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Two very good friends were travelling together through a mountain pass, when
suddenly a huge bear attacked them with a threatening roar.

“Eeek! Help!” They cried. The skinny traveller quickly climbed a tree, but his friend
could not because he was too fat.

“Hey! Lend me a hand and pull me up, will you?” pleaded the fat traveller.

“No way! If I help a fat man like you, I will also fall and be eaten by the bear,” said
the skinny traveller as he continued to climb higher and higher up the tree.

The bear approached and its snarling mouth was getting closer and closer behind the
fat man. Suddenly, the man fell flat on the ground.

“I’ve heard that bear will not touch a dead man. I’ll pretend to be dead,” thought the
fallen traveller.

He remained motionless, pretending to be dead as the bear nuzzled and smelled him
with its great nose.

The bear then turned and went away thinking that the man was really dead.

The skinny man climbed down the tree and said to his fat friend, “You are lucky to
have had such a narrow escape. I wonder what made the bear go away?”

“By the way, it looked as though the bear was whispering in your ear. What did it say
to you?”

“The bear told me, in the future, not to travel with a person who thinks only of
himself and doesn’t help you when your life is in danger. A friend in need is a friend
indeed.” With this said, the fat man continued his journey by himself.

A donkey was grazing in the meadow, when a hungry wolf

threatened…. “Grrr! Donkey, you’re going to be my lunch. I’ll eat you up,”
growled the wolf.

Pretending to limp, the donkey dragged one of his hind legs as he

ran and shouted, “Ow! Ouch! Mr.Wolf, before you eat me, you’d better
pull this splinter out of my foot first.”

“Why should I be so kind to you?” The wolf asked.

“Because if you were to eat me, the splinter in my foot would stick
in your throat,” replied the donkey.

The startled wolf thought, “That would be awful. If even a splinter in

the foot gives him such pain, then one in my throat would surely be
extremely painful. Well, I’ll eat him after pulling that splinter out.”

The wolf held the donkey’s foot which supposedly had the splinter
in it.

“Where is it? I can’t find it.”

As the wolf looked down at the donkey’s foot, the donkey used his
other foot to kick the wolf’s mouth with all his might. He kicked so hard
that all the wolf’s sharp teeth were broken off. The wolf was no longer
able to eat the donkey, and regretfully said, “Alas! I shouldn’t have tried
to doctor his foot.”

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