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Contextualization Goals: Connect textbook concepts to a direct quote from your primary source

Context: Religious wars, Cruelty Europeans show one another in name of religion

Introduce quote, and correctly cite it for practice

Furthermore, we need to argue an actual idea. We need to explain it

Chapter 3: Renaissance Background:

- Italy was not affected by most of the horrifying things associated with the dark ages
- They were not at the center of it, so it actually benefited them
- Very lucrative trade, much more prosperous than their neighbors in the 1500s
- 1450’s great cities were, Milan, Venice, and Florence
- Feudalistic, and follow class
- Renaissance thinkers had become patronized, worshipped and loved
- Printing press was created by Gutenberg, changed the world singlehandedly. Allowed
information to spread more quickly. Made books more available, cheaper, and allowed more
people to become educated. Took them from being completely in the hands of the church
- Leonardo da Vinci was around this period, who revolutionized almost every facet of science and
art. Scientist that had extensive knowledge of engineering, human bodies, art and many others.
- Along with Michelangelo helped create the concept that is now today, Renaissance
- Brunelleschi- Painted the dome for the Medici family, but also invented linear perspective
- Botticelli- Pushed the boundaries with his paintings and art depicting sex and lude acts that were
considered taboo because of the church.

Chapter 4: Politics in Renaissance:

- By mid-1400’s other nations had begun to compete with Italy, and were having their own
- Renaissance didn’t end, but Italian leading it stopped
- Arabic numerals took over, Humanistic ideas prevailed
- Monarchs got stronger, in turn making their armies and battles fiercer
- 15th century, gunpowder comes into play and changes warfare entirely -> maybe reference page
86 end of paragraph 2 about how warfare has changed and the natives of lands they were facing
- Cannons also, show cased in Turkish siege of Constantinople
- Leaders began to prioritize education, and influence to spread
- Taxes began
- Spain:

- Marriage of Isabella and Aragon made them powerful

- They gave choice of convert to Christianity or exile and hundreds of thousands of jews
and Muslims exiled

- 1500s were Spanish century

- English:

- Went through a lot of turmoil but emerged a strong monarchy, fought through civil
war, debating who’s king

- France:

- Only rival to Spanish power

- Warring with France and Turkish

- They exiled their Jewish people seizing lands, on top of many manipulations to gain
capital for the crown

- Holy Roman Empire

- Modern day Germany but had no name for it back then. They were fragmented and
after Rome dissolved were not united under a single banner

- Conquered by single family that was emperors until Napoleon conquered them.

- Elected for leadership, benefited since Turks were their neighbors and were kept at

- Charles V emerged as emperor, he reigned over Roman territory and New Spain, did
not manage well and passed to successors who were united in Catholicism and disdain
for France

- Ottoman Empire:

- Ottoman empire was the strongest by far in the ancient world

- They were at the center of trade routes and exported mass amounts of
desirable goods to the Europeans, while also warring with them

- Were the first successful modern city state

- Ottomans were a lot of small Turkish kingdoms, nomadic and would raid
European neighbors. Founded from man taking Byzantine empire (Muslim)

- Sultan conquered Egypt and many nations in Africa, while also conquering his
way through Europe

- Oversaw a cultural flourish in Ottoman empire too, built church and instilled
laws. On top of this supported church, but did not let them influence rule

- Saw disaster when the greatest Sultan fell, and infighting began

- However, because of how they were established and how well the country run,
they did not decline for years and years until Europe eventually chipped away at
their territory and their economy
- Muslims were very advanced with their humanistic beliefs, they allowed people to
practice their own religions, they would not persecute people based on different things,
would educate their people. The sultan even had Jewish and Christian people in his

- Safavid Persia:

- Hard for them to establish their empire due to Mongols and constant infighting

- One religious mystic was a Shia Muslim and united the population that was
concentrated there at the time into an empire. In doing this he proclaimed himself the
prophet and named his new empire Iran

- Mystic was defeated by Ottomans and the empire lost its stability again however still
built-up culture

- New ruler emerged, did everything to build up internal power to rely on themselves
and to support merchants. Of all races and of all religions

- Was in the center of trade and information, allowing the civilization to flourish

- By 1722 their silk monopoly had fallen apart because of this the empire began to lose
power, and this led to the persecution of different races being Jews and Christians

- Eastern Economics: Difference was the empire to the east built up their trades and their
merchants were revered and respected
- Gave every race right in trading, which allowed all of them to become merchants. Prioritizing
this allowed their economy to grow and allowed the smartest and best working to excel
- They were constantly being pressured for their exquisite goods that Europeans didn’t have
access to, they were at the center of where they passed through and held immense financial
and political power with this
- On top of this the Persians had their own silk monopoly and maintained it which helped build
their entire economy
- Primarily made money from taxing imports and exports through their ports. This combined with
luxury goods made them huge players until other routes were established from Europe

Chapter 5:

- European poverty was the cause of them taking over the world in the next centuries
- The rest of the nations were happy with things, leaving European nations to find new trade
routes and new ways of becoming superpower
- The crusading ideology influenced Spanish conquistadors in the Americas, they were there to
establish trade routes and convert people to Christianity, could have led to further brutality
- Due to the invention of Caravel, allowed Europeans to travel on open ocean and make the
journey for trade routes
- Europeans had very rough understanding of world and where things were
- Africa

- Had luxury goods like ivory and gold very cherished by the Europeans
- Couldn’t access them until Caravel was invented, allowing them travel down coast

-Vasco De Gama sponsored by Portugal, established trade route to India, leading to the
first European colonization of African territories along the way.

- Didn’t have monopoly over goods but did have direct access to the goods from Africa
leading to Portuguese growth

- Spain:

- Columbus was funded to sail East, and essentially come in behind the Muslims to the
West to establish themselves there for both trade, and religious conversion

- Left in late 1490’s and found themselves on other side of world in Bahamas

- Colombian Exchange: Key idea. it was the exchange of animal’s, goods, humans,
diseases between Spanish settlers, and native American counterparts

- Europeans brought back corn, potatoes, tobacco, chocolate, and tomatoes

- They brought large, domesticated animals - horses, cows, sheep, goats, pigs, and
sheep. As well as numerous crops like rice, wheat, sugarcane, and coffee

- Brought back potatoes which completely reshaped the demographics of certain

European countries like Ireland

- Bringing numerous zoonotic diseases, the Native Americans had not been exposed to
these and developed antibodies

- Great dying- 90$

Key Ideas:

Printing press spread education and changed the course of history. Informed the masses

Patronage: Nobles would pay artists to paint religious figures and create statues. Hired most of the
famous renaissance painters and artists we know of today.

Humanism- 1400’s to 1450’s the first thoughts of individuality and focusing on what makes us.
People like Plato, Socrates, Aristotle were the inspiration. Created notion of renaissance man to be
compassionate and questioning of beliefs. Also began education for girls

Petrarch- Came up with the idea of the dark ages

Vasco Da Gamma- First man to reach India through cape of good hope

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