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Sometimes, God doesn’t give us the convenience to live on a nice and
comfortable life, or put as on a Protagonist level invincibility, the reason for that
is God’s sovereign Power.
We, humans, have to live with what was given to us, and Be Forced to stay with
it, or sometimes suffer with it, and it doesn’t matter if this is a house, a person , a
job, but the fact remains that humans has to crawl itself in evolution, from the
pure manpower to convenient Electricity and this beautiful yet cruel and slow
process has been a normal thing for us, but this is not a story nor a narrative, it’s
an awakening or to better explain it, this is a dejected person speaking, on How
this person see how humans have change it’s all known reality in to a optimistic
You might wander, Why am I writing this so called ’’reality’’? Soo, For the sake
of our vocabulary, the word Aletheia means truth, or the opposition of illusion or
So right now what I want you to do is, close your eyes, and while your closing
your eyes start dreaming and meditating and try remembering the times when we
were still a innocent child, our parents sometimes ask us, what is your dream?, or
in tagalog, Anong gusto mo paglaki mo, nak? And occasionally we were so
optimistic that we say I want to be an astronaut, or I want to be a physicist, in
that moment, we are already lock on a constant chain of being in a, Optimistic
illusion , or believing that we can achieve this or attain that, but what is the
relevance of this, what is the lesson behind being a dreamer or someone who
always look at the world in a positive way?

Reality Now in
continuing our awaited question, what is the lesson behind being a dreamer or
someone who always look at the world in a positive way? Looking the world In
the most optimistic way is like putting a mask in our eyes, blocking the sight that
we need to use in this cruel, subjective world, were everyone’s opinion needs to
be heard and ignoring the minority or the good people, in order to balance the so
called ’’natural order of things’’ , but returning in the question, the benefits of
being a dreamer in this dark world is, being a particular person that can lit a
candle, and show a speck of light that gives hope to the people that need it, but
what kind of hope this people give? Is it a false hope? Or a foundation that will
be pass on generations to come.
Now if we have the benefits, we also have the downfall to this so called ’’Hope’’.
You know, we have the ’’dreamer’’, but in opposition of this, we also have a
’’Pessimist’’, Relying in the clever mind of Google, Pessimist is ’’a person who
tends to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen’’, for
short seeing the world in it’s finest, truest and most cruel perspective possible,
you know this person will look at the world differently, this type of person can be
the most negative people and someone who doesn’t need the ’’hope’’ of the
people around them, sometimes they our the people that have independence of
things, for example the dreamer can be the ’’young you’’, the one that sees the
world in cupcakes and rainbows and the pessimist could be the ’’older you’’, the
one who is matured, the one who balance things and decide in the most rational,
and realistic way, sometimes this ’’older you’’, has endured a lot of experience,
especially pain, our childhood memories, our first diploma, the passing of your
board, and eventually now, the ’’present you’’, Right now what are you? Are you
still in the state of being inside a dream? Or are you stronger, takes things
seriously, did you change? What happened it that span of time?

The reason why I didn’t wrote a story of my ’’First Crush’’, or wrote the ’’story
of my life’’ is that, this past 2 years of my life was my awakening, in being in the
state of constantly hoping for the best to come, being childish and stubborn one,
its like finally breaking free out of the ’’illusion’’, that everything is going to be
okay, that problem is just fake, but I never really take life seriously, not until
You know life is such a Good but cruel way of describing, being in the state of
’’alive’’, life is not fun nor happy, life at first is comfortable until trials come,
until the ground starts to shake, and the sun just don’t shine anymore, even if
you’re a Dreamer or a pessimist, we all go through so much, and we don’t get to
pick and choose the life we want, we live to it, even though there is the unbalance
or unfairness of life we still push through, we still survive and try to smile and
live everyday, work hard everyday, For our Dreams, Our family, Our future,
because of the inspiration that we have these unbalance sometimes fades away,
so in knowing and going through you memory lane, what did you discover?
And finally to the person listening or reading this, You can do this, know that the
time will come when you’ll be harvesting what you sow and someday life will
turn it’s face on you.

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