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Statement of purpose

Statement of Purpose
Programme Title (X credits):___________________________________________________
Kindly provide your full name and the application number for further identification purposes.
(If application number is unknown, please provide your date of birth instead, e.g. yy-mm-dd).

Please make sure your statement of purpose is well-structured, in an easy to understand language thus, direct and to the
point. It should attract the reader’s attention giving a clear picture of the applicant’s professional and educational goals
and ambitions.

To complete your statement of purpose and your application for the programme, please attach your CV/resume (max
one A4 page, free format).

Please note, your statement of purpose will only be considered if the Statement of Purpose - form here below is
completed duly.

Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Application number: __________________________________________________________
1. What is the main reason for your application for the programme?
In what way do you believe you are going to benefit from it?
In what way do you believe you will be able to contribute to the programme?
(Maximum 400 words)

1 (4)
2. What are your career aspirations upon graduation of the degree-programme?
Please describe, how are you going to secure these your career-goals?
How do you see your career to progress over the next five years?
(Maximum 300 words).

2 (4)
3. Please list the course/s that you have completed to this date, which has included an
independently written assignment, such as an individual thesis, papers or essays. The list, you are
about to provide, should only refer to individual, or co-authored, final assignments on Bachelor
and Master levels. Please refer to it by course title, course code and grade point average.
Course title - individual thesis, paper or essay Code Grade point average

Thesis/Degree project: Yes No.

If yes, please insert the abstract of your thesis/degree project here:

Furthermore, please list the courses you have taken that you consider of a particular value to your
preparation for the degree-programme studies (max 4 courses).
Please refer to it by course title, course code and grade point average.
Course title – particularly relevant courses Code Grade point average

3 (4)
4. Are there any other relevant skills, abilities or competencies of importance for us to know that
could contribute to your study success, to other programme participants and to the degree-
program itself? E.g., English language skills, work experience or extra-curricular activities?
(Maximum 300 words).

4 (4)

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