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Week 1 Lecture 1
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 4, 2021 7:51 PM


Module # 1

Type Lecture

Week # 1

What is an App?
"An app is a computer software, or a program, most commonly a small, specific one used for mobile devices. The term
app originally referred to any mobile or desktop application, but as more app stores have emerged to sell mobile apps to
smartphone and tablet users, the term has evolved to refer to small programs that can be downloaded and installed at

Source: Techopedia

Desktop Apps
Usually standalone

Editors / Word processors

Web browsers

Mail clients

Often work offline

Local data storage

Possible network connection

Software Development Kits (SDK)

Custom frameworks

OS specific

Mobile Apps
Targeted at mobile platforms: Phones / Tablets

Week 1 Lecture 1 1

Limited screen space

User interaction (touch, audio, camera)

Memory / processing



OS specific



Usually network oriented

Web Apps
The Platform

Works across OS, device: create a common base

Heavily network dependent

Workarounds for offline processing

Our main focus in this course ...

Week 1 Lecture 1 2
Week 1 Lecture 2
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 4, 2021 8:10 PM


Module # 2

Type Lecture

Week # 1

Components of an App


Where are the e-mails stored?

How are they stored on the server? File formats, etc.


Indexing of e-mails



Display list of e-mails

Rendering / display of individual e-mails


Keyboard, Mouse, Video as I / O

Desktop paradigm - folders, files, documents

Week 1 Lecture 2 1

Touchscreen as I / O

Voice, tilt, camera interfaces

Small self-contained apps


Datacenter storage - persistent

Cloud: access anywhere multi-device


Single-function, limited scope

Week 1 Lecture 2 2
Week 1 Lecture 3
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 5, 2021 7:38 PM


Module # 3

Type Lecture

Week # 1

Client-Server & Peer-to-Peer Architecture



Stores data

Provides data on-demand

May also perform computations


End users

Requests data

User interaction, display


Connects the client to the server

Can be local

Data pipe - no alterations

In a client-server model, the server and client are explicitly defined

Local systems:

Both client and the server on the system ⇒ local network / communication

Week 1 Lecture 3 1
Conceptually, it is still a networked system

Machine clients

eg: Software, antivirus updaters

They need not have user interaction


Multiple servers, single queue, multiple queues, load balancing front-ends




WhatsApp / messaging

Web browsing

Distributed - Peer-to-Peer
Data can flow both ways

All peers are considered "equivalent"

But some peers may be more equal than others

This just means that some servers with high bandwidth are given higher weightage

Error tolerance

Masters / Introducers

Election / re-selection of masters on failure

Shared information



Blockchain-based systems

IPFS, Tahoe (distributed file system)

Week 1 Lecture 3 2
Week 1 Lecture 4
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 5, 2021 8:33 PM


Module # 4

Type Lecture

Week # 1

Software Architectures
What is a design pattern?
"A general, re-usable solution to a commonly occuring problem within a given context in software design"
Source: Wikipedia

Experienced designers observe "patterns" in code

Re-using these patterns can make design and development faster

Guide the design and thought process

M-V-C paradigm

Core data to be stored for the application

Databases: indexing for easy searching, manipulation, etc;


User-facing side of the application

Interfaces for finding information, manipulating


"Business Logic" - how to manipulate the data

Origins in the smalltalk language, 1979

The user uses the controller → to manipulate the model → that updates the view → that the user sees;

Week 1 Lecture 4 1
Other design patterns




Hierarchical MVC

Each one of them has its own uses, but the fundamentals are very similar

Focus of this course





Software architecture


Week 1 Lecture 4 2
Week 1 Lecture 5
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 6, 2021 12:07 PM


Module # 5

Type Lecture

Week # 1

Introduction to the Web

Platform of choice for this course

Generic - works across operating systems, hardware architectures

Can it be considered as a cross-platform OS?

Built on sound underlying principles

Worth understanding

Constraints: what can and cannot be done (easily)

Costs: storage, network, device sizing, datacenter

Historical background
Telephone networks ~ 1890+

Circuit switched - allow A to talk to B, through complex switching network

Physical wires tied up for duration of call even if nothing was said!

The bandwidth used by voice signal is pretty low

Packet switched networks ~ 1960s

Wires occupied only when data was to be sent - more efficient use
Last link: The physical connection between my telephone and my nearest telephone exchange, it has to be tied
up to me

Aggregate all the data in one place (telephone exchange) and transmit it over a single wire at a much higher
speed (connection between telephone exchanges)

Week 1 Lecture 5 1
Data is being sent instead of voice over the wires

ARPANet - 1969

acronym for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network

Node-to-node network

Mostly university driven


IBM SNA, Digital DECNet, Xerox Ethernet, ...


How to format packets; place them on a wire; headers / checksums;

Each network had its own protocol

"Inter" network

How to communicate between different network protocols?

Or replace them with a single "inter"net protocol

IP: Internet Protocol - 1983

Define headers, packet types, interpretation

Can be carried over different underlying networks: ethernet, DECnet, PPP, SLIP

TCP: Transmission Control Protocol - 1983

Establish reliable communication - retry; error control

Automatically scale and adjust to network limits

It is a connection oriented protocol

Domain names ~ 1985

Use names instead of IP addresses

IP addresses were basically a set of 4 numbers, what they called the dotted quad notation

There are 4 numbers in the range of 0 - 255, which are separeted by dots ( . )

Easy to remember - .com revolution still in the future

HyperText ~ 1989+

Text documents to be "served"

Formatting hints inside documents to "link" to other documents - HyperText

It was brought into one consolidated framework by Tim Berners Lee at CERN

All this lead to the creation of the World Wide Web

Where are we now?

Original web was limited to ...

static pages

complicated executable interfaces

limited styling

browser compatibility issues

Web 2.0 ~ 2004+

dynamic pages - generated on the fly

HTTP as a transport mechanism - binary data; serialized objects

client side computation and rendering

platform agnostic operating system

Week 1 Lecture 5 2
Week 1 Lecture 6
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 6, 2021 2:01 PM


Module # 6

Type Lecture

Week # 1

How does the Web work?

Digging deeper
What is a server?

What is a transport protocol?

Impact on performance:


Server compute resources

Storage requirements

Client compute resources

Web Server
Any old computer with a network connection can act as a web server


Listen for incoming network connections on a fixed port

Respond in specific ways

Opening network connections, ports etc already known to OS


What should client ask server

How should the server respond to the client

Week 1 Lecture 6 1

Regular text documents

Containes "codes" inside that indicate special functions - how to "link" to other documents

HyperText Transfer Protocol

Largely text based: client sends requests, server responds with hypertext documents

Week 1 Lecture 6 2
Week 1 Lecture 7
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 6, 2021 2:43 PM


Module # 7

Type Lecture

Week # 1

Simple Web Server

Simplest server


while true; do
echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\n $(date)" |
nc -l localhost 1500;

Create a new file on the linux terminal

$ nano

Write the above mentioned server bash script in that file, and then to run the script, type the following code on the linux

$ bash

We can send a request to the running server from another instance of linux shell

$ curl http://localhost:1500

We can also add a verbose flag to get a ton more info

Week 1 Lecture 7 1
$ curl -v http://localhost:1500

What the general web server is actually doing?

Listening on a fixed port

On incoming requests, it ran some code, generated results on the fly and returned the results to the client

Standard headers to be sent as a part of the result

Output can be in text or other format - MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)

What does a typical request look like?

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:1500
User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
Accept: */*

Viewing responses with curl

curl, wget, etc - simple command line utilities

Can perform full HTTP requests

Verbose output includes all the headers

Very useful for debugging!

What does a typical response look like?

When you make a simple http request to a web server via curl, the following response appears ...

* Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 1500 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:1500
> User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* no chunk, no close, no size. Assume close to signal end
Thu Jun 17 08:14:55 IST 2021

NOTE: The :: 1 is an IPv6 address which represents localhost

Week 1 Lecture 7 2
Week 1 Lecture 8
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 6, 2021 3:26 PM


Module # 8

Type Lecture

Week # 1

What is a Protocol?
When both sides agree on how to talk

Server expects "requests"

Nature of requests

Nature of client

Types of results that the client can deal with

Client asks "responses"

Asks server for something

Convey what you can accept

Read the result and process

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Primarily text based

Requests specified as "GET", "POST", "PUT", etc

Headers can be used to convey acceptable response types, languages, encoding

Which host to connect to (if multiple hosts are there on a single server)

Response headers

convey message type, data

cache information

Week 1 Lecture 8 1
status codes: 404 not found, etc

Use cases
GET: simple requests, search queries, etc

POST: more complex form data, large text blocks, file uploads

PUT / DELETE / ...

Rarely used in Web 1.0

Extensively used in Web 2.0

Basis of most APIs - REST, CRUD

Another web server

$ python -m http.server

Serve files from local directory

Understands basic HTTP requests

Gives more detailed headers and responses

When the above command is run in a given directory, if I find a file called index.html , return me that file else return me
the directory listing

Week 1 Lecture 8 2
Week 1 Lecture 9
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 6, 2021 3:44 PM


Module # 9

Type Lecture

Week # 1

Performance of a Website
How fast a site can be?

What limits the performance?

Some basic observations ...

How much time does it take to get the response for a given request

Speed of light: 3 × 108 m/s in vacuum

~2 × 108 m/s on a cable

~5ns for 1m ⟹ ~5ms for 1000km

Datacenter is 2000km away

One-way request: ~10ms

Round-trip: 20ms

So, what does this mean?

If I am continuously sending requests to a server, and I want it such that whenever I send a request, I get a response back
before I can then proceed, then

I am limited to a maximum of 50 requests per second

What about a server that needs to send back responses?

Response size

Week 1 Lecture 9 1
Response: 1KB of text (headers, HTML, CSS, JS)

Network connection = 100Mbps (Megabits per second) ≈ 10MBps (Megabytes per second) [Theoretically, it should
be 12.5MB/s]

This limits us to ~10,000 requests per second

For eg: Just imagine, that the result of some entrance exams were declared in India and if it is all trying to come out
of one server with the bandwidth of 100 Megabits per second
The server would simply crash when it is bombarded with more than 10,000 requests per second

A simple case study: Google response

Headers: ~100B (bytes)

Content: 144kB (kilobytes)

Approx. 60,000 requests per second

Which means that Google server effectively need more than 80Gbps of bandwidth

Memory: YouTube
One python HTTP server process: ~6MB (measured)

Multiple parallel requests: multiple processes

eg: YouTube will have long running server processes

2016 Presidential debate in the US:

2M+ concurrent viewers

Storage: Google
Index 100s of billions of web pages

Cross-reference, pagerank

Total index size estimate:

100,000,000 Gigabytes ⟹ 100 Petabytes



The Web is a useful device / OS agnostic platform for apps

Built for HTTP for transport, HTML and related tech for presentation

Servers trivial at most basic

Scaling requires careful design

Week 1 Lecture 9 2
Week 2 Lecture 1
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 14, 2021 12:16 PM


Module # 10

Type Lecture

Week # 2

Information Representation in a Machine

Information representation

Raw data vs Semantics

Logical structure vs Styling


Information representation
Computers work only with "bits"

Binary digits: 0 and 1


Place value: binary numbers: eg. 6 = 0110

Two's complement: negative numbers: eg. -6 = 1010

Representing Text



Information Interchange

Week 2 Lecture 1 1
Communicate through machines - either between machines or between humans

Machines only work with bits

Standard "encoding"

Some sequence of bits interpreted as a character

What is "0100 0001"?

It is a string of bits

Number with a value of 65 in decimal

Character "A"

All of the above statements are correct

It boils down to a matter of interpretation and context

American Standard Code for Information Interchange

7-bits: 128 different entities




Special characters- ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) ...

Why 7-bits?

It was a time before even 8-bit computers were standardised

The number of bits were precious and you really didn't want to use up more than necessary bits

That is why people tried to optimise the number of bits

What about other characters? あआ아ඞ

1000s of characters needed

Allow codes for more script, characters

How many?

All the living languages?

All extinct languages?

All future languages?

"Universal Character Set" encoding - UCS

UCS-2 2 bytes per character - max 65,536 characters

UCS-4 4 bytes per character - 4B+ characters

Week 2 Lecture 1 2
Week 2 Lecture 2
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 14, 2021 4:50 PM


Module # 11

Type Lecture

Week # 2

Efficiency of encoding
What is the most common language on the web?

As of now, it is English

Should all the characters be represented with the same number of bits?


A text document with 1,000 words, which equates to approximately 5,000 characters (including spaces)

According to UCS-4 encoding

32 bits × 5,000 = 160,000 bits

According to ASCII encoding

8 bits × 5000 = 40,000 bits

According to the original 7-bit ASCII which was sufficient for English
7 bits × 5000 = 35,000 bits

Minimum needed to encode just 'a' - 'z', numbers and some special characters
could fit in 6-bits: 30,000 bits

Optimal coding based on frequency of occurrence of a letter

'e' is the most common letter, 't', 'a', 'o', ...

Huffman or similar encoding: ~10,000 - 20,000 bits, possibly less

Week 2 Lecture 2 1
Is this problem solvable in general?
It is impossible to encode by actual character frequency: depends on the text

Just use compression methods like "zip" instead

But can encoding be a good halfway point?


Use 1-byte for most common alphabets

Group others according to frequency, have "prefix" codes to indicate

Prefix Coding

1st byte 2nd byte 3rd byte 4th byte Free bits Max. expressible Unicode val.
0xxxxxxx 7 007F hex (127)

110xxxxx 10xxxxxx (5+6)=11 07FF hex (2047)

1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx (4+6+6)=16 FFFF hex (65535)
11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx (3+6+6+6)=21 10FFF hex (1,114,111)

If the first bit starts with a 0, take the remaining 7 free bits as an ASCII code



Stands for Unicode Transformation Format

Uses 8-bits for most common characters: ASCII subset

All ASCII documents are automatically UTF-8 compatible

All other characters can be encoded based on prefix string

More difficult for text processors:

first check prefix

linked list through chain of prefixes possible

Still more efficient for majority of documents

Most common encoding in use today

Week 2 Lecture 2 2
Week 2 Lecture 3
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 14, 2021 6:39 PM


Module # 12

Type Lecture

Week # 2

What is Markup?
Content v/s Meaning

Types of Markup


Raw content

Markup What is markup? Markup is a way of using cues or codes in the regular flow to indicate how text should be displayed. Ma
rkup is very useful to make the display of text clear and easy to understand

Types of Markup

WYSIWYG: directly format output and display

What You See Is What You Get

Embed codes not part of regular text, specific to the editor


Details on how to display something

Change the font to large, bold

skip 2 lines, indent 4 columns

Week 2 Lecture 3 1

This is a <title> , this is a <heading> , this is a <paragraph>

Microsoft Word, Google Docs, etc

User interface focused on "appearance", not meaning

WYSIWYG: direct control over styling

Often leads to complex formatting and loss of inherent meaning

LaTeX, HTML (general *ML)

Focus on meaning

More complex to write and edit, not WYSIWYG in general

Fun fact: The current raw document was written in LaTeX and rendered to a PDF later

Semantic Markup
Content v/s Presentation


Meaning of the text

Structure or Logic of the document

Week 2 Lecture 3 2
Week 2 Lecture 4
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 14, 2021 7:21 PM


Module # 13

Type Lecture

Week # 2

Introduction to HTML
HyperText Markup Language


Variants of Interest

HyperText Markup Language (HTML)

HTML was first used by Tim Berners-Lee in the original Web at CERN (-1989)

Considered an application of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)

Strict definitions on structure, syntax and validity

HTML was meant for browser interpretation

Very forgiving: loose validity checks

Best effort to display

HTML Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>My First Heading.</h1>
<p>My first paragraph.</p>

Week 2 Lecture 4 1
<h1></h1> - paired tags

Represented by angled brackets <>

Closing tag with /

Location specific: <DOCTYPE> is only at the head of the document

Case insensitive

Valid syntax


The output is






Presentation v/s Semantics




Which one is right? Which one is better?

It is not an easy question to answer, both of them may be correct

<strong> is putting an emphasis meanwhile <b> does not

SGML based

1989 - HTML original

1995 - HTML 2

1997 - HTML 3, 4

XML based

XHTML - 1997 - mid 2010s


first release in 2008

W3C recommendation - 2014

World Wide Web Consortium

Block element: <div>

In-line element: <span>

Logical elements: <nav> , <footer>

Media: <audio> , <video>

Remove "presentation only" tags:



Week 2 Lecture 4 2
Document Object Model (DOM)

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for web documents. It
represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content.
The DOM represents the document as nodes and objects; that way, programming languages
can interact with the page.


<title>My title</title>
<h1>A heading</h1>
<a href="">Link text</a>


Root element:




Document Object Model

"My title"


"A heading"
Element: Attribute:

<a> href


"Link text"


It is a tree structure which represents the logical layout of the document

Direct manipulation of this tree is possible!

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are also defined on the DOM:



Web Storage

Drag & Drop


In most of the cases, when we talk about manipulating the DOM, we use JavaScript

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is used for styling

Week 2 Lecture 4 3
Week 2 Lecture 5
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 15, 2021 12:59 PM


Module # 14

Type Lecture

Week # 2

Introduction to Styling
Markup v/s Style



Markup v/s Style


Separation of Styling
Style hints in separate blocks

Separate files included


Week 2 Lecture 5 1
Style sheets

Specify presentation information

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Allows multiple definition

Latest definition takes the precedence

Week 2 Lecture 5 2
Week 2 Lecture 6
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 15, 2021 2:23 PM


Module # 15

Type Lecture

Week # 2

Types of CSS styling & Responsive Websites

Inline CSS
Directly add style to the tag


<h1 style="color: blue; text-align: center;">A heading</h1>

Internal CSS
Embed inside the <head> tag

Now, all the <h1> tags in the document will look the same - centrally modified

body {
background-color: linen;

h1 {
color: maroon;
margin-left: 40px;

External CSS
Extract common content for re-use

Week 2 Lecture 6 1
Multiple CSS files can be included

Latest definition of style takes the precedence

Responsive Design
Mobile and Tablet devices have smaller screen

Different form factors

Adapt to the screen - Respond

CSS controls the styling - HTML controls the client

Most commonly used framework for CSS

Originate from Twitter

Widely used now

Standard styles for various components





Mobile first: highly responsive layout

It is an interpreted language brought into the browser

Not really related to Java in any way - formally known as ECMAScript

Why was JavaScript brought into the browser?

HTML is not a programming language

CSS is not a programming language too (There are ways to make it Turing complete, google it)

We wanted to have "programmability" inside the browser

It is not a part of the core presentation requirements

But still, it is very useful and will be considered later

Presentation - Human interaction

Separate content from style

Markup - HTML

Styling - CSS

Week 2 Lecture 6 2
Week 3 Lecture 1
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 18, 2021 5:06 PM


Module # 16

Type Lecture

Week # 3

Overview of MVC
MVC paradigm

Views and User interfaces

Tools & Techniques


Model: Store e-mails on the server; indexed and ready to manipulate

View: Display a list of e-mails; Read individual e-mail
Controller: Sort e-mails; delete; archive (Usually the business logic of an app)

Origins: Smalltalk-80

Separation of responsibilities - Abstraction

Roots in Object-Oriented GUI development

Design Patterns
Common software patterns

Model: Application object

View: Screen representation

Controller: How does the user interface reacts to user input

Week 3 Lecture 1 1
Running Example
Student Gradebook

Input data: for Model

Student list

Course list

Student-Course marks

Outputs: for View

Marks for individual student

Summary of the course


Modifications: for Controller

Add new students

Add new courses

Modify the marks in a course

Week 3 Lecture 1 2
Week 3 Lecture 2
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 18, 2021 5:20 PM


Module # 17

Type Lecture

Week # 3

User Interface Design

User Interface


Vibration (haptics)

Motor (door open / close)

User Interaction
Keyboard / Mouse


Spoken voice

Custom buttons

User interaction is ...

determined by the hardware constraints

different based on various types of devices

user-agent information useful to identify context

Types of Views

Week 3 Lecture 2 1
Fully static

Partly dynamic

Mostly dynamic

HTML - most commonly used - direct rendering

Dynamic images

JSON / XML - machine readable

View - any "representation" that is useful to another entity

Week 3 Lecture 2 2
Week 3 Lecture 3
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 18, 2021 5:37 PM


Module # 18

Type Lecture

Week # 3

User Interface Design

Design for interaction with the user


Simple: Easy for the user to understand and use

Efficient: User achieves their goal with minimal effort


Something which is pleasing to the eyes and looks nice


Systematic Process
Functionality requirements gathering - What is needed?

User and Task analysis - user preferences, task needs

Prototyping - wireframes, mock-ups

Testing - User acceptance, usability, accessibility

Week 3 Lecture 3 1
Week 3 Lecture 4
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 18, 2021 6:27 PM


Module # 19

Type Lecture

Week # 3

Usability Heuristics
Guidelines / Heuristics
Jakob Nielsen's heuristics for design

Not specific to web apps, or even software UI design

But it is very useful and relevant

General principles

Simple and minimal steps

Simple language

Minimal and aesthetically pleasing

Week 3 Lecture 4 1
Week 3 Lecture 5
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 18, 2021 6:36 PM


Module # 20

Type Lecture

Week # 3

Tools (part 1)

HTML generation


Visual guide to represent structure of the web page

Information design

Navigation design

User interface design

Week 3 Lecture 5 1

Example Tools: LucidCharts

Week 3 Lecture 5 2

Week 3 Lecture 5 3
Week 3 Lecture 5 4
Week 3 Lecture 5 5
Week 3 Lecture 6
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 18, 2021 6:47 PM


Module # 21

Type Lecture

Week # 3

Tools (part 2)
Programmatic HTML generation: PyHTML
Composable functions - each function generates a specific output


To generate an h1 heading: the function should return ..

"<h1>text of heading</h1>"

import pyhtml as h

t = h.html(
h.title('Test page')
h.h1('This is a title'),
h.div('This is some text'),
h.div(h.h2('inside title'),
h.p('some text in paragraph'))

More complex HTML

def f_table(ctx):
return (
td(cell) for cell in row

Week 3 Lecture 6 1
) for row in ctx['table']

Standard template text

Placeholder / Variables

Basic (very limited) programmability


Python inbuilt string templates - good for simple tasks

Jinja2 - used by Flask




Ties in closely with Flask

Template functionality with detailed API

Remember: Templates can generate any output, not just HTML

from string import Template

t = Template('$name is the $job of the $company')

s = t.substitute(name='Tim Cook', job='CEO', company='Apple Inc.')

Jinja example

from jinja2 import Template

t = Template('Hello {{ something }}!')

t = Template('My favourite numbers: {% for n in range(1, 10) %}{{ n }} ' '{% endfor %}')

Week 3 Lecture 6 2
Week 3 Lecture 7
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 18, 2021 8:25 PM


Module # 22

Type Lecture

Week # 3

Various forms of disability or impairment





Can a page be accessed by people with impairments?

How can the accessibility of a page be improved? - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) - Accessibility guides

Interplay between many components of a page:

Web content: HTML, images, scripts, etc

User-agents: Desktop browser, Mobile browser, speech-oriented browser, assistive devices

Authoring tools: Text editor, Word processors, Compiler

Principle - Preceivable
Provide text alternatives for non-text content

Provide captions and other alternatives for multimedia

Week 3 Lecture 7 1
Create content that can be presented in different ways, including by assistive technologies, without losing meaning.

Make it easier for users to see and hear content

Principle - Operation
Make all functionality available from a keyboard

Give users enough time to read and use content

Do not use content that causes seizures or physical reactions

Help users navigate and find content

Make it easier to use inputs other than keyboard

Principle - Understandable
Make the text readable and understandable

Make the content appear and operate in predictable ways

Help users avoid and correct mistakes

Principle - Robust
Maximize compatibility with current and future user tools

Visual appearance

Very important

Simplicity preferred

Can vary with time


Week 3 Lecture 7 2
iOS: A visual history
In what is widely regarded as his greatest presentation ever, Apple's Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone
to the world on January 9th, 2007. In the five-plus years since then, the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch
have literally redefined the entire world of mobile computing.

View - any screen seen by the human or machines

User-interface and User-interaction guidelines

Accessibility is a core concept

Tools for automatic generation, consistent layout

Week 3 Lecture 7 3
Week 4 Lecture 1
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 27, 2021 1:48 PM


Module # 23

Type Lecture

Week # 4

Persistent Storage
Example: Gradebook
Students: ID, name, address, ...

Courses: ID, name, department, year, ...

Student-Course Relationship: which students are registered for which courses

Gradebook Gradebook

Name IDNumber CourseID Name

Sunil Shashi MAD001 EE1001 Introduction to Electrical Engineering

Chetana Anantha MAD002 AM1100 Engineering Mechanics

Madhur Prakash MAD003 MA1020 Functions of Several Variables

Nihal Surya MAD004 ME1100 Thermodynamics

Shweta Lalita MAD005 BR1010 Life Sciences

Raghu Balwinder MAD006

Gulshan Kuldeep MAD007

Kishan Shrivatsa MAD008

Purnima Sunil MAD009

Nikitha Madhavi MAD010

Lilavati Prabhakar MAD011

Rama Yamuna MAD012

Week 4 Lecture 1 1
Arbitrary data organized into rows and columns

Operations defined on cells or ranges

Multiple inter-linked sheets within single spreadsheet

Any kind of tabular data - expressed in tables

Students - Course?

Separate entry with full details - student name, ID, address, course ID, name, department, etc.


Separate table "joining" students with courses

Only ID specified

Relation specified with "Keys"


MAD001 BT1010 78

MAD002 EE1001 30

MAD005 EE1001 68

MAD009 AM1100 62

MAD012 AM1100 77

MAD007 BT1010 41

How should the underlying data should be stored?

Can it be made persistent - survive server restart?

How should the relations be represented?

Structured ways to represent, manipulate data?

Week 4 Lecture 1 2
Week 4 Lecture 2
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 27, 2021 2:41 PM


Module # 24

Type Lecture

Week # 4

Mechanisms for Persistent Storage

In-memory data structures

names = ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie']

courses = ['Introduction to EE', 'Applied Mech', 'Calculus']
rels = [('Alice', 'Introduction to EE'),
('Bob', 'Calculus'),
('Alice', 'Calculus'),
('Charlie', 'Applied Mech')]

Error prone - easy to make mistakes in entry or referencing

Does not scale

Duplicate names?

In-memory data structures: Keys

names = {0: 'Alice', 1: 'Bob', 2: 'Charlie'}

courses = {0: 'Introduction to EE', 1: 'Applied Mech', 2: 'Calculus'}
rels = [(0, 0), (1, 2), (0, 2), (2, 1)]

Data entry errors less likely

Duplicates not a problem - Unique key


Week 4 Lecture 2 1
class Student:
id_next = 0 # Class variable
def __init__(self, name): = name = Student.id_next
Student.id_next += 1

Auto-initialize ID to ensure unique

Functions to set/get values

class Student:
id_next = 0 # Class variable
def __init__(self, name, hostel): = name = Student.id_next
self.hostel = hostel
Student.id_next += 1

Add a new field to the object easily

But what about persistence?

In-memory data structures are lost when the program is killed, server is shut down or rebooted (restarted)

Save to disk? Structured data?

Python Pickle and similar modules

CSV - Comma Separated Values

TSV - Tab Separated Values

Essentially the same as spreadsheets - limited flexibility

Naturally represent tabular data

Extension, adding fields are easy

Separate sheets for relationships

Problems with spreadsheets:

Lookups, cross-referencing harder than dedicated database

Stored procedures - limited functionality

Atomic operations - no clear definition

Relational Databases - SQL

Shameless plug, I do have notes for DBMS here

From IBM ~ 1970s

Data is stored in tabular format:

Columns of tables: fields (name, address, department, ...)

Rows of tables: individual entries (student1, student2, ...)

Unstructured Databases - NoSQL

Easily add/change fields

Arbitrary data





Week 4 Lecture 2 2
Flexible, but potential loss of validation

Week 4 Lecture 2 3
Week 4 Lecture 3
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 27, 2021 3:39 PM


Module # 25

Type Lecture

Week # 4

Relations and ER diagram

Relationship types
One to One:

One student has one roll number

One roll number uniquely identifies one student

Example: assign unique message-ID to each email in the inbox

One to Many (Many to One):

One stays in only one hostel

One hostel has many students

Example: save emails in folders - one email is in only one folder

Many to Many:

One student can register for many courses

One course be taken by many students

Example: assign labels to emails - one email can have many labels and vice-versa

Entity-Relationship (ER)

Unified Modeling Language (UML)

Class relation

Week 4 Lecture 3 1
Entity-Relationship Diagram

ER examples

Tool: →

Week 4 Lecture 3 2
Week 4 Lecture 4
Class BSCCS2003

Created @September 27, 2021 4:29 PM


Module # 26

Type Lecture

Week # 4

Relational Databases - SQL
From IBM ~ 1970s

Data is stored in tabular format:

Columns of tables: fields (name, address, department, ...)

Rows of tables: individual entries (student1, student2, ...)

Key: unique way of accessing a given row

Primary Key: important for fast access to large databases

Foreign Key: connect to a different table - Relationships

Retrieve data from a database

eg: "Find students with name beginning with A"

"Find all courses offered in 2021"

Structured Query Language

English-like, but structured

Quite verbose

Specific mathematical operations:

Inner join

Week 4 Lecture 4 1
Outer join

Example: Inner join

Name IDNumber hostelID ID Name Capacity

Sunil Shashi MAD001 1 1 Jamuna 300

Chetana Anantha MAD002 2 2 Ganga 300

Madhur Prakash MAD003 2 3 Brahmaputra 500

Nihal Surya MAD004 3

Shweta Lalita MAD005 2

Raghu Balwinder MAD006 3

Gulshan Kuldeep MAD007 1

Kishan Shrivatsa MAD008 1

Purnima Sunil MAD009 2

Nikitha Madhavi MAD010 1

Lilavati Prabhakar MAD011 3

Rama Yamuna MAD012 3

Student - Hostel mapping


FROM Students
ON Students.hostelID = Hostels.ID;

---- OUTPUT ----

Sunil Shashi, Jamuna
Chetana Anantha, Ganga

Cartesian product
N entries in table 1

M entries in table 2

M × N combinations - filter on them

Powerful SQL queries can be constructed

Example: find all the students in Calculus

Find ID number for the course

Look up StudentsCourses table to find all entries with this course ID

Look up Students to find the names of students with these IDs

FROM Student s
JOIN StudentsCourses sc ON s.IDNumber = sc.studentID
JOIN Courses c ON c.ID = sc.courseID
WHERE = 'Calculus';

Models - persistent data storage






Week 4 Lecture 4 2
Entities and Relationships

Different ways of representing

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Week 4 Lecture 4 3

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