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Meaningful life with happiness and challenges

One way of looking at life is that man enters the world from one door and leaves it
from another. Man enters the world when he is born, he grows up, get educated, obtains a
job for his living, gets married, brings up children, gets old and leaves the world by
another door at the end of his life span is this a correct way to describe a life of a person.
Those who believe in this way of living live mechanically from birth to death. The fact is
that life is much more than a sheer mechanical living. Life provides plenty of adventure
and opportunities to those who live every moment of it mindfully. So what exactly is life.
We have a few options to describe human life as perceived by our men of wisdom.

Everybody wants to be happy in life. We all want to live a perfect life. We want
that great job or a successful business. We want to be married to Mr. Right or Mrs.
Perfect. We want to have great kids. We want to have friends that stick by us come rain
or shine. We want to be able to have all the material things life has to offer and have all
our problems just disappear.

Everybody wishes for good life. It may be at different levels. One person may
define a good life one way and another may describe it another way. For one person a
good life may be just having three meals a day and a roof over their head. For another it
may be having a huge mansion and a couple of million dollars in the bank.

There are different levels and meanings to what a good life is. But whatever your
definition of it, there is perhaps one thing that you may have in common with many other
people. You might want that good life stress free. You would like to have it without
having to work so hard or struggle so much for it. That is a normal human expectation.
Nobody likes to struggle through life.

One of the books is titled “The Road Less Travelled” by M. Scott Peck. The first
sentence in the book is:

“Life is difficult.”

Now, if you pick up a book and the first thing it tells you is “life is difficult” you
may just think “is this book going to get reassuring and encouraging after such a start?
But, as Peck goes on to explain, once you accept that life is hard, it no longer
becomes an issue that it’s difficult. He says:

“Once we know that life is difficult- once we truly understand and accept it - then life is
no longer difficult.”

In life you will have difficulties getting anything you want. It is very rare to get
anything in life without some degree of effort. Only if you win the lottery will you have
everything without effort, and even then you would have had to go out and buy the
lottery ticket anyway so it’s not free at all.

Life is beautiful but not always easy, it has problems, too, and the challenge lies in
facing them with courage, letting the beauty of life act like a balm, which makes the pain
bearable, during trying times, by providing hope.

The life of the person is like a roller coaster, there are happiness happened and
also there are challenges, struggles and suffering that will come of every person life.

Happiness, sorrow, victory, defeat, day-night are the two sides of the me coin.
Similarly, life is full of moments of joy, pleasure, success and comfort punctuated by
misery, defeat, failures and problems. There is no human being on Earth, strong,
powerful, wise or rich, who has not experienced, struggle, suffering or failure.

First, the challenges in life.

Challenges is something that by its nature or character serves as a call to make

special effort, a demand to explain, justify, or difficulty in an undertaking that is
stimulating to one engaged in it

Our mind is going to provide you your greatest challenges in life, because it is so
powerful so if you can conquer your mind, you can pretty much conquer anything else
around you, literally.

In life, people are exposed to a number of problems and challenges, and it is only when
such obstacles are tackled will a person be able to be successful. Success can never be
earned by staying idle and this implies that it is important to put an effort to increase the
chances of becoming successful in life.
We need to understand, the human mind is the most powerful tool we own, but it
can also be the most destructive and we need to learn how to take control of the direction
of our mind and our emotions.

Everyone has challenges in life even the best go through some obstacles. All of us
experience major and minor life challenges. How we handle these struggles on a daily
basis determines our physical, as well as our mental well-being. It takes only a single
event to convince us we have no control over our circumstances. Sometimes these
challenges consume us with guilt, panic attacks, or chronic fatigue. Our problems
pressure us from every side, threatening to crush or break us.

But facing challenges in our lives are also can make us stronger.

Challenges are a part of everyday life. They make us stronger and without them
life becomes somewhat meaningless because we have nothing to compare the good times

These challenges come in many forms. For some, the challenge is doing well at
school, for others it is getting to grips with financial worries.

But, regardless of the challenge, facing up to it is key. Doing so will make you feel
like you can take care of yourself, it will also make you understand the value of what you
have now.

Facing up to challenges and living through them give us the experiences that make
up our life.

But in every challenges that we encountered, there is a happiness will come.

Happiness often define a happy person as someone who experiences frequent

positive emotions, such as joy, interest, and pride, and infrequent negative emotions, such
as sadness, anxiety and anger. Happiness has also been said to relate to life satisfaction,
appreciation of life, moments of pleasure, but overall it has to do with the positive
experience of emotions.

Happiness doesn’t just happen. It has to be made, it has to be produced, created,

discovered, built from the ground up. And it has to be a decision in one’s mind: the
decision to be happy. It is really simple, believe it or not. One must have a conviction to
be happy no matter what trouble life throws at them; because life can certainly disrupt a
person’s happiness, getting in the way of them enjoying their own life, with all the
countless and never-ending mishaps and suffering. Happiness is something that comes to
those who expect it and therefore deserve it.

Having gratitude, the quality of being thankful; a readiness to show appreciation

for and to return kindness – is another way people of all cultures cultivate happiness.
Instead of focusing their mental and spiritual energy on negative things, like bills,
financial problems, health issues, happy people focus on being alive and not decrepit,
having people to love and support them, waking up in the morning, having a purpose to
fulfill, being able to breathe and think and eat and pray and love. They are grateful for
anything and everything. Happy people make gratitude a daily habit, even a ritual.

Happiness can most certainly be obtained – and not just momentary happiness,
either, but true, long-lasting happiness, which is not something that just comes to a
person; in fact, most people have to work very hard for a very long time to be happy, to
create, and to produce, it. But it is something that a person can create on their own. It is
not unattainable. Happiness can happen to anyone, mostly because everyone deserves to
be happy.

Our only purpose is to stay alive long enough to pass on our genes—to eat and
sleep enough to be healthy, to procreate and bring up a child (or help to bring up a close
relative's child) to independence. Once we’ve accomplished those tasks, we should feel
complete. We might prefer to continue living, if living is more pleasant than painful, but
that extra time is just a sort-of bonus.

The more I think about living a meaningful life, though, the more I’ve come to
appreciate the Taoist attitude that you can drive yourself crazy trying to make everything
meaningful and believing that everything is important. So I’m also trying to be more
playful. Speaking of which, Lily Tomlin has a joke— “When I was young I said I wanted
to be someone. I should’ve been more specific.”

Many people may question the importance of the meaning of life and how it would
help someone through the journey of life. Meaning in life gives a person a purpose in life,
it motivates people to do something they love. Meaning can be extracted from anything,
it can derive from a person’s job, hobby or family and we are free to choose. Meaning
can also reduce the suffering we experience in this world. Everything we do in life is for
the future result of happiness. Similarly, finding the meaning of life potentially makes
people happy
Thus, life is and should not be just a bed of roses; thorns are also a part of it and
should be accepted by us just as we accept the beautiful side of life.

The thorns remind one of how success and happiness can be evasive and thus not
to feel disappointed and disheartened rather remember that the pain of thorns is short-
lived, and the beauty of life would soon overcome the prick of thorns.

Life has not been a bed of roses for them. The adage ‘Uneasy lays the head
that wears the crown’ has been rightly used for people, who are successful and are
enjoying power and authority.

To sum up, life is beautiful just as roses but it has challenges which are like thorns
and have to be faced and overcome by all. Those, who accept these, challenges and
succeed, are the ones, who know how to live life in its true sense. Thus, enjoy life but
also be prepared to bear the pricks of pain.

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