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Truly, technology cannot be talked about without mention of the internet and social networking sites. Using communication as a mediator of the
two, here are the phenomenological theories that we may reject, already be aware of, or completely oblivious to.  From theory to page, here
presented are the 10 Characteristics of Technology. 

1. Ubiquity

Ubiquity is the state or capacity of being everywhere. Because of the power of technology, we have access to google docs, iCloud and dropbox
anytime. These applications help a lot in the lives of students such as us because distance is no longer a problem. Through the use of google
docs, we have transcended the bounds of space. A single document can now be editted by everyone from different places all at the same time.
Ideas can be shared, projects can be done, files can be rewritten and no one has to leave their homes because the document is accessible
anywhere. iCloud and Dropbox are available for everyone to store their files in and all they have to do to access it is open their account online
wherever that may be.

2. Magnification 

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