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Misr University for Science and Technology (MUST) Academic Year: 2014/2015

College of Information Technology Summer Semester

Information Systems Department Date: 20150809
Subject: OOAD - IS 322 Time Duration: 60 Minutes
Mid Semester Exam Total Marks: 30

First part: Compulsory part (Mandatory question)


Problem 01: [6 marks]

Based on your own assumptions drawn for the following problems, state the three aspects of modeling ranked as
per their importance.
a. Car cruise control
b. Spelling checker
c. Electronic typewriter.

Problem 02: [6 marks]

Draw a use case diagram for an ATM (cash terminal). The system includes two actors: a
customer, who draws money from his account either on the money chip on his bank card or
in cash, and a security man, who fills money into the ATM.
Use cases should include: DrawCash, LoadMoneyChip, CheckAccountBallance, FillATM. Also
include the following exceptional cases: OutOfMoney, TransactionAborted (i.e., customer
selected the cancel button without completing the transaction) and MoneyChipOutOfOrder.
Remark: It is possible to use inheritance between use cases!

Problem 03: [6 marks]

Draw a Class diagram for an air transportation system with operations, association names,
and association end names. Minimally, the following objects/classes should be represented
in your solution: plane, airline, flight, pilots, passengers, seats, city, and airport.

Problem 04: [6 marks]

Draw a state diagram for two only. Keep in mind that the requirements may be incomplete.
1) A simple digital watch.
2) A telephone answering machine.
3) A data transfer protocol.

Examiner: Dr. Yasser ALHABBI Page: 1/2

Misr University for Science and Technology (MUST) Academic Year: 2014/2015
College of Information Technology Summer Semester
Information Systems Department Date: 20150809
Subject: OOAD - IS 322 Time Duration: 60 Minutes
Mid Semester Exam Total Marks: 30

Second part: Solve one problem only

Problem 05: [8 marks]
The following narrative summarize the steps or activities involved in using your Faculty
Library: a member takes books from the library to read at home, registering them at the
checkout desk so the library can keep track of its books. Depending on the number's record,
different courses of events will follow. A member requests a book that the library does not
have. The book is located at another library and ordered through an interlibrary loan. A
member brings borrowed books back to the library. A member submits his/her library card
to the clerk, who checks the borrower's record. A member comes to the library to do
research. The member can search In a variety of ways (such as through books, journals, CD-
ROM, www) to find information on the subjects of that research. A member comes to the
library for a quiet place to study or read newspaper, journal, or book. The supplier provides
the books, journals, and newspapers purchased by the library. Define the actors in the
above narrative scenarios. Produce the use-case diagram that depicts extends (includes)
and uses relationships in the above narrative scenarios.

Problem 06: [8 marks]

Draw a class diagram for a file system. A drive has multiple discs; a hard drive contains
many discs and a floppy drive contains one disc. (Platter may be a better name instead of
Disc.) A disc is divided into tracks which are in turn subdivided into sectors. A file system
may use multiple discs and a disc may be partitioned across file systems. Similarly a disc may
contain many files and a file may be partitioned across many discs. A file system consists of
many files. Each file has an owner, permissions for reading and writing, date last modified,
size, and checksum. Operations that apply to files include create, copy, delete, rename,
compress, uncompress, and compare. Files may be data files or directory files. A directory
hierarchically organizes groups of presumably related files; directories may be recursively
nested to an arbitrary depth. Each file within a directory can be uniquely identified by its file
name. A file may correspond to many directory–file name pairs such as through UNIX links.
A data file may be an ASCII file or binary file.


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