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The sphere contracted on itself 

splitting into 2 perfect rotating cylinders of spiral light that formed

from the bottom up, and a vibrating lightning bolt formed in the center. 
After a few minutes everything around me became black, i saw a sphere of light passing thru space and
form on its right a hexagonal matrix that extended to infinity. 
After this vision something happened inside me, it was like as if all of the sudden I HAD OPEND MY
EYES, everything around me finally made sense. 
I realized that these shapes are EVERYWHERE, they are OMNIPRESENT and they are the Shapes at the
base of the Zero Point Field

1: The Sphere


Everything that is matter arises from a sphere: the sun, the earth, the moon, our eyes, cells, atoms.
2: Spirals


The Light is curved and everything moves in a Spiral, our Galaxy, our DNA, the Flowers ... the whole
Universe follows a fractal with precise numbers. This is what scientists call the magnetic field.
3: Electricity


Where there is a Magnetic field there is an electric field, our body is an electric circuit, a pain we feel in
the body is simply an electrical impulse that starts from the brain, the air is full of electricity, electricity
is the means by which information travels. Including the connection between our neurons and
therefore our thoughts. 
4: The Hexagons


Finally, the only way space can be is a hexagonal structure, the most energetically intelligent shape to
fill a surface, just like bees do.

The halo around the sun is hexagonal, Carbon is the main element of the Universe, Water ... The
structure of the molecules is hexagonal. The perennial Hexagonal Vortex on Saturn. The Universe
expands like this, with hexagons.
But the most visible proof of all this is every day under the eyes of all: THE SUN GOD.



We said before that THE ZERO POINT FIELD is the Perfect balance of Electric, Magnetic and
Gravitational Forces.

And that's how I realized that the vision I had had corresponds perfectly to the Zero Point Field.

The Universe was created with a Matrix of Light Spheres that contract (gravity), divide into 2 rotating
couples (magnetism) and create electricity in the center.

And in the end there are the Hexagons, as the whole is immersed in a Fluid (hexagons) of light
It is thanks to this System that everything communicates in the Universe even at a distance ... this is
THE SOUL of the Universe and the Soul defines itself as "Light in the light or Matrix of Light Points"

This is the Biophoton Field, the Key to Health and to the Activation of our Powers.

We could talk about this for months and months, but obviously we don't have the time here.

My studies continue every day on this topic and I regularly do live broadcasts on everything in my
facebook group which has about 8,000 members.

But Now I want to show you what I have created with this Science and These Shapes

People. You guys quote this book as if it has no flaws. It was written by man and even non-religious
"history" is not accurate. You all are too gullible. But let's just go on the notion that it's accurate for the
sake of a good discussion. hehe.

First off, his name is NOT Jesus. And yet you constantly say the name Jesus as if that's his name. It's not.
Christians can't even get his name right. Do your research. Is it so difficult to address your own savior by
his REAL name and not some strange name you all are calling him? Don't have that much respect for the
guy, is that it?! Do your research. He was not born named Jesus. So here it is you have been calling him
some other name. Shame on you.

Another thing, where did "Christianity" come from? That term never came out of his mouth -- according
to the bible you claim to be the absolute truth. You won't find it in the bible. That is something he did
NOT put together. Don't take my word for it. I think they have all versions of the bible at
or something like that where you can type in a term or phrase and it will pull up every scripture with
that term. Put in the term 'christianty' and you'll see NO results because it is NOT biblical. And according
to you christians, if something is not biblical, then it's not of God. So that means "christianity" is not of
God since it's not biblical. And yet you "christians" have created this religion not endorsed by the guy
whose name you can't even get right. Shame on you.

Another thing, if all has been judged, then what is the point of having religion? Ya'll think your all-
powerful God couldn't close the deal on his own? How's that for an oxymoron?! He's all-powerful. That
means, he doesn't need your help to do something. Right? But you all think he needs you. Well if that's
the case, then that means he's NOT all-powerful. You can't say he's all powerful and say he needs you.
That's not how that works. So he's either all-powerful or he's not. Which one is he? Be careful what you
say. He's watching.

Why are you all trying to "save the world" when it's already been saved? I can just imagine what your
"Jesus" or "God" would ask you, things like: "Why did you spend time on Earth on something I had
already taken care of? Did you think I did not do a good job on my own?! Did you think I missed
someone?! And did you ever read or hear the term 'christianity' come out of MY mouth?! So why have
you followed that religion that I never created and never endorsed? And whoooooooo is Jesus? Did I
ever tell you that that is my name? When the bible stated that it is done, it meant just that. So what are
you doing, but causing turmoil in the Earth opening up something that was closed a loooooong time
ago? And then you have the audacity to put me in the middle of your manmade religion you call
"christianity". Who do you think you are to put me in religion?!" I can just imagine his grave
disappointment in those who claim to love him.

And, you all preach the devil has already been defeated and yet you all act like the devil hasn't. If he's
already been defeated, then what the hell are you all doing? So what is your real reason to preaching
and spreading the religion of christianity? Clearly it's not for the world, because according to bible it's
(all the saving and the devil being defeated) has already been done so very long ago; over centuries ago.
And if that book (the bible) is supposed to be relevant today like you all claim, then there is simply no
point of your manmade religion because it's already been done. You all are the only ones looking like
fools and making your "savior" look bad in the process spreading lies about him. You know he didn't
come talk to you. You know he didn't promote religion. No no no. Sorry, but that's what YOU all do; not

If you truly believe that book, then you have to believe and act like the everyone is already saved. That
means, there's nothing for you to do but live your life until you're dead. Period. But if you do not believe
the bible, then you'll continue to preach from it about something that is already resolved. You're just
beating a dead horse because you get a kick of out of (no pun intended). Again, it's already been done.
What part of that do you all not understand? You either believe the word or you don't. Your actions to
this very day, say that you don't. You're faking the funk. Again, it's already done and was done long
before you or I were ever born. It's done. I know I sound repetitive, but you need to understand and get
it in your thick skull, that is has been done. That means IT IS OVER. Nothing for you to do. No going back
to the grave to dig up something that has been buried. It is over. So let it be. The world is already and
was saved eons ago. And for some reason, you thought that your being born changed that. It did not --
IF you believe the bible to be true. You cannot have it both ways. Leave it alone and kill this whole
christianity thing because there's nothing for you to do -- IF you truly believe the bible to be true.

Again, I repeat, Christianity is not even endorsed by this guy you all call "Jesus". It's not even biblical. You
will NOT find any scripture with "Jesus" ever saying the term 'christianity'. And you will not because he
did NOT promote religion of any kind. Don't take my word for it. Go to and search all the
multiple versions of the bible and you'll see this to be true. Ya'll are just wasting your time beating a
dead horse in the process of making your god look like an ass. Seriously. I know that's tough to swallow.
But you're the one who claims to believe that book and yet your actions have done nothing but go
against the one you claim to love, worship and adore. Shame on you for promoting a religion he never
endorsed. Now go repent and seek his forgiveness and simply stop going against him -- IF you believe
the bible to be true. First off, get the man's name right. Like seriously! Smh.

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