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CANCER: After learning about the cancer first best thing that should be done is

to get the facts about cancer diagnosis like; what kind of a cancer it is, where is
the cancer, has it spread, what are the treatment options, what will be the side
effects of the treatment etc.
Maintaining a healthy and a healthy diet consisting of a variety of foods and
get adequate rest to help and manage the stress and fatigue of the cancer and
its treatment will also be very helpful and effective.
Sometimes it is possible that people who haven’t experienced cancer can’t
fully understand the feeling of cancer patients. So, talking could also be helpful
in this case.
DIABETES: Diabetes is a serious disease. Many a times people don’t take it
seriously but maintain a healthy routine, which includes healthy eating,
physical activity, maintain a healthy weight, monitor blood sugar levels daily,
take medicines regularly, follow doctor’s instructions, keeping blood pressure
and cholesterol under control etc. will definitely help.

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