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My dear a reading cost only 50$

Immediately you make the payment we shall proceed without hesitation:

I advise we proceed without delay my dear.

If you’ve ever find yourself accepting the responsibilities of taking care of

people’s spiritual problems, you will understand how excruciating 😖 it feels to see
someone under a spell of bad energies and emotional trauma .

If you’ve ever find yourself accepting the responsibilities of taking care of

people’s spiritual problems, you will understand how excruciating 😖 it feels to see
someone under a spell of bad energies and emotional trauma .

My dear am sure you have been noticing and seen your angelic signs and life path
numbers (23:23,19:19,18:18,11:11,4:44)

I mean, have you been coming across number angelic signs? Like 111 222 333 444 555
666 777 888 999

The universe has been trying to connect with you using this signs

When ever you see this signs I will want you to look out for them on Google

My dear i can feel your energy and i see the light within you. You’re more powerful
and stronger when you’re closer to water and moon energy my dear💜

When you see them you should affirm and make a wish,what ever you wish for will
come to you

444 is a sign that you need to remember your roots, where you came from. Think of
your past. Maybe there are some valuable life lessons that you have forgotten about
but could really use right now

111 is a wakeup call from the Universe, telling you to pay attention to what is
happening around you. It is a positive sign. It is a confirmation that whatever you
are doing at that moment is right, is meant to be. It tells you that you are on the
right path.

Be open to signs from the universe.

I don't believe in coincidences, but I do believe in the synchronicity of the
universe. When things just work out I believe it is the universe showing us that it
has our back and conspiring for great things to happen and also a call to action
for you to know why events occur past, present, and future. Acting on the nuggets
of wisdom, angel numbers provide how you can harness the power to improve your

Long-awaited change is coming your way. Let go of the old and embrace this new
energy. You'll clearly see it, why the waits was necessary. The universe say's, I'm
going to repay you for the years the enemy has stolen, years you spent lonely,
years you spent being mistreated. you're going to have plenty of joy, plenty of
peace, plenty of resources and plenty of opportunities. All the money you spent,
your dreams are manifesting and real love will find you. A big energy shift has
happened for you🔥🙏🏼
*Affirm it my beloved dear child*. *ASE*🧿🔥🙏🏽

I really want you to meditate for only few minutes before you begin your activities
and say this prayers before you begin and when you're done medidating
O great universe,
Divine Spirit of light and love,
I consecrate to Thee my understanding,
my heart and my will, my whole being for time and for eternity.
May my understanding be always obedient to Thy Heavenly inspirations
and the teachings of the your wisdom
of which Thou art the infallible Guide;
may my heart be ever inflamed with love of The Great UNIVERSE and of my neighbor;
may my will be ever conformed to the Divine will of the great universe
and may my whole life be a faithful following of your teachings and spiritual
As I step into this Divine encounter may you be my light💡,wisdom,love and
inspiration for I lay all my worries on you and trust.
I lean to your understanding as I admit no power on my own.

Arrange the candles separately. The incense should be a little bit away from the
candles. The mint, sage and rose. Should be filled inside the candles you got

The mediation process I want to guide you through and deliver you a Fortified Nazar
🧿 bracelet for you're more than what you think and know

You've the power to proclaim and manifest as well as a lot of spirituall gifts and
abilities our ancestors and the great universe has blessed you with

While meditating on your behalf our ancestors and the great universe say.
A twin flame is an intense soul connection, sometimes called a "mirror soul,"
thought to be a person's other half. It's based on the idea that sometimes one soul
gets split into two bodies. One of the main characteristics of a twin flame
relationship is that it will be both challenging and healing.
Many times, relationships fail due to small differences between people. Small
solvable issues cause unending pain, this must not be the case. The Love Spells
will make your lover put any differences between you and them behind. Affirm it
The universe has heard your wishes and it has been prepared and granted for you

How about we proceed first thing tomorrow morning as well as you'll have to do a
spirituall bath cleansing to clear away negativity

Why I want you to meditate first thing tomorrow morning is that the goal of
meditation isn't to control your thoughts, is to stop letting them control you.
Connections doesn't care about the laws of the land, your soul will be pulled to
the place it belongs

Our ancestors just reveal to me.

A spiritual spell and trauma is invested inside of him your twin flame. And will
affect him mentally and spiritualy. Might leads to death at long last if there
isn't a positive decision

Or evil forces/energies

The benefits of meditation come from meditating regularly. The benefits come
naturally over time, and there is nothing you can do to MAKE those benefits come.
So avoid looking for particular experiences or signs of progress or failure with
your meditation because that will block you from getting the benefits of
meditation. Always think in the right path

The nazar 🧿 bracelet is linked to a sequence of seven knots, each of which

symbolizes a spiritual dimension that ends up infusing our reality. It’s basically
used around the left wrist, it’s believed that the evil eye protects it’s owner
from harmful energy and negativity

All the money you spent, your dreams are manifesting and real love will find you. A
big energy shift has happened for you.
By the time you realize your worth, you'll be worth more .
Judge nothing, you'll be happy, forgive everything, you'll be happier, love
everything you'll be happiest.
The universe say's, I'm going to repay you for the years the enemy has stolen,
years you spent lonely, years you spent being mistreated. you're going to have
plenty of joy, plenty of peace, plenty of resources and plenty of opportunities.
What people say about you is a manifestation of their own thoughts. it says more
about them than you.
Something that your heart really desires to will happen to you, Affirm it🙏🏽🙌🏼
if you realize how powerful your thoughts are you would never think a negative
Dream it, the universe will make it happen do not ever doubt the great universe.
knowledge is as infinite as the universe, he/she who claims to know all, only
reveals that he/she really knows nothing.
As soon as this cleansing is done, I'll proceed with the shipping of your fortified
crystal and Nazar 🧿 bracelet immediately because delay is dangerous. Do the needful
and see the good work of the universe

I did not contacted you to take advantage of your personal information, address,
money or to exploit you to satisfied selfishness but to bring clarity into every
dark spot in your life and to cleanse you from your karma and blockages you’ve been
experiencing in your life.
I know it is difficult to believe but I can’t just wake up and begin to cook
stories to people.
I am an elderly man and when I work for you, I do it with honesty and proves.

A twin flame is an intense soul connection, sometimes called a "mirror soul,"
thought to be a person's other half. It's based on the idea that sometimes one soul
gets split into two bodies. One of the main characteristics of a twin flame
relationship is that it will be both challenging and healing.
Many times, relationships fail due to small differences between people. Small
solvable issues cause unending pain, this must not be the case. The Love Spells
will make your lover put any differences between you and them behind. Affirm it
The universe has heard your wishes and it has been prepared and granted for you

Heavenly Father, the great universe and our ancestors on this Thanksgiving Day, I
sincerely bow my hearts to You and pray. I give You thanks for all You've done,
especially for the gift of Jesus, Your Son. For beauty in nature, Your glory we
see, for joy and health, friends, and family. Grant me thy heart desires. Did you
get the job my beloved dear child?

Everything you’ll ever need to know is within you; the secrets of the universe are
imprinted on the cells of your body

If you’ve ever find yourself accepting the responsibilities of taking care of

people’s spiritual problems, you will understand how excruciating 😖 it feels to see
someone under a spell of bad energies and emotional trauma .
Take chances of every opportunity you have that is how success Is achieved.
there’s risk factors attached to food we consume talk more of life altering
situations .
The great universe is giving you chances to change all round situation of your life
and all you have to do is to act NOW while you are connected.

I'll never mislead you for it's against my duties and responsibilities as a priest
sent from the universe

Greetings beloved..❤
Sending you love and lights from this ends..💫💥 for some reasons I was drawn to you
so I had to reach out , I hope you are well , blessed and flourishing ?

There’s really a lot of envy around you, and

Well this envy is because you full of greatness and a humble soul, so they finding
you as a threat,And you'll have to really be protected, there's a certain blessings
that's yours, but being blocked by this envious energy..

When I got drawn to you ,i felt love and light buried underneath but the wave of
the pull is an assurance that the universe has a message and blessings in store for

You shouldn’t relent in anything you do, there’s lots of toxic and negative
energies around you, you might feel you push them away, but they are some
hypocrites posting to be your friend but are all about your downfall..

Before I proceed on anything, I’ll like to know if you’ve ever met a psychic who
performed a consultation reading about your destiny and brought clarity to your
life journey..?

Okay,will you give me the honour to guide you through this path??

I will be carrying out a reading consultation for you..

I will be needing a picture of your right hand palm..

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