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The dhuafa smiling foundation, South Kalimantan is currently entering its 20 years, to be
exact, established on August 21, 2000, is the only local product engaged in the socio-religious
sector in poverty alleviation, by providing compensation to those classified as dhuafa,
providing educational scholarships and in the mobile health sector in health checks, family
planning examinations for pregnant women, even free delivery services and child
circumcision, both mass circumcision and regular circumcision. Besides that, it is also
engaged in the field of zakat consultation, inheritance and death, the field of the tahfidz
headquarters, and the abie audah center which is engaged in the field of da'wah in
collaboration with RRI Nusantara III Banjarmasin. The persistence of local products for the
smiling dhuafa in South Kalimantan is actually interesting to do research, where in its
development there are many similar movements such as zakat houses, orphanages, Baznas
itself which are even relatively new, what is the matter with smiling dhuafa which is arguably
phenomenal which has been able to survive until now. The presentation management carried
out by the smiling dhuafa at the smiling dhuafa clinic seems to be inseparable from the
brainding of marketing communication in exploring the potential of zakat in Banjarmasin
and its surroundings. This research uses a qualitative method with a qualitative descriptive
approach. The research location is on Jl. Kayu Tangi II, Prosecutor's Complex path I Rt. 19
Banjarmasin The research objective is expected to contribute to the government in alleviating
poverty and health through the development of the potential for zakat and inheritance. The
results of the research are expected that the potential of zakat and inheritance can be
developed by the community through brainding marketing communication media on
marketing management in order to increase the potential of zakat by motivating people to
share with others in social charity.

Keywords: Marketing communication media, marketing management, Potential

Productive Zakat

The founder or founder of the Smiling Dhuafa is Dr. H. Abd. Rochim Al Audah, M.Ag
is an academic, zakat motivator and preacher. H. Abdurrahim Al-Audah, M.Ag or better known
as Abie Audah is known as an intense figure in mobilizing and motivating zakat in South
Kalimantan. Abie Audah founded the Dhuafa Ters Smile Foundation on August 21, 2000 in
Banjarmasin with the support of several figures including Prof. Dr. H. Kamerani Buseri, MA,
KH. Husin Nafarin, MA and Dr. H. Karyono Ibnu Ahmad. With the help of various donors and
muzakki with professional management, Dhuafa Smiling has spread various benefits to the wider
community from 2000 until now.
Apart from being the founder of Abi Audah, he is also an initiator in various activity
programs initiated by Dhuafa Ters Smile apart from being the Amil and Zakat Institution (LAZ)
as well as establishing the 2FA Pratama Clinic, Da'wah Headquarters, Tahfidz Headquarters,
Hadits Headquarters, and Lughah Headquarters. With various programs that have been running,
it will strengthen the existence of Smiling Dhufa in spreading benefits in the social field.
Services from the Smiling Dhuafa that can be felt by the wider community such as free
childbirth, free circumcision, assistance for orphans, assistance for the Imam and the Mosque,
compensation for poor elderly widows, distributing zakat from muzakki, and also spreading
sacrificial meat to Eid Al-Fitr Mubarak. In its initial development until now, Dhuafa Smiling
under the leadership of Abie Audah has a Primary 2FA Clinic which serves the community for
free. Abie Audah always provides innovations in spreading the Smiling Dhuafa collected from
donors not only for donations for orphans but is also more engaged in spreading general social
benefits, this can be seen in the momentum of the month of Ramadan in presenting food
packages, collecting and distributing zakat fitrah. and zakat mal to those entitled to receive it and
also offering sacrificial meat on Eid al-Adha every year. Abd. Rochim Al Audah or Abie Audah
is a Doctor of Islamic Law graduated from the State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Gunung
Jati in 2019. With this competence in the field of Islamic law, he is increasingly active in
consulting services for zakat, waqf and inheritance which are the embryos of the Dhuafa
Foundation. Smile.
Health Development aims to increase awareness, willingness and ability to live a
healthy life for everyone without exception so that the degree of public health is realized as an
investment for the development of productive human resources socially and economically. In
this context, health problems are always considered small ;; by the community, moreover, they
are classified as dhuafa. That health is actually a basic need for all levels of society. The Horld
Health Organization (WHO) states that health is a physically, mentally and socially prosperous
condition that enables individuals to live productively in social and economic aspects.
On the other hand, the poverty level is one of the factors that affect the welfare of a
nation's life, this can be seen, where people who use BPJS have to pay every month, this is very
burdensome for the community, especially the lower middle class and for people who do not
have a BPJS card, they must. waiting for 140-30 days after registering before you can get health
services. The card will be deactivated or blocked if the participant is in arrears for the monthly
payment of at least 1 month, the card will be active again after the user has paid all arrears.
Counting on the stairs; January 1, 2020 BPJS contributions will increase by 100% which makes
it even more difficult for people to get health services.
As an obligation to fellow humans, we can help by paying zakat directly to existing
institutions, one of which is the Amil Zakat Institution. Where according to Law no. 23 of 2011
concerning the management of zakat article 1 paragraph (8) states that LAZ is an institution
formed by the community which has the task of assisting in the collection, distribution and
utilization of zakat. So the Amil Zakat Institution is an institution or institution or body in which
there is a group of people authorized by the government, either formed by the government or the
community, in charge of assisting the collection, distribution and utilization of zakat for the
benefit of the ummah.
In line with the increasing number of zakat funds collected, more and more dhuafa can
be assisted, and LAZ helps the government in poverty alleviation and health. This Health
Program is included in consumptive zakat, which is given basically only as a relief because it is
only limited to reducing the burden it should be borne entirely by the mustahik, and with this
assistance the dhuafa will no longer be confused about getting good health services.
Dhuafa Smiling Banjarmasin is a center for the development of the potential for zakat
and shodaqoh. Founded on August 21, 2000, his vision is to make LAZ for the Empowerment of
the Ummah and the Superior Amil Zakat that is Trustworthy and Professional and the Leading in
Advancing the Community of South Kalimantan in Optimizing the Role of Zakat and Shodaqoh.
Its mission is to Realize the Concept of Islamic and Healthy Community Empowerment through
Planned, Institutional and Sustainable Management and Utilization of Zakat and Shodaqoh
Funds. Dhuafa smiles raised by the ustadz Dr. Abd. Rochhim Audah M.Ag, who is called abie
Audah, is basically that his thought of establishing a foundation entered the year 2000 when the
monetary crisis hit Indonesia, and there must be a movement that invites people to give zakat,
donations and alms. Dhuafa smiles South Kalimantan is a foundation that collects zakat, infaq
and alms to help orphans and poor people, in the health and education sectors.
After 5 years of standing, Dhuafa smiles provides free health services from his clinic.
Dhuafa smiles, which was founded in 2005. His vision is to provide excellent health services by
prioritizing physical and psychological aspects that rely on historical culture. holds the principles
and ethics of medical law, Double caretreatment, Solutions for patients on holidays. accessed on
The aim of the Dhuafa Smiling Primary Clinic is to meet the needs of health services on Sundays
or holidays, create jobs and are social in nature, and participate in realizing government
programs towards a healthy Kalimantan. The Smiling Dhuafa Clinic provides several free health
services including medication, circumcision, family planning services, examinations for pregnant
women and childbirth, especially for those who cannot afford it.
This is a case study research in Indonesia. The data is obtained through a series of in depth
interview with the experts and stakeholders in Free Smile Pratama Clinic and documentary with
qualitative method. This is a case study research in Indonesia. The data were obtained through a
series of in-depth interviews with experts and stakeholders at the Free Smile Pratama Clinic and
documentaries using qualitative methods. Qualitative research method is a research method that
is descriptive in nature, uses analysis, refers to data, utilizes existing theories as supporting
material, and produces a theory. Another opinion is that the notion of qualitative research is a
type of social science research that collects and works with non-numerical data and which seeks
to interpret the meaning of this data so that it can help us understand social life through the study
of targeted populations or places. The qualitative research method is subjective from the
participant's point of view in a descriptive manner so that the results cannot be generalized. In
other words, this research method is more of a clear description of a problem in accordance with
the facts in the field. There are five stages in conducting this research, namely:
1. Raise the problem
2. Raise research questions
3. Collect relevant data
4. Perform data analysis
5. Answering research questions
The following is Qualitative Research According to Experts; According to Lexy J.
Moleong (2005: 6), a qualitative research method is a research that intends to understand the
phenomena experienced by research subjects. For example, behavior, perception, motivation,
action, etc., holistically, and by way of description in the form of words and language, in a
specific natural context and by utilizing various natural methods.
According to Sugiyono (2009: 15), qualitative research methods are research used to
investigate, find, describe, and explain the quality or features of social influences that cannot be
explained, measured or described through a quantitative approach.
According to Sugiyono (2009: 15), the definition of qualitative research is research based
on the philosophy of post positivism, used to examine the conditions of natural objects, (as
opposed to experiments) where the researcher is the key instrument, the sampling of data sources
is done purposively and snowball. , the collection technique by tri-accounting (combined), data
analysis is inductive or qualitative, and the results of qualitative research emphasize meaning
rather than generalization.
The needs of human life to fulfill, produce, and share it is called economy. In an Islamic
economy, the wealth should not only be circulated among the rich, but must also be distributed
among the poor. According to the authors, collecting funds for the empowerment of the people,
especially orphans / poor people, is in line with Islamic economic thought so that wealth for the
rich (donors) is channeled to the poor (orphans / dhuafa).
Communication Strategy
The communication strategy allows a communication action to be carried out for
communication targets that are designed as targets of change. According to Rogers (in
Cangara), the definition of a communication strategy is defined as a design made to change
human behavior on a larger scale through the transfer of new ideas (Hafied Cangara, 2013: 61).
[1] Executing the communication strategy strategy properly is the best combination of all
communication elements from the communicator, message, channel (media), receiver to
influence (effect) which is designed to achieve optimal communication goals. That in a
marketing communication strategy, the main target is to make people aware that they need a
product, service or value. If attention has been awakened, then the most important target is for
people to be loyal to buy these products, services or values (Burhan Bungin, 2015: 62). In the
business world, there are seven communication strategies that must be paid attention to other
things around them, namely: (1) understanding the communication process, (2) positive
thinking, (3) understanding language, (4) message clarity, (5) persuasion power. , (6)
completeness of messages, and (7) good wishes (Burhan Bungin, 2015: 62).
This also applies to communication strategies in non-profit organizations (Sally J
Patterson and Janel M Radtke, 2009: 32). According to Patterson and Radtke, non-profit
organizations in business communication are not only talking about what happened in the past,
but also about what is happening today, what the organization wants to achieve and why it is
desired. [3] This is related to the commitment made by the organization with the funders. The
marketing communication strategy, especially in the public relations approach, according to
Rosady Ruslan, refers to the marketing public relations strategy divided into three, namely the
pull strategy, the push strategy and the pass strategy (Rosady Ruslan, 2015: 242) . An attractive
strategy is carried out by creating certain programs to attract the attention of potential customers
who in the context of a non-profit organization are donors. The pushing strategy is a strategy for
the parts of the promotion to be more productive, while the strategy beyond is a strategy to
influence and retain customers for the long-term interest, namely creating customer loyalty by
creating a good image to the public.
Referring to the research of Hussain, Rawjee, and research on relationship marketing for
non-profit organizations in developing countries, they state that marketing is developed to build
long-term trust-based relationships (Sameera B Hussain, at.all, 2014: 24).Building these
relationships will build good financial sustainability. This is in line with the context of public
relations communication in marketing public relations where communication is built for the
long-term interest in a sustainable manner. Regarding communication development, Shargeant
and Shang stated that fundraising institutions can develop positive behavior through donations
by managing the following factors: (a) Communication sources. Fundraisers must use
personalities or collaborate with credible institutions to influence donor behavior; (b) Message.
Fundraisers must build quality arguments in their campaign advertisements and marketing
materials; and (c) a description of the benefits (Adrian Sargeant and Jen Shang, 2010: 86).
Donors get an overview of the benefits obtained from the donations given, for example for
certain companies, it will improve their image of social responsibility for the community.
Media Sosial
According to Antony Mayfield, the purpose of social media is to become a human being
who shares ideas, collaborates and collaborates to create, think, debate, find people who can be
good friends, find partners, and build a community. In essence, using social media makes us
who we are (Antony Mayfield, 2008: 6).Apart from the speed with which information can be
accessed in seconds, being yourself on social media is the reason why social media is growing
so rapidly. No exception, the desire for self-actualization and the need to create personal
branding. Social media technology takes many forms including magazines, internet forums,
weblogs, social blogs, microblogging, wikis, podcasts, photos or images, videos, social ranking
and bookmarking.
By applying a set of theories in the field of media research (social presence, media
wealth) and social processes (self-presentation, self-disclosure). Kaplan and Haenlein created
classification schemes for different types of social media in their Business Horizons article.
Social media has the following characteristics, namely; Messages that are conveyed are not
only for one person but can be various many people, for example messages via SMS or the
internet, messages are conveyed freely, without having to go through a Gatekeeper, messages
sent tend to be faster than other media, message recipients determine the time interaction The
rapid development of social media nowadays is because it seems like everyone can own their
own media. If to own traditional media such as television, radio, or newspapers requires a lot of
capital and a lot of labor, then it is different with the media. A social media user can access
using social media with an internet network even if access is slow, without big costs, without
expensive tools and done alone without employees. Social media users can freely edit, add,
modify text, images, videos, graphics, and various other content models.
Many companies build their own social platforms that try to connect blocks on social
media. It is a private community that engages people around narrower themes, such as around a
specific calling, brand or hobby, from social media platforms such as Facebook or Google+.
Meanwhile, social networking is a site that can create a personal web page, then connect with
friends to share information and communicate. The largest social networks include Facebook,
Myspace, Plurk, and Twitter. If traditional media uses print and broadcast media, then social
media uses the internet. Social media invites anyone who is interested to participate by
contributing and feedback openly, giving comments, and sharing information in a fast and
unlimited time. As internet and mobile phone technology advances, social media also grows
rapidly. Now, to access Facebook or Twitter, for example, it can be done anywhere and anytime
using a mobile phone. The speed with which people can access social media has resulted in a
major phenomenon in the flow of information not only in developed countries, including in
Indonesia. Because of the speed with which social media is starting to appear to replace the role
of conventional mass media in spreading news. Laz Dhuada Smiled also did this in
implementing a communication strategy to raise ZIS funds through social media. This is due to
using social media facilities with all its advantages and disadvantages.
Zakat is a balancing instrument in the economic and financial sector in society or it can be
referred to as al-maliyah al-ijtima'iyah. Therefore, zakat has a very important and strategic role
in terms of muamalah or the backbone of the welfare of the people. Zakat can also be a special
thing because in its arrangement it is not only binding on bindings / muzaki and objects /
mustahik but is very complete with institutions / amil zakat which focuses its activities on
collecting and distributing zakat to those who are entitled. Zakat itself is a form of worship that
has sincerity in its style, namely as a form of worship with two dimensions. Not only does it
have a social dimension, but zakat also has an economic dimension which is very important for
realizing the welfare of the people. Therefore, making zakat becomes a study topic that is
always discussed in order to realize social justice in people's lives. Muslim scholars from the
beginning of Islam to the contemporary era have always conducted in-depth studies on various
socio-economic aspects of zakat. With the implementation of directed zakat management, the
disparities and gaps that exist in society will be slowly eliminated. Because basically the
concept of zakat is the main instrument for eliminating economic disparities and a trigger in
economic activity by distributing and evenly distributing the purchasing power of the public at

Opportunities and Challenges of Optimizing Zakat Collection

In terms of zakat, it has 3 main value chains, namely the collection, management and
distribution of funds. There are collection activities covering all activities related to collecting
zakat funds from muzakki, starting from socialization efforts to storing zakat funds that have
been successfully collected. Today there are many amil zakat institutions that are well-
established and trusted by the community and are also legally equipped with Smiling Dhuafa.
This Smiling Dhuafa will become another infaq or shadaqah fund that has the opportunity to
become a stronger funding base and portfolio collection.
However, there are still weaknesses that must be evaluated in an effort to optimize the
collection of zakat funds, namely the Zakat Obligatory Identification Number (NPWZ) policy
does not have a compulsive and centralized character so that it creates obstacles in muzakki
mapping. Not only that, society too. In terms of zakat, it has 3 main value chains, namely the
collection, management and distribution of funds. There are collection activities covering all
activities related to collecting zakat funds from muzakki, starting from socialization efforts to
storing zakat funds that have been successfully collected. Today there are many amil zakat
institutions that are well-established and trusted by the community and are also legally
equipped with Smiling Dhuafa. This Smiling Dhuafa will become another infaq or shadaqah
fund that has the opportunity to become a stronger funding base and portfolio collection.
Basically the principles of zakat have been made and confirmed as a model like the Zakat
Core Principle (ZCP) which is complemented by the commencement with the certification of
Amil Zakat which is supported by the monitoring and evaluation division of the regulation
regarding BAZNAS as a supervisor who will control the governance of the Amil Zakat Board.
National and Amil Zakat Institutions either at the national, provincial or even district or city
levels. It does not stop there, Baitul Maal wat Tamwil has also been given space to collect zakat
and other shdaqah funds through legalizing the Zakat Collection Unit and Nazir waqf by
entering into existing BAZ and LAZ. However, there are weaknesses, that not all zakat
institutions have a good planning function and the pattern of integration and coordination
between LAZ Dhuafa Smiling is not optimal in managing zakat, infaq and shadaqah or DSKL,
so that zakat management institutions seem to be competitive and lack synergy.
Basically, zakat management in Indonesia continues to be improved with attention and
joint mapping with international institutions (such as UNDP) to maximize the use of zakat to
achieve the SDGs target in Indonesia. Zakat fund management regulations and institutions also
have a clear legal basis, namely the existence of an instrument of Law No. 23 of 2011 on Zakat
Management. There are also institutions such as the Zakat Management Association (Zakat
Forum) and other similar organizations. However, there are still technical regulations that are
void, such as for implementing regulations on zakat, such as technical regulations for auditing
zakat institutions.
So there is no doubt that zakat has a positive impact on the economy of a nation,
especially on aggregate consumption, investment and economic growth. This of course has
been tested in various theoretic and empirical studies that basically the transfer of zakat from
richer people to the poor who enter into 8 asnaf zakat will greatly allow an increase in
purchasing power (economic welfare).
Collection of Zakat Funds in the Industrial Era 4.0
Smiling Dhuafa will become an intermediary for muzakki to carry out their obligation to
pay zakat, which will then be distributed to mustahiks in accordance with the provisions
stipulated by sharia provisions with the hope that the awareness of the community will increase.
Previously, the process of socializing and collecting zakat funds carried out by Dhuafa Smiling
was still running conventionally, namely through programs that were printed or electronic in
nature, then zakat would be distributed to the mustahik. Usually, before distributing zakat, we
will plan programs on empowerment that are deemed appropriate through the study stages.
Such steps are expected, complete data will be collected to find out everything that is
needed and desired by the community. BAZNAS did this kind of situation before entering the
current digital era. When technology had not yet dominated, some of the muzakki who would
pay their zakat had to come directly to the office. Not only that, the socialization that has been
carried out also still uses print media such as pamphlets, banners or brochures. As for the
invasion that was carried out by BAZNAS to support the optimization of zakat funds at that
time, it was a zakat pick-up service.
It becomes a problem in society when Dhuafa Smiling in transferring knowledge to
society still uses the old conventional methods. This will certainly result in very limited public
access to zakat management information. This is because the space available in the media in
question is also considered very limited. So that the information conveyed through the media in
question cannot reach all the points and elements in terms of zakat management.
In this digital industrial era 4.0, technology is growing rapidly. This very rapid
development has led to significant changes in all aspects of life. It can be said that, if Laz
Dhuafa Smiling survives in terms of conventional fundraising mechanisms in this digital era,
then this possibility will not make a better contribution, even less effective. Likewise, when Laz
Dhuafa Smiling changes in terms of raising funds by utilizing technology and digital media, it
will have a positive impact on the socialization programs that have been carried out so far.
By optimizing current technology and social media, the socialization program carried out
by Laz Dhuafa Smiling will certainly cover many things. In this way, people's access to
information about zakat at Laz Dhuafa Smiling will be even wider. Of course this will also
make it easier for the public to access related information. Therefore, Laz Dhuafa Smiling in his
efforts to collect zakat funds from muzakki must be able to change from conventional
mechanisms and methods to digital fundraising. This phenomenon is certainly not only in the
realm of zakat in particular, but also covers all financial aspects that know about the community
in the fintech phenomenon.
Digital-Based Zakat Fund Collection
The rapid development of internet-based technology is now increasingly being felt in the
community. In fact, this is felt by people around the world in general. This is indeed a necessity,
because the internet has benefits that are immediately felt by the wider community. More
specifically, it is internet users who function it as a medium of communication and marketing
socialization. In terms of marketing, the internet will facilitate direct interaction and
communication with potential customers. This certainly provides an overview of the ideal
conditions for developing and building real communication. Able to provide targeted targets and
convey messages to more specific targets.
In addition, internet users also have the freedom to choose the message to be promoted or
the information they want to access. By utilizing the internet, it is able to provide an overview of
the profile of a company or institution with every detail about the products or services produced
or offered. Has a wide reach and costs costs incurred when using conventional methods of
integration with interners. the various benefits that have been offered, the internet will become a
social media which of course provides a more lucrative offer. This development will be
responded to by the increasing number of companies, institutions, agencies or organizations that
use the media in question with the aim of disseminating the products offered.
Laz Dhuafa Smiling as an institution that has the function / activity of gathering /
fundraising, of course it is appropriate to participate and participate in utilizing the media in
question. The growth and development of technology as well as digital media and social media
have changed the fundraising mechanism of non-profit organizations such as Laz Dhuafa
Smiling to be more massive in interacting with the public and donors. This collection activity can
also be termed digital-based fundraising.
Along with the times, this digital media continues to undergo renewal. This will also apply
to digital media that will be utilized by OPZ in order to disseminate fundraising activities by
utilizing various existing media channels. Some of the channels that can be used by OPZ to
transform its program in order to optimize the collection of zakat funds are as follows:
In general, the website has been used by almost all existing companies or institutions. In
other words, it is very possible for Laz Dhuafa Smiling to socialize his zakat fund collection
program by utilizing this media. The advantage of using this website is that users (prospective
muzaki) can easily access the information that has been uploaded on the site. This of course will
greatly affect the information received by the community and of course it is hoped that the
community will be increasingly aware of their obligation to pay zakat.
Email is an electronic media that is quite effective for a company or institution to greet
consumers to interact with each other and that is done while maintaining their privacy against
backgrounds that we know are different. Even email marketing can be said to be the first position
as an effective tool in an effort to increase demand in the retail business sector. This position beat
the search engines which took second place. Email marketing itself is a form of direct marketing
that utilizes electronic media which aims to convey commercial messages to the address of its
users. As for some of the advantages when using this media are: relatively lighter and more
efficient costs, clear and targeted targets, can be done in accordance with the wishes and
objectives of marketing, achievement and success can be measured
If this model can be applied by Laz Dhuafa Ters Smile it will certainly increase the
potential of muzakki to pay zakat. Because Laz Dhuafa Smiling is an institution that is also
required to attract candidates from muzakki to tithe through the institution. Therefore, Lazy
Smiling Dhuafa needs to communicate with muzaki and prospective muzaki. The use of this
media also has a role in maintaining good communication and relations with the muzakki.
This good relationship and communication between muzaki and Laz Dhuafa Smiling can
be realized by means of Laz Dhuafa Smiling by continuing to send information and invitations to
activities such as workshops or other activities organized by Laz Dhuafa Ters Smile, providing
information on activities or programs for distributing zakat funds so that muzaki feel more
confident in the management carried out by Laz Dhuafa Smilinbg.
Search Engine Marketing
Search Engine Marketing is considered to be very effective because by utilizing this
technology in advertising we can determine the intent, purpose and product we want to sell with
an algorithm that has been set in such a way. In the digital era of industry 4.0, both non-profit
and franchise companies are led to be active in utilizing media technology when promoting the
goods or services offered. Some companies have also used the advantages of media technology
in introducing their products by taking advantage of strategic steps to increase competitiveness
through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as an alternative route to the modern company.
(Bharata, W; 2016; 169–189). [14] In this case LAZ Dhuaa Smiling of course also needs to pay
attention to this method to increase their competitiveness in the current era of digitalization with
very fast marketing competition. By utilizing SEO technology, they will find it easier to promote
the programs and services they offer and inform muzaki.
Social Media Marketing
Aytekin, Ç., & Merve Keskin Demirli, S. (2017) This media is a two-way communication
that is usually carried out by young users to get empathy from both parties. Many assume that
marketing activities using social media can reduce misunderstanding of a product or service
offered by a company. Even the development of the use of social media marketing is an
inseparable need. [15] Social media itself can be defined as a group of applications based on web
2.0 technology. By using this media, it allows users to create and share content among each other
(Anz, LH, & Fazzini, J. (2015). [6] This certainly has a positive impact on muzaki, for example
muzaki will easily get information about the agenda. or the Laz Dhuafa Tersenum program. The
more massive campaigning on social media, many people believe they will provide education to
the wider community.5. Social Network
Social network or commonly referred to as social media is one of the media on the internet
network that can be used for socialization and promotion. The real examples of social networks
that are familiar to the public are like Facebook, YouTube, Tweeter, Instagram, LinkedIn and so
on. Based on the data of its use, it is very understandable if the socialization of a good or service
made through this application can have a significant effect. With the convenience provided, the
costs are relatively cheap (almost without cost) and of course the socialization is very easy for
organizations to introduce to the public. For lazy Smiling Dhuafa who has taken advantage of
this social network, of course we should appreciate it. With the large number of potential social
network users and high usage intensity, it is hoped that the zakat programs carried out by Laz
Dhuafa Ter Smile can be realized to the public well. This is certainly a big hope for Laz Dhuafa
Smiling to attract prospective muzaki and increase trust in existing muzakki.
Productive Zakat and Free Health Clinic.
El Madani (2013) describes zakat as growing, increasing, a lot, blessing and can be
interpreted as "plants have tithe" if the plant grows bigger, "that livelihood has given zakat".
Meanwhile, according to the Shari'a, zakat is the taking of certain assets, based on certain
procedures, and given to certain people. Zakat in its implementation can be interpreted as a
mechanism capable of channeling wealth owned by wealthy groups of people to disadvantaged
groups of people. According to Qardhawi (2002), the role of zakat is not only limited to poverty
alleviation. However, it also aims to overcome other social problems. In the al-quran and hadiths,
there are many arguments that discuss zakat: َ‫صاَل ةَ الّ َز َكاةَ َوارْ َكعُىا َوآتُىا َم َع ال َزا ِك ِعيه‬ َ ّ‫َوأَقِي ُمىا ال‬
Meaning: "And establish prayers, pay zakat, and bow" along with those who bow. " (Surah
Al-baqarah [2]: 43)
The law of zakat is mandatory for capable Muslims. The law of zakat has also been
explained in Law number 23 of 2011 article 1 and article 2 concerning zakat, which reads: zakat
is an asset that must be issued by a Muslim or a business entity to be given to those entitled to
receive it in accordance with Islamic law.. ‫ك‬ َ َ‫صلَىت‬ َّ ‫ص ِّل َعلَي ِه ْم‬
َ ‫إن‬ َ ‫ُخ ْذ ِم ْه أَ ْمىَلِ ِه ْم‬
َ ‫ص َدقَةً تُطَهِّ ُز هُ ْم َو تُّ َز ِّكي ِه ْم بِهَا َو‬
‫ َعلِي ُم‬.ٌ‫َواهل ُل َس ِميع‬
Meaning: "Take zakat from some of their assets, with zakat it will clean and purify them,
and pray for them. In fact, your prayer is a peace of mind for them and Allah is hearing and
knowing. " (Surah At-Taubah [9]: 103).
In issuing zakat, there are several requirements that must be fulfilled, these conditions are
the conditions that must be fulfilled in terms of the obligatory zakat (the person who gives zakat)
and from the side of the conditions for assets that can be issued zakat. According to Qardhawi (in
Kartika Sari, 2006) the terms of zakat are as follows:
1. Being Muslim
2. One nisab is sufficient
3. One Haul or one year passes
4. The assets are good and lawful.
5. Are productive, both real and non-real. Thus, assets that are not developed and used to meet
the living needs of their owners are not obliged to be zoned, such as a house with all its
equipment, private vehicles, jewelry that is not used excessively.
6. In full ownership.
7. Surplus from minimum basic needs (primary).
8. Free from overdue debt.
Zakat can be divided into 2 types, namely (Hasan, 2006): first is zakat fitrah, which is a
number of assets that must be fulfilled by every mukallaf (Muslim, baligh, and intelligent
person) and every person whose livelihood is covered under certain conditions. The second is
Zakat maal which is zakat on assets. Includes trade or trade, mining, agriculture, marine and
livestock products, inventions, gold and silver and professional zakat. Each zakat has different
According to El Madani (2013) there are many lessons and benefits behind the command to tithe,
1. Zakat can familiarize the person who performs it to have a generous nature, while at the
same time eliminating stingy and stingy nature;
2. Zakat can strengthen the seeds of brotherhood and increase the love and affection of fellow
3. Zakat is one of the efforts to overcome poverty;
4. Zakat can reduce unemployment and its causes. Because the results of zakat can be used to
create new jobs;
5. Zakat can purify the soul and heart from resentment, as well as eliminate jealousy and hatred
from the poor towards the rich;
6. Zakat can grow the economy of the people.
Distribution of Zakat
In the distribution of zakat funds, the recipient of zakat (mustahik) has clearly regulated its
existence. The expenditure or utilization of zakat funds outside of the existing provisions must
have a strong legal basis. The existence of the Amil Zakat Institution is a solution in collecting
and distributing zakat funds. The existence of amil has also been described in the Al-Qur'an and
Hadith. The implementation of zakat, apart from being based on QS at-Taubah, verse 103, is
based on the distribution of Zakat
In the distribution of zakat funds, the recipient of zakat (mustahik) has clearly regulated its
existence. The expenditure or utilization of zakat funds outside of the existing provisions must
have a strong legal basis. The existence of the Amil Zakat Institution is a solution in collecting
and distributing zakat funds. The existence of amil has also been described in the Al-Qur'an and
Hadith. The implementation of zakat, apart from being based on QS at-Taubah verse 103, is also
based on Surah at-Taubah verse 60 regarding the groups entitled to receive zakat. Zakat
management institutions in Indonesia are divided into two, namely the Amil Zakat Agency
(BAZ) and the Amil Zakat Institution (LAZ).Also in the letter at-Taubah verse 60 regarding the
groups entitled to receive zakat. Zakat management institutions in Indonesia are divided into
two, namely the Amil Zakat Agency (BAZ) and the Amil Zakat Institution (LAZ).
Zakat management institutions, whatever their form and position, generally have two
functions, namely (Ridwan, 2005) as a financial intermediary and empowerment. Utilization of
Zakat Utilization of zakat is closely related to how it is distributed. This condition is because if
the distribution is right on target and efficient, then the utilization of zakat will be more optimal.
23 of 2011 concerning Zakat Management, explained that the utilization is:
1. Zakat can be utilized for productive efforts in the context of handling the poor and improving
the quality of the people.
2. The utilization of zakat for productive business as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be carried
out when the basic needs of the mustahik have been met.
In the utilization of zakat funds, there are several conditions that must be fulfilled by the
zakat distributor or zakat management institution. This is stated in the Decree of the Minister of
Religion of the Republic of Indonesia No. 581 of 1999 concerning the management of zakat
funds. As for the types of zakat fund utilization activities:
a. Social Based
b. Based on economic development.
This type of zakat distribution is carried out in the form of providing business capital to
mustahik directly or indirectly, the management of which may or may not involve the target
mustahik. The distribution of zakat funds is directed at productive economic efforts, which are
expected to result in a higher level of social welfare.Naution (2008) In the distribution of zakat
funds, at present it is known as consumptive zakat and productive zakat. Almost all zakat
management institutions apply this method. In general, the two categories of zakat are
distinguished based on the form of zakat giving and the use of zakat funds by mustahik. Each of
these consumptive and productive needs is then divided into two, namely traditional
consumptive and creative consumptive, while those in the productive form are divided into
conventional productive and creative productive, namely:
1. Traditional Consumptive
2. Creative Consumptive
3. Conventional Productive
4. Creative Productive.
Zakat in Productive Efforts
The implication of zakat is to meet the needs of people who are deprived, reduce the gap
in economic disparities, as well as health, reduce the number of social problems, and maintain
the purchasing power of people in order to maintain the business sector. In other words, zakat
keeps people's consumption at a minimum level, so that the economy can continue to run. Zakat
makes society grow well, zakat can boost the economy.
Zakat is a special government income that must be spent on special interests such as
helping the unemployed, the poor, and so on. Zakat forms the community to work together to act
as a guarantor institution and a provider of reserve funds for Muslim communities (Sariningrum,
2011). The goal of zakat is to improve the standard of living of the Indonesian people who are
still below the poverty line. This income transfer media aims to increase the purchasing power of
the poor. The zakat targets include improving living standards, education and scholarships,
overcoming employment or unemployment problems, and health service programs. Zakat on
production, assuming the muzakki are a group who generally work as producers, then the
benefits of zakat by producers will be felt through the level of consumption that is maintained, as
a result of the zakat they pay is spent by mustahik to consume goods and services from
producers. So the higher the amount of zakat, the higher the consumption which can boost the
economy. At present zakat can not only be used for a consumptive nature, it will be more
beneficial if zakat can be used productively. Because this will help the mustahik not only in the
short term but in the longer term. The existence of zakat which was originally intended to
eradicate poverty has led to thoughts and innovations in the distribution of zakat funds itself, one
of which is as assistance in productive efforts. With the existence of capital, the mustahik party
can increase their income through productive efforts with the zakat funds they receive. It is
hoped that the composition of society will change or with the aim of making mustahik become a
muzakki. This can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Changes in the composition of the community before and after receiving
productive zakat funding

Middle income
Middle income

Source: Asnaini, 2008

Productive zakat funds are realized in the form of capital assistance for mustahik businesses.
Productive zakat is zakat given by amil institutions to people who need capital assistance,
productive zakat funds as capital to carry out an economic activity, namely to develop the
economic conditions and potential productivity of mustahik.
Zakat, Poverty and Health
ccording to Qaradhawi (2002), Islam views poverty as one thing that can endanger faith,
morals, logical thinking, family and society. One of the biggest crimes of capitalism is the
control and ownership of production resources by a handful of people who benefit economically,
so this has implications for neglecting those who are less fortunate. Zakat is an uncompromising
mechanism that seeks to eliminate all arbitrariness, because zakat is an obligation for wealthy
Muslims. Zakat is able to appear as an instrument in reducing this gap and able to restore
people's purchasing power. The productivity referred to here is that after they receive productive
capital assistance in the form of working capital or training, the zakat recipient is able to produce
something that has added value.
This is intended to be able to raise the level of welfare of the zakat recipient. As an effort
which aims to maximize profits, with the assistance given, from an economic point of view
maximizing these profits can be achieved with production efficiency. This can be achieved if the
capital assistance provided does not burden production costs. In Islam there is no interest factor,
so this will not burden the cost of production, and the income from the additional capital can be
fully used. To deal with the problem of poverty, zakat can play a role in providing business
capital and business training for mustahik. Thus will create the economic empowerment of the
ummah. On a micro level, zakat funds play a role in meeting the needs of mustahik. Therefore,
the mustahik must get the facilities, facilities, management, and skills that will encourage them
to be independent (Garry, 2011).
System of Collection, Management and Distribution of Productive Zakat.
The collection of zakat, infaq and shadaqah funds is carried out by various means, such as
auto zakat (Infaq Card), zakat pick-up, teledonation, zakat via zakat swipe, zakat via online
banking, zakat via ATM, zakat via visiting counters. The management of all zakat that comes in
is channeled into four main programs. Through Champion Smile (education), Independent Smile
(economic welfare), Healthy Smile (health). This movement is empowering productive zakat in
the form of providing capital assistance to mustahik. In providing indirect capital assistance, Laz
Dhuaffa Terrs smiled. The process of selecting the mustahik who is entitled to receive capital
assistance is analyzed by Laz Dhuaffa Terrs Smile. Initially there were 32 mustahik recipients of
capital assistance and up to now there are 30 mustahik recipients of capital who are still actively
running their business. This was done in 5 years when Dhuafa smiled to his feet, but on his
journey after evaluating the management of the Dhuafa Tersnyum South Kalimantan foundation,
and the results of the analysis were submitted by the foundation's management with the
conclusion that it was not effective in alleviating poverty, there were things more important than
providing business modes, namely free health services, as revealed by the Chairman of the
Smiling Dhuafa Foundation, Dr. H. Abd. Rochim Al Audah., M.Ag in an interview:
“…. based on our analysis in the evaluation of the Laz Dhuaffa Terrs Smile program, we
conclude that the poverty alleviation of mustahik in providing business capital is not effective, so
we divert it by strengthening health services through the free smiling pratama dhuafa clinic.
Health services for people who are categorized as poor and needy include regular family
planning and child circumcision services. Childbirth services and, Medical Services, as the
picture shows 2
Free health services for the Smiling Dhuafa Pratama Clinic
No Type of service Activity time Officer
1. KB examination Every weekday every Monday Doctor in charge of the day,
Punch 08.00- 17.00 virgin and midwife
Friday, 08.00- 11.30
2. Child Circumcision Every Saturday Doctor in charge of the day,
virgin and midwife
Punch 08.00-13.30
3 Labor Every day 1 x 24 jam Doctor in charge of the day,
virgin and midwife
4 Treatment Sunday Doctor in charge of the day,
virgin and midwife
Punch 08.00-13.00

Source: Pratama Dhuafa Smiling Clinic, South Kalimantan, Merch 2021

However, in the conditions of the Covid 19 pandemic that hit us, free treatment at this
health service did not work as expected, while other programs continued to run as they should by
still prioritizing health protocols according to applicable regulations. (Interview results, March
15, 2021). In the field of free health services carried out at the Dhuafa Smiling clinic, in 2020
health service activities for the community went as expected, here it appears that public health
service activities carried out by smiling dhuafa get the attention of the public, especially for those
categorized as dhuafa or those who are have a family economic level below average, so they
come to the primary clinic for the poor to smile. This can be seen in the smiling poor health
service program as seen in the table below:
The Smiling Dhuafa Primary Clinic Program in 2020

1. Mengendalikan
Program Keluarga Berencana Kelahiran dan
a) Penyediaan pelayanan
KB dan Alat kontrasepsi 2. Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Keluarga
b) Pelayanan KIE Pasangan 3. Meningkatkan Kesehatan Keluarga
c) Pengelolaan alat Wanita usia 4. Mengatur Jarak Kelahiran Anak
1 PELAYANAN KB kontrasepsi dan gudang alat subur , 80%
d) Pembuatan data keluarga masyarakat
e) Integrasi KB kesehatan umum
f) Peningkatan kapasitas
dan jaringan kelembagaan
g) Bantuan Operasional Keluarga Berencana
h) Pengembangan Kampung KB
Pemeriksaan kehamilan
atau antenatal care (ANC)
merupakan upaya untuk 1. menurunkan AKI
menjaga kesehatan ibu 2. menurunkan AKB
1. .Timbang berat badan 3. meningkatkan
2. Tekanan darah diperiksa 4. mengoptimalkan
3. Mengukur TFU kesehatan mental serta
4. Vaksinasi tetanus fisik ibu hamil.
5. Tablet zat besi
6. Tetapkan status gizi
7. Tes laboratorium
8. Tentukan denyut jantung janin
9. Tatalaksana kasus
10. Temu wicara
Bidan memfasilitasi menjaga kelangsungan
persalinan sesuai dengan hidup dan memberikan
konsep kebidanan dan derajat kesehatan yang
memberikan asuhan tinggi bagi ibu dan
1. Mengurangi risiko
terjadinya penyakit
seksual menular
2. Mencegah terjadinya
penyakit pada penis
3. Mengurangi risiko
terjadinya infeksi
Program khitanan  gratis saluran kemih
adalah program khitan anak-anak, 4. Mengurangi risiko
4 KHITAN rutinan yang diperuntukan masyarakat terjadinya kanker penis 100%
bagi anak-anak kurang umum dan kanker
mampu . serviks pada pasangan
5. Membuat kesehatan
penis lebih terjaga,
karena penis yang
disunat lebih mudah
6. Memabntu anak
yang kurang mampu
untuk khitan
1.Promotif, yaitu
pemelihara dan
Pelayanan Kesehatan peningkatkan
pengobatan umum gratis kesehatan hal-hal ini
adalah upaya untuk sangat diperlukan
menyelenggarakan secara misalnya dalam
bersama-sama dalam suatu peningkatan gizi.
organisasi kesehatan untuk 2. Preventif, yaitu
Masyarakat pencegahan terhadap
5 PENGOBATAN UMUM GRATIS mencegah dan 100%
umum orang yang berisiko
meningkatkan kesehatan,
memelihara, dan terhadap penyakit
menyembuhkan penyakit
dari seseorang, kelompok, 3. Kuratif, yaitu
keluarga, ataupun penyembuhan penyakit
masyarakat. 4. Rehabilitasi, yaitu
pemulihan dan proses

Source: The Smiling Dhuafa Pratama Clinic, South Kalimantan, March 2020.
While the cost of free health services for the community is inseparable from the collection
of zakat, infaq and shadaqah, which is then transferred to the dhuafa smiling foundation to be
productive zakat, meaning that all health service costs are borne by the dhuafa smiling
foundation itself, this can be seen in the distribution. zakat funds in 2020.
Image of zakat fund distribution based on the program in 2020

Source: Dhuafa Smiling Foundation, South Kalimantan, March 2020

Seeing the potential of zakat people in the city of Banjarmasin and its surroundings, of
course, promotional communication media in zakat management is a strategic thing in making
communication branding by partnering with several communication media itself so that they can
contribute to poverty alleviation by prioritizing the health sector itself.
Strengthening the potential for zakat in the city of Banjarmasin and its surroundings should
be a serious concern, considering that the potential for zakat is very significant among the
Islamic community in order to help the government in poverty alleviation, so a promotional
communication media brand Laz Dhuafa Smiling is needed in several communication media on
marketing management in strengthening the potential for productive zakat in society. In the
implementation of the Free Smile Pratama Clinic so that by doing so a healthy community will
bring changes to the level of welfare of their families, and their own environment.

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