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5 Tips to Get the Most Out of This Masterclass

1. Print this guide before the Masterclass, so you can take notes as you listen.
You can also download and type directly in the guide to save paper.

2. Review the contents of this guide before the Masterclass so you know what
to expect, and you can best set aside private time before, during, and after the
Masterclass to complete the activities.

3. Complete the self-assessment before the Masterclass and uncover which

areas of your life requires more attention.

4. Think of how you can quickly implement the secrets revealed in this session
to improve your communication and impact.

5. During the Masterclass, use the dedicated space on the right side to
write down ALL interesting new ideas and inspirations you get while
listening - that way you won’t lose the most relevant information to you.

Table of Contents

• Set your intentions before the Masterclass.


• Assess your current level of consciousness with this self-assessment.


• Chapter 1: Neale’s Story

• Chapter 2: Highly Evolved Beings
• Chapter 3: There I Go Again
• Chapter 4: Life’s Magic Question


• Solidify your learning after the Masterclass by completing a quiz.


• This exercise will help you relate with everyone and everything around
you. You will experience life in a completely new way.


• Create awareness by asking yourself powerful questions.

• Read what people say about Neale. 

Start with Intention
Write down and set your positive intentions here. What are your intentions for
joining this Masterclass? What do you hope to leave with?


Assess your level of consciousness with this self-assessment. Let these scores
serve as an indicator to what areas you should focus on improving. How true are
these statements to you?

Rate yourself on these statements on a scale from 1 to 10.

Rate 1-10
(1 - least true; 10 - most true)
1. I know my ultimate purpose in life.
2. I see the unity of all life and live into it.
3. I always tell the truth.
4. What I say and what I do are congruent with each other.
5. I do not judge right or wrong situations. I acknowledge what
6. I believe “there’s enough” in the world.
7. I share everything with everyone all the time.
8. I balance technology with cosmology; nature and machine.
9. I do not engage in activities that would harm the environment
or other beings.
10. I express unconditional love for everyone.

Use the space below for any additional notes.

Follow along with the Masterclass and fill in the blanks.

Chapter 1: Neale’s Story

Neale had 3 invitations from God. They were:

1. Change the world’s mind about _________.

2. Give people back to _______________.

3. Awaken the ____________.

• What does H.E.B. stand for? = Highly ___________ Beings

Chapter 2: Highly Evolved Beings

• H.E.B.s are here to ___________ us.

• Evolution can be _______________.

• The current danger is that our __________________ is moving faster than our


• There are ______ behaviours of highly evolved beings.

• H.E.Bs have eliminated ________________.

Chapter 3: There I Go Again

• Whether you’re seeing the negative or positives of life, you’re always seeing a

__________________ of who you are.

• The “I AM” exercise. Whenever you see something, say to yourself

“________________”, until you can identify with what you’re looking at.

• “Make sure you never walk through any human being’s life, but that it is made

_____________ because you did.” - Neale

• There is no wrong or right way to do anything, there is only what is _______________.

• Get clear about what you’re doing and why you’re doing it - without right or wrong,

without judgment. Ask yourself, “______________________________?”

Chapter 4: Life’s Magic Question

• Ask yourself Neale’s magic question: What does this have to do with the agenda of

my ___________?

• The agenda for the soul is the same for everyone: To recreate yourself anew in

every moment in the next _____________ version of the greatest vision you ever held

about who you are.

• Every person and situation placed in your life is a _______ from heaven.

• Your life is not about _______; it’s about everybody whose life you touched and the

way you touched it.

Use the space below for additional notes. 

Complete this quiz after the Masterclass to solidify your learning.

1. If the progression of humanity is the length of a football field, where are we at the moment?

2. What is life’s magic question?

3. The agenda of the soul is the same for every human being. What is it?

4. What does the expression “I am sending you nothing but angels” mean?

Try this exercise using the secrets Neale revealed in the Masterclass to relate
with everyone and everything around you.

The next time you go out, make a conscious effort to do the following exercise:

1. Whatever you see and whatever you look at, say it to yourself: ''There I go again being

that'' until you can identify with whatever you are looking at.

2. After you do this, expand your awareness by adding the second exercise. When you look

at something, say this to yourself: ''I AM THAT’’.

3. After a week, come back to this page and write your thoughts and feelings about the

exercise in the space below. This exercise will help you relate with everyone and everything

around you. You will experience life in a completely new way. 

The right questions can spur your unconscious mind to feed you the right
answers. So ask yourself… (Use an extra piece of paper if you need to).

1. How do you feel after watching this masterclass?

2. What were your main takeaways?

3. How can you contribute more to your yourself, community, the world and the
universe if you apply the knowledge from this masterclass?

4. What is the one thing you can do right now to demonstrate you are dedicated to
elevating your communication and impact?

THANK YOU for joining Neale’s Masterclass! 

To accept the third invitation and Awaken The Species, visit
species-quest for more information on Neale’s remarkable
program to Awaken The Species.

Watch through to the end of the masterclass to unlock a

special reduced price, as a thank you to masterclass

“He is a masterful teacher.’’

"Learning from Neale is an experience like no other. He is a

masterful teacher, not only I felt changed, I was privileged to
witness people's lives transform right before my eyes!"

~ Catarina Catarino
Owner at Catarina Catarino, Pilates - Caniço and Writer at

‘’The energy in the room was absolutely magnetising.’’

"The energy in the room was absolutely magnetizing and open

to my heart. I love the space that Neale Donald Walsh created
for everyone in the audience. He is personal growth at its best."

~ Jonas Kehrbaum
Owner and Founder at Epro 360 Stipendien in den USA

‘’Neale Donald Walsch revised how I approach life.’’

"Nearly 20 years ago Neale Donald Walsch revised how I

approach life with a single profound concept:

What you wish to experience, provide to another."

~ David Topel
Community Manager at Zumba, Zumba instructor

“His wise words have changed so many lives.”
"Just being in his presence is so uplifting. After being in
the room with him for just a few minutes you already
begin to understand why his wise words have changed
so many lives! He's got a great sense of humor and he
answers questions like a spirituality ninja. I would 100%
attend another seminar of his. Those three days were the
highlight of my mindvalley u. education in Barcelona!"

~ Alicia D’Annunzio
Co-Founder at Vici Lifehacker

‘’I look forward to reading into his wisdom.’’

“Every day I look forward to reading into his wisdom and

usually it is spot on with what I'm going through, or
lessons to meditate on during the day or week. And just
by one email, It's almost like I know he has my back with
his little reminder, a little whisper, letting me know that
I'm not alone and that there is in fact a greater, master
plan at play here."

~ Milana Jevtic
Founder of The Club Coastal

“One of the biggest shifts for me was learning about my own

energy and how my thoughts influence my experience.”

One of the biggest shifts for me was learning about my

own energy and how my thoughts, whether negative or
positive will heavily influence my experience with the rest
of the world [...]

[CWG] have brought me success, peace and

understanding and without them my journey to where I
am now would have taken a lot longer

~ Leanne Yeung

“Learning directly from Neale opened my eyes and my mind to a
new world of possibilities in the spiritual realm.”

[...] I´m a man who always believes in science and what

can be proven... and learning directly from Neale opened
my eyes and my mind to a new world of possibilities in the
spiritual realm. If feel myself now more open, present and
aware because of the teachings of this man.

[...] his teachings are profound, transformative and

entertaining. [...]

~ Julián Castañeda,
CEO at Organización Mundial del Éxito

“He has a powerful way of getting to your heart with his wisdom
and charisma, to make it vibrate at a higher level.”

As a personal growth enthusiast I was constantly worried

about how to create the next “big” thing that would
cause a big change in the world, I was constantly focused
on how to make the biggest impact, to the point where I
would freeze and ended up doing nothing at all. Neale
helped me changed this approach, and I now understand
that the sum of all the acts you do to touch people in a
positive way can create an even bigger impact. [...]

~ Ericka Cascante, Mindvalley

San Jose, Costa Rica

For more information on Neale’s Awaken The Species Quest,



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