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If you’re building a CCTV There are two main types
camera system, you have two of recording systems in the
camera options: Internet market. The first being the
Protocol (IP) or analog. Due to DVR which is cheaper and
its compatibility with most easier to setup. The second
applications, IP is the being the NVR which is
preferred choice for modern fairly more expensive and
capabilities. It’s advised to requires some technical
choose an analog camera if knowledge. The larger the
you have a legacy digital HDD, the further you can
recording system with older playback. The higher the
technology. Wired is best for quality of the camera, the
larger properties as the system lesser you can playback as
facilitates multiple devices it takes more space. In my
running on larger properties estimate a 8 channel 1080p
without taxing your network. with a 1TB HDD will give
Consider wireless versions for you roughly a week of
more temporary or smaller playback. Probably lesser
spaces not requiring several because the quality is high.
cameras and extended DVR (Digital Video
coverage. This network is also Recorder) are mostly wired.
convenient due to the absence You need special
of drilling holes or equipment to make it
cumbersome wires. If your wireless. NVR systems
space is a temporary or leased MONITOR (Network Video Recorder)
property, these cameras can A monitor facilitates arguably the most important function of a security run either via ethernet
be easily removed and camera: viewing captured images and footage. Your selected monitor cables or wireless. Higher
uninstalled without major will mostly be dependent on your chosen camera and recording picture quality (720p,
interference and alterations. software. Deciding how many monitors you’ll need is dependent upon 1080p) can be achieved by
where and what you’ll be monitoring. Unless you operate a large-scale NVR compared to DVR.
facility, three to five screens is a good starting point. You can also easily
add or remove monitors as your needs change.

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