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Healing Meditation with Pouwel and Miriam Gelderloos

Part 2
March 22, 2021

We started off by setting up sacred space and then dove right into the intention.

HPI: To clear all blocks to seeing Vikia through to a full incarnation.

Today, we addressed layer 2 of this intention.

This layer consisted of a block that needed to Relink 4 splits in order to restore a forgotten ability. “Something you once
had is returning.”

The testing revealed that this block contained agent energy and Earth-bounds to be cleared.

The clearing of this energy was the first step. We tuned into energies of the following nature.

feeling unmotivated
feeling frustration

The angels lifted these energies with our prayer and cleared cords and vortexes that were drawing this energy in.

Next, we cleared 7 Earth-bounds. We identified through muscle testing that the first one was a 67-year old male who died
in 2001 and had attached to Pouwel in 2011 on the theme of feeling frustration over people not responding to you. Pouwel
addressed this EB and set a boundary and through invoking a prayer moved him into the light.

We also identified there was a 76-year old female EB, who died in 2007 and had attached to Vikia in 2017 on the theme of
babying and coddling him. There were 5 additional EBs with this one, all connected to Vikia. We shifted them into the light
with the help of prayer and the angels. Vikia’s energy cleared.

Now, we were ready to dive into the story. It was determined that a Past Life Format would help access the story for this


The story was told by Pouwel. He was prompted through muscle testing to talk about himself as a 47-year old male in
Eastern Russia in 1787, the late 18th century. He had his brother (represented by Vikia) at 37 years old. He was frustrated.

In this story, Pouwel wanted to emigrate to America and tried to convince his brother to come along to look for a better life.
V didn’t want to. P didn’t want to protect him or the town, but rather leave them all behind. His brother, V, didn’t want to
see P’s vision. V felt there are other relations he doesn’t want to leave behind. P wanted to leave a struggling life behind
and find better fortune. P feels V needs to come along. Can’t convince V so P ends up going alone. V stays behind. P
never sees V again. Now P has a new life. This life is pretty hard too, plenty of opportunity but hard work. No time for
contact. P has accepted V’s choice and settled into the new life, forgetting about his brother.
That ended the story. The intervention for today was the Reverse Conflict Chakra Tap.

The first step was for Pouwel to tap the following words:

Even though “he” doesn’t want to see the opportunity, I fully love, accept and respect myself.

Next, Pouwel addressed the following feeling in each chakra:

I feel I have to go it alone.

This is what showed up for Pouwel in the subconscious as prompted by Spirit.

1. In the God chakra, Spirit revealed memories of hard work in CUT, and a feeling of no one gets me. This was
spiritually speaking a hard life. There was a desire in Pouwel to move up the mountain like Moses and talk to God.
In this vision, there was too much work, too tired at night to pray, plus the chapel felt too ornate and complex. A
feeling of disappointment resided, along with a desire to simplify the relationship with God. ‘Going it alone’ felt
negative, like a separation from inspiration. God, where are you? The answer from God was, “Like Moses, I did
give you your tablets already. I wrote them in your heart. Those are your guidelines that you are meant to live by.”
The energy went strong when you realized anew that you’re not going it alone, God has been with you all along.

2. In the crown chakra, the energy revealed that you feel your thoughts are hard to explain, it’s cumbersome to do so.
You rather have people leave you to your thoughts. Less words, more action. Books appear in this inner world
closed. Harsh, masculine, aggressive energy is causing you to be tough and not open those books. You’d rather
not know. There’s a feeling of “You do your things, I do mine. Let’s give each other room.” Irminne shows up in this
realm and her soft, feminine presence inspires you to open books and share knowledge. The Holy Spirit then
adjusted your energy by giving you the insight that together your knowledge is more complete, more info, faster
results. Your energy block clears through the realization that you can be more open to sharing knowledge and
expressing yourself. You especially like it when this knowledge is experience-based and wisdom.

3. Your third eye chakra revealed that you see the world very strong and confidently. You can lead and make it
happen with your strong vision. You are a way shower for your brothers and sisters, and family. But you are so
eager that you are far ahead. The vision from spirit shows that when you turn around with a beaming face, you
realize they are calling you to Wait Up! Your loved ones want you to be part of their experiences too.

4. The throat chakra revealed that when you say ‘go it alone,’ here you mean ‘go it once.’ You like to say things once.
You dislike repeat prayers. You trust that God heard you the first time. The blocked energy reveals that you don’t
want to repeat yourself. While it is meant as something positive, you are somewhat demanding this way. To get the
energy strong, your higher self inspired you to soften your expectations with a more merciful patience. After all,
God repeats himself for you too.

5. The upper heart chakra, your connection to community, reveals that you see your place in community with
confidence as long as there is lots of separation. ‘Back off a bit, and I’ll lead the way.’ This spacious energy is not
always possible so you are invited by Spirit to direct this outward arrow of your attention, back around again into a
circle. The vision from Spirit reveals a square dance where everyone is moving, involved and circling back around
each other. Community now has a dynamic, festive energy. Spirit shows a bit more of this symbolic vision when
you are further on in the intervention. In this scene, you are noticing Paul Ranttalo and you tell him he can’t dance.
He says, that’s alright, you can’t dance that well either. You both laugh, make friends, and make the place happier
by accepting that’s okay. You’re dancing in this large square dance anyway. Meaning, your energy is now ready to
participate more fluidly in community, and you won’t have to go it alone.

6. The heart chakra proper reveals you, symbolically speaking, all grown up with distant inner parents as
representatives of the Father/Mother God. They have long ago let you go when you felt you had outgrown their role
models. Because of outgrowing them, you don’t check in with your heart as much as you need or deserve. You
also have felt that you prefer everything to be very quiet or empty when you check in with your heart. To correct
this block, you’re invited back in to your heart by your higher self, but at first you see that you don’t trust your
mom at all. She’s off to your right. Your dad is set aside on your left. You are confident, however, in the abstract
representation of God, and this shows up in the middle of your heart as a bowl with the light of God in it as a
flame. God inspires you now to take both representations of your parents to this bowl and connect them to that
light so they can begin healing. You do this at your soul level, and leave you them connected that way. Healing
begins. God’s light takes over in your heart in a new way.

7. The Solar Plexus chakra revealed that you still resonate to the trauma and the many punches you have received
emotionally over your life. It also reveals your desire to deal with healthy emotions. But you are not sure how to
digest the gross chucks of the rough emotions that still sit there. Spirit makes them look like stew, which is hardy
and a tough meal, but you cannot digest that. Spirit than grind it all up into baby food. You don’t like that either,
because it feels mushy. And you don’t want to be a baby. But the response from your higher self is that you will
grow after taking in the proper soul food and digesting these feelings with sensitivity, and with gentle and tender

8. In your Seat of the Soul Chakra, the energy revealed you standing in an inner space strongly connected to your
creativity. Whenever you need intimacy, you look to build a bridge to Miriam, or search with this creativity for a
puzzle piece that can lay the groundwork for connecting with her, but in general there are wide spaces in the
ground between you and her. As you release the feeling of going it alone, Spirit steps in to reveal a shifting vision
that, at first, lays out all the pieces into a completed puzzle under your feet, and then turns that into solid ground
under both your feet. The column of creativity that was over you now diffuses and takes over the entire hall.
Together, you occupy this space freely now. At the soul level, Miriam gives you a delighted hug.

9. Your base chakra reveals the imagery of you going it alone, and it looks like you surrounded by a few felled trees. It
shows you are good at working with the wood that fell on your way. But this wood is not fed by roots, and you
know if you don’t work with it, it will rot. The meaning here is that you’ve always made the best of what came your
way. When offered to plant a new tree that will grow roots, you decline. This represents that you are not interested
in growing a new tree for your identity, to start over, minus the pain. Your sadness over your life is now revealed.
You fall into this sadness and collapse to the ground. In this process of letting go of the pain of your life, you open
up to your environment. You realize you find yourself on the enormous roots of your very own tree of life. You seem
very small compared to this solid, strong, tree. You accept this is your home and curiously climb up the roots to
begin exploring all it holds in store for you. You sense this tree is large and magnificent like the Tree of Life in the
movie Avatar. You are not the only one in this tree, but it’s a network of life in which you are one aspect. Your
energy tests strong now that you’ve found your sense of belonging.

This completed the descending aspect of the intervention. Next, Pouwel was invited to install the following affirmation in
each of his chakras:

I am connected to Life.

Pouwel installed this affirmation in each chakra, and in every center the energy turned strong. Now it was time to heal the 4
splits and Relink the forgotten ability.

Pouwel said the prayer to ask Jesus Christ to heal all four splits in him that had interfered with his ability to be one part in
the Tree of Life. This forgotten ability was then returned to Pouwel. He has now found a renewed sense of belonging to life
in a deeper way.

You concluded your work today with the intentional prayer to link all three of you, Pouwel, Miriam and Vikia, together in
that vibrant Tree of Life. You are a vibrant network of life now and you will draw new strength from here.

Sent from my iPad

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