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What are Blogs?

Web logs or the blogs are the web-based journals. It is the act of posting content on a blog or
posting comments on someone else blog.

It is used to record data and to find an experiment or research results. It is also used just as a
journal to record one’s experience, thoughts and opinions.


1. Blogs let you interact with people and get their feedback at very little cost.
2. Blogs are regularly updated and are great learning experience.
3. It’s a source to express feelings, thoughts and opinions.
4. You can work at any time of the day and work with your ease.

Types of blogs

1. Personal blog
2. Corporate and organizational blogs
3. By genre
4. By device

What is Web hosting?

A web host stores all the pages of a website making them available to computers connected to
the internet. A website is identified by its domain name such as which is linked to IP
address pointing to a specific physical computer.

Types of Web hosting

Free, Standard, Dedicated, Colocation, Ecommerce, Reseller, Clustered

File and image, Weblog

What is Ecommerce?

Ecommerce describes the suit of tools required to take orders and payments for selling products
online. For example, PayPal and eBay.
What is Reseller?

The Reseller web hosting is when the company wants to become a web hosting
business themselves. A Reseller purchases web hosting facilities off another
web host then sells them on to other clients acting as their web host i-e
operating as a wholesaler.

What is clustered?

Companies with extremely popular sites will replicate the same contents onto
multiple servers in order to provide better access to website visitors. This is
called clustered web hosting.

What is dedicated?

It describes when the client pays for their own dedicated server machine for
its web site’s exclusive use. It is useful when a business needs greater control
over their web site.

What is colocation?

Colocation is similar to dedicated hosting in that a website resides on a

dedicated server. However, it is the website owner who owns the server not
the web host.

What is Bandwidth?

Bandwidth describes the maximum data transfer rate of a network or internet

connection and measures how much data can be sent over a specific
connection in a given amount of time.

What is Internet Service Provider (ISP)?

Internet Service Provider (ISP) is an organization that provides physical

access to the internet. This access might be provided in the form of a plugged-
in cable, a Wi-Fi signal or a mobile telephone signal.
What is Internet Protocol (IP) address?

An IP address is a code that uniquely identifies a particular computer on the

internet. Every computer requires a unique IP address to connect to the
internet and consists of four sets of number from 0 to 255.

What is an Internet hosting?

An Internet hosting is a generic term that describes a computer or computers

that support an internet-based service. For example, Email host, Game host
and Website host.

What is server?

A server is a physical computer dedicated to run one or more services to serve

the needs of users and other computers on a network. For example, print
server and web server.

What is World Wide Web?

The World Wide Web is a global collection of documents, images, and other
resources stored in millions of databases around the world. These documents,
images and resources are interrelated by hyperlinks and referenced through
unique identifiers.

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