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Good morning, classmates!

Today we are going to tackle the second module Sir has

provided to us which is titled: “Life in Harmony with Others”
First thing’s first, what does it mean when we harmonize with one another? Or better
yet, what is harmony and how does it play in society?
The term harmony derives from the Greek word harmonia, meaning "joint, agreement,
and concord" or a joint between the planks of a ship. If we look back at Greek history, the word
‘harmony’ was often used in the realm of music. It is also often described as the sound of two
or more notes heard simultaneously.
When it comes to societal terms, harmony is a scenario wherein individuals from many
ethnicities or cultures coexist or dwell in the same place without harming one another. In other
words, it is a state in which two or more groups are living together while respecting their
differences and resolving their conflicts nonviolently.
Well, why is harmony with others important in the first place?
In this world full of war, crime, bigotry, suffering, hatred, and so on, peace can be hard to
obtain especially if there are people who only think about themselves or would do anything to
procure whatever favors to their desires. If I were to put it briefly, harmony is somewhat the
moment of tranquility or peace amongst all the violent things that are happening around the

Moving on to what is written in the main issue at hand, the module has provided us tips
and activities on how we should harmonize with others amidst the Covid-19 pandemic.
According to the module: There is a popular adage that goes, “No man is an island.” Truly, this
is a reminder that you cannot live alone. Other people are important, too! From the time you
were conceived up until the time when you will meet death, other people are integral to your
life. With this fact, it is essential to remind ourselves that better relationships are truly worth
aspiring for.
In my opinion naman guys, I completely agree with this statement. I also believe that nobody
can ever truly live a normal life without a certain kind of support system.

Moving on, as stated by psychologist Rick Hanson, there are five essential skills for
happiness, health, and general well-being in order to cope with life’s challenges. These affect
the way you relate with people and improve the quality of your relationships.

Number 1 is awareness or the ability to become emotionally sympathetic to others.

2 is letting go of unpleasant experiences and become a little bit more positive with yourself.
3 is insight; wherein we understand the factors of our reactions to others and to ourselves.
4 is taking in the good things in the world and recognizing the worth we have as humans.
And last but not the least, using the will; which means helping yourself to want the good thing,
to stick with your good resolutions and intentions easily. And that is all.

To conclude this short lecture, may I add Mahatma Gandhi’s famous quote which states that:
“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”
Thank you, and good afternoon!

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