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Implemented by CSSW and funded by WFP,

The food aid project is a haven for more than 65,000 families in Lahj
and Taiz governorates

“My life is fatigue”… With these two words, Asma Mahfouz explained
her living situation, even though the word fatigue sounds like a soft word
to describe the condition of a woman in her fifties, whose husband died
and left her eight children, in a country that has been experiencing
intertwining crises for years.

Asma Mahfouz, a woman from Lahj governorate, poverty has brought her
to the point where she has been unable to buy shoes for her orphan
children, who have been without shoes since the decease of their only
breadwinner, and paint with their bare feet the other side of the hell of
war in the afflicted Yemen.

The situation of this family is not much different from that of the
displaced Muhammad Abdulqawi, who supports five children and lives
with five displaced families in one house in Sala district of Taiz
governorate. Even this small house did not escape the war shells either.

Muhammad Abdulqawi, 42 years old, was injured by a shell shrapnel two

years ago and suffers from a handicap in one of his feet. His wife suffers
from blood pressure and diabetes. As a result of his poor financial
condition, he was unable to educate his children, and his first and last
concern is to provide a livelihood for his children.

Asma and Muhammad are miniature models of thousands of families in

the governorates of Lahj and Taiz. However, their lives have become
better today after the arrival of the food aid project financed by the World
Food Program (WFP) and implemented by CSSW .. What did this project
offer to these families?

65,067 beneficiary families

This success occurred in a country ravaged by a humanitarian crisis,
which is among the worst regionally and globally, according to UN
estimates, and with more than 80% of its population currently needs some
kind of aid. Based on all of the above, saving lives has become a priority
for CSSW.

One of the fruits of the association’s efforts is to feed thousands of

families in two Yemeni governorates through the food aid project, which
comes in light of the food insecurity and with the growing threat of
famine looming on the horizon.

The food aid project targeted 65,067 families in Sala district of Taiz
governorate, and eleven districts in Lahj governorate, with the aim of
enhancing food security for these families by providing basic food needs.

It was not indiscriminate targeting, but according to precise criteria and a

transparent mechanism for families suffering from acute food insecurity,
and based on assessments carried out by the project, which included 3
main components: food aid, food vouchers, and cash assistance.

Monthly aid
The beneficiary families were selected based on the criteria approved by
the donor agency, the WFP. Then the project provided its services
throughout 2020 to these families suffering from war and hunger.

There are now 7010 families in Sala district of Taiz governorate that
receive a varied food basket on a monthly basis, and 15,130 families in
Al-Qabbeitah district in Lahj governorate receive food vouchers on a
monthly basis as well.

Moreover, there are 42,927 families, representing 304,362 individuals,

who receive cash assistance in the districts of Al-Maqatira, Al-Madhariba
Wal Arah, Al-Hadd, Halmin, Al-Malah, Yafe, Al-Maflahi, Yahar, Tor
Al-Baha, and Habil Jabr in Lahj, thanks to this project. The distribution
process was carried out in accordance with the requirements of public
safety, taking into consideration the precautionary and preventive
measures to confront Coronavirus disease, and providing the targeted
people with awareness-raising methods related to cholera.
In this way, CSSW succeeded in strengthening the resilience of these
families in the face of the conflict when it provided them with the
requirements of livelihood, which became harsh for them with the
continuation of the war, and even worsened with the Coronavirus

This is what people need to avoid major famine in a country on the brink
of total collapse. And humanitarian projects like this need CSSW as an
active and reliable partner with the capacity to reach hundreds of
thousands of people in need of assistance.


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