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What is the name of the Radiograph?

Anatomical Landmarks
•Normal value and standard deviation:
82(+-) 2
1) <80 - maxilla is retrognathic relative to
the cranial base.
2) 80-84 - maxilla is normally positioned
relative to the cranial base.
3) >84 - maxilla is prognathic relative to
the cranial base.
• Normal value and standard deviation: 80(+-)2
• Interpretation:
1) <78 - mandible is retrognathic relative to
the cranial base.
2) 78-82 - mandible is normally positioned
relative to the cranial base.
3) >82 - mandible is prognathic relative to the
cranial base.
• Normal value and standard deviation: 2(+-)2
• Interpretation:
1) <0 - The skeletal relationship is class III with
either a retrognathic maxilla, a prognathic
mandible, or a combination of both.
2) 0-4 - The skeletal relationship is class I with the
maxilla slightly ahead of the mandible.
3) >4 - The skeletal relationship is class II with either
a prognathic maxilla, a retrognathic mandible, or
a combination of both.
80° 85 °
Dental relation angles
• U1-SN
• Normal value and standard deviation: 105(+-)5
• Interpretation:
1) <100 - the maxillary incisor is retroclined.
2) 100-110 - the angulation of the maxillary incisor
is within normal limits.
3) >110- the maxillary incisor is proclined
Lower 1(L1) to MP
• Normal value and standard deviation: 95(+-)5
• Interpretation:
1) <90 - the mandibular incisor is retroclined.
2) 90-100 - the angulation of the mandibular
incisor is within normal limits.
3) >100 - the mandibular incisor is proclined

66  3


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