of evidence, who is going to show the
evidence,`how we gonna decide the admissibility of the evidence etc. These are the problems that we gonna solve.
Saying “i have a right” is not enough obviously. You should prove your claim by evidences.
 Generally, the rule of lex fori governs evidence in Turkish International Civil Procedural Law(there are exceptions
as well). There is not any rules for evidence in TPIL Act. So we gonna apply lex fori for admission and
submission of evidence(MÖHUK’da düzenleme yoksa usule ilişkin konuklarda lex fori yani ülke hukuku
uygulanır ). So, because these issues are regulated in CCP, we gonna apply CCP.
13. a. Burden of Proof
 İspat külfeti. This is one of the EXCEPTION for applying lex fori for evidence. As we remembered from our last
year lectures, if somebody who has a right must prove it. Art 6 of Turkish Civil Code says in the absence of
special provision to the contrary, each party is bound to prove the existence of the facts on which he/she bases
his/her rights. Yani geçen seneki derslerimizden öğrendiğimiz üzere -aksine bir hüküm yoksa- iddia eden iddiasını
ispat etmekle mükelleftir. TMK 6 bunu düzenlemiş. Aksine hüküm yoksa böyledir demiş. Ve aksine düzenleme
pek çok kanunda mevcut. Örnek verelim. For example: presumptions such as paternity cases, fatherhood cases. If
you remember from family law lectures, Turkish Civil Code says that when the marriage is dissolved, if the child
is born within the 300 days, it is accepted that the child is born within that marriage. This is a presumption and
exception of Art 6 of Turkish Civil Code. Are we gonna apply lex fori in this sense? NO. Because burden of proof
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is not procedural, it’s a substantive matter. As you remembered from our previous lectures, we do characterize the
issue whether it’s procedural or substantial. Burden of proof can be related with procedure but its substantive side
is more preponderant(ağır basmak). So showing presumption is a substantive issue. You have to show your
evidence, presumptions etc. So because it’s a substantive issue, we gonna apply Private International Law. In this
sense, for the burden of proof firstly we gonna look at TPIL Act to find out which law is going to be applied and
whether there is a presumption or not. BUT some burden of proof matters like delay in submitting evidence,
silence instead of response are procedural issues in a sense. That’s why we gonna apply lex fori; CCP. Türkçe
anlatalım. İlk derslerimizde usule ilişkin meselelerde MÖHUK’da bir düzenleme yoksa lex fori uygulanır
demiştik. Bunun istisnaları da mevcut. Delil konusu usule ilişkin olsa da ispat külfeti meselesi kural olarak esasa
ilişkindir. TMK 6 iddia eden aksi düzenlenmediği sürece iddiasını ispatla mükelleftir der. Aksi düzenlenmediği
sürece diyor. Ve TTK’da TBK’da vs ispat külfetine ilişkin TMK 6 kuralının aksinin çokça düzenlendiğini
görebiliriz. Bunlar esasa ilişkindir. Esasa ilişkin olduğu için kanunlar ihtilafı kurallarına göre MÖHUK hangi
kanunun uygulanacağını gösteriyorsa ona göre sorunu çözeceğiz. İstisnanın da istisnası olan durumlar da mevcut.
Yani ispat külfeti olmasına rağmen usule ilişkin hususlar da var. Bunlar davalının cevap vermemesi, delili
belirlenen sürede sunmaması gibi. Bunlar usule ilişkin olduğu için lex fori yani HMK uygulanacak.
13. b. The principle of Providing Evidence by Documentation:
 Senetle ispat yükümlülüğü. The obligation to provide evidence by document and the prohibition on providing
evidence by witness against document are stipulated in the CCP. For some cases you must prove your claim by a
document. Hukukumuzda belli bir meblağnın üzerindeki davalar için senetle ispat mükellefiyeti olduğunu
görüyoruz. If the legal transaction is above some amount, you have to prove your case by documentation. Tüm
mahalle tanığım deseniz de birşey ifade etmiyor. Germany, Switzerland and Austria have laws that no
requirement to provide evidence by documentation. So suppose that a Swiss Company claims that they have given
50.000 € loan to a Turkish Company. And they claim they have witnesses. So Swiss Company says that there is
not any rule for proving evidence by document in Switzerland, proving by witnesses is enough according to the
Swiss Law. Are we gonna accept this claim? This is a big dilemma actually. As we know we gonna apply lex fori
for procedural matters if there is not any rules on TPIL Act, so we say CCP brings a rule proving by a document.
However, Art 203/b of CCP states that legal transactions for which a document is not produced a matter of
application of the customary law, at that time you don’t need to prove by a document. As we can see this article
brings an exception and states that if the transaction is not needed to be proved by a document due to customary
law, then it’s not needed to be proved by a document. So in Switzerland, as a custom, they don’t have any rule
regarding providing evidence by documentation. If the Swiss Company has given the loan in Switzerland, then
they don’t need to prove their claim by documentation. Senetle ispat yükümlülüğü usule ilişkin bir husus
olduğundan lex foriyi uyguluyoruz. Ama diyelim ki İsviçreli bir şirket Türk şirketine 50 bin Euro ödünç verdiğini
iddia ediyor. Ya da iki Türk arasında bu ödünç işlemi oluyor ama İsviçre’de oluyor. İsviçre Hukuku’na göre
senetle ispat yükümlülüğü yok. Türkiye’de dava açıldığında karşı taraf bu usul hukukuna ilişkindir bu nedenle lex
fori uygulanır, bizim hukukumuza göre de bu belli bir miktarın üzerinde olduğu için tanıkla vs değil senetle ispat
et dediğinde ne olacak? 2011’de HMK’da açık bir düzenleme getirilmeden önce bir görüş uluslararası ticaretteki
güvenliği sağlamak adına istisnaen senetle ispat yükümlülüğünü uygulamayalım deniyordu. Ama artık 2011’den
sonra bu görüşe de gerek kalmadı. Çünkü HMK’ya açık bir düzenleme getirildi. HMK 203/b diyor ki, eğer bir
hukuki işlem örf ve adet gereği senet düzenlenmesine gerek olmayan bir işlemse senetle ispat edilmesine gerek
yoktur. İşlem İsviçre’de yapıldığına göre, İsviçre Hukuku’na göre de örf ve adet gereği senetle ispat olmadığı için
bu ödünç verme işlemi bakımından senetle ispat yükümlülüğü uygulanmasına gerek yoktur. Ama dikkat, HMK’da
getirilen bir zorunluluğu yine HMK’da getirilen bir istisna ile uygulamıyoruz.
13. c. Preliminary Evidence:
 Art 202 of CCP regulates the preliminary evidence(delil başlangıcı). It’s a really important article in order to set
aside the principle of providing evidence by documentation.
13. d. Exceptions of the Principle of Providing Evidence by Documentation:
 Art 203 is regulated the exceptions of the principle of providing evidence by documentation. These exceptions
will be also applied when one of the party is a foreigner as well. Read the article at home.
13. e. Statement of Witness:
 Tanıkla ispat. Another type of evidence regarding which the judge has a right of discretion is the statement of
witness. Thus the Turkish CCP governs the competence of witness as well. Abstaining form oat is also possible.
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Yani tanık kişi benim inancımla örtüşmüyor diyerek yemin etmekten çekinebilir. Confession of witnesses,
invitations of parties are also governed by the CCP.
13. f. The Validity of Legal Transactions and the Form of Evidence under the CCP:
 We are going to talk about a very important topic: the official certificates. For example in Germany you are given
the power of attorney by your client. Yani size avukat olarak bir vekaletname verdi. How this power of attorney
will be effective in Turkey too? Yabancı bir müvekkiliniz var ve vekaletname yurtdışında düzenlenmiş. Bu
vekaletnamenin Türkiye’de geçerliliği nasıl söz konusu olabilir? Or how can the official documents are given by a
foreign notary be in forced in Turkey? Or how can you prove your LLM degree which is given from a foreign
university in Turkey? Or is your LLM degree from Sehir University valid everywhere? We gonna learn.
 Unutmayın, geçerlilik başka o geçerliliği ispat etmek başka şeylerdir. Yurtdışında hazırlanmış bir belgenin
Türkiye’de resmi geçerliliği konusu çok önemli. Form of the validity of the transaction is different. Art 7 of TPIL
Act regulates it. Hukuki işlemin şekline uygulanacak olan hukuku ikinci dönem göreceğiz. Biz şimdilik işlemi
şeklen geçerli kabul görerek konuları anlatacağız.
 Yani yabancı ülkede düznelenmiş resmi bir belge söz konusu. Bunların Türkiye’deki resmi geçerliliği nasıl oluyor
bu çok önemli. Because CCP states that the offical documents are accepted as conclusive evidence. Yani resmi
belgeler kesin delildir, başka bir delil ile ispat edilemez.
 What should you do to submit your foreign official document? For example you have a power of attorney from a
foreign client, or you have a proxy contract(temsilcilik sözleşmesi) from a foreign notary. In order to accept a
foreign official document as an official document and thus as a conclusive evidence in Turkey, we have two
important articles in CCP. Those two articles are about cases which have foreign elements. These articles: 223
and 224 of CCP.
 Art 224/1 says that official document issued by(issue by hazırlanmak demek) foreign authorities assumed as
official documents before Turkish courts(Türk mahkemeleri önünde) provided that these documents are approved
by the relevant foreign authority or Turkish consulate. It means that the official document prepared in a foreign
country can have the same effect in Turkey as a conclusive evidence only if this official document is approved by
the relevant foreign authority or Turkish consulate. Yabancı resmi bir belge Türkiye’de de Türk Hukuku’nda
resmi bir belgeye verilen güce haizdir. Ama bunun için ya o ülkedeki Türk konsolosluğu ya da o ülkedeki resmi
yabancı makamın bu belgeyi onaması şarttır. On the other hand Art 224/2 regulates that the provisios of
international conventions which the Republic of Turkey is party shall be reserved. Yani yabancı bir belgenin
resmi geçerliliği için 1. fıkra hükmü uyarınca Türk konsolosluğu/yabancı resmi makamın onayınagerek
kalmaksızn uluslararası sözleşmeler(apostil sözleşmeleri) ile istisna getirilmiş olabilir. Bunları yarın detaylı zaten
 Art 223 says that a party who introduces foreign-language documentation must also submit its translation to the
court. The court, on its own or upon a party’s request, may ask for an official translation of ant foreign-language
documents. Yabancı dilde yazılmış belgeye dayanan taraf, tercümesini de mahkemeye sunmak zorundadır.
Mahkeme kendiliğinden veya diğer tarafın talebi üzerine, belgenin resmî tercümesini de isteyebilir. Resmi
tercümeden kasıt noter onaylı tercümedir. Uygulamada malesef tercümeler çok hatalı yapılabiliyor. Mutlaka
kontrol etmek lazım.
 (We said validity and proving of document is different. Validity will be examined in spring semester. So we are
not going to talk about Art 7 of TPIL Act.)
 Official documents are really important. You may have to submit power of attorney, or administrative body
decisions etc. Official documents are conclusive evidences. If there is a foreign official documents, they have the
same effect if Art 224 of CCP requirements met. It means those documents must be approved by the foreigner
authority or Turkish consulate in that foreign state. So for example if you took power of attorney from a foreign
notary,it must be approved either by the foreign authority or Turkish consulate there. In practice, generally
approval of Turkish consulate for official documents is sought. If power of attorney is directly prepared at the
Turkish consulate, then there is no need for approval again. But if it’s prepared in foreign notary it must be
approved by the Turkish consulate(or the foreign authority).
 But unfortunately this approval procedure takes time. That’s Art 224/2 says international treaties are exempted. In
order to remove this heavy burden on consulates there is a very significant treaty called Apostille Convention.

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Hague Convention on Annulment of the Requirement of the Certification of Foreign Official Documents
(Apostille Convention) has eliminated the certification procedure which is supposed to be executed by consuls. It
means you will not be no longer need to go to consulate to approve your official document. All you need to do is
can getting apostille from some certain institutions. Apostille is the certification or legitimization of the foreign
official document. It is a document legalization system that ensure the documents that certified in one signatory
country to be used in another country for legal purposes.
 Apostille Convention is maybe the only international convention written in French language. In accordance with
the Art 4 of Apostille Convention; the main title “Apostille (Convention de La Huye du 5 Octobre 1961)” in
Apostille Certificate shall be in the French language. It means that when you get a apostille it must be in French
language and “Apostille (Convention de La Huye du 5 Octobre 1961)” must be written. Apostille do not grant that
the document is valid, it just shows that it’s a official document. It does not show any qualification.
 Mesela Fransız birisi size vekaletname verdi. Vekaletname verme iş´lemi noterde yapıldı. Bu noter işleminin Türk
konsolosluğunda veya yetkili merciide onaylanması lazım. Ama bu çok uzun bir işlem olacağı için Apostille
Konvensiyonu uyarınca apostille vermeye yetkili olan merciilerden(Hague Konvensiyonu’na ilişkin web
sayfasında bu merciileri görebilirsiniz) apostille şerhi alınarak belge verify edilir. Apostille belgenin geçerliliğine
dair birşey göstermez, geçersiz belgeyi geçerli hale getirmez. Sadece bu belgenin resmi bir belge olduğunu, bu
belgeyi düzenleyen noterin vs bunu yapmada yetkili olduğunu gösterir.
 Once you got apostille, you can use that document in every contracting state of Apostille Convention. Turkey has
also become contracting party in 1985.
 For example you got your law school degree from Sehir University and you wanna use it in Ukraine. But fisrt,
you need to get apostille. So, what are competent authorities to give apostille in Turkey ? For the court documents:
Presidencies of Judiciary Justice Commission has competence. Ağır Ceza Mahkemesinin olduğu bütün il ve
ilçelerde Adli Komisyon vardır. Bu Komisyon pek çok işlem yaptıtğı gibi mahkeme kararlarına ilişkşn olarak
apostil de yapmaya yetkilidir. For other documents(diploma, notary document, birth certificate etc):
Governor(valilik), Deputy Governor on behalf of the Governor, Legal Affairs Branch Director, district
governorate(kaymakamlık). Yani karşımıza iki tür belge çıkıyor, bir administrative authority bir de judicial
authority tarafından apostille yapılan belgeler.
 Documents certified by Administrative Authorities: Birth certificate, student certificate, notary papers, proxy
statement(yetki belgesi, özellikle iş hayatında kullanılır)...
 Documents certified by Judicial Authorities: Certificate of Appeal, court order, divorce decree...
 Apostille do not show that it is valid or not. It just certifies the signature and correctness of the seal/stamp on the
document which is actually necessary to be certified. Yani dediğimiz gibi apostille sadece o belgeyi düzenleyeni
imza atan kurumun gerçek olup olmadığını gösterir. Apostil edilmeden bir mahkeme kararını temyiz edemezsiniz.
Bunu yabancı mahkeme kararlarının tanıma ve tenfizinde de görücez. Ön duruşmada direkt reddedilir.
 After apollizitation process, the document will enjoy the legal effect, that it originally has, in the receiving
country. It means that the document which has apostille certificate will be treated as a conclusive evidence in
 Apostille certificate cannot be given for some documents: Apostille is given for public documents, not private
documents. Notarial acts, administrative documents, documents emanating from an authority or an official
connected with the courts or tribunal are public documents. Yani apostil her belgeye uygulanmaz. Özellikle
mahkeme kararı, noterde düzenlenen veya onaylanan belgeleri, idarenin verdiği belgeler vb public document
olması lazım. Contracts, documents executed by diplomatic consular agents, administrative documents dealing
directly with commercial or customs operations are not given apostille. Yani diplomatların veya konsoloslukların
verdiği belgeler, uluslararası ticarete -gümrük gibi- ilişkin belgeler, özel hukuka ilişkin sözleşmeler(satım,
franchising vs) apostille yapılmaz. Bu özel hukuka ilişkin sözleşmelerin sunulması için apostille gerekmez ama
HMK 223 gereği mahkemeye sunulacaksa Türkçe’ye resmi çevirisi yapılmak zorundadır. Resmi çeviriler de zaten
noterler tarafından yapılmaktadır. Noter tarafından onaylanan özel hukuka ilişkin bir sözleşme olsa dahi apostille
yapılmaz. Public document olması lazım. Yani noter onayını apostille yapmamız sadece public document için
 Yeminili tercüman ofislerinin olayı da bu adamlar çeviri yapıyor, noterler bunu onaylıyor. Kendin bile
çevirebilirsin aslında. İyi de para kırıyorlar. Dün de konuştuğumuz üzere mutlaka tercümeleri kontrol edin. Yanlış

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bir çeviri olur, eksik yazılmış olur, fazla yazılmış olur. Bu çok ciddi sorunlar yaratıyor. Hakim beni ilgilendirmez
der bırakır.
13. g. Taking and Collecting Evidence(istinabe):
 What will we examine? We are going to talk about what will happen when your evidence is outside of Turkey. Or
someone who is living in abroad is going to give oat for your case. Or there is a bank account in abroad and the
bank statement is really important for your case and if you can get the bank statement or not etc.
 Getting evidences from foreign countries directly is impossible. Why? Because every state has a sovereignty. So
that’s why there are some international multilateral(çok taraflı) and bilateral(iki taraflı) agreements on that matter.
These judicial cooperation agreements(for civil and commercial cases, we are not talking bout criminal cases)
show us how to collect evidences from foreign countries. Especially two of multilateral conventions are really
important. Turkey is a party to the following international multilateral conventions on taking evidence: 1. The
Hague Convention of 1 March 1954 on Civil Procedure(1954 Anlaşması da diyebilirisiniz) 2. The Hague
Convention of 18 March 1970 on the Taking Evidence Abroad in Civil and Commercial Matters(1970 Anlaşması).
bunlar multilateral. 1970 Anlaşması tamamen yabancı ülkelerden delil toplanmasına ilişki olduğu için önemli.
1954 Anlaşması ise daha geniştir, medeni usul konuları hakkındadır.
 Turkey has also so many bilateral agreements with EU member-states like Germany, Austria, Czech, UK, Italy,
Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia and Romania. If there is a more simplified bilateral
treaty, we should directly apply the bilateral treaty before than the multilateral treaties on collecting evidence. So
if you gonna get witnesses from Germany, you must apply bilateral treaty.
 How do we implement those judicial conventions? Court cannot say i am not going to look at your evidence
which is from outside. Court must follow up conventions. But how is court going to implement the treaty?
General Directorate for International Law and Foreign Relations made a circular in 2011(No:63) about collecting
of evidence. Adalet Bakanlığı’nın Uluslarası Hukuk ve Dış İlişkiler Genel Müdürlüğü’nün yayınladığı genelge ile
bu konvensiyonların nasıl uygulanacağı düzenlenmiştir. And every year Ministry of Justice also makes
Communique(tebliğ). Yani mesela bir davanız var. Yurtdışında deliller var bu nedenle istinabe edeceksiniz.
Direkt gidip keşif yapamazsınız. Konvensiyonları implement etmek için genelge ve tebliğler var.
 1970 Convention is more special than 1954 Convention. So if 1954 and 1970 Convention come across, we apply
1970 Convention(özel kanun-genel kanun). 1954 Convention is applicable only if the other party is not a
contracting state of 1970 Convention.
 1970 Convention replaces Art 8 to 16 of 1954 Convention.
 Letter of rogatory(letter of request): istinabe. 1970 Convention allows countries’ one central authority to have a
competent for rogatory. For example Turkish court needs a testimony of witness which is in US. So the court
writes a letter for request and send to “central authority” of US. And that central authority of US(ki bu central
authority genelde Ministry of Justice olur) send the letter to people who are going to take care of the issue.
Because of lex fori, evidence is going to be taken according to the US Law. After that, the evidence is sent to
Turkish court through the central authority of US. 1970 Convention’ı Türkiye’den gönderilecek istinabe
taleplerinin araya konsolosluk vs girmeden daha basit şekilde oradaki merkezi makamdan gitmesini sağlar.
Mahkeme doprudan yabancı ülkedeki merkezi otoriden delilin toplanmasını ister. Bu makam delili kendi
ülkesindeki hukuka göre toplatır ve toplanan delil yine bu merkezi makam üzerinden Türkiye’ye gönderir. Ama
unutmayın bu yolun kullanılabilmesi için talep eden ve edilen ülkelerin 1970 Konvensiyonu’na taraf olması şarttır.
Konvensiyona taraf olmayan ülkelerden deliller nasıl isteniyor buna geleceğiz.
 Bizim central authority’miz Adalet Bakanlığı’nın Uluslarası Hukuk ve Dış İlişkiler Genel Müdürlüğü’dür.
 İstinabeyi sadece mahkemeler talep eder! Sen ben yapamayız. Kendimiz gönderdik o makam da bize delili yolladı
ne olacak? Türk hakimi bunu zaten kabul etmeyecektir. Kaldı ki karşı taraf da bunun anlaşmaya aykırı olduğunu
ileri sürecek ve usule aykırılık olduğunu söyleyerek uluslarası hukuka aykırılık iddiasını ileri sürecektir.
 If there is not any multilateral or bilateral convention between states, then the principle of reciprocity(karşılıklılık)
is applied for letters of request. How? The Turkish court sends the letter of request to the Ministry of Justice.
Ministry of Justice send it to the Foreign Ministry. From the Foreign Ministry it’s sent to Turkish Consulate in
that state. From the Consulate it’s sent to the authority of that country. But only if there is reciprocity this path is
followed. Arada Konvensiyon yoksa istinabe dilekçesi mahkemeden Adalet Bakanlığı’na, Adalet Bakanlığı’ndan,
Dış İşlerine, Dış İşleri’nden Türk Konsolosluğu’na, Türk Konsolosluğu’ndan o ülkedeki yetkili makama

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gönderilir. Reciprocity varsa ülke talebi kabul edecek ve evidence’ı yollayacak. Tekrar aynı usulden geri
 For example you are asking for witness’s testimony, or bank statement, or oath. The letter of request must be
written in the official language of that country. Genelgede bu dediklerimiz zaten örnekleriyle yazmakta. İstinabe
evrakları mutlaka istinabe talep edilen ülkenin resmi dilinde yazılı olarak gönderilmelidir.
 Turkish judicial authority(General Directorate for International Law and Foreign Relations) which executes the
letters of request shall apply Turkish law to the methods and procedures to be followed in accordance with the
Circular No:63. If the content of a letter of request received from a foreign country is against the sovereignty,
security, or public order of Turkey and if the request is not considered as compatible with Turkish law, the
execution of the letter of request may be refused provided that grounds for refusal are indicated. Arada
Konvensiyon olsa bile istinabe talebi egemenliğe, güvenliğe veya kamu düzenine aykırı ise Türk central
authority’si bu istinabe talebini reddedebilir. For example you need an statemnet with oath/affidativ(yeminli ifade)
from a Danish guy who lives in Denmark. So the court has sent letter of request to central authority of Denmark.
But we see that oath is not accepted as an evidence according to Denmark Law. What will happen now? The court
can write in the letter that the oath is a very important evidence for Turkish Law, and that’s why ask for take the
oath. And if oath is not against that country’s sovereignty, security, or public order of that country, then that
country generally must follow up that order. Bazı devletlerde mesela yeminin delil olarak kabul edilmediğini
görüyoruz. Yemini delil olarak kabul etmemiş bir ülkeden yemin talep edicez diyelim. İstinabe talebinde
mahkeme açıkça Türk Hukuku’nda yeminin önemini, nasıl uygulandığnı usulünü yazacak ve aynı şekilde o tanık
için de uygulanmasını talep edecek. Lex fori’nin bir istisnası olduğunu görüyoruz Eğer bu teklif o ülkenin
güvenliğine, kamu düzenine, egemenliğe vs aykırı değilse ülke bunu kabul etmek zorunda çünkü Konvensiyon’da
böyle bir hüküm var. Ama kendi sistemine aykırı bulduğu halde bile evidence’ı vermezse international treaty’e
aykırı olur fakat bunun bir yaptırımı yok. Ama bu durumda karşılıklılık oluşmadı diyerek o ülke de bir evidence
istediği zaman bir nevi misilleme yapılabilir.
14. International Services(Notification, Tebligat)
 Service of documents can be defined as notifying the persons who are to be affected by the legal results of a
certain legal transaction in a lawful way. We need notification to put legal affects of the transaction into practice.
 Service of documents may be carried from Turkey to the foreign state or from foreign state to Turkey. If the case
is filed in US, they need to send a service of document to you. Or the case might be filed in Turkey, so the service
of document will be sent from here. Yani tebligat yurtdışından Türkiye’ye yapılan ve Türkiye’den yurtdışına
yapılan tebligat olarak iki şekilde cereyan edebilir.
 Service of documents is related to the right of defense. If you don’t get the service of documents you will not be
able to use your right of the defense. Savunma hakkınızı kullanabilmeniz için tebligat almış olmanız gerekiyor.
 In Turkish legislation on service of documents, there are two separations: A. International treaties B. Domestic
 A. International Treaties: 1. Multilateral treaties: a.1954 Convention and b. 1965 International Service Convention
= These are the multilateral treaties that Turkey signed. 1954 Konvensiyonu ve 1965 Tebligat Konvensiyonları
önemli. 1954 Konvensiyonu mahkemeler tarafından gönderilen tebligatlar için düzenlemeler içerirken, 1965
Tebligat Anlaşması mahkeme dışındaki extrajudicial makamlardan yani noter vb yerlerden(mesela mal ayıplı çıktı
noterden ihtar çekilecek) yapılan tebliğleri düzenler. 2. There are also bilateral agreements that Turkey has signed.
 B. Domestic Law: Other than international conventions, we have domestic laws. 1. Turkish Law on
Service(Notice Law, Tebligat Kanunu). Art 25 - 27 of The Law on Service is very important for international
cases. 2. The Regulation on the Implementation of the Law on Service is also an important Regulation
(Yönetmelik) for service of documents. Especially Art 38-47 are significant 3. Circular No: 63/3. This circular
shows how we gonna apply international treaties. Hangi ülkeye, hangi şartlarda tebligat yapılacağı, hangi
uluslarası sözleşmeye göre nasıl yapılacağı bu genelgede yazar.
 There are 3 possibilities for implementation: 1. There is no agreement between Turkey and the foreign state: We
gonna apply our own laws with regard to principle of reciprocity. İstinabedeki gibi. Tebligat Adalet Bakanlığı’na
gönderilir. Adalet Bakanlığı’ndan Dış İşlerine buradan Türk Konsolosluğu’na , buradan da o ülkedeki ilgili birime
gönderilir. This is called also consulate service. Hemen hemen zaten bütün ülkelerle anlaşmamız var. 2. There is a
multilateral between Turkey and the foreign state: Like US and Turkey has signed 1965 Service Convention.

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Service must be submitted through designated central authorities according to the 1965 Service Convention. For
example your client want to get divorce. And her husband is in US. Turkish family court sent the service of
documents to the central authority of US. That central authority of US going to do the procedure according to US
Law. Genelde 3 aylık bir sürede tamamlanır. 3. There is a bilateral treaty between Turkey and the foreign state:
Bilateral treaties generally regulates the system through consulates and Ministry’s.
 Art 19 of 1965 Service Convention allows services by mail or other easy ways like party-to-party and court-to-
court service too! US, Netherlands, Canada, Denmark, Romania, Belgium, Portugal and many other states has the
mail system regarding Art 10. But Turkey and some other countries put reservation on Art 10. Tanıma tenfizde bu
konuya yine değineceğiz. Anlaşmanın 10. maddesi mektupla da tebligat yapılmasına imkan tanıyor. Ama Türkiye
dahil pek çok ülke bu maddeye çekince koymuştur. Yani Türkiye’ye yapılacak tebligatlar ister iadeli(registered
letter with return receipt) olsun ister olmasın mektupla yapılan tebligatları biz tebligat olarak kabul etmiyoruz.
Usulüne ilişkin yapılmamış olan tebligat savunma hakkının ihlalidir. İtirazlarda belirtilmese bile bu tenfizi ret
sebebi. Ama Türkiye’den Art 10’a çekince koymamış ülkelere yapılacak tebligatlar mektup yoluyla yapılabilir.
Çünkü bu ülkeler zaten kabul etmiştir. Haftaya zaten tekrar gireceğiz. Bunun yanında yabancı mahkeme
kararlarının tanınması ve tenfizi gibi çok önemli bir konuya giriş yapacağız. Cemal Hoca’nın kitabındaki ilgili
kısmı(474-536) da okursanız iyi olur. Ama kitapta yer alan “Milletlerarası Sözleşmelere Göre Tanıma ve Tenfiz”
konusu dersimizde anlatılmayacaktır. Pratik kitabı isteyenler Aysel Çelikel’in kitabını alabilirler.
15. Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgment
 As you know that, any judgment given by Turkish courts is enforceable in Turkey because of sovereignty. But
what about the effects of the foreign judgment in Turkey? What we gonna learn in this lecture is how the foreign
judgments are recognized and enforced in Turkey. For example in Denmark a Copenhagen Mayor(belediye
başkanı) has given a divorce decision for a Turkish couple. Does this decision given by the mayor has any effect
in Turkey? Or a Turkish and an American company made an international sale contract. And the American
company filed a case against the Turkish company in NY. NY court awarded that the Turkish company must pay
$ 1.5 million. Can the American company enforce this decision in Turkey and get the assets of Turkish company?
 There must be an effect of foreign judgments. For the effect of a foreign judgments in Turkey, we see two legal
terms: Recognition and enforcement. These two terms are distinctive concepts. Recognition: Tanıma. if there is a
foreign decision and you wanna get into force this decision as conclusive evidence or final decision and in Turkey
at that time what you do is recognition. Recognition has a res judicata effect which means having effect of being
final decision or conclusive evidence. If the recognition is done, then you don’t need to get decision or
implementation of administrative bodies in Turkey. Enforcement: Tenfiz. You need to have the implementation of
the executive forces to affect of that judgment in Turkey. So when for some judgments recognition is enough, for
other judgments the implementation of executive forces is needed in order to enforce the judgment. For example
for divorce decision you don’t need to go for execution and enforcement(icra iflasa gitmeye gerek yok), showing
the administrative body is enough to change your status here. However if the divorce decision also includes the
custody(velayet) of the child, then you must go to executive forces for implementation. Velayet gibi kararlarda
velayetin Türkiye’de de etki kazanabilmesi için tenfiz talep ederek icra iflas organlarının devreye girmesi gerekir.
Sadece boşanma kararı söz konusu ise recognition yeterli.
 Under the Turkish legal system judgments such as divorce or establishment of parentage(soybağının kurulması)
only have decretive effects(tespit niteliğinde). They are subjects of recognition. If the judgment also requires
implementation, then the recognition is not sufficient which means enforcement must be applied. So if you wanna
apply the judgment as final decision or conclusive evidence, then what you gonna do is recognition. For example
you had a divorce decision in US. And you wanna get married in Turkey. You will go to the Turkish court and
Turkish court will recognize the US court decision. After that, you just show the Turkish court decision to the
administrative body and they change your status from married to unmarried. If the foreign judgment triggers force
the public forces in order to implement that judgment, you need an enforcement. And after the enforcement, that
judgment becomes a Turkish court decision. Yabancı mahkeme kararlarının tanınması o kararın kesin hüküm ve
kesin delil etkisine haiz olmasını sağlamaktır. Tenfiz ise yabancı bir mahkeme kararının icra kabiliyetine
ulaştırılmasıdır, bu nedenle karar icra organlarına sevk edilir. Yabancı bir mahkeme kararının tenfizine karar
verildiği an o karar artık Türk mahkemesi kararı gibi Türkiye’de ilamlı olarak icra edilecektir. Bunun usulüne
sonra zaten gireceğiz.
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 For foreign judgments like divorce, annulment of marriage(evliliğin iptali), establishment of parentage,
guardianship(vasi) decision recognition is enough. We don’t need go to the enforcement procedure.
 The provision of Turkish Private International Law regarding enforcement will also be applied for recognition.
All the requirements for enforcement are going to be applied for recognition as well. But only one condition is
applied for enforcement will not be applied for recognition. And that is reciprocity(karşılıklılık). So reciprocity
condition shall not applied for recognition. For example there is a divorce decision of a German court. And you
wanna ask for recognition here. We don’t care if Turkish divorce decisions are recognized in Germany or not. We
recognize the decision, because we don’t ask for any reciprocity for recognition. But there is a reciprocity
condition for enforcement. When you want to enforce a foreign judgment, there should be reciprocity. It means
Turkish court judgment is also have the ability to enforced in that country as well. But there is not reciprocity for
recognition. Tanımada asla karşılıklılık şartı aranmaz. Yabancı bir mahkeme kararının Türkiye’de tenfizi talep
edildiğinde Türk mahkeme kararları acaba o ülkede de tenfiz edilebilme gücüne sahip mi ona bakıyoruz. Eğer o
ülkede Türk mahkemesi kararları tenfiz edilemiyorsa o ülke mahkemesinin kararını burada tenfiz etmiyoruz. Ama
tanımada böyle bir durum yok. Tanıma gereken boşanma, evliliğin iptali gibi kararlar decretive etkiye sahip.
Dolayısıyla tanımada karşılıklılık aranmaz. MÖHUK 54’te bu husus açıkça düzenlenmiştir.
 In our TPIL Act, we have specific provisions for recognition and enforcement. So we don’t apply Turkish CCP.
Art 50 and following articles of TPIL Act are regarding recognition and enforcement. If there is not any provision
found in TPIL Act, then we are able to apply CCP.
 There are some multilateral and bilateral treaties as well. For example there is an international treaty on
maintenance cases(nafaka davaları). These judicial cooperation agreements also provides some procedural
provisions for recognition and enforcement. In that case we need to apply the international treaty. However,
sometimes the TPIL Act provisions might be more favorable than international treaties. At that time we can apply
TPIL Act rules depend on the case.
 When we look at the conditions of recognition and enforcement, we see two separated distinctions: 1.
Preconditions 2. Main conditions. We’ll explain all of them by starting preconditions. Because if even one of the
precondition is not met, then the recognition and enforcement shall not be applied. And we’ll explain both
preconditions and main conditions for both recognition and enforcement together. Because as i said all the
conditions of enforcement are sought for recognition accept reciprocity. Reciprocity şartı hariç olmak üzere
tenfizde aranan şartlar aynen tanıma için de geçerli olduğu için şartları hem tanıma hem tenfiz için birlikte
15. a. Preconditions
15. a. 1. Foreign court decision
 The judgment must be given by a foreign court. Foreign court decisions can be recognized and enforced.
Decisions given by municipality(belediye), administrative organs, governorship, notary etc cannot be recognized
and enforced in Turkey. For example in Denmark, Romania mayors or notaries have right to give some judgments.
Even though these judgments are valid there, they cannot be recognized and enforced in Turkey.
 How do we decide if a court is considered as a court? We look at lex fori. It means that where that judgment is
given, that country’s law will applied to see if the organ who grant the judgment is a court or not. However, that is
not enough all the time. With that country’s law, we also look at Turkish Law as well. For example jury trial in
US are given for both criminal and civil actions like compensation etc. Suppose that there is a jury decision on
compensation. Can we recognized and enforced that decision in Turkey? Yes. Because according to the US
system, jury trials are approved by judges.
 Kural olarak yabancı bir mahkeme kararı tanınabilir ve tenfiz edilebilir. İdari makamlar tarafından verilen kararlar
Türkiye’de tanınamaz ve tenfiz edilemez. Peki bir yabancı organın mahkeme olmas sıfatını hangi hukuka göre
belirliyoruz? Yabancı organ hangi ülkedeyse o ülkenin hukukuna bakıyoruz. Ama bu da yeterli olmuyor. Kendi
hukukumuzla birlikte bunu değerlendiyoruz. Örneğin ABD’de halk jürisi tarafından hem ceza hem de özel
hukuka ilişkin karalar veriliyor. Bu Amerikan Hukuku’na göre bir mahkeme kararıdır. Çünkü zaten mahkeme
hakimi bu kararı onaylamakta ve altını imzalamaktadır. Biz de dolayısıyla jüri yargılamalarını mahkeme kararı
olarak kabul ediyoruz.

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 But there is an exception in Art 30 of Turkish Population Service Law(5490 s. Nüfüs Hizmetleri Kanunu). Art 30
states that if administrative organs(like notary) have power to give adaption decisions in that country, then we
also recognized and enforced that decision in Turkey.
 There is also a second exception. There is a Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Maintenance
Claim(1973). Yabancı nafaka kararlarının tanınması ve tenfizine ilişkin bir uluslarası anlaşma var. According to
the this treaty, if the administrative organs in the contracting states have a right to grant a decision for
maintenance, that administrative organ’s decision can be recognized and enforced in Turkey.
 Yani sadece yabancı mahkeme kararlarının tanınıp tenfiz edilebileceği şartının iki istisnası mevcuttur. 1. Yabancı
evlat edinmelerde eğer yabancı ülkede bir idari makam bu evlat edinme kararını vermişse(ve Nüfus Hizmetleri
Kanunu’nu madde 30’un diğer şartları da sağlanmışsa), bu idari makam kararı Türkiye’de tanınıp tenfiz edilebilir.
2. Yabancı nafaka kararlarının tanınıp tenfiz edilmesine dair bir uluslarası sözleşme var. Çok da uygulanıyor. Bu
sözleşmeye taraf devletlerin bazılarında belediyeler, noterler, valilikler nafaka kararı verme yetkisine sahiptir.
Sözleşme kapsamında bu idari makam tarafından verilen bu nafaka kararları Türkiye’de tanınıp tenfiz edilebilir.
 For ICJ(International Court of Justice) and ECHR(European Court of Human Rights) decisions recognition and
enforcement procedure does not applied. How do we recognize and enforce these decision? AİHM ya da
Uluslarası Adalet Divanı gibi uluslarası mahkemelerin Türkiye aleyhine verdikleri kararların Türkiye’de
etkinleştirilmesi nasıl oluyor? Uluslarası mahkemelerin kararlarının(Uluslarası Deniz Mahkemesi, AİHM,
Uluslarası Adalet Divanı vs) herbiri için uluslarası sözleşmelerde ülkelerde nasıl uygulanacağına dair hükümler
vardır. Yani MÖHUK uygulanmaz. Ama özellikle AİHM kararları için açıkça HMK’da yargılamanın iadesi
hükmü düzenlenmiştir.
 Recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards are also subject to New York Convention(1958) and Art
60 and 63 of TPIL Act. If there is a arbitral award, you cannot go to recognition and enforcement of foreign
judgment. You have to apply the system that is defined in New York Convention and the specific articles of TPIL
15. a. 2. Claims must be regarding to civil and commercial matters
 So foreign court decision must be about civil or commercial actions. Art 50 of TPIL Act requires that the decision
must be granted in civil action. So purely administrative cases, criminal cases cannot be recognized and enforced.
 Art 50 also shows an exception that the criminal decision regarding the personal rights can be recognized and
enforced in Turkey. In practice this never happened. But suppose that the criminal court decision given in foreign
country also regarding restriction of capacity to act in a part of case. At that time that part of the judgment can be
recognized and enforced in Turkey. But as i said this never happened in Turkey. Diyelim ki yabancı bir ceza
hukukuna ilişkin karar kendi hukukuna göre kişinin ehliyetini de kısıtlandırdı. Veya hakaret davasında aynı
zamanda idari para cezası verildi. Bu tarz durumlarda tanıma ve tenfiz mümkün. Fakat uygulamada hiç
karşılaşılmamış bir durum
 Competition cases cannot be recognized and enforced in Turkey. Because Competition Law(Rekabet Hukuku) is
administrative law issues. Competition authorities are dealing with that issues. Rekabet Hukuku ile haksız
rekabeti(unfair trade) karıştırmayın. Rekabet Hukuku administrative iken unfair trade commercial matter’dır. In
order to provide the competitive markets, administrative organs grants decision in the field of Competition Law.
Or validity of patent is also and administrative issue. Patent offices are granting those issues.
 Depend on cases if the administrative issue also have effect on civil and commercial side, then it can be
recognized and enforced. For example employment cases. But solely administrative decisions cannot be
recognized and enforced.
15. a. 3. Foreign court decision must be the final decision
 What does “final” mean? There are many doctrinal view for it. In Turkish Law, we see there are substantive
finality and procedural(formal) finality. Substantive finality: the case which has the same parties, reason and
subjects with another judgment that is given before cannot be filed again. Procedural finality: passing through all
Appeal process.
 So do we apply procedural or substantive finality to foreign decisions? It doesn’t matter really. But especially in
practice procedural finality is sought. When you wanna recognize and enforce a foreign decision, you must bring
document says this is the final decision.

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 Yabancı bir mahkeme kararı kesin olmalıdır. Kesinlikten şekli mi yoksa esasa ilişkin(maddi) bir kesinliği
anlayacağımız tartışmalı. Maddi anlamda kesinlik dediğimiz şey konusu, tarafları ve sebepleri aynı olan davanın
yeniden açılmayacağıyken, şekli anlamda kesinlik tüm yargı yollarının tüketilmesidir. Yabancı mahkeme
kararlarının tanıma ve tenfizinde hangisi uygulanacak? Pek fark etmez ama uygulamada özellikle şekli kesinlik
aranmaktadır. Ve zaten yarın da göreceğimiz üzere mahkeme kararının kesinleştiğine dair bir belge getirilmesi
arandığından doktrinsel tartışmalara girmeye gerek de yok.
 Preliminary injunctions(ihtiyati tedbir kararları), temporary relief, preliminary attachments(provisional seizure-
ihtiyati haciz) are the decision that are not considered as final decision. So these decision cannot be recognized
and enforced in Turkey. Yabancı bir mahkemenin ihtiyati tedbir ve ihtiyati haciz kararları kesin hüküm niteliğinde
olmadığı için tanınıp tenfiz edilemez. But there is an exception. Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of
Maintenance Claim brings an exception for child maintenance. If the foreign court grant a child maintenance as a
preliminary injunction when the divorce case is going on, that child maintenance decision can be recognized and
enforced in Turkey. İstisna, çocuklar bağlanan nafakalar kesin olmasa bile tanınıp tenfiz edilebilir.
 Foreign judgments pertaining regarding the bankruptcy(insolvency) are not among enforceable court decisions
either due to the fact that they do not resolve a dispute between parties pertaining to substantive law leading to a
final judgment. Bankruptcy decisions given by a foreign court is not a final decision. Bankruptcy is not a
substantive matter. İflasa ilişkin yabancı kararlar tanınıp tenfiz edilemiyor. Çünkü iflasa ilişkin hususlar esasa
ilşkin kabul edilmiyor. Kişinin esastan alacaklı veya borçlu olduğunu hukuken göstermez, kişinin mallarının
külliyen tasfiyesini gösterir. Kesin bir karar değildir ayrıca esasa ilişkin olmadığından Türkiye’de tanınıp tenfiz
 Legal interest: preconditionlar içerisinde kişi bakımından herhangi bir şart saymadık. Kişinin Türk kimliği olup
olmamasının bir önemi yok. Kişinin dava açabilmesi için legal interest’i olması yeterli. The party who is asking
for recognition and enforcement is Turkey must have a legal interest. For example a couple had a divorce in
Germany at 2010. They didn’t recognize and enforce the decision in Turkey. They also have a child. The father
has died. On the other hand they have a inheritance in Turkey. Child do have a legal interest to recognize and
enforce the divorce case here. Öncede boşanma kişisel haklara ilişkindir diyip husumet yokluğundan
açılamıyordu. Olay AİHM’e gidince hukuki menfaat şartı getirilmiş oldu.
 Hukuki menfaat olması gerekiyor. Taraflardan birisi tanıma ve tenfiz istediğinde kişi yönünden Türk mü değil mi
bakmıyoruz, kişi yönünden tek baktığımız hukuki menfaat. Bunu yarın zaten ayrıntılı olarak anlatacağız.
15. b. Main Conditions
 After the preconditions are met, judge is going to look at main conditions. Art 54 of TPIL Act regulates what the
main conditions are.
15. b. 1. Reciprocity
 Reciprocity is the main condition only for enforcement. Reciprocity tanımada değil tenfizde aranan bir ana şarttır.
There should be reciprocity between the Turkish state and the state who’s court rendered the judgment. If Turkish
court decisions regarding the same matter of foreign courts decision can be enforced in that country, then that
foreign court decision can be enforced in Turkey too.
 How we gonna decide whether there is a reciprocity? There are 3 ways. The reciprocity between Turkey and the
other state might be provided by 1. international conventions 2. a provision of law 3. defacto application.
 Turkish judge must check reciprocity condition ex officio(resen) without parties’ claim. But parties, especially
plaintiff should show that there is a reciprocity.
 Turkey has so many multilateral and bilateral treaties with so many countries regarding recognition and
enforcement of foreign judgments. So judge firstly must look at if there is an international treaty. If there is an
international treaty provided reciprocity, then we must enforce that country’s judgments here.
 Nonexistence of reciprocity shall be sufficient for the rejection of the foreign judgment. If there is no reciprocity,
the Turkish court will say we do not enforce that judgment.
 If there is not any international treaty there might be a provision granted enforcement. And if there is not any
provision, there might a defacto practice shows that Turkish court decisions enforce in that country.
 How we gonna look at this? Suppose that a Turkish company made a contract with an American company. And
the NY Court $ 1.5 million compensation that the Turkish company must pay to the American company. So the
American company comes to Turkey for enforcement of that judgment. Preconditions are met: foreign court
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decision ✓final decision ✓case is civil and commercial law issue ✓. Then let’s look at our first main condition,
reciprocity. US does not have any convention with any state regarding recognition and enforcement of foreign
judgments. So what will happen? We don’t say there is no reciprocity, because Art 54 of TPIL Act says
reciprocity can be arisen from international treaties OR provision of law OR defacto application. So we need to
look at if there is any provision on NY State(NY Eyaleti) Law. And NY State Law says that they do not care
abour reciprocity to enforce a decision in NY State, it means Turkish court decisions can be enforced in NY State
without checking reciprocity. But that’s not enough, they have more difficult provisions than Turkey to apply
enforcement. What will happen? We need to check defacto applications. In practice, you need to ask to Ministry
of Justice General Directorate of International Law and Foreign Relations in Turkey if there is a reciprocity or not.
Or you may ask to experts. Türkçe anlatalım. Türkiye ve diğer ülke arasında karşılıklılık olup olmadığını
görebilmek için öncelikle uluslararası bir sözleşme var mı yok mu ona bakıyoruz. Eğer Uluslarası anlaşma yoksa,
ki Amerika’nın tanıma ve tenfiz hakkında hiçbir ülke ile uluslarası anlaşması yok, o zaman hukuk sisteminde bir
hüküm var mı ona bakıyoruz. Bazı ülke hukuklarında tenfiz için karşılıklılık şartının aranmadığını görüyoruz.
Ama bu bizi kandırmasın. Karşılıklılık aramıyorlar ama bunun dışında tenfiz için öyle şartlar koşuyorlar ki hukuki
karşılıklılık aslında gerçekleşmemiş oluyor. Bu halde fiili(defacto) karşılıklılığa bakıyoruz. Hatta Yargıtay
garantiye almak için hukuki karşılıklılık olsa bile fiili karşılılıklılık için karar örneklerini gerekçesinde gösteriyor.
Karşılıklılık açısından Daha önce hiç karşılıklılığa ilişkin fiili bir karar yoksa, ilk siz gitmişseniz o zaman hukuki
karşılıklılığa bakılır.
 When you are evaluating the provisions you just look at similar conditions, not the same conditions whether the
reciprocity will be done by law.
 Yani kısaca uluslarası anlaşma yok hop reciprocity yok demeyeceğiz. Hukuki karşılılıklılık veya fiili karşılıklılık
olup olmadığına bakacağız. Bu konuda da General Directorate of International Law and Foreign Relations’tan
bilgi alınır.
15. b. 2. Exclusive jurisdiction
 This is also main condition. Art 54 of TPIL Act stipulates that foreign judgments given the issues that the Turkish
courts have exclusive jurisdiction, these decisions may not be enforced. It means that when you bring the foreign
judgment here to recognize and enforce, and the Turkish court sees that Turkish court actually has exclusive
jurisdiction on the issue of that judgment, then that decision cannot be recognized and enforced in Turkey.
 Turkish judge must look at this condition ex officio.
 For example a German court granted a decision regarding a real property(right in rem) in Istanbul belongs to the
other party. Turkish court actually has an exclusive jurisdiction on that matter. So Turkish court cannot recognize
and enforce that decision.
 Bir yabancı mahkeme kararı var. Ama mahkeme kararının konusu açısından Türk mahkemeleri münhasır olarak
yetkili. Bu halde yurtdışında verilen bu mahkeme kararı Türkiye’de tanınıp tenfiz edilemez. Çünkü o konuda Türk
mahkemelerinin münhasır yetkisi vardır. Mesela Alman Mahkemesi İstanbul’daki taşınmaz malın mülkiyeti(veya
başkabir ayni hakkı) hakkında bir karar vermişse bu karar Türkiye’de tanınıp tenfiz edilemez. Çünkü taşınmaz
malların aynına ilişkin davalarda Türk mahkemeleri münhasır yetkiye sahiptir. Almanya’da dava görülürken yetki
itirazında bulunmamak bunu değiştirmez. Alman mahkemesi kendisini kendi hukukuna göre yetkili de görmüş
olabilir. Bizi ilgilendirmiyor. Buraya tanıma ve tenfiz için gelindiğinde sıkıntı çıkar.
 Türk mahkemeleri hangi konularda münhasır yetkiye sahip? Taşınmazın aynına ilişkin davalar; fikri mülkiyet
haklarının “geçerliliğine” ilişkin davalar(ihlali değil, geçerliliği); İİK’da, özellikle 154’de, gösterilen bazı
konularda borçlunun muamele merkezinin Türkiye’de olması halinde Türk mahkemelerinin yetkisi; MÖHUK 44,
45, 46’da belirtilen iş hukuku, sigorta ve tüketici ile ilgili davalar.
 As for a jurisdictional rule to be deemed as granting exclusive jurisdiction to the Turkish courts, its purpose shall
be insure that all disputes arising out of the relevant matter resolved by the Turkish courts only. The most
important thing is that, in CCP there are some provisions says Turkish courts have exclusive jurisdiction on that
matters, but not every rules that are written in CCP exclusive in terms of Turkish International Procedure Law.
For example Art 12 of CCP states that all matters related with ownership of property must be solved in with
Turkish courts. Other than this, for rights in rem and for validity of an intellectual property it is aimed in CCP that
the Turkish court is the one and only court has exclusive jurisdiction. HMK’da yazılan her münhasır yetki Türk
Milletlerası Usul Hukuku bağlamında münhasır yetki değildir. Türk Milletlerarası Usul Hukuku bağlamında Türk

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mahkemelerinin münhasır yetkisinin olduğunun kabul edilebilmesi için kanundaki konuluş amacı ve
terminolojiye bakıyoruz. Eğer HMK’da düzenlenen ve Türk mahkemesine münhasır yetki veren o konunun sırf,
biricik olarak Türk mahkemesinde görülmesi amaçlanıyorsa o zaman bu yetki Milletlerarası Usul Hukuku için de
geçerli olduğunu kabul ediyoruz. Taşınmazın aynı ve fikri mülkiyet hakkının geçerliliğine veya iptaline ilişkin
davalarda Milletlerası Usul Hukuku’nda da Türk mahkemelerini yetkili görmemizin sebebi bu.
 Art 44, 45, 46 of TPIL Act also provides exclusive jurisdiction to Turkish courts for insurance, employment and
consumer cases. But as we said before, Art 44-45-46 provides restrictive exclusive jurisdiction. In order to protect
the weaker party(consumer, employee, insurance taker), jurisdiction agreements that eliminate the jurisdiction of
Turkish courts that is given by Art 44-45-46 are not valid. However, if the weaker party gets a decision from
another country regarding the matters related with 44-45-46, that decision can be recognized and enforced in
 Yani zayıf tarafı korumak için 44-45-46’da iş, sigorta ve tüketici sözleşmelerinde Türk mahkemeleri yetkili
kılınmıştır dedik. Bu konularda taraflar yetki sözleşmesi ile yabancı bir mahkemeyi yetkili kılamaz demiştik. Ama
bu restrictive bir yetkidir demiştik. Yani eğer zayıf taraf olan tüketici, işçi veya sigorta ettirenin yabancı bir
mahkemede dava açmış ve karar almışsa, bu kararı getirip Türkiye’de tanınıp tenfiz ettirebilir. Çünkü karar zayıf
tarafın lehine çıkmış olabilir.
15. b. 3. Exorbitant jurisdiction(Aşırı yetki )
 If the foreign court jurisdiction is based on exorbitant/excessive jurisdiction and the defendant in recognition and
enforcement case has objected that the foreign court actually had an excessive jurisdiction when it granted the
decision, then that decision cannot be recognized and enforced in Turkey. But defendant must object in the
recognition and enforcement case hearing by the Turkish court. It means that Turkish judge do not search ex
officio(resen) whether that foreign court has an exorbitant jurisdiction or not. Art 54/b of TPIL Act says that the
judgment should not have been rendered by the court of state that has no real connection with the disputing parties,
or the subject matter in dispute that the defendant has object to the jurisdiction of the court. So Art 54/b states that
if the foreign court grant a decision but the jurisdiction of that foreign court has no connection with the subject
matter of the dispute or the disputing parties, the defendant in recognition and enforcement case hearing by
Turkish court can claim that the foreign court has an exorbitant jurisdiction and that’s why Turkish court cannot
recognize and enforce that judgment given by that foreign court.
 Yabancı mahkeme kendi hukukuna göre kendisini yetkili görmesine rağmen Türk Hukuku’na göre aşırı yetkili bir
şekilde o davaya bakarak karar vermiştir. Yani yabancı mahkemenin dava konusu veya dava tarafları ile bir
bağlantısı olmamasına rağmen bir karar vermiştir. Bu halde Türkiye’deki tanıma ve tenfiz davasındaki davalı taraf
“yabancı mahkemenin vermiş olduğu karar tanınıp tenfiz edilemez, çünkü yabancı mahkeme aşırı yetkili
mahkeme olarak karar vermiştir” şeklinde bir itirazda bulunursa bu karar tanınıp tenfiz edilemez.
 Examples of exorbitant jurisdiction: French Law= if one of the party is a French, French court has jurisdiction.
English Law= entering borders of England is enough to make you a subject matter of the English courts.
American Law= They have long-arm jurisdiction means that American courts have jurisdiction for any cases filed
in US without any connect.
 Ergun Nomer Doctrine: Exorbitant jurisdiction may have effect on human rights as well. Even the defendant party
did not object in Turkey, if the foreign court has granted the decision through the exorbitant jurisdiction, then it
may violate the fair trial rule which is indicated in Art 6 of ECHR and so on. That’s why it affects the Turkish
public policy. And as we will talk about tomorrow, if the foreign court decision manifestly against to public
policy of Turkey, then that decision is not going to be recognized and enforced.
 Ülkelerin ne şekilde kendilerini yetkilendirdikleri bizi ilgiliendirmez. Çünkü her ülke kendi egemenlik hakkı
gereği kendi yetkisinin sınırlarını kendisi belirler. Ama özellikle İngiltere, Fransa ve Amerika’da bu yetkinin çok
aşrı bir şekilde düzenlendiğini görüyoruz. Mesela Amerika’daki long-arm jurisdiction kuralına göre kişinin sadece
Amerika’da bulunması, sadece telefonla sözleşme yapması bile Amerika mahkemelerini yetkili kılmaya yeterli.
Ya da İngiltere sınırına girdiğiniz an İngiliz mahkemeleri kendini yetkili görüyor. Fransa’da da taraflardan biri
Fransızca her halükarda Fransız mahkemesinin yetkili olduğuna dair bir kural görüyoruz. Ya da Almanya’da da
mala ilişkin her davada direkt Alman mahkemelerinin kendisini yetkili gördüğünü görebiliriz. İşte bu şekilde
kendinde aşırı yetki tanıyan bir mahkeme tarafından verilen kararın tanınması ve tenfizi istendğinde, davalı taraf
aşırı yetki itirazında bulunmalıdır(İtirazın süresi: basit yargılama usulü uygulandğı için ilk cevap dilekçesi süresi
içinde itiraz edilmelidir). Bulunmasa bile yarın göreceğimiz üzere kamu düzenine gidilerek de aşırı yetkili bir
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mahkeme tarafından verilen karar insan hakları ve savunma hakkı boyutuyla incelenerek de tanınması ve tenfizi
15. b. 4. Breach of the right of defense
 This is also another important main condition. A foreign judgment will not be recognized and enforced if under
the law of foreign country the person against whom the enforcement is sought has not been properly serve or was
not represent in court or had a default judgment against him/her was contrarily law of that country.
 For example a Turkish company made a contract with an American company. And there is a case in New York
State(New York Eyaleti). And $ 1 million compensation is awarded against Turkish company. So the possibilities
for breach of right of defense are: Under the US Law, Turkish party didn’t get any services(tebligat) OR not
represented in that court through himself/herself/legal representative OR he/she/company hired a lawyer but the
lawyer didn’t attend to the case OR there is a default judgment(gıyabi karar) rendered against him/her/company
contrarily the law of US.
 So when the American company comes to Turkey for recognition and enforcement the defendant party(Turkish
company) must claim that my right of defense has breached. As we see the defendant must claim the breach of the
right of defense in order to prevent recognition and enforcement.
 Sevices must be done in line with international service rules. Tebligat konusunda da anlattığımız üzere 1965
Konvensiyonu’na uygun bir tebligat olmalı. Mesela hatırladığımız üzere mektupla(by mail) tebligat hükmüne
Türkiye reservation koymuştu. O halde Amerikan şirketi Türk şirketine mektupla tebligat yaparsa hiç tebligat
yapılmamış sayılacaktır. OR it may happen that even though there is a service. The party didn’t represent
himself/herself. OR there may be a default judgment. How does it happen? You get services, you represent
yourself but the end of the trial a default judgment has arisen. At that time there is also breach of the right of
 How can we say whether the international service is done properly or not OR whether representation in the court
is proper or not OR whether there is a default judgment or not? According to the law of that country we decide.
So if the decision is given in New York State, then we need to look at the law of New York State to see if there is
a breach of the right of defense. BUT as USA has also signed the international treaties, New York State Law must
be in comply with international treaties too(anayasalarında da bu belirtilmiştir). So for example according to the
New York State Law services by lawyers might be possible, however because that New York State Law must also
follow international treaties, lawyers will not be able to done services internationally. In that way, they will make
the services through consulate or central authorities according to the 1965 Convention.
 Mesela adamın birisi karısını New Mexico’ya tatile gidiyoruz diyip gitmişler, orada bulunmak da mahkemeye
zaten yetki vermeye yeterli olduğu için kadının da haberi olmadan bir boşanma kararı çıkartmışlar. Şimdi bu karar
tanınabilir mi? Boşanma kararı zaten tenfiz de edilmez. Tanımada da karşılıklılık yok diyip adam hadi yırttık
diyebilecek mi? Diyemeyecek. Kadına savunma hakkı verilmemiş, uluslarası tebligat hükümlerine göre
tebligat(international services) bile yapılmamış(kadın orada sadece tatil amaçlı bulunuyor, bu nedenle uluslarası
tebligat hükümlerine göre tebligat yapılmalı). Her ne kadar savunma hakkının ihlali olup olmaması bakımından o
ülkenin hükümleri göz önüne alınsa da tebligat açısından uluslararası tebligat hükümleri uygulanır. Tebligat
yapmama dışında savunma hakkının ihlali temsilci atanmaması veya avukat atansa bile avukatın hiç
ilgilenmemesi şeklinde veya gıyabi karar verilmesi şeklinde cereyan edebilir. Ama dediğimiz gibi savunma
hakkının kullanılamaması açısından o ülke hukukuna bakılacak(tebligat hariç). Eğer orada gıyabi karar verilmesi
meşru ise breach of right of defense iddiası ileri sürülemeyecek, ama bu halde kamu düzenine aykırılık iddiası
ileri sürülerek tanıma ve tenfiz bertaraf edilebilir.
 Davalının savunma hakkını o ülke hukukuna göre kullanamadığını buradaki tanıma ve tenfiz davasında ilk itiraz
olarak sürmesi gerekir. FAKAT doktrinde ve uygulamada ise savunma hakkı çok önemli bir insan hakkı olduğu
için, davalı taraf bunu ileri sürmemiş ve hakim bunu görmüş ise veya dava devam ederken daha sonra bu
anlaşılmış ise Türk kamu düzenine açıkça aykırılıktan ötürü tanıma ve tenfiz kararı verilinceye kadar bu durum
kamu düzeni bakımından incelenerek tanıma ve tenfiz reddedilebilir. So even though the defendant didn’t object,
breaching of right of defense is considered as against the public policy of Turkey, so the Turkish judge will
always take breach of right of defense into account in every part of the case.
15. b. 5. Public Policy

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 The last main condition is the public policy. Art 54(c) of the PIL states that the enforcement of foreign judgment
should not be manifestly contrary to Turkish public policy. If the foreign judgment is against Turkish public
policy, it can not be recognized and enforced
 But there is no definition and clear limits of the public policy. So we gonna learn what we should think of public
 The discretion power of the judge on the assessment of the violation of Turkish public policy plays an essential
role. Turkish judge ex officio considers public policy without arguments of parties.
 The examination as to contradiction of Turkish public policy is related to whether the results of the
implementation of such a judgment in Turkey would give rise to any public policy infringement. The effects or
consequences of foreign judgments should be manifestly incompatible with the fundamental principles of Turkish
law, human rights and ethics of Turkish society. If the consequences and implementation of the foreign judgment
is manifestly against to Turkish public policy, we say that this foreign court judgment cannot be recognized and
enforced. For example there is a German court decision grants divorce and custody of the child. But when the
German court decides the custody, court should think about the continuous of personal relationship of the child
with the other parent. But the German court decided that the custody belongs to the mother and the personal
relationship with the father is no longer exists. Can we recognize and enforce that judgment in Turkey? That
judgment is manifestly and precisely against to Turkish policy. If that foreign judgment is going to be applied, the
consequences of that implementation will be against to Turkish public policy.
 Thus, it’s provided that the contradiction to public policy must be manifest so as to ensure its strict application in
practice by the judges.
 A foreign court judgment which violates the main principles classified as undeniable in Turkish law, cannot be
recognized or enforced.
 Public policy is not defined. And it can be changed in time as well. For example right now spouses can divorce by
separation agreement and property settlement. But in 1980’s it was against to public policy according to the
family law. But later on the system is changed. So public policy can be changed because of technological,
economical and social developments. Kamu düzeni değişken ve kesin tanımı olmayan bir kavramdır. Örneğin
anlaşmalı boşanma şimdi mümkün iken 80’lerde bu kamu düzenine aykırı kabul ediliyordu. Hatta yabancı
mahkeme kararı anlaşmalı boşanmaya ilişkinse bile burada onu reddediyorduk.
 How we gonna find out the consequences of foreign judgment is manifestly against to public policy? First we
have to look at the fundamental principles of Turkish Law. Secondly, we can look at human rights, and thirdly we
can look general ethics and our constitutional law principles as well.
 The most important thing is that judge must examine case by case if the public policy is violated.
 For example, in the case where the procedure followed by the foreign court violates the rights of defense of the
defendant pursuant to the Turkish law of procedure, the judgment of the foreign court would be regarded as
contrary to Turkish public policy(such as impartiality of the judges, foreign system that does not grant the parties
the opportunity to the present themselves). So suppose that the German judge was not impartial(tarafsız) when
granting the decision, or the court didn’t make any services(tebligat) to the party etc. So breach of right of defense
is also considered as contradiction to public policy too.
 The application of a substantial law rule, which is different from that in Turkish law cannot be deemed to be
contrary to Turkish public policy and a foreign court judgment resolving the dispute different than a Turkish court
is acceptable. It means that every country can have different laws naturally. Application of substantive law which
is different from Turkish law cannot be considered against Turkish public policy directly. For example there is a
rule for common custody(parental authority) in Holland Law, when there is not in Turkey. Refusing to enforce
foreign court judgment on the ground that the applicable substantive or procedural law applied by the foreign
court is wrong. What the judge must look at it effectiveness/application of that foreign court must not against to
Turkish public policy. Therefore, a foreign divorce decree granting parental authority to both parents has been
refused arguing that a common parental right after divorce is contrary to Art 336 of the Turkish Civil Code. Just
because there is not common custody in Turkish Law system does not mean it’s against our public policy. In fact,
it is favor of the child. Child will be able to have personal relation with both parents.
 Ülkelerin kanunları farklıdır. Doğal olan bu. Yabancı bir hukuk düzeninde yer alan düzenleme Türk Hukuk
sisteminde yer almıyor diye otomatik olarak bu Türk kamu düzenine aykırıdır diyemeyiz. Bunu diyebilmemiz için

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Türk hakimi farazi olarak düşünecek, diyecek ki ben bu kararı uygularsam bu “kararı uygulamanın sonuçları”
Türk ksmu düzenine aykırı olur mu diyecek. Mesela Hollanda Hukuku’nda müşterek velayet kurumu var.
Müşterek velayet sağlayan bir karar Türk mahkemesinin önüne tanıma ve tenfiz için getirildiğinde, hakim eğer
Türk Hukuku’nda müşterek velayet yoktur bu nedenle bu kamu düzenine aykırıdır diyerek reddederse bu hatalı
bir karar olur. Bu kararın uygulanmasının Türk kamu düzenine bir aykırılığı olmadı kesin. Hatta çocuk hem anne
hem de babayla kişisel ilişkisini kooruyacağı için daha bile iyi. Kaldı ki kamu düzenine aykırılıktan tanıma ve
tenfiz istemini reddetme Art 54’de istisnai olarak düzenlenmiştir. Yabancı hukukta yer alan bir kurum bizde
düzenlnmedi diye direkt reddedersek o zaman bu istisna olmaktan çıkar, çoğu karar direkt reddedilir. Çünkü her
ülkenin hukuku ve usulü birbirinden farklıdır.
 In determining the legitimacy of public policy intervention, its exceptional character should be considered. It
means that refusing the recognize and enforcement a judgment from public policy is an exceptional way.
 The primary principle is to acknowledge and give effect to the foreign court’s judgment as far as possible. If a
part of the judgment that is against the public policy can be isolated, the rest of the judgment may still be enforced.
Thus under Turkish private int law, the partial enforcement of foreign judgment is possible. So if some parts of
the judgments are against to public policy while the other parts are not, then these parts can be recognized and
enforced. For example there is German court decision regarding divorce and custody. According to this decision
custody will be given to mother and there will be no personal relationship exist with father anymore without any
reason. So when Turkish judge is going to recognize and enforce this judgment, judge can recognize the divorce
and the custody part, but the judge will deny to recognize and enforce the part which states that there is no longer
any personal relationship with father anymore. Because this part is against to Turkish public policy. Briefly, we
also have partial recognition and enforcement in our system.
 Yani bizde kısmi tanıma ve tenfiz de mümkün. Mahkeme kararı incelenirken kararın belli hükümlerinin
uygulanması Türk kamu düzenine aykırılık teşkil edecekse, sadece kararın o kısmı Türk kamu düzenine aykırı
görülerek diğer kısım tanınıp tenfiz edilebilir. Öyleyse kararın boşanma ve velayet kısmı tanınıp tenfiz
edilebilecekken, çocuğun bir gerekçe olmadan babasıyla kişisel ilişkisinin artık olmayacağı kısmı tanınmaz ve
tenfiz edilmez. Dolayısıyla baba ve çocuk arasındaki ilişki tesis edilecektir.
 That is to say, certain subjects should not automatically considered as directly connected to public policy. Every
case should be assessed individually. Assuming that some subjects are connected to public policy is also contrary
to the methodology of conflict of laws. Judge cannot say custody, or change of name, or adoption is about public
policy, so i don’t recognize and enforce it. This is a violation of Art 54 of TPIL Act. Case by case judge must
analyze if consequences of application is against to Turkish public policy or not. Hakimler özellikle velayet, isim
değişikliği ve evlat edinme kararlarında bunlar kamu düzenine ilişkindir diyip incelemeden tanıma ve tenfiz
istemini reddediyorlar. Her dava kendi içinde incelenecek. Yabancı mahkeme kararının “uygulanmasının somut
sonuçları Türk kamu düzenine aykırı mı” değil mi ona bakacağız.
 For example talaq is one of the divorce way that is applied in Islamic countries. Talaq decision cannot be
recognized and enforced because there is not any court decision. There must be a decretive decision. Adam(ya da
Musevilerde kadın) 3 kere talaq diyince boşanıyorlar. Bu boşanmanın tanınıp tenfiz edilebilmesi için bir
mahkeme kararına bağlanması lazım. On the other hand, talaq can be considered as against to Turkish public
policy in terms of right of defense. Because when the man says “talaq, talaq talaq” the woman do not have any
right of defense. And this is also creates gender discrimination as well. So talaq can be considered against Turkish
public policy in this sense. But as we said, we need to examine case by case. Suppose that the woman want to
enforce and recognize the decision because she wants to get inheritance. In this case, we can recognize and
enforce talaq. Because it’s in favor of the woman, so it may not be considered against Turkish public policy in
this sense. Davadan davaya bakacağız. İlk durumda adam gelmiş, tanınması ve tenfizini istiyor. Kadına hiçbir söz
hakkı verilmemiş ve savunma hakkını kullanmış olduğu için Türk kamu düzenine aykırıdır diyerek bu tanıma ve
tenfiz kararı reddedilir. Ama somut oolayda kadın miras vs gibi bazı haklardan yararlanmak için bu talaq’ın
Türkiye’de tanınıp tenfizini isterse artık bu noktada kişiyi mağdur etmemek adına Türk kamu düzenine aykırıdır
diyerek reddetmemek lazım.
 There is a practical approach says that where the connection between the specific case and Turkey is closer,
public policy intervention becomes more possible. For example one of the party is Turkish, or the enforcement
will affect the some of Turkish policies. At that time, it is more likely that this application of judgment may be
against to Turkish public policy. Somut olay veya taraflar Türkiye ile ne kadar yakın bağlantılı ise o zaman
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kararın uygulanmasının kamu düzenine aykırılık teşkil etmesi ihtimali, Türkiye ile daha az bağlantılı olan
davalara göre daha yüksektir.
 Türk kamu düzenine aykırılık incelenirken şu şu kanuni düzenlemeye aykırı, reddediyorum demiyeceğiz. Türk
Hukuku’nun fundamental,genel prensipleri vardır. Somut olay bu genel prensiplere aykırı mı buna bakacağız.
Yoksa bu yabancı mahkeme kararı şu kanunumuzun şu alanca maddesine aykırıdır diyerek reddedemeyiz.
Hukukun genel prensiplerini bilmemiz bu bakımdan çok önemlidir. Mesela yabancı mahkemenin evlat edinme
kararı TMK’nın falanca maddesine aykırıdır diyerek tanıma ve tenfiz reddedilemez. Çocuğun yararı bir temel
ilkedir, yabancı mahkeme kararının çocuğun yararına aykırılık teşkil etmemesi kamu düzenine aykırlık olmadığını
göstermek için yeterlidir.
 Review of the merits of the foreign court judgment: Turkish judge can never review the merits of the foreign court
judgment. Judge cannot review and decide the case again. He/she shall only take into consideration whether the
requirements of recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments are met or not. We accepted the prohibition of
rèvision au fond. As a matter of this principle, during the enforcement proceeding “the foreign judgment is not
reviewed again in substance or procedure”. Art 55 of TPIL Act regulates the prohibition of revision au fond. For
example a Turkish couple want to divorce in Germany. And according to the German Law, judge must apply
Turkish Law on that case because of conflicts of law rules. But judge decided the divorce according to the
German Law. So when the parties wants to recognize and enforce the decision in Turkey, Turkish judge cannot
say that the German court has applied the wrong law, so i don’t recognize and enforce the decision. Yabancı
mahkeme kararı kural olarak hem esas hem de usul açısından Türk mahkemelerinde yeniden incelenemez. Buna
revision au fond(esastan inceleme) yasağı denmektedir. But there is an exception. For very limited situation, if it’s
needed to review the decision in procedure and substance because of contradiction to Turkish policy, then Turkish
judge may review the decision. For example, foreign court decision in US for adoption case is given through fake
documents and the American judge didn’t realize it. When this judgment is going to be recognized and enforced
in Turkey, Turkish judge realized or the one of the party claimed that the US court decision is based on fake
documents. At that time, the Turkish judge will look at how the foreign judge considered these documents
procedurally etc. Çok sınır dediğimiz bir çizgi var. Esastan inceleme yasağı çok önemli bir prensip. Bunun
istisnası şu, Türk kamu düzenine açıkça aykırılık olacak şekilde bu dava görülmüşse, bu halde Türk yargıcı o
hükme teşkil eden kurallara, o hükmün delillerine bakabilecektir. Çok çok istisnai bir durum olduğu için yargıç
bunu tek tek gerekçelendirmek zorundadır.
15. c. Procedure
 For procedural matters, for example there is a German divorce and custody case together. But the Turkish woman
still looks married in Turkey. If it was only divorce then recognition would be enough, but because that there is a
custody decision enforcement is needed to.
 Where the recognition and enforcement case if going to be filed in Turkey? Which court has the jurisdiction?
How the court look at the requirements of recognition and enforcement? These are all procedural matters, so lex
fori will be applied(tabi uluslarası sözleşme varsa ilk o öncelikli tutulacak). Art 51 to 59 of TPIL Act regulates
specifically procedure of recognition and enforcement. If there is not any rule there, then we can apply CCP.
15. c. 1. Capacity to bring a suit
 Can everybody file a recognition and enforcement case? Art 52 of TPIL Act says any person who has a “legal
interest” in the enforcement and recognition of judgment may demand recognition and enforcement. Suppose that
Turkish couple have divorced in 2010 at Germany. They have a child too. But the mother died in 2011 and she
has many properties in Turkey. And there was a succession case going on and the Turkish man came to Turkey
and said “i have a right of heir(mirasçılık hakkı)”. And the child said “no, you got divorce in 2010. So Turkish
judge, please recognize that judgment”. The child has a legal interest to say that. Otherwise his father will also
take properties. Even though divorce case is a personal right issue, the child has a legal interest to recognize the
case. But before 2007, even though other persons have legal interest, they could not file recognition and
enforcement case. So these people went to ECHR and ECHR granted decisions against Turkey and Turkey paid
lots of compensation. So we have changed our law in 2007 and bring legal interest.
 Hukuki menfaati olan herkes MÖHUK 52 uyarınca tanıma ve tenfiz davası açabilir. Her somut olayda hukuki
menfaat kriterine dikkat edilecek.
15. c. 2. Competent court

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 Which court has the jurisdiction? Art 51 of TPIL Act states that Civil Courts of First Instance(Asliye Hukuk
Mahkemeleri) shall have jurisdiction over enforcement decisions. But if the case is family matters i.e. divorce,
custody, Family Courts also shall be the competent courts. Kural olarak özellikle Asliye Hukuk Mahkemeleri
tenfizde yetkilidir. Tanımada nasıl olacağına geleceğiz. Aile Hukuku meselelerinde ise Aile Mahkemeleri’nin
Kuruluşuna İlişkin Kanun gereğï(Law on the Establishment of Functions and Proceedings of Family Courts) Aile
Mahkemeleri de yetkilidir.
 But in practice, if the issue is a commercial matter, sometimes they file the enforcement case in Commercial
Courts. Is it true? 2011 değişikliği ile asliye hukuk mahkemeleri ve ticaret mahkemeleri arasındaki ilişki işbirliği
ilişkisinden çıkarılıp görev ilişkisi haline getirilmiştir. Dolayısıyla asliye hukuk mahkemesinin görecli olduğu
tenfiz davası ticaret mahkemesinde açılırsa ticaret mahkemesinin bunu görev yönünden reddetmesi gerekir. Kaldı
ki ticaret mahkemesinde açılsa bile hakim yabancı mahkeme kararının içeriğini revision au fond yasağı gereği
zaten incelemeyeceğinden görevsizlik kararı verip dosyayı asliye hukuk mahkemesine göndermesi gerekir.
15. c. 3. Defendant & competent court in terms of location
 Against whom are you asking for recognition and enforcement? He/she can be a Turkish or foreigner.
 Art 51/2 specifies that the enforcement decision may be demanded from the courts of domicile of defendant in
Turkey, or if the person against whom enforcement is sought(defendant) has not such domicile, person’s habitual
residence is competent. If there is no habitual residence of defendant Ankara, Istanbul or İzmir courts have
jurisdiction. İlk olarak davalının yerleşim yeri mahkemesi; yerleşim yeri yoksa mutat meskeninin olduğu yer
mahkemesi; o da yoksa Ankara, İstanbul veya İzmir mahkemeleri yer yönünden yetkili olur.
 For example Ayşe and Peter had a divorce and custody case together in Germany. Ayşe wants to recognize and
enforce that decision in Turkey. So she must file the case against Peter. If Peter has domicile, the court of
domicile is competent. If there is not domicile, the court of Peter’s habitual residence has competent. If there is
not a habitual residence, Ankara, Istanbul, or Izmir courts have competent. Sırayla bakıyoruz.
15. c. 4. Petition
 Art 52 regulates petition. Dava dilekçesi. You can check the article how the petition is written.
 Art 53 is important. Art 53 says that documents must be attached to the petition. When you file a case you must
submit these documents in order to continue your case. What are these documents? 1. The original judgment
authenticated by authorities of that country. Authorities of that country teriminden apostille konusunu aklımıza
getireceğiz. Yani kararı apostille edecek veya Türk konsolosluğunda onaylatacak. OR the copy of the judgment
authenticated by judicial authority given the judgment. Sometimes getting the original judgment can be hard.
Again, it’s needed to done apostille or approved by Turkish consulate. AND certified translation of judgment.
Notary must authorize the translation. 2. A document or written statement from the authorities of the state which
officially authenticated that the court decree is final AND a certified translation thereof. As we talked yesterday,
one of the condition for recognition and enforcement is the judgment must be finalized. Every country has
different ways to finalize the judgment. In Turkey for example if time time for going to Appeal has passed, judge
says this judgment is finalized. In some countries lawyers can also say the judgment is finalized if the conditions
are met. Generally, under the courts decision it’s written that this judgment is finalized. And again, this document
must be approved through apostille or Turkish consulate, and you need a certified translation as well.
 If the documents are not presented, Turkish judge will give an additional time according to the Art 119 of CCP. If
the documents are not brought, judge will dismiss the case and the case will be considered as never opened
according to the Art 119 of CCP.
 When the perosn/compnay filed the recognition and enforcement case? Does he/she/company has to pay
fees(yargılama masrafları)? There are fixed fee(maktu) and proportional fee(orantısal). Maktu ve orantısal oranda
harçlar var. Hangi harcı verecek? There is a law on that called Charges Act(Harçlar Kanunu). Art 4 of this act
says if the subject matter of the proceeding has a certain value proportional fee shall occur. Çok yüksek harçlar
alınıyor. Hatta internette hesaplama siteleri bile var. Bu security for cost’tan farklı.
 We were talking about recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. We talked about preconditions and
main conditions. And later on we started with procedural issues and in that sense we examined which court is the
competent court and the documents that the party must show to the court. Today we continue with procedural

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15. c. 5. Service of enforcement summons and objection(notice and objection)

 When one of the party filed a recognition and enforcement case, there must be service(tebligat) to the defendant
party. Without a notification/service, problems may occur and the case might be go to the Appeal. For example
there is a Belgium court decision against a Turkish company. When Belgium company files a recognition and
enforcement case for the Belgium case decision, that must be notified to the Turkish company. In order to provide
hearing of the Turkish court, that is important. Yabancı bir mahkeme kararını tanıma ve tenfiz davası açılacaksa
bu mutlaka davalıya tebliğ edilmelidir. Çünkü dava duruşmalı olduğu için bu gereklidir.
 For the recognition and enforcement case, rules of simplified procedure(basit yargılama usulü) is applied. Tanıma
ve tenfiz davası basit yargılama usulüne tabidir. Basit yargılama usulünde bazı süreler daha kısadır. Davalının
itirazları ilk oturuma kadar ileri sürülür. The defendant grants his/her respond until the first hearing of case.
 For example there is a Belgium court decision grants 1 million € compensation against Turkish company. How
the Turkish company can object to the recognition and enforcement of Belgium court decision? Art 55 of TPIL
Act regulates it. Article 55 of the PIL states that the petition pertaining to the demand for enforcement shall be
notified to the opposing party together with the date of hearing. The recognition and enforcement of non-
contentious judgments shall also be subject to the same provision. The provision pertaining to the notification
shall not apply to ex-parte non-contentious judgments. The request is heard and adjudicated pursuant to simple
proceeding provisions. A foreign judgment, which is final under the law of the country where it is decided, cannot
be recognized and enforced by a Turkish judge without holding a hearing. In this hearing, the facts of the case are
not re-opened, and the judge only examines if all statutory preconditions necessary for recognition are present.
Lawsuit concerning the recognition and enforcement will be handled pursuant to the rules of simplified procedure.
The defendant can only raise objections that the conditions for enforcement under the relevant provisions of the
PIL do not exist, that the foreign court decision has already been partly or fully fulfilled, or that an event which
hinders its fulfillment has occurred.
 So, in short, there are 3 ways of objection can be raised by the respondent. Objections by the defendant(opposing
party): 1. according to Art 55, adverse party can object by contending that the enforcement requirement under this
section of the ACT are not met. It means either preconditions or main conditions, we talked earlier, are not met.
Aleyhine tenfiz veya tanıma istenen kişi ön veya asıl şartların bir veya birden fazlasının karşılanmadığını iddia
edebilir. Her ne kadar bazı şartlar hukuk düzeni ile ilgili olduğu için hakim tarafından resen göz önüne tutulsa da
ileri sürmekte fayda var. Yoksa basit yargılama usulü olduğu için gözden kaçırılabilir. OR 2. judgment had
already been partly or completely enforced.(e.q. discharge, performance after the decision of foreign judgment).
Here, the defendant claims that he/she already performed the consequences of the court decision before. In our
legal doctrine set-off/barter has the same effect of performance. Takasın ifa gibi rolü vardır. Dolayısıyla takas
iddiasında da bulunulabilir. But never forget, discharge by performance(sözleşmenin ifası)or set-off must be done
after the foreign court decision. Why? Because of revision au fond. Karar verildikten sonra ifanın gerçekleşmiş
olması lazım, yoksa öncesinde ifa edildiğini iddia eden kişinin bu iddiasını incelemek isteyen Türk yargıcı
yabancı mahkeme kararının içeriğini inceleyecek, revision au fond yasağını delecektir[But never forget Turkish
public policy exception. For example the plaintiff of Belgium court(which is Belgium company) used fake
documents to win the case even though you paid your debt before. So in Turkey you may open re-trail case or you
can claim public policy in the recognition and enforcement because Belgium company used fake documents to
win the trial.]OR 3. an impediment preventing the enforcement has arising(e.q. legal reasons, such as statue of
limitations for enforcement). So there must be some legal issues that prevents the enforcement of the foreign
judgment. Especially statue of limitations(prescription-zamanaşımı) is one of the important impediment. For
example Belgium court decision is given in 2005. And when they filed a recognition and enforcement case in
2015 in Turkey. So, whether there is a statue of limitation, we look at the law of the country that the decision is
given. We do not apply Turkish Code of Obligation for statue of limitation. If the statue of limitation time has
passed in the foreign country, that decision is not counted as a final decision in that country. So in our example
assume that the statue of limitation time of enforcement of decisions is 10 years. After 10 years, that decision is
not final. Yabancı bir mahkeme kararı var. 10 yıl sonra Türkiye’de bunun tanınması ve tenfizi istendi. Fakat öyle
bir durum var ki o mahkeme kararı o ülkenin hukukuna göre -örneğin 10 yıl içinde- icraya konmazsa kesin hüküm
ihtiva etmez. O ülkenin tenfiz edilebilirlik zamanaşımı süresine bakıyoruz. Öyleyse bu mahkeme kararı o ülkede
kesin hüküm etkisini kaybetmişse, yani final decision olma üzelliğini kaybetmişse, artık önceden bahsettiğimiz
precondition’ın sağlanmadığını ileri sürerek veya daha da sağlıklı olacak şekilde Art 55’te spesifik olarak
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belirtilen an impediment preventing the enforcement has arising iddiasını ileri sürerek kararın Türkiye’de tanınıp
tenfiz edilmesini önleyebiliriz. Another example for impediment is discharge. So the plaintiff may discharge the
debtor. Yani karar verilmiştir, ama alacaklı taraf borçlu ile ibra sözleşmesi yapmıştır. Bunu aslında 2. başlığa da
sokabiliriz. Fark etmez.
 Kısaca bir yabancı mahkemenin tanınması ve tenfizi istendiğinde, bu durum aleyhine olan taraf 55 uyarınca 1. ön
ve asli şartların yerine getirilmediğini veya 2. varsa, yabancı mahkeme kararı verildikten sonra zaten
kısmen/tamamen ifa gerçekleştiğini veya 3. varsa, engelleyici bir hal olduğu iddia edebilir.
 Art 56(1) of the PIL states that “it may be decided by the court that the judgment is partially or wholly enforced
or that the demand be rejected. This judgment shall be written underneath the foreign court judgment and sealed
and signed by the judge.” Mahkemece ilâmın kısmen veya tamamen tenfizine veya istemin reddine karar
verilebilir. Bu karar yabancı mahkeme ilâmının altına yazılır ve hâkim tarafından mühürlenip imzalanır. Yabancı
mahkeme kararının orijinali veya onaylanmış kopyasının istenmesinin nedeni de bu. Eğer yabancı mahkeme
kararı tenfiz edilirse artık bu karar Türk mahkemesi kararı sayılır. Kabul edilmezse de altına gerekçeler yazılır ki
temyize gidelim.
15. c. 6. Effects of the enforcement decision: execution and appeal
 Foreign judgments that are enforced by a Turkish court decision are treated like Turkish local court judgments
and can be executed as if they were Turkish court decisions.(Art 57 of the TPIL). So Art 57 says if the judgment
partially or totally recognized and enforced, that decision becomes a Turkish court decision. So that decision can
be executed.
 The appeal of judgments pertaining the acceptance or the rejection of the demand of enforcement shall be subject
to general provisions. The appeal shall stay the execution(Art 57/2 of the TPIL). Tenfiz isteminin kabul veya
reddi hususunda verilen kararların temyizi genel hükümlere tâbidir. Temyiz, yerine getirmeyi durdurur. Ama
bildiğimiz üzere Türk mahkemesi karar verdikten sonra temyize gitmek kural olarak kararın icrasını durdurmaz,
teminat yatırmak gerekir. Burada tanıma ve tenfiz için bir istisna getirilmiş. Temyize gidildiği an execution durur
 A foreign judgment takes effect as conclusive evidence or as final judgment starting from the moment that the
foreign court judgment becomes final(Art 59 of the TPIL ). Yabancı ilâmın kesin hüküm veya kesin delil etkisi
yabancı mahkeme kararının kesinleştiği andan itibaren hüküm ifade eder. Art 59 brings an important exception.
When the foreign judgment becomes final, that day this decision takes effect in Turkish law. Yabancı bir
mahkeme kararı 2005’te kesinleşti diyelim, 2012’te burada tanınıp tenfiz edildi diyelim. Bu mahkeme kararının
Türk Hukuku’nda etki doğurması 2012’de değil; yabancı mahkeme kararının kesinleştiği tarihtir. Yani geriye
doğru gidiyoruz. Bu da özellikle mal rejimlerinden doğan davalarda problemlere sebep oluyor.
15. c. 7. Recognition
 Art 58 of TPIL states that “(1)the acceptance of a foreign court judgment as conclusive evidence or as a final
judgment shall be subject to the confirmation by the court that the foreign judgment fulfills the conditions for
enforcement. Regarding recognition, sub paragraph (a) of the first paragraph of art 54 shall not apply. (2)The
recognition of non-contentious judgments shall be subject to the same provision. (3)The same procedure shall
apply in the case where an administrative transaction is carried out in turkey based on a foreign court judgment.”
It means, regarding recognition, reciprocity is not applied.
 What happens when the foreign court judgment is not recognized and enforced in Turkey? As you know, there is
a discretionary evidence. If the foreign judgment cannot be recognized and enforced, it can still be counted as a
discretionary evidence but not as a conclusive evidence. Yani delil başlangıcı olarak kabul edilir.
 Gelen soru üzerine: bir yabancı mahkeme kararı yabancı ülkede zamanaşımına uğradığı için burada enforce
edilememişse, bu karar için de delil başlangıcı diyebilir miyiz? Desek de bir etkisi olmaz. Adam zaten
zamanaşımı defini ileri sürer.
 Ama özellikle boşanma, babalık, alacak davaları için bu takdiri delil/delil başlangıcı olma hususu gündeme
 When the foreign court decision is recognized and enforced in Turkey, that decision becomes a Turkish court
decision. After that decision, within the 10 years that decision can be enforced in Turkey according to the Turkish
Execution and Bankruptcy Law. But for constitutive cases- such as divorce, chancing name- there is not any
statue of limitations. So when you recognized your divorce decision in Turkey, anytime you can go and change

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your status from married to unmarried. Yabancı bir mahkeme kararı Türk mahkemesi tarafından tanınıp tenfiz
edildiğinde artık Türk mahkemesi kararıdır. Ve bu karar tanınıp tenfiz edildiğinde İİK’ya göre 10 yıl içinde
verilen yabancı mahkeme kararının icra makamlarınca icra edilmesi lazım. Ama boşanma, soybağının kurulması,
isim değişikliği davaları gibi inşai davalarda hiçbir şekilde icraya koyulması için zamanaşımı yoktur. Diyelim ki
boşanmaya dair yabancı bir mahkeme kararı 10 yıl önce verildi, bu Art 55’e göre bir impediment teşkil eder
 Bunun 59 ile bağlantısını kuralım. Yabancı bir mahkeme kararı, tanıtıp tenfiz ettirdik, bunun geriye doğru etkisi
var. Ama şimdi burada bir mal rejimi davası açmak istediklerinde boşandıklarından itibaren 1 yıl içinde açmaları
lazımdı 10 yıl geçmiş diyemiyoruz. TMK’ya göre zamanaşımına uğradığı iddiasında bulunamıyoruz, 59’u dar
 Art 55’te impediment için zamanaşımı örneğini verdiğimizde yabancı mahkeme kararlarının burada tenfiz
edilebilmesi için o ülkede tenfiz için öngörülen zamanaşımı süresini geçirmemeleri lazım yoksa impediment
iddiası ile karşı karşıya kalabilirler dedik. Buradaki 10 yıllık zamanaşımı ise bu yabancı mahkeme kararı tanınıp
tenfiz edildikten sonra icra edilmesi için verilen 10 yıllık zamanaşımıdır. Karıştırmayın.
16. Provisional Legal Protection(Koruma Tedbirleri)
 İhtiyati tedbir ve ihtiyati haciz. Alacağınız var ama adam malı kaçırabilir vs. Ya da yabancı mahkemedeki davayı
kazanır ama burada tanıma ve tenfiz ettirmeden kaybeden taraf buradaki şirketlerinin adını değiştirir vs.
 Interim(preliminary) attachment: ihtiyati haciz. Interim(preliminary) injunction: ihtiyati tedbir
 There is no precise provision regarding the provisional legal protection in Turkish PIL. Thus, Art 40 of the PIL
shall apply for the jurisdiction matters on interim measures. It states that the international jurisdiction of Turkish
courts shall be determined by the rules of domestic law on local jurisdiction.
 Interim attachment is applied if the claim is for money. Interim injunction is applied if the claim is for rights and
properties. İhtiyati haciz daha çok konusu para alacağı olan alacakların korunması için talep edilirken, ihtiyati
tedbir alacağın konusu hak ve eşya olan diğer alacaklar için uygulanmaktadır.
 Ihtiyati haciz ve ihtiyati tedbir Türk Hukuku’nda iki farklı kanunda düzenleniyor ama yabancı unsurlu davalarda
MÖHUK’ta özel olarak bir düzenleme yok. Bu nedenle MÖHUK 40’ın Türk mahkemelerinin milletlerarası
yetkisini iç hukukun yetki kuralları tayin eder hükmünü uygulayıp ihtiyati tedbir için HMK’nın 389 vd
maddelerini ve ihtiyati haciz için ise İİK 257 vd maddelerini uyguluyoruz.
16. 1. Preliminary Injunction/Relief
 A preliminary injunction is a provisional legal protection, aimed at the prevention of damages to a party in a
dispute prior to the final determination of the merits of legal case.
 Section 10 of the CCP is entitled “Provisional Legal Protections” and preliminary injunctions are addressed in Art
No. 389 et seq. in this Section.
 HMK 389 ve 390 çok çok önemli kurallardır.
 Art 389 of CCP stipulates the conditions for preliminary injunctions. According to this article, there must be an
urgency(risk of taking money way etc) or risk of an irreparable harm. The case must be on merits issues. And
there must be balance of interest between the parties. Hangi hallerde ihtiyati tedbir istenebileceği bu maddede
 Çok daha önemli bir maddeye geçiyoruz. Art 390 of CCP regulates the request for a preliminary injunction.
Accordingly, before the main lawsuit is filed, a preliminary injunction can be requested from the court, which has
authorization and competence to hear the main lawsuit. If the main lawsuit was already filed, a preliminary
injunction must be requested from the court during the litigation procedure. So there are two ways for asking
interim relief: Before filing a case, preliminary injunctions is only requested by the court of competent jurisdiction
on the merits, after filing the case, the preliminary injunction is only requested by the court where the case
 İhtiyati tedbir, dava açılmadan önce, esas hakkında görevli ve yetkili olan mahkemeden; dava açıldıktan sonra ise
ancak asıl davanın görüldüğü mahkemeden talep edilir. Simply, if you demand interim relief before filing any
case, you must file the case at the court which has competence to hear the case. Yani daha dava açmadın. Ama
adamın malları kaçırma girişimleri vs var. Bu nedenle ihtiyati tedbir almak istiyosun. İşte bu halde asıl davayı
açacak olsaydın hangi mahkemede açacak idiysen ihtiyati tedbiri de o mahkemeden talep etmen lazım. If you

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already filed a case and you also want an interim relief, then you must request it from that court which hears the
main case. Asıl davayı açmışsanız, ihtiyati tedbiri de o davaya bakan mahkemeden talep ederiz.
16.1.a. For transnational cases
 HMK 390 iç hukukta sorunsuz işlerken, maalesef uluslarası hukukta bazı problemler yaratmaktadır. Why?
Because Art 390 is regulated only for thinking of domestic cases. We don’t have any provision on that matter for
transnational matters. For example assume that one French and Turkish company made a international sales
contract. And they said that French courts has exclusive jurisdiction. So you have to file the case in France. But
assume that the products are in Turkey and French company wants to file a case regarding interim relief. However,
they have chosen French courts as the only courts that can hear the case. And that’s why Turkish court can say i
don’t have any jurisdiction. So that’s why there must be a specific provision in TPIL Act regarding cases that
have foreign elements. But we don’t have yet. So, we need to apply Art 390 in a sense that there is a jurisdiction
of Turkish courts regarding interim reliefs to protect rights of parties.
 HMK 390’a göre ihtiyati tedbir kararı asıl dava açılmadan iteniyorsa, asıl dava nerede açılacak idiyse orada dava
açılarak istenir dedik. Asıl dava açıldıysa da o davaya bakan mahkemeden istenir dedik. Ama yabancı unsurlu
davalarda yabancı mahkemeler yetkili olabileceği gibi forum shopping nedeniyle dava yabancı mahkemede de
açılabilir. Bu tip durumlarda mal da Türkiye’de ise acaba Türk mahkemelerinden ihtiyati tedbir talebi istenebilir
mi? MÖHUK’ta açık bir düzenleme yok. Özel bir düzenleme getirilmesi lazım. Ama şimdilik bir düzenleme
olmadığı için 390’ı daha farklı yorumlamak durumundayız. Buna göre o yabancı unsurlu davada farazi olarak esas
dava konusu ile ilgili yetkili bir Türk mahkemesi var ise, bu mahkemede ihtiyati tedbir kararı için dava
açılabilmelidir. Uygulamada da böyle. Peki Fransa örneğimizde mallar Türkiye’de olmasına rağmen Fransa’dan
ihtiyati tedbir kararı alırsak bunu Türkiye’de uygulayabilir miyiz? Hayır. Çünkü bu bir final decision değil.
16. 1. b. The proceeding that a complete a preliminary injunction
 If a preliminary injunction is granted before filing a lawsuit, the claimant must file the main lawsuit and receive a
document that he filed a lawsuit within 2 weeks as of the date of his request for a preliminary injunction.
Otherwise, it is arranged that preliminary injunction will be released by itself, without a transaction. As the
preliminary injunction is a provisional legal protection, the main claim must be converted to a lawsuit and
submitted to the relevant court within the shortest time possible.
 İhtiyati tedbir kararı aldığınız zaman bunu HMK gereği 7 gün içinde icra etmeniz lazım. Bunda sorun yok.
 Asıl davayı açmadan ihtiyati tedbir kararı alınmışsa, HMK gereği karar alındıktan itibaren 2 hafta içinde asıl dava
açılmak zorundadır. Yoksa alınan ihtiyati tedbir kararı otomatik olarak kalkar!
 HMK’yı uygulamamızın nedeni az önce de bahsettiğimiz üzere MÖHUK’ta ihtiyati tedbir ve ihtiyati haciz için
özel düzenlemelr olmadığı için MÖHUK 40’ın bizi domestic law’a yönlendirmesi.
 Let’s make an brainstorming. So in our example above we said that there is a jurisdiction agreement between
Turkish and French company that stipulates the French courts have the exclusive jurisdiction. So assume that
French company didn’t file any case yet, but the company wants an interim relief for the products in Turkey.
That’s why they come here and Turkish judge has interpreted the Art 390 of CCP as it should be, so they filed a
case for interim relief. After the French company gets the decision for interim relief, they must file the main case
in French within two weeks. Yani Fransız şirketi mallarTürkiye’de olduğu için asıl davayı açmadan sadece
ihtiyati tedbir kararı almak istedi. HMK 390’ı da yukarıda söylediğimiz şekilde yorumladık ve ihtiyati tedbir için
dava açıldı. Sözleşmede Fransız mahkemeleri yetkili kılınmış/hatta forum shopping nedeniyle Fransa’da dava
açılmak isteniyorsa, işte ihtiyati tedbir kararının geçerliliğini koruması için 2 hafta içinde o yabancı ülke
mahkemesinde asıl davayı açması lazım.
 Unlike the annulled Code No.1086, effective period, or term, of a preliminary injunction is started is stated in the
CCP. Accordingly, a preliminary injunction will remain in effect until the final decision of the court is rendered.
16. 2. Preliminary Attachment
 Interim attachment is asked for money.
 İİK, ihtiyati haciz kararlarının genel yetkili mahkemeler tarafından verilebileceğini düzenlemiş. Biz de bunu az
önce söylediğimiz üzere MÖHUK 40 gereği uyguluyoruz.
 Preliminary attachment is applicable for international civil procedure cases. Since Art 257 of the Execution and
Bankruptcy Law relates “execution law”. Under the Turkish International Civil Procedural Law, Turkish courts
has an exclusive jurisdiction pertaining execution issues.

Private International Law 16/17 Fall Z. Aysun Yıldız

16. 2. a. Ground for interim attachments

 Art 257 regulates the situations when an interim attachment can be asked. There are two ways.
 Ground for interim attachment are limited and may only be considered: 1) i) the person requesting the interim
attachment is the creditor of the receivable, and ii) the receivable is not secured by a pledge, and iii) the receivable
is overdue(mature-vadesi gelmiş) money. 2) In case the debt is not yet due(alacağın vadesi gelmemiş ise), the
following conditions are required in order to grant an interim attachment: i) the debtor does not have a known
residence, or ii) the debtor is preparing to flee or hide/transfer his assets or the debtor himself flees or for this
purpose conducts fraudulent transactions that violate the rights of the creditor.
 İİK 257 hangi hallerde ihtiyati haciz isteyebileceğimizi düzenlemiş. İkiye ayrıldığını görüyoruz: 1) 257/1: Vadesi
gelmiş alacaklarda ihtiyati haciz isteyebilmek için-> para alacağının alacaklısı olacak, para alacağının vadesi
gelmiş ve rehinle sınırlandırılmamış olacak. 2) 257/2: Vadesi gelmemiş alacaklarda(mesela daha tanıma tenfiz
yapılmamış) ihtiyati haciz isteyebilmek için-> alternatif olarak ya borçlunun yerleşim yeri bulunamayacak ya da
borçlu malları kaçırıyıor/başkasına transfer ediyor/kendisi kaçıyor olacak.
 257/2 bizim için özellikle çok önemli. For example Belgium court decision granted 1 million € compensation
against Turkish company. When the Belgium company filed a recognition and enforcement case in Turkey, at the
same time can they also ask for interim attachment according to the 257/1? No, the receivable is not overdue yet.
Because the decision is not final. Foreign court decision can be considered final and conclusive only if it’s
recognized and enforced in Turkey. So the Belgium company must go for 257(2 and the conditions of 257/2 must
be met(Turkish company mal kaçırıyor veya nerede olduğu bilinmiyor olacak).
 Diyelim ki yabancı mahkeme kararının tanınması ve tenfizi ile aynı zamanda ihtiyati haciz isteniyor. Bu kararın
Türkiye’de de kesinleşmiş sayılabilmesi için mutlaka Türkiye’de de yanınıp tenfiz edilmesi gerekir. Yoksa kesin
hüküm ifade etmez. Dolayısıyla 257/1’e gidilemeyecek, çünkü tanınması ve tenfiz edilmesi istenen para alacağı
henüz Türkiye’de vadesi gelmiş kabul edilmeyecek. Dolayısıyla ancak 257/2’ye göre borçlu taraf
malı/kendini/şirketi kaçırıyor ise ancak o zaman ihtiyati haciz istenebilecek.
 Ekstra bilgi: Bu anlattığımız şeyler tahkim için de geçerli. Tahkim clause’ları anlatılmadığı için konunun tahkimle
ilişkisi sınavda çıkmayacak.


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