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Key Quotes Revision

Triune God:
1. ‘The entire activity of the Church is an expression of a ___________ that seeks the
integral _________ of man’ Deus Caritas Est 19


2. “Those who love ________ must love their __________ and _________ also” 1 John


3. “Go therefore and make _____________ of all nations, _____________ them … and
______________ them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28


4. “There was a time when the ___________ was not …” Arius


5. “.. the Only _________________ Son of God… ” Nicene Creed


6. “… being of one essence with the Father… ” Nicene Creed

Christ existed together with God the Father even before creation, establishing the christian belief
of the Holy Trinity
1. “Jesus _______________ himself and became ______________ to the point of death
– even death on a cross” St Paul

2. “The inner ___________ in a man that moves him to do __________ … and to avoid
_____________. … It is the ability to distinguish one from another.” Youcat

3. ‘A _______________ conscience will never ____________ the moral law, as taught by

Christ and his Church’ Catechism of the Catholic Church


4. “In the depths of his conscience, man detects a _________ which he does not
impose upon himself ...” Gaudium et Spes

5. ‘The Eucharist is the ____________ and __________ of Christian life’ Catechism of

the Catholic Church

6. “Christ is ________________ but really ___________ in the sacrament of the

Eucharist” Youcat
Paper Two

Religion, Relationships and Families:

1. ‘Be fruitful and multiply’ Genesis 1
God is instructing humanity to carry on the generations.

2. ‘A man leaves his ________ and his ________ and clings to his _______, and they
become one _______.’ Genesis 2

3. ‘Each and every _________ act must remain open to the transmission of _______.”
Catechism of the Catholic Church

4. ‘...Therefore what _______ has joined together, let no one _______.’ Mark 10

5. ‘In Christianity, the body, pleasure and erotic joy enjoy a ________ status (but)
________ is not an end in itself.’ Youcat

6. ‘The _____ can never be reduced to mere _______.’ Theology of the Body John Paul

7.  ‘Jesus said…..’Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery
against her; and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits
________.’ Mark 10 

8. ‘...the Church maintains that a new union cannot be recognised as ________, if the
first __________ was.’ Catechism of the Catholic Church

9. ‘There is no longer _____ or ________; for all of you are ______ in Christ.’ Galatians 3

10. ‘Equality does not mean __________.’ Youcat


11. “The personal resources of _____________ are certainly no less than the resources
of ____________: they are merely __________” Mulieris Dignitatem

Judaism Beliefs
1. “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one.” Torah
Shows that Jewish people believe in one God and are monotheistic
2. “I will raise up for David a righteous branch” Torah
God promised Abraham to be the father of all nations.
3. “Nation shall not take up the sword against nation; they shall never know _______.”
It is not right to fight other people and be violent.

4. “God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living
being.” Torah
Human were made using God’s breath which holy, so therefore all human life is sacred.

5. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Torah
Jews believe that God is creator of the heaven and earth (a nature of God)

6. “__________ your ____________ as __________” Torah


7. “Give ___________________ to them and do so without a ______________ heart.”

8. “He who destroys one soul of a human being, the Scripture considers him as if he
should destroy a whole world and anyone who save one soul, the Scripture
considers him as if he should save a whole world.” Talmud
Supports Jewish beliefs about euthanasia and taking one’s life. This quote suggests that killing
one person is violent act towards the whole nation, so it does not support euthanasia.

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