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Life’s an experience, not a destination. All of us have the same

destination, but not all of us has an identical experience. I had my magical
experience last January 19, 2020 at Tarlac Kaisa Music Festival.

It was really fun that for a moment I forgot all the struggles I am
facing. I went with my two cousins and two friends. They say that unexpected
things are fun. I think it's true because we didn't plan ahead of the date. We
only just messaged each other then we all agreed. Being at Tarlac Kaisa Music
Festival was really fun, we saw the Filipino bands that we adore. We sang
different songs. We jumped to the beat. We really just enjoyed the precious
moment of being together and listening to different songs live. After that, we
went to McDonald's Luisita to eat some fries and talk. I think that day was
really meant to happen for me to realize different things. That it's okay to slow
down and be yourself.

It's okay to sing and give all your heart to the beat and jump. It's really
nice to not give attention to what people might say and just enjoy the moment.


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