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(1). From these humble beginnings came a stream of life.

(a) complicated (b) formal (c) simple (d) brilliant

(2). Carried through a pipe line, or aqueduct, a thousand million litres of water are delivered
to the district daily.
(a) channel (b) drum (c) barrel (d) well
(3). Thrifty housewives preserved their homegrown vegetables and fruits by canning,
pickling, or drying them for use.
(a) careless (b) economical (c) eccentric (d) poor
(4) The boy must cultivate poise that smoothers the fidgets.
(a) habit (b) temperament (c) balance (d) attitude
(5) He asserted that God put those tonsils in his son’s throat for some good purpose.
(a) claimed (b) retorted (c) answered (d) narrated
(6) The daily grind of school pressed heavily upon me.
(a) working hours (b) new experience (c) injury (d) tiring task
(7) The writer hung on the outskirts of a crowd.
(a) outer edge (b) foot (c) top (d)
(8) I sat and pondered.
(a) watched (b) thought (c) called (d) wept
(9) I could almost hear his gruff sneering laugh.
(a) harsh (b) lively (c) echoing (d) shrieking
(10) He crawled out as a decrepit wreck.
(a) strong (b) brave (c) weak (d) coward
(11) The writer’s voice sounded sepulchral.
(a) chirpy (b) loud (c) dismal (d) excited
(12) They confronted the enigma of the Chinese planet.
(a) puzzle (b) situation (c) vastness (d) symbol
(13). The fact remains that the number is not simply a juxtaposition of persons.
(a) placing side by side (b) opposition (c) gathering (d) high standard
(14) The study of the population growth indicates one of the greatest paradoxes of our time.
(a) contradictions (b) absurdities (c) similarities (d)
(15) His agents ransacked the book shops.
(a) bought (b) stole (c) searched (d) set up
(16) Merciful ushers collected my piece of foolscap.
(a) students (b) teachers (c) invigilators (d)
(17) They went to a well to replenish their water bags.
(a) empty (b) wash (c) refill (d) draw
(18) Fleming was not happy in the limelight.
(a) fame (b) dim light (c) bright light (d)
search light
(19) Pasture asked for arbitration for competition.
(a) judgment (b) quality (c) concession (d) guidance
(20) The changes in all branches of Turkish life have been stupendous.
(a) wonderful (b) funny (c) ordinary (d) simple
(21) Decent little beggars individually, but as a mob were pitiless and implacable.
(a) unappeasable (b) harsh (c) cruel (d) rough
(22) The school went up and down, dwindling almost to non-existence, becoming illustrious at
(a) progressing (b) advancing (c) flourishing (d) declining
(23) Chips sometimes went even so far as to make desultory notes in an exercise-book.
(a) rough (b) organized (c) printed (d) typed
(24) Chips changed his commodious apartment.
(a) comfortable (b) small (c) ugly (d) large
(25) Ralston told Chips that it was mixture of slackness ad obstinacy.
(a) stubbornness (b) kindness (c) happiness (d) ignorance
(26) He deals ………………… clothes .(A) On(b) With(c) In(D) at
(27) He is writing ………………… red ink .(A) On(b) With(c) In(D) at
28.She is as wise as him.
a. She is as wise as him. c. She is as wise as He.
b. . She is as wise as his. d. She is as wise as her.
29. None of the students have failed.
A. None of the students have failed. C. None of the students has failed.
B. None of the students are failed. D. None of the students were failed.
30. He as well as his friends were punished.
a. He as well as his friends was punished C. He as well as his friends were punished.
b. He as well as his friends have punished. D. He as well as his friends are punished.
31.The climate of Swat is nicer than Abbottabad.
a) The climate of Swat is nicer than Abbottabad.
b) The climate of Swat is more nicer than Abbottabad.
c) The climate of Swat is nicer than climate of Abbottabad.
d) The climate of Swat is nicest than Abbottabad.
32.Are you the eldest person in the village?
a) Are you the eldest person in the village? b)Are you the oldest person in the village
a) Are you the older person in the village b)Are you the elder person in the village
33.Swat is Switzerland of Pakistan.
a)The Swat is Switzerland of Pakistan. B)Swat is the Switzerland of Pakistan.
c)Swat are Switzerland of Pakistan. D)Swat is Switzerland of Pakistan.
34.If she will come, we shall go with her.
a) If she will come, we shall go with her. B) If she comes, we shall go with her.
c) If she will come, we must go with her. D) If she will come, we would go with her.
35.He has come to me this morning.
a)He had come to me this morning. B) He had come to me this morning.
c) He come to me this morning. D) He came to me this morning.

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