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Submit to:

Prepared by:
OOI YUN RUH (263023)

Date of Submission: 27th MAY 2021

i) identify FIVE concerning issues a journalist should highlight.
The first issue to be highlighted is financial burden issue. With the increasing
expenses in education, increasing pressure of student debt and the cuts to bursaries,
sugar dating is particularly predominant among students. The value-based dating
practice done by an older wealthier person and a youthful individual who is in need
of financial assistance brings a mutually beneficial relationship.

The second issue to be highlighted is materialism issue. The young generation

nowadays are comparing with material achievements and effortlessly caught in the
realm of sugar daddies who promise them a life of luxury and give them cash and
branded items. The easiest way they can lead the life they desire of and get the
admiration of others is by getting themselves a "sugar daddy". Thus, they will not
think twice to be a "sugar baby".

The third issue to be highlighted is emotional fulfillment issue. The girls desire
an emotional association, friendship, or companionship. Some of them indicated their
craving for a deep association while others looked for a love companion or intimate
friendship as they feel lonely at most of the times. “Sugar babies” may end up
creating feelings of love and warmth towards her “sugar daddy” who may be the first
person she has entered into a close relationship with.

The fourth issue to be highlighted is sex education issue. Sex education is just
about as significant as formal education. Since children spend most of their time at
home instead of with their teachers, it is their joint obligation to expose them to sex
education. Sex education is known to prompt more secure conduct, so children who
are presented to it early in their lives will undoubtedly practice alert and keep
themselves from engaging in sugar dating activities.

The fifth issue to be highlighted is family conflict issue. The parents' fighting or
arguing include hostile relationships between parents, poor nurturing practices,
negative parent-child relationships and maternal depression will prompt a child
feeling compromised, or fearful that the family would separate, and end up the child
will bound to go to sugar dating in the first place due to the depression.
ii) produce an investigative news report based on issues identified in section (i).

Female College Student Became “Sugar Baby” and Got Deceived, Extracted
Ooi Yun Ruh- Monday, May 24 2021

KUALA LUMPUR: Many college students nowadays faced financial problem and
became sugar babies to support their lifes. Other factors like having family conflict,
craving for materialism, looking for emotional fulfillment and lacking of sex
education also created this issue. Many of them were unable to pay fees to continue
their studies so were forced to become sugar babies to get support. However, they
encountered big scammers who were deceived and extorted by intimidation!

A female student at a college in Terengganu, was scammed by scammer. After being

scammed, she interstated to Kuala Lumpur to seek help from MCA Director of
Public Services and Complaints, Datuk Seri Cheung Tin Chi, hoping to get justice.

The 22-year-old Chinese female college student, May from Shah Alam said at a press
conference today that she was unable to pay her university fees, however did not
want to drop out of school because of the fees payment problem. During this period,
suddenly there was a Chinese man who stood up and claimed to be able to help her to
solve her financial problem by becoming a sugar baby.

"This man claimed to be Mike. During July 2020, he chatted with me through the
mobile instant messaging app WhatsApp. He said that he obtained my mobile
number through the introduction of a female friend of mine. In further dialogue, he
said that he could arrange sugar daddy for me to solve my financial problem."

She said that Mike stated that according to the existing sugar daddy package, she
must have sex with the same man for 6 times and she will get RM 1,000 for each
time which meant that it can raise RM 6,000 in a very short time.

"At that time, I thought of paying university fees, so I mustered up the courage to
undertake it. But Mike said that I had to pay a deposit of RM 12,000 before he could
assist in the arrangement. And I can get back the deposit I paid once I have provided
the service of sex to the man."

Later, May paid the deposit of RM 12,000 through 8 times of payments with the
assistance of several friends, but Mike asked her to pay for another RM 750 after
paying the deposit of RM 12,000. In the end, she was worried that this was just a
scam, so she went to ask Datuk Seri Cheung Tin Chi for help.

She said that she chose to stand up today because she hoped that the people would be
more careful of that.

Datuk Seri Cheung Tin Chi urged that if anyone encounters a sex scam, she should
not condone or be afraid of the scammer, but should immediately report the case to
the police, or ask the Ministry for help to provide legal aid.

Parents Must Guide Their Children to Avoid Going Astray

"The moral consciousness of young people today are very weak. Parents must pay
attention to and guide them in time to prevent their children from going astray."

Registered counselor Chen Quang (35 years old) said that the thinking and idea
concepts of the new generation of teenagers are quite different. Some people think
that there is no moral problem in "sleeping with", "assisting communication" or being
"nurtured" but it is purely regarded as a transaction.

He said that if parents do not take the opportunity to intervene and understand the
children's thoughts, they will eventually be unable to correct them in time which
resulting in more serious family problems and harming the children’s personality.

In addition, he pointed out that students must take the initiative to seek help from
their parents or the school no matter what problems they are facing. This is because
the school or parents have more resources or channels to provide assistance in
helping them.

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