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Analyze and explain the 5 roles of police investigators in the prosecution process.

Following the learning, police investigator plays an important role or performs

preliminary duties in the case prosecution process. Thus, an investigator usually works a case
from its beginning through trial, including helping prepare court cases and testifying about
evidence during hearings. As their job, investigators must keep updated records of a case’s
progress, and submit those reports to superiors. Therefore, some investigators work with
regional agencies on task forces to address widespread problems, such as narcotics abuse.
Moreover, police investigator needs to carry out his duties with high potential because all the
evidence, investigation results, and case records provided by the investigator play an
important role in the prosecution process. Hence, all the results of the investigation given
must be solid and accurate. So that, it shows the scope of work of a good police investigator,
and it also simplifies the prosecution process. Other than that, police investigator is an
assistant for the public prosecutor due to the public prosecutor relies on all the investigator's
records and elements of evidence to conduct the prosecution process in court. So, means that
they are working together in executing a case. The cooperation between police investigator
and public prosecutor will help the case become easier and more efficient, in the end is help
the victim, can successfully charge the criminals get punishment as lesson.

Moreover, the police investigator also is the important role to maintain the chain of
custody which is to assure the court of law that the evidence is authentic that the same
evidence seized at the crime scene. Therefore, once the police investigator had collected the
evidence from crime scene, so he needs to transport it to the laboratory for examination and
until the time it is allowed and admitted in the court. Whenever the evidence is presented as
an exhibit, the chain of evidence must be maintained and established in court. In the event of
an error or contamination of evidence will give a negative impact on the police investigators
and is likely to lead to failure in the prosecution process. During the examination, the
defendant can question about the condition of evidence whether is same or not as origin from
crime scene to challenge the chain of custody for the evidence. Therefore, the public
prosecutor needs to present the documentary and testimonial evidence to prove the evidence
that had presented during trial is authentic from crime scene and trustworthy. Thus, police
investigators must be disciplined and have high integrity in carrying out his duties in an
investigative case. For example, the case of O.J. Simpson accused of murder. The deaths of
two victims were recorded at about 12 midnight. Between 4.00 am and 4.30 am, records state
that the chief investigating officer has not yet reached the scene, but a total of 18 officers and
enforcement officers went in and out of the scene where of the 18 people recorded none of
them were criminologists, medical examiner and pathologist. Therefore, the entry of these 18
people was counted as contamination to the scene and affecting the evidence material.

Furthermore, the preparation of investigation paper or be called (IP) is one of the role
for police investigator which need complete it at least seven days if prior to being registered
in court to enable the public prosecutor to examine the investigation paper. Thus, it is also to
avoid duplication of the duties of the investigating officer's prosecution to other cases. Hence,
police investigator need prepares the investigation paper completely which it is to record all
the facts and evidence of each case, in chronological order, facilitating the examination made
by public prosecutor. So that, the investigation paper is very important because it is a formal
procedure for the police investigator to sort the case to the public prosecutor. Therefore, it
can be function as assists the public prosecutor by summarizing, listing witnesses, elaborating
the evidence and circumstances of a case. Other than that, the complete investigation paper
case must be completed within 30 days to be submitted to the public prosecutor for review. In
addition, the police investigator can also take immediate action if there are deficiencies in the
IP for example recordings of witness conversations, witness lists, case items or verification of
documents from the department. Hence, the police investigators are required to follow the
guidelines for preparation of investigation papers to ensures complete investigation papers to
facilitate the prosecution process.

As a role investigation officer must ensure confidentiality and protection of witnesses and
sources. The maintenance of confidentiality of witness’ personal details and their personal protection
is paramount. At the outset, explain to a potential witness how intend to ensure confidentiality or
ensure security. At the end of any interview, the witness should be asked whether he or she consents
to disclosure of their information other relevant fora. This acknowledgement should be recorded.
However, ask a witness if they are willing to testify in later proceedings. The response should be
recorded. If a witness informs you that they are fearful or in need of help for any reason, you should
note this in the witness statement. It is important to implement measures to guard against the wrongful
disclosure of a witness’s identifying information. The protection of a witness’s identity not only
guards against people potentially seeking retribution against a witness, but also reassures a witness
and facilitates the information gathering exercise. The following are minimum safeguards are an
organized record keeping system capable of ensuring the confidentiality of a witness. Being witness-
centered that always discuss and verify the witness’ own views concerning confidentiality and respect
them if possible. Discuss with the witness if this is not possible, and ensure consent remains when
circumstances change. Must ensure the computers are secure. Files with sensitive details on the
computer should be encrypted with an encryption software (available online, often for minimal cost)
that should give each witness a code name and use it throughout your record keeping and work (for
example, never refer to another witness by name when talking to other witnesses. This is needless and

According to the international criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (“ICTY”), the
proper collection of information is based on the implementation of a chain of custody. The second is
preservation and conservation and the lastly is accuracy in identification and labelling. At a minimum,
this involves ensuring a proper description of the source of the evidence, the correct labelling of the
information/evidence and a record of its removal from its original place, its storage and removal from
storage until it is handed over to the relevant authorities. It is vital that the moment information/
evidence is disturbed or removed from its original place (scene or witness) there should be a record of
every person who had control or possession of it, when, where and why. This is vital for a court if it
needs to determine whether it is in its original condition or not. This is how the chain of custody
begins. It is an essential record that protects the integrity of the item and reduces suspicion that it been
deliberately or inadvertently tampered with. As few people as possible should handle the
information/evidence. As part of this basic standard, you should attempt to source and authenticate the
information/evidence. Depending on the item, this could be as simple a step as asking particular
questions from a witness who hands you a document, or taking corroborative steps when downloading
material from the internet.

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