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AVC bots star selonse! ee area ereoe al T ays 0g ee ae oa ee ea < 3 vi WELCOME he core principles of the Mediterranean dict are based on dietary habits that date back thousands of years. As such, it's one of the most researched diets, and scientifically proven to improve health and promote sustainable ‘weight los. Discover what this popular eating plan involves and alts benefits in the pages that follow. are 49 to try out at home. From simple snacks and ight bites to hearty meals and sweet treats, embrace the Mediterranean lifestyle for a longer, healthier Future, 4 L FUTURE 4 r Wredileecanean DIET BOOK Se ee eee Senter eee oe cae ee ee eens cere en ‘What to have in moderation... What to avi Perce eee ea COS eno aa rare eed eee! bobcats Sicilian aubergine salad. poe ene reseed ee Seon ‘Mediterranean layered sandh Roasted Med veg and feta. eee en a aes oceans SC eae Steerer ony paso cee Sosennt Line e. THE ORIGINS OF THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET AN AUSPICIOUS COMBINATION OF LOCATION, CLIMATE AND HISTORY PROVED 10 BE THE RECIPE FOR ONE OF THE WORLD'S HEALTHIEST DIETS ‘The Mediterranean ‘diet’ as we know it today has only really been marketed as ‘2 specific eating plan over the last Few decades, but its core principles are based ‘on dietary habits that date back many thousands of years. The unique environment th ‘of the world’s most inl such asthe ancient Egypt Romans. The cuisines that this region are diverse, but they have all been shaped by their shared geography, climate, staple crops, and millennia of trade and cultural exchange. Broadly speaking, these countries’ traditional cuisines are mostly plant-based, with plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, legumes and cereals, with occasional fish, seafood and dairy, but limited amounts of meat and swoot treats Most of the region enjoys a Mediterranean climate, characterised by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. There are three key crops that olives, grapes a are known as the Mediterranean triad’, and they feature heavily in most ofthe region's cuisines inthe form of olive cil, wine and bread. Ancient civilisations developed agricultural methods to help cultivate their staple crops, such as tiered terraces, to protect against soil erosion ‘on the Mediterranean's many hillsides and ‘mountainsides, and irrigation systems to supply water to the more arid areas In addition, technological advancements led to inventions like grain mills and olive presses. These made produc labour-intensive coms live oil far more off them to be produced in greater quantities. Mediterranean cuisine has been heavily influenced by occupying powers and trade THE SEVEN TN TL pe ey een ery Pe ee ee oe Pasi reeeame erent ia reranreoner seer ieer aS on Ee ene ner erento ee aeeeT eee ees and stroke. Teams spent years gathering Pere ee eer eee eee Ce ne a oer eee Sr ee tere ey cer oer nee try Peeneen enni te) (oer ne eee es Pee ent a ee es poche terpptieg eet ere erenier) [oy toreonaree onr eee sreeeg orn freer eee eee that featured heavily in Mediterranean potrver wnt ete ent a ey trated fats in meat and dairy had eae eet ene eer ag rn een ee eee) ene eed ee eel Coe THE MEDITERRANEAN I5 A UWQUE ENVIRONMENT THAT HAS NURTURED SOME OF THE WORLD'S MOST WELUENTIAL CIVILISATIONS the wider world, For centuries the Romans dominated the region. Internal 7 the Reman provinces helped to spread regional produce and new imports around the empire, while external trade with India brought exotic spices to the region. Following the Islamic conquest of the Iberian Peninsula and Sicily in the Middle ‘Ages, Muslim traders introduced various igredients and crops from the Middle East and beyond, including apricots, aubergir carrots, citrus fruits, rice and sugarcane. Further significant imports came in the 1th century following Spanish expeditions to the New World. Explorers returned with several popular additions, including potatoes, peppers and tomatoes. Today, itis almost impossible to imagine modern Mediterranean food without the latter. While trade did spread common crops ‘and produce throughout the Mediterranean, ‘each region retained its own distinctive ‘cuisines, cooking techniques and preferred eredients. Take a simple dish ikea stew, {and you'l find herby French bouilabaisse, hhearty Italian ragu, warming Turkish givess, ragrantly spiced Moroccan tagines, and ‘many more besides, Even a staple food ce bread varies, withthe same basic 1redients transformed into regional specialties, such as the baguette, ciabatta, pita, matzo, and khobr. While the modern dict uses the broad, catch-all torm of “Mediterranean, the abundance of regional specialties provide a great deal of variety and insp ‘The Mediterranean diet itself 2 relatively recent concept. The idea of ranean’ being cuisine inits ‘own right was popularized by the English food writer Elizabeth David in her hugely influential cookbook, A Book of ‘Mediterranean Food, published in 1950. The book was credited with changing English eating habits by reintroducing fresh, colourful recipes to a post-war nation that was weary of rationing It wasn't unt the 19705, when results from the Seven Countries Study were published (see boxout, that the scientific community and the general public began to take notice of the Mediterranean diet. In the decades since, there have been thousands of studies into Mediterranean-style diets, corroborating many of those inital findings and uncovering even more fantastic health benefits It should come as no surprise then, that the Mediterranean diet is one of the most widely fllowed eating plans in the world today and has remained consistently popular while countless fad diets have come and gone. Coen DAT WHAT 13. THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET? THIS POPULAR EATING PLAN IAS BEEN SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN TO IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH AND PROMOTE SUSTAINABLE WEIGHT L05S, BUT WHAT DOES A MEDITERRANEAN DIET INVOLVE? THERE IS NO CALORIE COUNTING INVOLVED, AND NO FOODS ARE EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN products like choose and yoghurt foature in modest daily amounts. Red meat is eaten less often, or in much smaller portions, than in the standard Western diet, and sweet treats lke cakes and pastries are enjoyed as treats afew times a month. ‘Akey principle of the diet is quality ‘over quantity. For example, by choosing wholegrain or wholewheat products over refined ‘white’ versions, you are getting more beneficial fibre; full-fat dairy products are more filing and satisfying than processed low-fat options; and reducing your meat intake may mean you ean afford to choose higher-quality, higher-welfare and/ cor organic cuts. Where possible, try to buy local, seasonal produce too. Not only will this help to ensure your diet contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, but you'll {get to enjoy fruits and vegetables when they are at thei best. There's no contest between a fragrant, sweet strawberry that’s in season compared to. bland, watery, out- cof-season import The Mediterranean diet is nowhere near ‘as restrictive as other diets. There is no calorie counting involved, and no foods are ‘expressly forbidden, so you can still have the occasional treat. Occasional is the key word here, though. A juicy steak or a slice ‘of cake should be enjoyed a couple of times ‘a month, rather than daily or weekly. While the diet doesn't have strict rules it’s best not to stray too far from the core principles. ‘The diet is based on the traditional eating habits ofthe region, where people would make meals from scratch using froth produce. As common sense would tell you, ordering a takeaway pizza for dinner ‘every day would not be a particularly good interpretation of @ Mediterranean diet! Ws important to note that the Mediterranean diet is nota crash det Ikis long-term lifestyle change that promotes steady, sustainable weightloss (when combined with reasonable portion control), or makes it easy to maintain healthy weight, depending on your needs. ‘A common problem for crash diaters is that, after they stop dieting, they end up ogaining some, if not al of the weight they initially lost. By adopting healthy eating habits that are easy to stick to, you will be far more likely to keep weight off for good ‘The Mediterranean diet should ideally be something you choose to continue for the rest of your ife in order to enjoy its wide- ranging health benefits. SAL ora res reed ed rd Ned ae dred | ae eer eee ee cere tn eee ee eee eee eee ey eee et eens poijerroesnesovey agit arr yas Picea erysperver rr anieg os promate heath and preven disease. Woes former ier enemen tei pent tera reer eye) ) a Eee rrr proportion ofthe Mediterranean dit Piston eee eect arenes ee ne et aT eas sey ein ent errere ry Perret? Poreere inet eerie ont eee eer a een arene wit plonty of water (health experts recommend rons eer rt pe sophie wee) ae ern eee CAT b Dens any mente} BENEFITS OF A MEDITERRANEAN DIET FIND OUT WAY SWITCHING 10 A MEDITERRANEAN DIET COULD BE THEBEST INVESTMENT YOU EVER MAKE IN YOUR HEALTH ‘There aro plenty of diots out there that boast seemingly miraculous results, but very few are supported by decades of rigorous scientific research and recommended by health professionals. Mediterranean- ed Pca style diets have been the subject of uc tea thousands of studios over the years, and Soares ‘scintists continue to learn more about theie long-term effects on our health, The Mediterranean diet has been shown time {and time again to be one of the healthiest ways to eat, and its benefits extend far beyond the typical det selling point ‘of weight loss. This lifestyle can have a ‘considerable impact on both your physical ‘and mental wellbeing, and it's even good for the environment, too. Here are just some of the ways a Mediterranean diet can change your life, REDUCE YOUR RISK OF DISEASE. ‘One of the best studied aspects of the Mediterranean dietisits link toa lower risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), such ‘as heart attacks and strokes, CVD isthe leading cause of death globally in many cases lifestyle factors play 2 major role in the development of CVD, and typically a diet that’s high in saturated fat and sugar increases your rk. The Mediterranean diet relatively low in saturated fat as, reliant on meat and dairy so it naturally hhelps to minimise your risk of CVD. One study revealed that a Mediterranean-style diet can cut the risk of developing CVD by 25%, while another found that it reduces the risk of death from stroke by about 30%, Having high blood cholesterol levels is ‘another major rsk factor for developing heart problems or suffering a stroke, but the balance of the type of cholesterol in ‘our blood is also important. High levels of & MEDITERRANEAN— STYLE DIET CAN REDUCE THE RISK OF DEVELOPING CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE BY 25% AWD DEATH FROM STROKE BY ABOUT 30% LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol can build up inthe blood vessels and lead to blockages, while HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol is beneficial because it helps to remove LDL from the blood, Replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats helps to reduce levels cof harmful HDL and boosts levels of the beneficial LDL kind, Besides CVD, the Mediterranean dist can help reduce the risk of other diseases such as type 2 diabetes, arthritis, cancer ‘and dementia. These conditions have all been linked to chronie inflammation, where the body continues to produce an immune response when it doosn't need to. This in turn puts alot of stress on cells and causes damage. The Mediterranean diet has been found to reduce levels of inflammation because it incorporates foods that are rich in polyphenols and antioxidants, These compounds have a protective offect in the bod, and have been shown to help reduce and even repair cell damage. IMPROVE YOUR MENTAL HEALTH. We all have certain comfort foods that make tus feel good, but our dist as a whole can have a more profound impact on our mental health. Research has found that Western- style diet (high in refined grains, sugar and fat) can increase your risk of depression and anxiety, However, Mediterranean-style eee ners Oe ere ee Se ead ‘Alter afew weeks on the die, many people find that weight loss occurs as aad Coane Leen nts eee ee Sen ae aed eee eet eas See oe pelceernr reer cry eee eer eer ce ° conhvng reasonable portion sizes, ond Cer Beets oe ere ened ets aed Pee eet eas eerste reenter peter reel eet es eee ee cone coer eee Toes ere ee ets ee eed Peer oc need as ne diets can decrease the risk of depression by 50%, and not justin adults, Mental health is a growing issue among young people, bbut one study found that adhering to a Mediterranean diet can help to reduce the risk of depression in adolescence. The diet can also help to protect your ‘overall brain health and cognitive function in later life. One study looked atthe dietary habits of people in their 70s and performed brain scans to track changes in their bra volume (which naturally decines in old age). ‘They found that participants who adhered more strictly to a Mediterranean-style diet tended to lose less of their total brain ‘volume when compared to others. Other studies have found that a Mediterranean diet can help to protect people's memory and general cognitive abilities as they age, YOULLLIVELONGER Researchers from Harvard University found a THE EARLIER YOU ADOPT A MEDITERRANEAN DIET, THE GREATER THE LONG-TERM BENEFITS WILL BE, BUT IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO START that a Mediterranean diet can even improve longevity. They studied the impact that diot hhas on telomeres - structures atthe end of ‘our chromosomes that protect them from damage. Scientists use telomere length as ‘a marker for aging and life expectaney: in general, shorter telomeres are associated with a reduced life expectancy and a higher risk of developing chronic disease, ‘The more closely people followed a Moditerranean:style dit, the longer their telomeres tended to be, indicating a better life expectancy. The earlier you adopt a Mediterranean diet, the greater the long-term benefits will be, but i's never too late to start. Studies hhave found that people who switch to the diet in their fifties and sixties were less likely to experience chronic health problems in later life compared to those with less healthy diets. Since prevention is better than cure, the Mediterranean diet can be an incredibly effective tool to promote healthy ‘aging and improved quality of life in our later years. ITCANSAVE YOU MONEY ‘The Mediterranean lifestyle emphasises the importance of cooking fresh produce from scratch, While it may not be as convenient as ordering a takeaway or buying ‘a microwave meal, it's certainly better for your health - and your wallet! One study found that participants who switched toa eas SA ee ee eed ee eee eer ee eee Cee ee Peet eee ee create eee eee fone eee ee eed butter Meat substitutes such as soye eee eed nee Eee ears eee ence ee ete eee ceee eae ot eee nated aera eo items may contain added sugar or salt ee eaten enone eee eee! See ae creer ere atc ey peer ane ree) a ere products contain important nutrients ‘that you may strugle to get enough of rom other Food groups, £0 you might be Cetera Mediterranean diet over a 4-week period ‘ended up cutting theie grocery bills by over ‘50% It can be really eye opening to see how much itis possible to save when you reduce your meat intake and take things like ready meals high-sugar snacks and fizzy drinks out of the equation. The added ‘bonus of spending less on food overalls that you have the option to invest more in {quality (such as higher-welfore meat and dairy, and sustainably sourced fish) should youso choose. ITS WORE SUSTAINABLE (On the Mediterranean diet we ‘encouraged to eat local and seasonal produce as much as possible, This can have ‘9 dramatic impact on your carbon footprint ‘compared to a typical Western dit. Sea if there are any farmers’ markets near you to make the most of local produce - you might find them cheaper than the supermarkets, ‘00, Diets that take a more plant-based ‘approach have a lower environmental impact than those that rely more heavily ‘on meat and dairy, s0 it's naturally ‘greener option. The Mediterranean diet can aso be adapted for vegetarians and ‘vegans (see the Mest-froe Medite bboxout) which can make it even more ‘environmentally friendly ITSEasyTO sTicKTO ‘A major problem with many diets i that they are often intended to be temporary Auick fixes, or they are so restrictive that sticking with thom inthe long-term is simply unrealistic. One reason why the Mediterranean diet isso popular is because itis a common-sense approach - th are no gimmicks, no starving yourself, and no need to cut out entre food groups. Convenience is key for something to be sustainable, and on a Mediterranean diet, all the ingredients you'll need can be found at your regular food stores. What's more, there's such a huge variety of Mediterranean recipes available to try, you won't end up bored from eating the same bland diet meals every day. You don't have to worry about ‘ruining’ your diet if you have a treat every once ina while either: as long 1s you take the Mediterranean approach most of the time, you will enjoy the diet’s health benefits. A AI > eK ne WHAT 10 EAT & DRINK IN AMEDITERRANEAN DIET, THESE FOODS AND DRI zm a MAKE UP THE MAJORITY OF YOUR MEALS AND SHOULD BE ENJOYED EVERY DAY HERBS & SPICES FRUITS althy choi NUTS & SEEDS PULSES Pulses lke beans, peas and lenis are important sources of protein, ibe, vitamins and minerals. They ‘2+ providing bulk and texture to stews, soups, ‘lads, dps and more. If you don't alroady oat 8 a rutrtiousddition to meals as wall lot of pulse its recomimencied that you increase your intake gradually and dink plenty of water, ‘otherwise the sudden incre in fibre can cause some temporary digestive discomfort. Some plant-based meat alternatives ike tofu are made from pulse, but avoid brands that conti highly processed cis edded sugar and excess sak if you ‘are sing these. COFFEE AND TEAS ‘daly coffee or tir can help protect against heart disease and boot metabolism, But be ‘vate that the high levels of sugar/airy in seme ler eel eet ne counteract coffees benefits so keep things simple by ether enjoying it black or keeping any added dairy or suger to a minimum. Regular consumption of ta including back, green or herbal) ha also been inked toa longer life, etna et stress. Certain types of herbal teas can alo help to soothe minor health complaints, encourage erect ‘est sloop and boot your immune system. live oil is almost synonymous with Mediterranean cuisine I's the ds and dezaling over sslads- whenever you would normally use butter or other types of cil ts packed with beneficial antioxidants and unsaturated fas, the later of which have been proven to reduce the risk of hear dizease and stroke, compared tothe saturated fats in butter eter eee rare Temi quality for your budget. Avoid varieties thet contain a mixture of efferent ols, or those that come in transparent botes as sunlight degrades the el quality. ong the most important crops in the Mediterranean. The rains from these plants make up a sgnficat portion ofthe dit often inthe form of bread, atta and rice, Other grin commonly used ‘round the Mediterranean include barley, oats, ‘durum wheat (for couscous) and corn polenta). Use wholegrain varieties where posible er eee ere (er aerate that makes grains so beneficial for digestive health. Diets that include plenty of who fords ae baked to a reduced risk of haert disease, obesity type 2 diabetes, and even some forms of cancer Tn WHAT TO AVE IN MODERATION THESE FOODS SHOULD SUPPLEMENT THE CORE COMPONENTS OF THE DIET QUTLINED ON PAGES 18-11. THEY CAN BE ENJOYED IN MODEST REGULAR SERVINGS, OR LARGER MONTHLY PORTIONS, Age a PRODUCTS a: POULTRY “TESSERTS & SHEETS WnAT 10 AVOID TO GET THE BEST HEALTH BENEFITS FROM THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET, THESE FOODS SHOULD IDEALLY BE AVOIDED ALTOGETHER. JF YOU DO INDULGE, DON'T MAKE IT A HABIT vf BUTTER OTHER ALCOHOL IRNKS Ci THE MEDITERRANEAN LIFESTYLE BEYOND THE BENEFETS OF THE DIET LTSELE, EMBRACING OTHER TRADITIONAL MEDITERRANEAN HABITS CAN HELP YOU LIVE ALONGER, HEALTHIER AND HAPPIER LIFE MEDITERRANEAN MEALTIMES ARE A SOCIAL OCCASION AND & WELCOME CHANCE TO SPEND TIME WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS park with a book, esting together with colleagues, or sitting up atthe dinner table together as a family. Allowing yourself time to appreciate both your food and company brings a range of benefits. Not only do wwe get the perks of socialising, but as conversation flows we naturally tend to eat ‘more slowly when dining with athers, which is better for your digestion. Spending quality time with others and taking breaks from the various stresses of the day is alse hugely important for our mental health. STAY ACTIVE ‘The benefits of regular exercise are well ‘established, but keeping fit doesn't moan that you have to dedicate an hour every day to a strenuous high-intensity workout at the gym. Traditional Mediterranean communities naturally got their exercise as part of their daily routines, such as walking to town or through physieal work like Farming and fishing, Moderate, regular exercise is all that's needed to maintain a good level of Fitness, as long at gets your heart rate up. ‘The ‘best’ exercice is anything that’s easy to incorporate into your dail lif and - most importantly - something you enjoy doing. ‘That way you're more likely to stick at it. So whether i’ swimming, a dance class, oa physical activity each week er ourpoors Not all of us are able to enjoy the balmy temperatures and sunshine of the Mediterranean, but getting outside and enjoying nature is stil important no matter where you live, Madera life has led to us spending far more time indoors, but studies have shown that being in nature is beneficial to our mental health as it can help reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Regular ‘exposure to sunlight is also an important source of vitamin D, which plays a vital role in keeping our bones, teeth and muscles healthy. Most people will get enough vitamin in the summer months by be the sunshine for brief periods of ime with forearms or lower legs uncovered (Follow health advice and use sunscreen or cover Lup to avoid burning). Depending on where inthe world you are, it may be more difficult to got enough D from sunlight alone inthe winter months. Vitamin D is found in lly fish, eggs and red meat, but it may be difficult to get enough from food alone while following a Mediterranean diet, 20 consider speaking to your GP about taking supplements to top up your levels aaa CMa) baits oe ee the five regions known a ‘Blue Zones Se ie Greek sland of thara. Blue Zones were eager ieee lee Serer eer cer in ener Coste Rica and a religious community in Sele a peter) eee pee ee ee eet ene ere er pee) Ss eer ts festyles of Blue Zone populations in an perecinyopr teria uereetevert Crete ie ) community, regular social contact and a eee ee ey tty evereaseicucenton Pete on een ener et eee ee eee them. For example, fresh produce w ten more really available than hgh eee Pare Saeed eee local policy changes and education Seen eet ee es 23m .y | one NH i Ti ae 7S 500¢ | 172622 STRONG| Te 02oe DRIED YEAST 08: Fi T EGG, BEATEN 1506 [532 PITTED: SERVINGS PAC TINE Al TIN COOK TINE TA va THESE REGAL, PUFFY LOAVES ARE THE PERFECT ACCOMPANIMENT 10 A MEDITERRANEAN SPREAD, AS THEY ARE MADE FOR SHARING AND TEARING -AD FLOUR lo. maT aay © STEP Tip the flourinto a bowl and stir eC eae ay serene ree for 8:10 mins until emoath and elastic. Breet rene ora) ere eo eu occ eee ae ned coral STEP 3 Divide the dough into 6 pieces. Seance een ey Ser keel Pree ere Poe Sete ee eer tad Put a damp cloth on top and prove for a ee eee ro eer) oe ee eet ee Serres eee Crore Oa eee) cutting board, rll the smaller dough pieces into 15em | 6" rounds. Create a lattice eee ee ey Perec STEP 6 Brush the halloum-iled rolls with the egg. Stretch a smaller piece of dough pea tee eet eee ret rs ‘edges underneath, Pross half an olive into porns Serene ce eed veel Swap the Posto fling For tapenade for an extra delight li ad SR a TOPPINGS YOU USE TO ADORN THE LOAF, WE KEPT IT SIMPLE WITH MIXED OLIVES, BUT YOU COULD DRESS YOURS UP WITH CAPERS, Cate ee aR er a Y MAKE THEM EVEN MORE VIBRANT. LIGHT BITES 1 SMS aN La St a GN Ea LaMar Ae Pe M UNUM ee An tt Leas ae) INGREDIENTS i re) oy 4 HRS — OVERNIGHT WATERMELON, MINT AND FETA SALAD WE'VE SED TURKISH FETA IN THIS SALAD BUT THE GREEK VARIETY WALL WORK JUST AS WELL — 1T°S JUST LESS CREAMY STEP 2 Preheat the oven to 180°C (160°C fan) | 355°F | gos 4. Toss the with EGA VE OL, PLUS PLENTY MORE FOR DEEPERYING TSHALLOT 70¢ | 2 Ser 86RICO HAM, DICED VERY ALL PLUS 70 | 25ax EXTRA TO SER 1006 | 35a PLAINFLOUR F5u | 25:2 | Sip VEGETABLE STO 325 [Tor Wes MLK 50c |1Bor MANCHEGO CHEESE, GRATED (QUINCE PASTE. TO SERVE FORTHE CRU 751260 PLAIN FLOUR ied USED PANKO CRUMBS) AUNTS THESE ARE UTTERLY MOREISH — PREPARE AHEAD TOUAU TAN a ‘STEP 1 Heat the oil in a pan, add the shallot, Sorrento eee inthe diced ham, fry for min, then edd the ter eee ee ee es Sete eee Se ee a Leg ort ea eaters Popnoon es ere ee newt Tn rence peer am enna eran para econ en ears Cea cs aad Se eet a Se ore Sa with flour, take some of the cheese mixture Sree ee rei ens Cee ee ok evn ener Poeun See ors cil to 175°C | 350*F and fry the croquettes ee ees ppan until it starts to shimmer, then add 5-4 pene et nee Latah See en een et eee eee ear ene Serve warm with the slices of ham and err Vegetarians can replace th ce 1am in the roquttes wth diced rooms and serv with other antipast like artichokes and olives. fF 0S (KHIM H-P2wS Z i} SAN US BNL NALA ITAL LU SSS TCDA USSN CASI ICN GAU ACLU ISA REALITALIAN CLASSIC 9 Cree nas paecteirtos rer paren ern eal eeeremrseet oe eee Sere ‘wide pan over a medium-low heat; cook iirc en enpey eere ner tc of salt until sft and beginning to col oe ene eee) tomatoes and cook for anather few mins. Pee a es pe ren eee nent rs day before serving and will keep for 5 days ee ea ee ere te een ener tars pee eee eet Lots SM Nee eC FOR BARBECUES FOR A CROWD. YOU CAN MAKE IT TWO DAYS AHEAD THEN ALLOW IT TO COME TO ROOM TEMP barat) a ea eel eo SERVINGS PREP TIME COOK TIME —(VEGGTE FAUTTATA WITn PADRON PEPPERS AND GREEND HAVEFUN GAMBLING WITH YOUR PADRON PEPPERS - ONEIN EVERY 20 15 SAID 10 BE FIERY HOT! Sees INGREDIENTS 7 38 TOMATO BREAD WITH ANCHOVIES THIS QUICK AND EASY SAUCES A DELICIOUS SAUCEIN ITSELE, BUT HERE WE ARE USING IT AS A TASTY SPREAD INGREDIENTS THIS RECIPE IS A TAKE ON PAN COM TOMATE, A SIMPLE SPANISH TAPAS THAT CAN ALSO BE ENJOYED AS A SAVOURY BREAKFAST. NAKES 00K TIME SERVINGS PREP TIME COOK TIME GANBAS WITH AIOLI COOKING THE PRAWNS WITH THEIR SHELLS AND HEADS ON BOOSTS THE FLAVOUR OF THIS TAPAS CLASSIC AS CALS a WAKES PREP TIME COOK TIME EG AND GOAT’ CHEESE PUFFS A DELICIOUS COMBINATION OF CHEESE WITH THE SWEET TOUCH OF FIG AND HONEY MAKES THESE A MARVELLOUS MEDITERRANEAN MOUTHFUL 7 CALORIES "> ° INGREDIENTS TIP 43 LIGHT BITES SERVINGS PREP TINE a MMC Ta TL tata CCUM TURE NSA TCer AVAL WTC TEU THESE CLABATTAS ARE GUARANTEED 10 IMPRESS asl Cea lengthways. Mix the pesto and olive eil ee ee es Breen net STEP 2 Use half of the rest ofthe ferred peat ewer 242006 7a ARS Et cover the bottom of the loaf, then arrange p RAINED eer alo pane et Season, and add the olives and basi 4-6 PITTED BLACK Sea ee Se oe ae Preece laa eee eee eee Bo ana RAINE IF MAKING TO GO, YOU WILL NEED: BAKING PARCHMENT STRING d Tn ROASTED MED VEG AND FETA THIS VEGGTE-FRIENDLY POT 1S JUST THE THING FORA SIMPLE AND SATISHING PACKED LUNCH % STEP 1 Preheat the oven to 200°C (180°C. fan) | 390°F | gas 6. Toss together the aubergine, cot ion, oregano oF ‘thyme, garlie and r with sa and fresh black pepper. Spread out onto a lined baking tray and drizale with the olive il Roast for 15-20 ‘mins, or until golden brown. Seatter over the lemon zest and add a squeeze of juice. Leave to cool. STEP 2 Put the cooked vegetables into the base of Kilner or large screw-top jr Place the spinach leaves on tp withthe parsley leaves and crumbled feta or seeds. Cover and chill until ready to eat. poate ren SPANISH CHICKEN OMEWERD WITh PATANAS unAD SEMA DELICIOUS HEWES AE IEA SHARING INGREDIENTS in the oven if some of the the spicy tomato 48 6 dh - ~ uy aCe CIN y ~ » dibs ckdoasthe, tinaaion PRR eee cee SERVINGS PREP TIME AEST TINE OK TIME Ngan '500¢ 11760 STRONG BREAD FLOUR Tel O:2eeSACHETFASTACTION YEAS, Obes FRESH 2ro SEA SALT PLUS EXTRA TOSERVE FOR THE DECORATION: INED WITH T LETT Sea eS TARY SUT tere SCAR eee a erent cca eae re eee eed Pt ee eer acre dough, either in a mixer with a dough hook, ‘or on a lightly floured surface, for 8-10 mins ee ees ‘STEP 2 Put the dough into an oiled bow! See eee nme sce neat ey ea eee cn ct Se eee en enters ‘35x25¢m | 14x10" rectangle, Place on the baking tray and make deep dimples with Pad eee ee STEP 4 Artfully arrange the vegetables and herbs clase together, to create an attractive ONT IVEBAKE Bee ay peer eee eee ee Leste enon erie as esas See ee oe ts See eee ce es arr Parente Cut the f focaccia in half teteetaly an ‘and fill with basil and sliced tomate for 9 Mediterranean. filled sandwich, LIGHT BITES COURGETTE AND TOMATO GRATIN TIS 15 APERFECT SUMMERY, MEDITERRANEAN BAKE — DELICIOUS WITH CRUSTY BREAD AND A GLASS OF RED WINE STEP 1 Cut the red peppe vegetables are almost with the cheese herbs. Cook for a cheese has melted. COOK TINE SERVINGS PREP TIME WATERMELON ‘PIZZA WITH FETA THIS 1S AFUN WAY 10 SERVE A SALAD OR STARTER STEP 1 Halve each piace of watermelon to ‘reate 4 half moons as your ‘pizza slices. STEP 2 Top each slice with » quarter 2SLICES WATERMELON (SEETH ‘each of the salad leaves, feta, avocado, aoa Ted and olives. Drizzle the slices with olive ol, Panett season generously with black pepper, and garnish with the basil leaves. STEP 3 Serve immediately, with lemon ‘wedges to squeeze over if using. This recipe can easily be doubled or tripled to serve larger groups. Experiment by mixing and matching other toppings to discover your Favourite combination. YOU CAN PUT WHATEVER YOU LIKE OW TOP, BUT THE WATERMELON AND FETA ARE THE BASIC COMBINATION, WITH THE SWEETNESS OF THE FRUIT AND THE SALTINESS OF THE CHEESE. 5S mm MASTER THE SIMPLE ART OF COOKING SQUID AND THIS WILL MAKE A TASTY STARTER WHEN ENTERTAINING GUESTS Cert ae) Og ata ta a ig vy st, a o ~ SIN LEAVE TUN ed 7 aa) iF 7 y y Pepe Peon aa Pren Pa Leese Me stay Pemenai strate re Meet Prenonay Pens Oy Puc FRESHLY Oty Feats) Petit) bara ery Pe on UR OPANAKUPITA STUFFED WITH SPINACH AND FETA, THIS FLAKY PASTRY PIE WAS BORN 10 BE CONSUMED ON THE STREETS OF ATIENS CALORIES, STEP 1 Preheat the oven to 180°C (160°C. fan) | 355°F | gas 4. Brush a 4sx30cm | 18x12 rectangular tn with alittle olive ol. STEP 2 Heat 12tbsp olive olin a large pan or pot, and sauté the onion until browned and translucent. STEP 5 Add the spinach and cook until it has wilted. Tip the onion and garlic into a large bowl, and add the feta, herbs, spices and black pepper. Mix together until everything is thoroughly combined. STEP 4 Add the beaten eggs and 2tbsp. STEP 5 Take one filo sheet out of the packaging and carefully lay it at the bottom ‘of your rectangular pan. Brush it with 2 Tittle olive of STEP 6 Repeat the previous step with 5 more filo sheets, to make 6 in total. VEGETARIAN BY NATURE, SPANAKOPITA HAS A VERY HERBY AROMA, AND POSSESSES A WATURAL SALTINESS FROM THE FETA CHEESE. STEP 7 Spread the spinach and feta mixture evenly within the pan, being careful not to STEP 6 Lay a filo sheet on top of the spinach mixture and brush with olive oil. Repeat with 5 more filo sheets, until all your pastry sheets are used up. STE 9 Trim the excess filo pastry off and brush the top with olive ol. You can crumble the excess filo pastry and sprinkle it on top (of the pie for an extra flaky rust. STEP 10 Using a knife, score the pastry to mark out 10-12 slices of spanakopita. Be careful not to put the knife all the way through the pastry - only the First couple of layers STEP 11 Bake the spanakopitain the oven for about 1hr, or until golden brown. Leave to cool for about 15 mins, then serve. Alternatively, serve at room temperature ~ but never cold! eae CS SAnetiate Tay Raat aa Cicer ieid 50 400¢ | or aro BICARE So ouanTAHINI (GOOD QUALI ‘ILENON. JUICED VoaRUICCLo SEA SALT EXTRAVIRGIN OLIVE OI PAPRIKA. TO GARNISH cpusHED }OGARNISH SERVINGS UI PREP TINE UDB IANO UTNSA Re Ce TNT LUMAR ETSI Ty ea ete eer ee eae water. Add ttsp bicarbonate of soda, stir and eres STEP 2 Drain the chickpeas and rinse thoroughly under cold water. Bee eerie) See eee eee ere ey icarbonate of soda. Place on a high fonecereceren eet ares ee eae te Check regularly and remove any white foam Petree eer Sean tees cooked, crush one between your fingers. eee eee the chickpeas are ready. Once ready, stir vigorously to loosen the skins and skim away ear eae AEST TIME COOK TINE Silene tened imply cook them Heoraing to their See ee ee as Sr eee incl Seen Sere ay ‘garnish Place the rest ina food processor por enews one et er eee to scrape down the sides, and continue pee ern ‘and smooth. Ifthe mixture is too thick, add ea the consistency is correct. San a eet Pee ores eee ee) paraley, then top with whole chickpeas. Serve with some toasted flatbreeds, HUMMUS I5 50 WIDELY ADORED THAT ee Se RC SC a ete ey cere ee Mi mela) ee or SERVINGS PREP TIME OOK TIME TABBOULEH v 7 NO LEBANESE FEAST 15 COMPLETE WITHOUT THI ms ¥ al TINGY, PARSLEY-CENTRIC DISH e a IWGREDIENTS * ‘ TABBOULEH I5 POPULAR ACROSS THE MIDDLE EasT “22 Aud EUROPE, BUT FORMS AN INSEPARABLE PART OF LEBANESE CULTURE — THE GUEST OF HONOUR AT EVERY FAMILY DIMMER AND SPECIAL OCCASION, 63

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