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Reading Test
6 5 M I N U T E S , 52 Q U E S T I O N S

Turn t o Section 1 o f y o u r answer sheet t o a n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s in t h i s section.

P i r a t e s

Each p a s s a g e o r p a i r o f p a s s a g e s b e l o w is f o l l o w e d b y a n u m b e r o f q u e s t i o n s . A f t e r r e a d i n g
e a c h p a s s a g e or pair, c h o o s e t h e b e s t a n s w e r t o e a c h q u e s t i o n b a s e d o n w h a t is s t a t e d o r
i m p l i e d i n t h e p a s s a g e o r p a s s a g e s a n d i n a n y a c c o m p a n y i n g g r a p h i c s ( s u c h as a t a b l e o r

Questions 1-10 a r e b a s e d o n t h e f o l l o w i n g All the way to town they passed trees, skinny,
passage. b r o w n , and gnarled like old hands. Snow wetted the
30 fingers. Overnight, there would be such a freeze that
This passage is from Julie Iromuanya, Mr. and Mrs. Doctor.
©2015 b y Julie Iromuanya. Ifi has just traveled to Nebraska f r o ma distance the trees w o u l d l o o k silver. Later, this
to join her husband, Job, who has been living there since the was the feature that pleased Ifi most when she stared
couple's marriage in Nigeria. out the w i n d o w at night while Job was away at the
?Have you eaten?? Dusk melted into a chalk white that floated and
exploded into the sky. Job clicked the wipers, and
?Come now. We'll drop y o u r baggage at the house, they flipped back and forth at a frenetic pace,
tine and then we will meet other Nigerians at a restaurant.
splitting the flakes. I n defiance, they grew fatter and
5 Emeka and Gladys. You'll like them.? He paused f o r a
r i m m e d the windshield with dust that scattered on
moment, as if choosing his words w i t h care. ?You will 40 the wind.
like Gladys immediately. She is a classical lady. But
?Snow,? Ifi said as it slowly dawned on her. She
Emeka, you must become acquainted with h i m before had o n l y reado f i t i n books. This was snow, flaking
you can understand his foolish humor.? on the car, the same as the blanket laid on the grass.
10 A pale-blue skyline rimmed with ash gray guided
This is America, she said to herself. She w o u l d scoop
the Audi along the interstate. Job drove in silence 45 it into an envelope and mail it to Aunty. No, she
until they reached a junction and turned o f f onto a w o u l d not do that. She laughed. Instead, she w o u l d
two-lane road. Zonta, the town that would be Ifi?s
take a picture f o r her little cousins. W i t h o u t thinking,
new home, was twenty or thirty miles south of the Ifi reached for the door handle.
15 Red Cloud reservation, and south of Zonta was
Job swerved the car. ?What are you doing? Are
Omaha, where Job said he went to medical school.
50 you crazy??
They w o u l d meet Gladys and Emeka i n Omaha for
Save for a pickup truck that had passed many
dinner. This was also where Job c o m m u t e d to f o r miles before, there was no one else on the road. ?Let?s
w o r k each night. Zonta, Nebraska, was a t o w n whose stop. I would like ta touch it.?
20 name meant ?trusted flat waters.? The Indians had
He gave her a strange look. ?We cannot be late to
named it that. Job told h e r this as they sped over 55 dinner.?
concrete roads surrounded by flats ankle deep i n
?Darling,? I f i said, settling on the w o r d she had
snow. One year, he said, i n the middleofw i n t e r , there heard A u n t y and Uncle use i n the middle o f quarrels.
were several hot days, and it all melted. ?River
?Okie, okie,? he said. ?We will stop. W e are not far
25 drained into street,? Job said, thrusting one finger
f r o m home.?
along the skyline. He had finally understood what the
name meant.

E >
60 T h e y pulled o f f the road and parked in a clearing
surrounded by twisted metal piping f o r a fence.
The passage describes a previous weather event as
Clapboard sheds were spread across the fields. These
affecting Job by
were the county fairgrounds, where twice a year,
during the fair and on Independence Day, everything A) showing him h o w the region's climate can be
65 was lit up. Farther still was just the outlineo f a string unpredictable.
o f corrugated-iron warehouses.
B) leading him to recognize the aptness o a
Ifi opened her palms and let snow fall into them.
particular place name.
She scooped it into her hands, pressed them together.
She placed it in her mouth and tasted. It was cold and C) indicating that his assumptions about s n o w
70 wet, like rain. That was all. She felt foolish, were groundless,
A t first he sat in the car, w i p i n g away the fog on D) disrupting his daily commute to Omaha
the insideo f the windshield. Then he came out, his
back against the car, as she rose f r o m the snow. She
looked to h i m like he imagined h i m s e l f at nineteen,
75 walking the curious, ginger walk o f feet u n f a m i l i a r
w i t h snow. She shivered. When her eyes m e t his, he
said softly, ?I did that as well.? One purposeo f l i n e s 31-34 (?Later . .
. hospital?) is
Snow was in her hands. It melted and ran along to

her palms and evaporated into the white at her feet.

A) demonstrate Ifi?s increasing appreciation o f
80 Again she looked at h i m , and it suddenly occurred to
her. ?I can d o anything here,? she said, her eyes large
and bright. W h e n he looked at her again with a queer B) contrast Ifi?s past w i t h h e r present situation.
expression, she elaborated. ?I can be anything. Like C) provide a glimpse into Ifi and Job?s future life
you,? she said. ?I can be a doctor i n A m e r i c ai f | like.? together.

D) hint at Ifi?s g r o w i n g uneasiness about her


It can be inferred from the passage that Job

regards Ifi?s first meeting with his friends w i t h
The description of the snowflakes? ?defiance? in
A) concern that Emeka will not make a good first
line 38 serves primarily to
B) hope that Ifi will enjoy the food at the A) emphasize the growing powero f t h e storm.
restaurant he has chosen. B) imply that the storm will prove dangerous.
C) doubt that Gladys and Emeka will have C) suggest that overcoming the s to rm requires
anything i n c o m m o n w i t h [fi. technology.
D) i n a t t e n t i o n to I f i s o w n reluctance f o r such a
D) underscore the quiet beauty o f the storm.
1 1

According to the passage, when the snow begins to W h i c h statement can be reasonably inferred
fall f r o m the passage regarding Ifi?s relationship to
her family i n Nigeria?
A) Job stops the car in anticipation o f worsening
conditions. A) Ifi regrets that her family could not
B) Job is concerned that the snow w i l l delay t h e i r accompany her to the United States.
arrival. B) Ifi is embarrassed about her family?s limited
C) Ifi realizes that the snow is potentially experiences with other cultures.
dangerous. C) Ifi resents the fact that her family did not
D) Ifi does not immediately recognize what it approve o f her marriage to Job.

actually is. D) Ifi respects some family members as models of

appropriate behavior in personal interactions.

A f t e r I f i asks Job to s t o p t h e c a r ( l i n e s 5 2 - 5 3 ) ,
Job?s f e e l i n g s t o w a r d I f i s h i f t f r o m
Which choice provides the best evidence for the
A) defensiveness to a realization of emotional answer to the previous question?
A) Lines 44-45 (?She w o u l d . . . Aunty?)
B) dismissiveness to a respect f o r an unusual
B) Lines 46-47 (?Instead .. cousins?) .

C) Lines 56-57 (?Darling . . . quarrels?)
C) puzzlement to a recognition of emotional
D) Lines 58-59 (?Okie . . .
D: hostility to a powerful surgeo f genuine

The descriptiono f I f i ? s eyes as ?large and

bright? (lines 81-82} serves to emphasize Ifi?s

In conjunction with line 54 (?He gave... look"), A) eager anticipation o f the adventures that lie
which choice provides the best evidence for the ahead.
answer to the previous question? B) feelings of apprehension regarding her future
A) Lines 60-61 (?They . . .

B) Lines 71-73 (?At first . . . s n o w " ) C) fierce determination to adopt a new value
C) Lines 76-77 (?When . . . well?)
D) joy at being reunited with Job after so many
D) Lines 82-84 (?When .. said?) .


Questions 11-20 a r e based o n t h e f o l l o w i n g Perhaps it is because of m y o w n background that I
Passages. find i t difficult to accept the n o t i o n that as judges o r

Passage is adapted from a speech delivered to the New

lawyers, m e n and w o m e n have fundamentally
York County Lawyers? Luncheon Forum in 1992 by Judge
different approaches.
Miriam Cedarbaum, ?Women on the Federal Bench.? Passage
2s adapted from a speech delivered to the School of Law at Passage 2
the University of California, Berkeley, in 2001 by Justice Sonia 45 While recognizing the potential effect o f
Sotomayor, ?A Latina Judge's Voice.? individual experiences on perception, Judge
Cedarbaum nevertheless believes that judges must
Passage 1
transcend their personal sympathies and prejudices
M a n y w o m e n o f my generation believed that
and aspire to achieve a greater degree of fairness and
separateness undermined equality, and we sought
50 integrity based on the reason of law. A l t h o u g h I agree
integration. I have never referred to myself, f o r
with and attempt to work toward Judge Cedarbaum?s
Une example, as a w o m a n lawyer o r a w o m a n judge
aspiration, I wonder whether achieving that goal is
because I have always believed that those were not
possible in all o r even in most cases. A n d I wonder
categories. That is, people are undoubtedly men and
whether by ignoring o u r differences as w o m e n or
women, but lawyers and judges do not have genders. 55 meno f c o l o r we doa disservice b o t h to the law and
This is a viewpoint that is n o w controversial, and is
society. . . .
under attack by some feminist theorists who
W h e t h e r born f r o m experience o r inherent
10 propound the idea that w o m e n t h i n k differently from
physiological o r cultural differences, a possibility I
men, and that there are gender-based intellectual
abhor less or discount less than m y colleague Judge
differences that should be recognized i n the work
60 Cedarbaum, our gender and national origins may and
will makea difference i n o u r judging. Justice [Sandra
Although undoubtedly we are all affected by our
Day] O ' C o n n o r has often been cited as saying that a
15 individual experiences and acculturation, our
wise old man and wise old w o m a n will reach the
common legal education has ingrained in us the
same conclusion in deciding cases. . . . | am also not
enormous importance in our democratic society of a
65 so sure that I agree with the s t a t e m e n t . . . .
tradition of independent and impartial judges. The
Let us n o t forget that wise men like Oliver
preservation of this tradition depends on judicial
Wendell Holmes and Justice [Benjamin] Cardozo
20 integrity, which is the ability and willingness o f
voted on cases w h i c h upheld both sex and race
upright judges to set aside, to the extent possible,
discrimination in o u r society. U n ti l 1972, no
their personal sympathies and prejudices i n deciding
70 Supreme C o u r t case ever upheld the claim o f a
legal disputes. This i n t u r n requires o f judges honest
w o m a n in a gender discrimination case. | . . . believe
self-appraisal and the recognition and acceptance o f
that we should not be so myopic as to believe that
25 one?s own fallibility. In some cases, this ideal may be
others o f different experiences or backgrounds are
more easily said than accomplished. But, after more
incapable o f understanding the values and needs o f
than six years as a federal trial judge, I have not seen
7 people f r o ma different group. M a n y are so capable.
any basis f o r believing that gender plays a role one
As Judge Cedarbaum pointed out to me, nine white
way o r the other in any particular judge's ability or
men on the Supreme Court in the past have done so
30 willingness to exercise self-restraint.
on m a n y occasions and o n m a n y issues including
Talso believe that a good judge should recognize as
Brown [v. Board of Education].
to all litigants, but especially as to c r i m i n a l
ao However, to understand takes time and effort,
defendants, that ?[t]here but f o r the grace o f God go
something that not all people are willing to give. For
1.? That is, that judges are membersof t h e same
others, their experiences l i m i t their ability to
35 species as all the human beings who appear before us.
understand the experienceso f o t h e r s . Other[s] simply
Whether we call it humility, humanity, or
do not care. Hence, one must accept the proposition
compassion, I have not observed differences in this
8 that a difference there w i l l be by the presence o f
quality among my colleagues that can fairly be
women and peopleo f c o l o r o n the bench. Personal
explained by gender, The same can be said of wisdom
40 and intellect... .
experiences affect the facts that judges choose to see.

E n

M y hope is that I w i l l take the good f r o m my

experiences and extrapolate them f u r t h e r into areas
In the first paragraph of Passage 2( l i n e s 45-56),
g9¢ with which I am unfamiliar. I simply do not k n o w
Sotomayor indicates that race and gender
exactly what that difference w i l l be i n my judging. But differences among judges are
J accept there will be some based o n my gender and

my Latina heritage. A) necessary elements for achieving system-wide

judicial integrity.

B) inevitably problematic f o r people who dismiss

their importance.

The m a i n purpose o f the first paragraph o f Passage 1 C) ultimately damaging to impartial analysis.
isto D) possibly beneficial to the public at large.

A) place Cedarbaum?s pointo f v i e w i na particular

cultural context.

B) suggest Cedarbaum?s openness to the views o f

As used in line 83, ?simply? most nearly means
those who disagree w i t h her.
C) express Cedarbaum?s political solidarity w i t h a A) modestly.
groupo f f e m i n i s t scholars. B) easily.
D) defend Cedarbaum?s position f r o m the criticism C) frankly.
of her colleagues.
D) barely.

W h i c h choice from Passage | best supports the idea

that judges? personal backgrounds may be at odds In the context o f Sotomayor's speech, the sentences
w i t h the professional responsibilities emphasized in i n lines 88-93, Passage 2 ( ? M y hope. . . heritage?)
their training? serve m a i n l y to

A ) qualify the evidence provided in the passage

A) L i n e s 5-6 (?I h a v e . . . c a t e g o r i e s ? )
w i t h a new consideration.
B) Lines 14-18 (?Although . . . iudges?)
B) cast the main argument o f the passage in a
C) Lines 23-26 (?This .. . accomplished?) personal light.
D) Lines 36-40 (?Whether. . . intellect?) C) offer a note of ambivalence about the
implicationso f t h e passage.

D) summarize the nature o f the life experiences

outlined i n the passage.
As used in line 35, ?appear? most nearly means
A) develop.
B} resemble.

C} are e v i d e n t .

D) are b r o u g h t .
1 1]
Q u e s t i o n s 32-42 are based o n t h e f o l l o w i n g Usinga different inequality measure leads to
Passage a n d s u p p l e m e n t a r y material. slightly different results. Peter Lindert, also at the

This passage and accompanying graph are adapted from

University o f California, Davis, says that as middle-
?What History Says about Inequality and Technology.? skilled jobs in England disappeared, the G i n i
50 coefficient o f household earnings rose, peaking in
©2017 by The Economist Newspaper Limited.
1800. The share of earnings captured by the t o p 1%
As moreo f the economy becomes automated, reached a high in a r o u n d 1870, But the t w o measures
doomsayers worry that the gap between the haves then went on to fall, not b o t t o m i n g out until the
and the have-nots will only grow, History shows, mid-20th century.
tine however, that this need not be so. 55 What distinguishes the advanceso f the computer
5 The recent rise in earnings for skilled workers is a age from those of the Industrial Revolution is that
rare historical phenomenon. C o m p i l i n g records from they have favoured skilled workers. So far, university
churches, monasteries, colleges, guilds and degrees have been a reliable proxy for skill but this
governments, Gregory Clark, an economist at the may change as artificial intelligence starts taking jobs
University o f California, Davis, has put together a 60 away f r o m white-collar workers. Projections f r o m
10 comprehensive dataset o f English wages that stretches America?s Bureau o f Labor Statistics show that f o u r o f
back to the 13th century. M r C l a r k notes that i n the the five fastest-growing occupations i n the c o u n t r y
past the skilled-wage p r e m i u m , defined as the involve personal care; noneo f t h o s e jobs requires a
difference i n wages [expressed as a ratio] between bachelor's degree.
craftsmen, such as carpenters and masons, and 65 In any case, to assume that current economic
unskilled labourers has been fairly stable, save for two trends w i l l persist is to assume an inefficient labour
sharp declines. market. Ken Rogoff, an economist at Harvard, argues
The first drop came in the 14th century, and had that as the wage p r e m i u m fora particular group o f
nothing to do w i t h technological change. Life workers rises, firms will have a greater incentive to
expectancy in medieval England was short and 70 replace them.
interest rates were high, meaning that taking on the
seven-year apprenticeship needed to become a *A group of workers in England who protested machinery used in
craftsman came w i t h a heavy o p p o r t u n i t y cost. But manufacturing, believing that it was threatening their employment
interest rates started falling i n this period, from
a r o u n d 10% in 1290 te 7.5% in 1340. W h e n the Black
25 Death struck England in 1348, wiping out a third o f
the population, interest rates fell further, to 5%, and Craftsman Wage Relative to
apprenticeships became m u c h more attractive. The Laborer Wage. England, 1200-2000
increased supply of skilled labour relative to unskilled
workers drove d o w n the wage premium. Data from Revolution
30 Jan Luiten van Zanden o f Utrecht University show
similar patterns in Belgium, France and the
The second big decline in the skilled-wage
p r e m i u m came after the Industrial Revolution.
35 Inventions like the power loom displaced artisans,
and increased the relative demand for unskilled
labour. Craftsmen whose skills took years to hone 125% - ? > ? ?+ _ T
suddenly found themselves being replaced by 100%
machines operated by workers w i t h just a few
0% 1
40 months? training. (The Luddites! reacted by smashing
the machines.) One study has found that the share o f
unskilled workers rose f r o m 20% o f the labour force S H G H C G GM
in England in 1700 to 39% i n 1850. The ratio o f Year
craftsmen?s wages to labourers? started to fall i n the
45 early 1800s, and did not recover u n t i l 1960.

E >
1 1

Over the course of the passage, the main focus Based on the passage, it can reasonably be concluded
shifts from that there is a strong relationship between
fluctuations in the skilled-wage p r e m i u m and
A) actriticism o f current methods o f measuring
fluctuations in the
income inequality to a suggestion f o r a better
approach. A) average n u m b e r o f years unskilled laborers who
take on apprenticeships spend in completing
B) a discussiono f h i s t o r i c a l trends i n income
inequality to an analysis o f more recent ones.
C) an overview of patterns i n income inequality to
B overall supply of industrial machines available
an inquiry into the causes of this inequality.
for training apprentices.
C) total n u m b e ro f w o r k e r s in the labor force o fa
D) an analysis o f the skilled-wage p r e m i u m to a
particular c o u n t r y ina particular t i m e period,
critique o f other related measures.
D) balance of skilled laborers to unskilled ones as a
percentage of a particular country?s labor force.

In the contexto f the passage as a whole, the phrase

?doomsayers worry? (line 2) serves m a i n l y to
As used in line 51, ?captured? most nearly means
A) emphasize that a particular view is overly
A) confined.
B) found.
B) associate the author w i t h a specific school o f
economic thought. C) apprehended.

C) convey the full urgency o fa contemporary D) acquired.

D) suggest the biases o af group o f researchers.

The passage most strongly suggests that m a jo r

advances i n technology are likely tu result in

W h i c h choice provides the best evidence for the A) an i n i t i a l decrease i n i n t e r e s t rates a n d w a g e

idea that Clark's findings, discussed in the second premiums.
paragraph (lines 5-16), were part o fa more B) arise i n wages for craftsmen and other skilled
widespread phenomenon? workers.

A) Lines 17-18 (?The first ... change?) C) an overall increase in jobs for both skilled and
B) Lines 29-32 (?Data... Netherlands?) unskilled workers.

C) Lines 46-47 (?Using .. . results?) D) a l o s so f j o b s for certain types o f skilled workers.

D) Lines 55-57 (?What .. workers?) .

B12 H

W r i t i n g a n d L a n g u a g e Test
35 M I N U T E S , 4 4 Q U E S T I O N S

Turn t o Section 2 o f y o u r answer sheet t o a n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s in t h i s section.

Pyiiz3 cH

Each passage below is accompanied by a n u m b e r of questions. For some questions, you

will consider how the passage m i g h t be revised to improve t h e expression o f ideas. For
other questions, you will consider how the passage m i g h t be edited to correct errors in
sentence structure, usage, of punctuation. A passage or a question may be accompanied by
one or more graphics (such as a table or graph) that you will consider as you make revising
and editing decisions.

S o m e q u e s t i o n s w i l l d i r e c t y o u to a n u n d e r l i n e d p o r t i o n o fa passage. O t h e r q u e s t i o n s w i l l
d i r e c t y o u t o a l o c a t i o n i n a p a s s a g e o r ask y o u t o t h i n k a b o u t t h e p a s s a g e as a w h o l e .

A f t e r r e a d i n g e a c h passage, c h o o s e t h e a n s w e r t o e a c h q u e s t i o n t h a t m o s t e f f e c t i v e l y
i m p r o v e s t h e q u a l i t y o f w r i t i n g in t h e p a s s a g e o r t h a t m a k e s t h e p a s s a g e c o n f o r m t o t h e
c o n v e n t i o n s o f s t a n d a r d w r i t t e n English. M a n y q u e s t i o n s i n c l u d e a * N O CHANGE? o p t i o n .
C h o o s e t h a t o p t i o n i f y o u t h i n k t h e b e s t c h o i c e is t o leave t h e r e l e v a n t p o r t i o n o f t h e
p a s s a g e as i t is.

Questions I-11 are based on the f o l l o w i n g passage.


Filling in the Blank B) On Wednesdays?that is, every week?

Every Wednesday on a weekly basis for over :
C) Every Wednesday
D) Each and every Wednesday i n her apartment
fifty years,Nadia Boulanger w o u l d invite her current

pupils to her Parisian apartment f o r an afternoon o f

nn E >
i ? ? i

music and discussion. Some o f the twentieth century's

reatest composers attended these intellectually rigorous Which choice most effectively combines the
underlined sentences?
weekly gatherings, They were just someo f the
A) O f the attendees at these intellectually rigorous
attendees. F r o m the 1920s until h e r death in 1979, weekly gatherings, some o f them were among
the twentieth century's greatest composers.
countless aspiring c o m p o s e r s ? l i k e A a r o n Copland,
pining P P B) These intellectually rigorous weekly gatherings
P h i l i p Glass, a n d Q u i n c y J o n e s ? s o u g h t o u t B o u l a n g e r ? s had attendees, and among them were some o f
the twentieth century's greatest composers.
mentorship, as i f it were a rite o f passage in their musical . .

C) Some o f the twentieth century's greatest

careers. Boulanger, a gifted p e r f o r m e r and composer i n composers attended because these were
intellectually rigorous weekly gatherings.
her own right, was famous f o r her demanding c u r r i c u l u m
D) A m o n g the attendees to these intellectually
that stressed not o n l y the[ K j obligations composers have rigorous weekly gatherings were someo f t h e
twentieth century's greatest composers.
to their audience but also the need for every student to

discover his or her own i n d i v i d u a l i t y as a composer.

[1] Central to Boulanger?s teaching was her insistence |
W h i c h choice best sets up the main ideao f the
that students master the fundamentals o f classical music,
next paragraph?
which to her meant gaining a proficiency i n music theory A) NO CHANGE

and analysis while also cultivating listening B) advantages of dramatic formats like opera

skills. [2] Boulanger used various exercises to d r i l l her C) importance o f musical f o r m

D) valueo f learning to play
several instruments
students in music basics such as h a r m o n y (combining t w o 8 f 0 Play

o r m o r e notes) and counterpoint (combining

m e l o d i e s ) . [3] D u r i n g p r i v a t e lessons a n d w e e l d y
gatherings, Boulanger [EW leads line-by-line analyses o f
B) w o u l d lead

C) w i l l l e a d

D) has been leading

BW E >
i ? ?

who[ J once taught the composero f the musical Bye

Bye Birdie, i t was o n l y natural her pupils w o u l d take W h i c h choice best supports the i n f o r m a t i o n
that follows in the sentence?
such diverse paths and make such unique music.
Above all, Boulanger was truly dedicated to music,
B) held that one must first master the rules o f
and she [1 past on a legacy o f musical devotion to composition before breaking them,
several generations o f composers. She famously once C) taught for years at the American Conservatory
at Fontainebleau,
said, ?False notes can be forgiven; false music cannot, D) believed that composers must find ways to

and Boulanger [ J J became renowned more for her individuate themselves,

teaching than f o r her own musical compositions.


B) past f o r

C) p a s s e d on
D) passed f o r

The writer wants a conclusion that summarizes the

passage?s discussion of Boulanger?s legacy. Which
choice best accomplishes this goal?


B) will long be remembered f o r her formidable

knowledge o f composers and compositions as
well as her own musical skills.

) taught her pupils the foundational skills that

allowed them to be trailblazers, true to their
own creative impulses.
D) n e v e r c l a i m e d t o be able t o i n s p i r e c r e a t i v i t y i n
her students, o n l y to train t h e m i n technical

wn E >
Questions 12-22 a r e based on t h e f o l l o w i n g passage.

D a t i n g Rocks B) they're

Whena f o s s i l i z e d millipede called Pheumodesmus C) their

D) its
newmani was discovered in Scotland in 2004,

it?s estimated age led researchers to conclude it

could be the oldest air-breathing animal. It w o u l d take

the efforts o f a determined University of Texas student
B) this hypothesis.
to showaf l a w in .
C) them.

The fossil was initially dated to around 428 million D) those.

years ERY ago. This dating of the fossil was based on the

abundance of period-specific plant spores found in

W h i c h choice most effectively combines the
nearby sediment. Professor Elizabeth Catlos o f the
sentences at the underlined portion?
Jackson School of Geosciences at the University of Texas A) ago, with this being
at Austin, k n e w that radiometric analysis could B) ago: initial dating was
C) ago
provide a m o r e accurate age, but such an analysis had
D) ago, and the dating was

B, Austin knew:
Cc Austin knew

D Austin; knew

R21 HK
[2 2
beds. [6] Suarez and other researchers isolated f o r t y
The writer wants to add the following sentence to
zircons f r o m each o f these beds f o r analysis. [ E J
this paragraph.
Performing the radiometric analysis, researchers
She first tried to separate zircons f r o m volcanic
ash i n the samples by crushing the minerals up
found that n u m e r o u s grains in each bed were as old as
and applying an organic solvent, but this method
the original estimate or older. However, they also proved ineffective.

discovered that some were m u c h younger, including a T h e best placement for the sentence is

grain i n bed 1 6 C O W 3 dated to F Z ] 420.0 million years A before sentence 1.

B} after sentence 1.
ago and one in bed 16COW1 dated to 410.4 m i l l i o n
Cc after sentence 3.
years ago. A total o f w o grains i n 16COW3 and
D after sentence 4.
eight i n 16COW1] dated to the Devonian period, which

lasted from about 419.2 to 358.9 m i l l i o n years ago.

W h i c h choice most accurately represents the

Ages o f Selected Zircon Grains in Beds near i n f o r m a t i o n in the table?
Pneumodesmus newmani Fossil
Grain #Age (millions af years
B) 413.8
40 4ig3 C) 414.3
90 4160
D) 418.8
G r ai innbed
s I6COW3 26 | aie?
3 4260
. 37 aa77??
a4? 4104
_ 4137
W h i c h choice most accurately represents the
i n f o r m a t i o n in the table?

(Grains i n bed f6COW1 A) NO CHANGE

B) at least f o u r g r a i n s i n e a c h b e d

C) five grains in 16COW3 and three in 16COW1

D) three grains in 1 6 C O W 3 and seven in 16COWL

A d a p t e d f r o m S t e p h a n i e E. Suarez et al., ?A U-Pb Z i r c o n A g e

C o n s t r a i n t o n t h e O l d e s t - R e c o r d e d A i r - B r e a t h i n g Land Animal.?
© 2 0 1 7 b y S t e p h a n i e E, Suarez et al.

H 2a
[2 ?

C o m p a n y demonstrated howB g can ambitious

oals powerfully communicate positive A) NO CHANGE

B) can ambitious goals powerfully communicate
expectations? One o f the company?s district
positive expectations.
managers selected his six best insurance agents, Cc)
ambitious goals can powerfully communicate
placed t h e m under the leadership o f his best
positive expectations?
D) ambitious goals can powerfully communicate
assistant manager, and tasked the group with a l o f t y Positive expectations.
sales B J goal, which acted as a clear sign of

management's confidence in the group's

al .
People w i t h i n the company began referring
W h i c h choice most effectively supports the idea
to this group as the ?superBRM staff.? The six agents i n the previous sentence?

who made up the group performed accordingly, A) NO CHANGE

boosting the performance o f the agency by 40 B) goal: the manager w o u l d report the results o f
the experiment at an industry meeting i n
percent. The takeaway is simple: to create super staff, 1963.

give them super goals. c) goal; sales goals are typically set once the
market potential o a f product has been

D) goal, as part o af plan based on the manager's

observations o f trends at various insurance

W h i c h choice most effectively combines the

sentences at the underlined portion?

A) staff,? and the six agents performed

B) staff,? and the group made up o f six agents

Cc) staff?; they (the six agents) p e r f o r m e d
D) staff,? with the agents, all six of them,

3 . 5 B 3

3k+2k=5 What is the grapho f the equation y = 3*?

What is the solution to the given equation? A) y

A) 0

B) 1

Cc) 3

D) 5


wm a E >
3 l 3

For the quadratic function f, the table shows F ( 3x?4

= x 4 x) - ¢
some values of x and their corresponding values
In the given quadratic function f, cis a constant and
of £0) Which of the following could be the

graph of y = f ) ? F(2)=12 . What is the valueo f ¢?

x 1 0 1

f(x} 0-40

A) y

a x

B) y

Oo; xX

1 1 + 3.5y
. 5 = 2x6 5

A person useda t o t a l o f 265 kilocalories (kcal)

while walking and r u n n i n g on a treadmill.
co Running at a constant rate required 11.5 kcal per
minute, and walking at a constant rate required
3.5 kcal per minute, The relationship between the
n u m b e r o f minutes running, x, and the n u m b e r o f
minutes walking, y, is given by the equation
shown.I f t h i s person ran f o r 20 minutes, how
many minutes did this person walk?

A) 35

B) 29
Cc} 17

D) 10


W h a t is the volume, in cubic units, o f the right

triangular prism shown? 24 |

16 |

A) 22

B) 60 . | i |.
Ol 2 4 6 8 101214
C) 180
A patio is to be made using square paving stones that
D) 360 ate all the same size. There w i l l be no gaps between
the paving stones, and they w i l l not overlap. The line
in the xy-plane above represents the relationship
between the area y, in square feet, o f the patio and the
n u m b e r o f paving stones, x, used to make the patio.
The top surface o f each paving stone is a square with
side length & feet. W h a t is the value o f k?

A )1
A hotel has a total of 180 rooms, and on a certain day, B) 2
half the rooms were cleaned. There were
Cc) 3
9 housekeepers on d u t y at the hotel that day, and each
D) 4
housekeeper cleaned the same n u m b e r o f rooms, r.
W h i c h o f the following equations represents the
i n f o r m a t i o n given i n terms o f r ?

A) 2 ( 9 r=) 180


C) 2 ( r + 9=) 180



y= ~ d x - 3 If 6(x+4)=36, what is the value of X+4?

y=?5x~7 A)2
W h i c h o f the following graphs i n the xy-plane B)6
represents the equations in the given system? c e
D) 30

For a particular cross-country skier, each point

i n the scatterplot gives the skier?s heart rate, in
beats per m i n u t e (bpm), and the skier?s oxygen
uptake, in liters per minute ( L / m i n ) , as
B) measured at various points o n a cross-country
ski course. A line o f best fit is also shown.
Cross-Country Skier's Heart Rate
and Oxygen Uptake

I +

1 gel
80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
Heart rate (hpm)
When the skier?s heart rate was 85 b p m , w h i c h
o f t h e following is closest to the difference, i n
L / m i n , between the skier?s actual oxygen
uptake and the oxygen uptake predicted by the
line o f best fit shown?

A ) 0.5
D) B) 1.0

C) 2.5

D) 5.0

nal E >
W h i c h o f the following functions has a m a x i m u m The area o f the M o u n t a i n Island Educational State
value of m , where m is a positive constant? Forest i n N o r t h Carolina is 3 square miles. W h a t is
the area, in square yards,o f this forest? (1 mile =
A) FQ) = m ? 1,760 yards)

A) 5,280
®) £0) =
= - mx
B) 15,840

C) f x ) = -x? +m C) 3,097,600
D) 9,292,800
D ) fx) = - + m ?

The ratio of students to teachers in a high school is

A quantity is decreased by 45%o f i t s value. The 18 to 1, I f the school has 105 teachers, how many
resulting value is x. W h i c h expression gives the students does it have?
valueo f t h e original quantity in terms of x?


) ~1 4 5


m0 E >

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