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Name: Keth A. Villanueva Professor: Dr.

Alex Tiempo
Subject: Philo-Social Foundations of Education Course: MAEd-ELT



The world is blank but mysterious. A man walks down the lamp street consuming the cold misty

breeze. As he walks closer to the dark and swarthy highway, a murmured voice was heard

making him froze and paused with doubts.

He’s ready to take another step to reach the point of crossing the bewildered street. On the other

side, he just wants to wait until time will reach dawn. When he decides to cross, he would

probably enter a new portal of thriving and surviving but, if he will refuse and just wait until

oxymoronic words would satisfy him that time would give him permanence in waiting.

The world is blank and mysterious- does life too? Life’s full of surprises and uncertainties- does

the world too? Is the world that he lives in worth fulfilling? Is the world that he lives in full of

deceptions and tricks or he was tricked in the beginning?

The eyes of the man are in trouble if he will follow his heart’s saying or follow what awaits him -

the world. In life, we can be served a lot of options and choices. We are living in this world

facing a lot of opposites than what you’ve expected. There can be questions that would satisfy

our entire being and on other side, can stir our minds and produce ripple effects. The man is

struggling to what will be his last option and if that last option he chooses, will satisfy his needs

in battling the world. It’s either to continue or to be continued…


The world has a lot to offer from the beginning, today and for the future to come. The world can

be our greatest friend when it comes to giving what’s been aligned for us. On the other hand, the

world, too, can be our greatest enemy that if what’s been aligned for us will be cut, broken nor

shattered into pieces. There are multitudinous things that the world has to offer may it be

unknown things that shape ourselves to discover, may it be a mystery box that boils our

inquisitive mind to explore around and within the box, may it be a reality that magnetized

ourselves to open new possibilities of good things or bad things, may it be a fantasy that deceives

us physically, mentally, emotionally or intellectually, may it be a nightmare that haunts us now

and then, may it be a dream that makes us sleep and dream more, may it be the reality that tells

us about how the world would shape, crush, break, form, carve, and sharpen ourselves, or may it

be the reality that tells us life is tricky and cunning. Some things trigger our inner peace, shake

our mental and emotional state, and cold our life. We can never hide the truth that we always

find worthy and we, too, can never hide the truth that we always put ourselves in jeopardy just to

force ourselves to be worthy.

Do we need to go with the flow just like water? Is it better to just stay temporal? Does change

require change? Are we ready to imprison ourselves in the cave and trap ourselves from the

truth? Do we need to change ourselves into a different thing just like air? Why moral evaluation

presupposes a good life? Is it rightful to avoid the vices to obtain the virtuous life when vices can

be the source of some’s eudaemonia? Can we consider our life meaningful or absurd? These

were some of the queries that circumnavigated in my mind and circulated throughout my body.

But the only thing that stops me from thinking are the questions that came from my heart, “When

is the right time to continue? When is the right time to wait? When is the right time to say it in
the last, to be continued? For you, what will you choose, to continue, or to be continued? Is it

time for me to continue?” I guess it boils down to the phrase, “To continue or to be continued.”


As I am typing this one at a customary table, in a typical weather, and with a song, it reminds me

of the things that had happened before during my childhood days where everything was fun and

full of never-ending waves of laughter. I cannot imagine how happy I was and never thought of

what things will happen. It’s all about fun and playing before. I remembered that I never watched

things that talked about the life of people, life of the ocean, life of the animals, life in the forests,

and life in the universe. I wasn’t able to be in a deep reflection about the things that happened but

I always find time to be with my playmates. During that time, I don’t know why things stay the

same or why things change. I don’t know why life is a maze that’s full of mysteries and why life

is a horizon - a never-ending one. I don’t know why people always work hard when work was

just a burden to one’s self. Things that I don’t know would give me the thinking of life is full of

happiness and never a single cent of loneliness and disappointments. The things that I don’t

know before made me regretful because of all my life, I thought that life will always offer

magnanimous happiness and joy yet it is enough for me to realize that life is full of surprises and

outcomes that will make us ready or not.  The plethora of happiness I have experienced before

was unlimited and uncountable. I wouldn’t mind about what would be the next episode, next

chapter, and what’s next in line. Everyone that is not my same age was busy working day and

night, others were pressured beating off the deadlines, others were preparing for something to eat

and to do something relevant in a day, others were ready to encounter what lies ahead of them,

others were futuristic where they have prepared plans on what they will do, others were in their

house conducting a family meeting or family discussions, others were trying to blend in society’s
trend and others were trying to be of another person to mimic and camouflage the challenges that

life has offered. While, I, was busy laughing and playing, but all those turned to what’s not

expected at this point.

In this world, I am living in, I have seen various forms of struggles and various forms of success

from a person or other people. On the other side of the coin, I have seen various forms of

equilibrium between the struggles and success of every human being. In my 22 years of

existence, I thought that everything will be permanent and never be temporary. From the things I

have experienced before, I thought things will stay the same as it is and the ostensive purpose of

why things stay permanently were created to give me satisfaction. I have had believed what

Parmenides said that “Change is an illusion- appearances may change but not the essence.” I am

happy before because it’s not the essence that was abruptly changed but the appearances did.

Permanence is what I have been stuck with since childhood days because all of my thinking was

just to be happy and the essence of everything may not change but stays permanently. I have

never believed in change because change is just a deception, a trick, and an illusion. It could

never be as real as 18-karat gold or scintillating diamond. It’s just unreal and fictional. But what

happened today? Did life trick me?  


As you embrace change, you will find that your situation does not have to last forever and you

will progress on to something bigger and better. If you reject change, experiences and

opportunities in your career are likely to pass you by. This was an excerpt that has given to me

when I continue walking in a swarthy lamp street. It’s an argument and a rebuttal to what

Parmenides said about change and rejected permanence. The life before that I considered

permanent has been automatically changed to my life as of today. I thought I would remain
joyful and never exudes loneliness, hurdles, and adversities in life but, I was wrong. As I grow

up in this topsy-turvily world, I have witnessed that there were social issues that reside in the

world. There are social problems that annihilate every human being in the world. From the

highest to the lowest sector and the different social ranks were greatly affected by the pressing

issues that immobilized and stirred the lives of the different people.  The permanence that has

been experienced by the people before was changed and the same experience I had, changed too.

Permanence would affirm that change is an illusion but because of the underlying factors I have

met and people met, change has become the trend today. It is proof that change is living in the

world and according to Heraclitus, “Everything is in flux and nothing abides. Everything flows

and nothing stays fixed. Everything is constantly changing and nothing stays the same.”

Do I have to accept the fact that change has come and will haunt me every time? Do I have to

accept that permanence will not be permanent at all and change lives inside me? I want to go

back to the portal where everything is in place and no more problems in the world, in society, in

community, and family, and just real happiness and contentment without pressure, setbacks, and

failures. But, because the truth will always reveal its wings that I have grown up and will

continue to grow, I must face the doppelganger of life which is change.  Is it justifiable that

change is the next step of permanence? Is it worthy to embrace change and just go with the flow

of the river? Is it rightful in my being to be with the change and go with the flow? These were

the questions that made me think about as I continue walking in the lamp street. According to

Daoism philosophy, “Just be a river. Everything flows and one should go with the current where

it flows.” The problems that are raising and pressing today make me realize that I should go back

to the days where there were empty loneliness and fears within me but because change has

something to offer, they exist and surprisingly, it made me change. The world is facing problems
and will continue to face them eventually. It is, therefore, my prerogative to sail and go with the

current and where I’ll be taking by the flow.


The world is currently battling the greatest enemy and this minute enemy cannot be seen through

naked eyes continue wrecking the lives of billions of people around the world. As I reached

another lamp street, I have witnessed how life today changed. The world is full of people’s sobs

and cries because of fear- fear of death. Death is an inevitable thing but because people were not

prepared to be on that stage, they tried to hide from the enemy and never did something to fight

because of fear. I have experienced, witnessed, and seen the agony of the people and the

prolonged fears and anxieties. I was devastated by their sudden death and sudden cries. It breaks

my heart seeing them suffer from the colossal crisis they experience and I, too, greatly suffer in

this difficult stage that slowly devoured me. This is not the life I’ve been wanting. I want

permanence where everything is plain but fearless. Now, do I have to embrace this one life-

changing event? Do I need to be in this flow where fears summoned me?

Walking down the lamp street, I passed by a very silent and gray-scaled street where I can see

students before entering their classes and others were playing in their playground, others were

unfolding their books and started reading, others were busy watering the plants and others were

doing their assignments in the pocket forest. Teachers, too, were busy doing their school works,

managing students in cleaning the hallways, letting students answer the given exercises written

on the board, and guiding students to read words on the flip chart. Everybody seems busy and

happy because it’s already mid of the school year and teachers and students were having normal

days in the school where everyone gets to see personally and talks to each other face-to-face.

Then, a sudden snap of a finger turned my consciousness back, and see the reality that one of the
effects of the battle we are in, is the new educational landscape or as they say new mode of

learning. It has been changed since the greatest battle to win started. I have seen teachers,

students, and parents struggle in this sudden and abrupt change that has happened in the

educational setting. I have felt the double pressure of the students in continuing their learning

and reaching their goals and I have felt the heavy sighs of the teachers every time they turn on

their laptops and without knowing that there is a poor connection between the place and every

time they create and print modules at night. This has been one of the agonies of the teachers,

students, and I, too.  Do I still need to go with the flow? or, Is it time for me to leave virtuous life

and start being with the vices.

I am a 22-year-old man and I have a long way to experience everything but in my age and this

contemporary period, I have experienced failures in life and seeing the new educational setting, I

am afraid that I might not continue teaching and learning because of what this change has

brought to me. I would never forget the words of wisdom that came from my mother, “Instead of

sulking, face the truth that it’s not your time yet. Success is out there waiting for you to work on

it. There’s no need for you to stop to reach the ladder of success. You may fail but it doesn’t

mean, you will always be at the bottom rung. The mistakes you make should teach you other

ways of doing things.” These words would always rewind on my mind every time I think of

quitting and just enjoying the vices around. Due to the changes that have happened today, I have

thought of being and consumed myself with the vices. There were times that I am tired, stressed,

and think of summoning the life of procrastination and vices. Should I reject what Aristotle said

that the moral evaluation presupposes a good life which is independent of experience,

personality, and circumstances?  Had I known that this would lead me to think and feel

pressured, I would not have continued anymore and just think the other way around about
eudaimonia with the help of the vices but because I am afraid too what might be the result, I have

always reminded myself to what Aristotle said, “Character is developed through habituation. If

you do a virtuous thing over and over again, eventually it will become part of your character.”

Virtue is a skill, a way of living and that’s something that can be learned through experience.


As I passed by another street, what I saw was the conglomeration, separation, and barrier

between people and government. I have seen myself standing amidst a crowd where rallies and

activists join in amplifying their unheard voices to the government. The crisis that the world is

facing created a barrier between the masses and the government system. As I continue viewing

what I have seen, I couldn’t forget the biggest trauma my family and I experienced. It was the

month of October wherein we were cordoned by the Rural Health Unit. My nephew was

admitted to a public hospital near our place and following the protocol, my nephew and her

mother which is my sister did a swab test, and luckily, they were tested negative. When the

doctor told him to go to another public hospital for complete equipment and facilities, they both

tested positive. We couldn’t imagine our faces to the sad news because there would be contact

tracers would go to our house. Two days after, the nightmare has come that we never dreamed of

to happen, my 2 other nephews, my father, my mother, and I were interviewed and fetched by a

car because we need to undergo a swab test to determine if we were infected by the virus too.

When we went back to our house, we have seen some yellow strips of plastic and it stated that

we were quarantined for 14 days. We were told that we will know the results after 3-5 days but

what made us disappointed was it’s already 7 days and we haven’t seen our results yet and it’s

really hard for us to strengthen our emotional and mental state because our neighbors were afraid

too if they will be infected because of us. Until we decided to raise our concern and we went to
the health center and asked for the results. Then, we found out that we were all negative but it’s

almost 1 week since knowing the results. We were dismayed because, after our 14 days of

quarantine, they haven’t cut the yellow caution yet and we didn’t know if we were allowed to go

outside and start regaining ourselves from the mental and emotional corruption they have given.

This made me think that if this crisis is real or political. I have felt how difficult it is to be

manipulated by the government and how it is difficult to raise our voices to them.  This would

relate to the Allegory of the Cave by Plato wherein my family and I and other families too were

the prisoners trapped in the cave and trapped in the conventional ethics of the society. I have

seen how we live in the cave of ignorance and without raising our voices and our rights to go

outside and know the truth behind it. This made me realize if I will continue walking the road

less traveled by or to continue the life I have amidst the inconsistency of the government.


When I continue walking on the lamp street and I was about to reach the endpoint, I decided to

take some rest by sitting on a bench under the withered tree and with the shades of the full moon.

I have realized that I have this one person who also made me special. The unexplainable and

indescribable feeling I have for this person replenished my loneliness in continuing to revolve

around the world. Finding peace and love amidst loneliness`, isolation, and crisis is another

battle to win. Loneliness is a normal human emotion but, it doesn’t feel good. It can eat you up

inside and give rise to dark thoughts. Sometimes you can feel lonely and isolated even though

you are surrounded by people you love, and it can be best on such occasions to reach out to those

you trust and explain how you feel. In this modern age, I have witnessed how a person evolved

and in the process of evolution, there is this one person that would help you in your process of

growing and shaping things to be a better person and to be the best version in this contemporary
world. Trying to be good and kind to other people is what we also need to heal our loneliness and

isolation. It is also what we need to know our purpose and to know how beautiful it is if you’ll

know what Confucius said about the golden rule “Do not do unto others if you don’t want others

to do unto you.” This is what I have been believing too, that if you are overwhelmed with

feelings of hopelessness, loneliness, or not being needed, take a deep breath and think of your

loved ones. Remember how happy you made them at one point, remember that you are loved,

and remember that if you are good to others it will bounce back at you too. If you do bad things

to other people, remember, that life is like a boomerang be careful what you’ve thrown, it might

bounce back at you. While sitting on the bench, I have remembered the statement of Rene

Descartes, “I think, therefore, I am.” This would give me the realization that the only company I

will ever truly keep is my own. So, I try to find ways to keep the peace between me and myself.

While it may be tempting to lash out at my shortcomings and the reasons why I am alone in the

first place, I always remember that I am a work in progress.


A deep sigh I have produced while starting to stand and leave the bench and the withered tree

with eagerness and urgency to continue walking. Ever since, I have been believing that things

will stay the same as it is, believing that things will always be smooth, tranquil and placid,

believing that things will always be your destiny, believing things that stars will always be

aligned for me, believing that knowledge isn’t turning around or evolving, believing things that

recognizing things I don’t know are nothing, believing that existence is as plain and monotone as

a robot and believing things that everything will always be an immense amount of happiness.

Whilst continue taking the path, I’ve been wondering about what’s bothering my head and in my

heart. I’ve heard that both are talking and thwarting myself to do not continue anymore walking
and they are both forcing me to stop reaching the point and forcing me to stop crossing the street

of life. They are making me baffled because they always prevent me to continue sailing the boat

when in fact, they both murmured their sentiments that, why should I continue the life I have

when things are always failed? Why should I continue when after all I’ll be the one to catch and

feel the excruciating pain? Why should I continue to travel when sudden changes affect my

entire being? Why should I need to cross again another street when things aren’t aligned for me?

Why should I need to go to another path of life when people destroy your inner peace? Why

should I need to cross another path when everyone is not your defense mechanism? Why should

I continue when everyone shouts for pain, toxicity, and disappointments? Why should I continue

when the government you look up to is turning its back? Why should I continue when frustration

and loneliness are the opposite of happiness? Why should I continue when I can’t speak for the

truth? Why should I continue when I will be suffocated with lies and tricks? These were all the

questions that my heart and my mind gather to bombard me with doubts. These were all the

questions that made me anxious and I guess, these, too, made people suffered great anxiety. It’s

really hard to continue for a person who thinks of the question, “What would be the point of

living if you thought that life was absurd, that it could never have meaning? The urgency of my

walking and reaching another street is to indulge myself in another life’s phase and to keep me

from the statement of Albert Camus before he had written his story and it stated that, “There is

only one serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide.” I was haunted by the statement of

whether suicide could be the only rational response to the absurdity of life but I can see the fine

lines between going on or not and that is, hope. By accepting and embracing the absurd or the

meaningless of life, I come to realize that the only way to cope with the reality of existence is to

fight against it constantly for the rest of our lives; not by deluding yourself into hopeful illusions
as endowed through philosophical suicide and not by total acceptance which then engulfs us

through suicide but, by revolting and rebelling against this harsh truth.


Now, that I am standing on the last street, I am served with the two palatable questions that are

seasoned with doubts and certainty. There are two questions that stand beside me while facing

another road to travel by. Would you mind going back to where you’ve been and just stay there

permanently? or Are you ready to cross another road full of surprises and changes? While facing

the two questions, I have embraced myself because of the cold breeze that froze my muscles and

shaken my bones. I have traveled so far and I have experienced what needs to be experienced at

my age. I was shaped and will continue to progress to see what’s more in me in the future days to

come. I am typing this one because I am ready to say, “I will cross another street and I will

continue to travel.” and as of now, my story would end as of this contemporary time and I would

say, “I will continue and my life tomorrow will be continued.” May all the odds be with me and

see you on the next episode. Carpe diem!

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