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Volcanic Belts Different Types of Seismic waves

- It is the series of active volcanoes  Body waves - can penetrate through
earth's interior
Circum Pacific Belt  Surface waves - destructive for it
 Mt. Cotopaxi – found in Ecuador passes through and observed through the
 Mt. Fujiyama – found in Japan earth surface.
- It has proportion cone and has snow- - moves along the earth's surface, not
covered peak. through its interior.
 Mt. Shasta – California  S waves - pass through solid mediums
- 5th highest peak in California only and second seismic waves to arrive
- Four Overlapping Cones after an earthquake occur.
 Mt. Rainier – Cascade Ranges  P waves - through all mediums (Solid,
- One of the most dangerous volcano in Liquid, And Gas)
the world. - fastest seismic waves
- The glacier in its peak could turn into - 5 kilometers per second (3 m/s)
a large volume of lahar.
 Mt. Hood – Oregon, Inactive Circum Pacific Belt
 Mt. Novarupta - Alaska - largest earthquakes zone occurs
- Its crater is filled with ashes around the coast of Pacific-ocean
 Mt. Tinakula – Solomon islands - Earthquakes originate beneath the
 Mt. Krokatoa – Indonesia ocean floor. The intense and widespread
 Mt. Manam – Papua new Guinea ones occur near the coast.
- 2013 earthquake video Bohol Cebu 7.2
Alpide Belt magnitude. (Central-Visayas Fault)
 Mt. Ararat – Turkey
Alpide Belt
 Mt. Damavand – Iran
- Shallow earthquakes 70-300 km from
- Hot springs
the earth's surface
 Mt. Hindu Kush – sub-range in
Mid Atlantic Belt
 Mt. Stromboli - Sicily, Italy
- runs along the mid ocean ridges in the
- Frequent eruptions
 Mt. Etna - Sicily, Italy - Located underneath the ocean
- Tallest active volcano in Europe - From arctic ocean and close to
 Mt. Vesuvius – Italy southern of south Africa
 Mt. Kilimanjaru – Tanzania - The intensity of most earthquake here
 Mt. Elgot – East Africa is moderate

Mid Atlantic Belt

- Only belt found on the ocean floor.

Earthquake Belt
- Earthquake sudden shaking of the
ground caused by the passage of seismic waves
through earth's rocks.
 Submarine Mountain Ranges - include
the oceanic ridge, the longest continuous
underwater mountain system with a length of
 Folded Mountains - Large landforms
about 65 000km.
that rise well above the ground and have steep
slopes and a peak generally higher than a hill.
- Most of the highest mountain ranges in
- Orogenesis refers to the process of
the world are found in Asia.
forming mountains and mountain ranges
- They form the boundary between the
Indian continent and the rest of Asia.
 Volcanic Mountain Range - These forms
through accumulated lava flows, pyroclastic,
Highest Mountain Ranges
and other igneous rocks.
 Himalayas - Mt. Everest
- The movement of tectonics plate causes
 Karakoram – K2
the magma to rise up.
 Hindu Kush – Tirich Mir
 Pamir – Samani Peak
 Dome Mountain Range - from the up
warping of tectonics plates and are not  Tian Shan – Jengish Chokusu
accompanied by the collision of plate  Kunlun – Kunlun Goddess
boundaries. Longest Mountain Ranges
- This produce elongated structures in  Andes – 7000km
the crust called domes.  Rocky Mountains – 4800 km
 Mt. Atlas – 2500 km
 Fault Block Mountains - Normal faults  Barisan Mountains – 1700 km
causes tensional stress and can uplift large  Qin Mountains – 1600 km
block of crusts to form fault block mountains.  Zagros Mountains – 1500 km
- The displacement of crusts sometimes  Alps – 1200 km
produces numerous cracks and forms parallel  Brooks Range – 1100 km
mountain ranges.  Cascade Mountains – 1000km
- As the crust forms cracks the block
that slides down because of gravity is called Plate Boundaries
graben which usually becomes a valley. Convergent Boundaries
- Destructive Plate Boundary – one plate
Mountains in Circum Pacific Belt will be recycled and one will be totally
North American Cordillera – Pacific Coast destroyed
- Aleutian Range on to Kamchatka – Japan - Two tectonic plates move toward each
Island other.
- Andes - Subduction is the sinking process and
the long narrow belt where a plate sinks to a
Mountains in Alpide Belt mantle is call subduction zone.
Indonesia – Himalayas – Alps - Reverse fault
- It also includes European and Asian - This is where strongest earthquakes
Mountain Range. occur
- Mt Everest, 8848 meters high
 Oceanic – Continental
 Arctic cordillera - The worlds - Oceanic plate is denser that is why it
northernmost mountain system, is outside always subduct.
these two mountain belts.
- Continental Plate overrides at top of Transform Boundaries
oceanic forming mountain ranges. - Two plates slide horizontally
- Volcanoes are mostly found along - Can occur underwater and on land
subduction zones. : San Andreas Fault (City of California)
- Magma is produce due to friction of the North American and Pacific plate
plates. - Strike-slip fault
- Trenches are form here and series of
volcanoes. Theories:
- Wadati – Benioff zone  Raisin Theory
: Andes mountains and Cascade ranges. - Earth is like a grape that contracted
into a raisin due to cooling process that
 Oceanic – Oceanic occurred after the Big Bang Theory
- Magma are less dense that is why it
rises on the seafloor through eruption of  Isostasy
Volcanic arcs. - Clarence Edward Dutton, 1889
- It also forms deeper trenches and - Every material that exists above the
Island arcs. The Mariana Trench earth’s surface are lighter materials
: Philippine Islands, Japan Islands,
Caribbean  Continental Drift Theory
- Alfred Wegener, 1912
 Continental – Continental - It states that the continents are
- Continental crusts are too light to moving.
slide down into a trench. - Super-continent called Pangaea that
- No subduction and volcanoes occur. is also predated by super continent called
- They crumple and warp to form tall Rodinia.
mountain ranges and as the process - Late Triassic Period the plates began
continues, the mountains become higher to break apart.
: Himalayas – India collide with Eurasian - Laurasia (north) and Gondwanaland
Continent (sound).
- Separated by a huge body of water
Divergent Boundaries called Tethys Sea.
- Two plates that are moving apart - Panthalasa
- It causes huge fissures and cracks - Permian Period
underneath the ocean.
- As the plates move apart the  Plate Tectonic Theory
underlying magma rises - Earth’s outermost layer is fragmented
- Continent – continent: rift valley into dozen large and small solid plates
- Oceanic – oceanic: mid-oceanic ridge called tectonic plates.
- A deep trench is also called as forearc : North and South American Plate (large)
ridge. India and Philippine plates (small)
- If divergent boundary is formed on the - Which is constant in motion relatively
to one another.
continents it forms cracks or fissures
- When one plate move or collide with
referred to as ridges. other plate, one plate will subduct and one
will rise.
: Iceland – divergence of north American
and Eurasian Plate.

Seafloor Spreading Theory

- Mid-ocean ridges are long chain of
mountains underneath the ocean.
- Harry Hess, proposed that hot and less
dense material from the mantle rises.
- Magma is forced upward, which thickens
the oceanic crust.
- Lava solidifies and form a new seafloor
- Denser and cooler seafloor subducts or
sinks and helps in the formation of ridge
- Hot mantle rises and cold mantle sinks.
- Convection current causes the magma
to rise.
- Ocean ridges are located above the
rising magma.
- Rifts are formed because of the
tremendous force of the magma underneath
- Cold magma pushes the portion of the
lithosphere to move apart.

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