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Summary: The Legend of Guava

A long time ago, there's a king who ruled a rich, prosperous island. He had all the
things a king could ever ask for: power, wealth, and delicious foods. As he neglected
his kingdom, people started to complain and starve. An old hunched-back woman
showed up begging for food while the king was eating. No one loves you and no one
will remember you when you are gone.

No one knows what's wrong with him. He got weaker and weaker and lost much
weight. Soon after that, the king died. And where the king was buried, his people
noticed a strange plant growing, a plant they had never seen before. The people
learned to eat the fruit, which helped them with starvation. And because the tree was
from the grave of their King Barabas and it has crown just like their king, they named
the tree after him: barabas, which in time became guava.

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