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Name: Chantal Espinal

ID: 1013-7825

Causes and effects of alcoholism.

Nowadays in society, the use of alcohol is very common, and this consumption is usually related
to having fun or forgetting about problems. Alcohol dependence can lead to serious problems,
both physical and mental, so in this essay I will be discussing the causes and effects of
alcoholism. On the other hand, the idea that drinking alcohol will not cause any problems leads
people to think that it will not cause them any harm and they ignore the signs of dependence.
According to Mayo Clinic (2018) alcohol use disorder is often considered a family disease for
many reasons. First, there is the general impact that living with an alcoholic can have on the
entire family. For another, it has been linked to some specific genes. People with relatives who
struggle with alcoholism increase the likelihood that a person will also struggle with the same
addiction. In fact, genetics is 50% of the underlying reason for alcohol use disorder (Crane

Alcohol consumption at an early age can be detrimental to young people and in the future this
action can have consequences. During adolescence, young people experience physical and
psychological changes that make this stage a period of much instability in which adolescents try
to fight with themselves, consequently, this is one of the most vulnerable situations to alcohol
consumption, as it is closely related to socialization. Young people are more at risk for alcohol-
related harm than adults. This is because the brain is still developing, alcohol consumption in
adolescence can greatly increase the risk of damage to brain development, which can lead to
permanent damage to memory and correct thinking. In addition, it can also lead to problems with
alcohol later in life.

Among other causes of alcohol addiction are mental health problems, such as depression. Some
people drink alcohol to try to cope with their problems. This is because people may be attracted
to alcohol because it is like a drug due to its sedative effect, which helps disperse persistent
sadness. Although alcohol may temporarily alleviate some symptoms of depression, in the long
run it can make depression worse. Alcoholism brings with it a number of negative effects on all
aspects of life. When a person begins to suffer the consequences of alcoholism along with
depression and sees their relationships begin to suffer, their symptoms worsen. This often leads
to a detrimental cycle of abusing alcohol in an effort to self-medicate the symptoms of
depression and the depression itself worsens due to continued alcohol abuse. Relying on alcohol
when feeling depressed can turn a run of bad luck or an unfortunate life event into something
worse (Angers 2020).

In conclusion, I believe that alcoholism is one of the strongest and most dangerous addictions
because it is based on an uncontrollable desire to drink. Some people who suffer from this
disorder and they themselves put drinking above everything else, which can lead to separation
from family, work or friends. I think young people should be aware of this, because it is not until
very late that they realize they are addicted to alcohol. Young people should not start drinking at
such a young age, so frequently, because they really do not know the negative effects this action
will have in the future, including damage to the developing brain or body organs.


Title: Cause and effects of alcoholism.

Hook: Alcohol use disorder is often referred to as a family disease for many reasons.
Thesis: Alcohol dependence can lead to serious problems, both physical and mental, in this
essay I will be talking about cause and effects of alcoholism.
Connecting information: In today's society, the use of alcohol is very common, and its
consumption is usually related to relaxation. However, the idea that drinking alcohol is harmless
lead us to ignore the signs of dependence.
Paragraph 1:
- Cause: Family History of alcoholism.
- Effect: Having a close relative who struggles with alcohol use disorder increases the chances of
struggling with the same addiction.

Paragraph 2:
- Cause: Early alcohol consumption.
- Effect: The damage it can cause to brain development.
Paragraph 3:
-Cause: Mental Health Problems.

-Effect: People may be attracted to the effects of alcohol, as it helps to distract them from sad
thoughts and troubles.

Conclusion/Personal Opinion:
- Personal Opinion: What do I think about alcoholism?

Alcohol use disorder - Symptoms and causes. (2018, July 11). Mayo Clinic.

Crane, B.S., M. (2021, 5 February). Is Alcoholism Hereditary or Genetic? American Addiction


Angers, L. (2018, October 24) How are alcohol and depression related? Better Help. Better Help.

Talbott Recovery. (2021, September 27). 5 most common causes of alcoholism (and what to do

Alcohol Facts and Statistics. (2020, October). National Institution on Alcohol Abuse and

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