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The Bronx High School of Science Mathematics Department

M. Rachel Hoyle, Principal Mr. Vikram Arora, A.P.

Instructor: Mr. Fomin Email:
Calculus BC: Classroom Expectations
Welcome to Mr. Fomin’s Calculus BC class also known as a Calculus boot camp! This document will outline my expectations for you and
the class as a whole as well as lay some of the ground rules for the classroom. Please make sure to read carefully.

Participation: Students are expected to participate in class by listening attentively, actively taking notes, and solving problems. Students
are encouraged to ask and answer questions and will have the opportunity to collaborate with their peers. Every member of the class is
expected to participate in a positive, supportive and respectful manner. Your class participation is assessed daily. You should expect to see
participation grades on weekly basis.
Schoology: Our learning continues beyond classroom in virtual space. In order to ensure that you can get invitation into our Schoology
classroom you have to check if your school google email account is recorded on PupilPath. If not, you must correct it and email me with the
subject Email Update and the body of the message stating your last and first name (Last, First), your class and period number. As soon as
you receive an invitation to join Schoology Classroom, please join it (you might need to create Schoology account if you don’t have one).
Make sure to correctly enter your Last and First Names. All announcements, assignments, solutions, explanations, discussions, due dates (as
well as last minute changes) will be available on Schoology. Participation in general discussions and commenting on assignments on
Schoology, as well as answering each other’s questions count toward your participation grade.
Important: All your classwork (with your notes) and homework have to be in a chronological order in a binder with you at all times.
Supplies: Graphing Calculator (TI-83 or TI-84) (Students are expected to bring their graphing calculator to every class)
3-ring binder; loose leaf and graphing paper (dividers to divide the binder into the sections by the topics), pencils, erasers.

Special Notes: *No food or drink (except for water) are allowed in the classroom.

Attendance: Students are expected to arrive on time – be seated and prepare to work before the bell and continue to work until I say,
“Class dismissed”. You are required to attend all classes, prepared and willing to participate in the lesson. If you do miss a class, you must
present a Bronx Science absence note signed by your parent or guardian when you return, and you are responsible for making up the
classwork and the homework that you missed. Note: each lateness will result in the deduction from your participation grade. Participation
grade of zero will be assign for each cut.

Homework: Homework is assigned daily, and they will be checked the following day. Completed class worksheets should be handed in
with the homework every day. Keeping up with daily assignments is essential to the success of your learning. If you find yourself having
difficulty with any assignment, seek help! You must show all work in order to receive full credit on the homework. A maximum of three
late homework responses per marking period will be accepted for half credit within two school days of each assignment due date.
Important: Have corrections made to your work with explanations of your mistakes (use a pen of different color for corrections and
explanations) and re-do or correct independently each assignment in which you made a mistake for each assignment based on our
class discussions and provided solutions. If you have problems completing your portfolio after our class discussions and provided
solutions, you are encouraged to seek additional help and come to SGI.

Corrections and Homework Portfolio: Entire Classwork and Homework with corrections must be submitted to Schoology by the
weekend on the week it was assigned (Friday through Thursday). Homework Portfolio that includes all your Classwork and HW
with corrections will be graded at the end of each semester. Please see detailed instructions about your HW Portfolio on Schoology.
Exams: There will be at least two full-period exams per marking period, which will both be announced with at least three days’ advance
notice. Exams will only be given on Fridays. You will need more than a day to prepare for an exam. Test corrections are mandatory. All
test corrections have to be completed during SGI. Quizzes, if any, can be given any day and without warning. If you miss an exam due to
medical reasons, it is your responsibility to provide me with an excuse note and to arrange a make-up exam as soon as possible. Unexcused
absence from an exam or quiz will result in grade of zero. Cheating or any sort of academic dishonesty, including copying or sharing
from the memory the content of the tests will not be tolerated and will result in an immediate zero as well as disciplinary actions.
Note: In the event when a test is curved, students who don’t not complete tests corrections will be not receive the curved grade.

Help/Tutoring: Don't be afraid to ask questions during class and take advantage of the Small Group Instruction if you need any help. The
hours will be posted as soon as SGI schedule becomes available. I encourage all of you to stop by if you have any questions. If you cannot
come during that time, I am also available by appointment. Please seek help as soon as possible, do not wait until the last minute. I
recommend seeking help in library, where free tutoring by math teachers is available. Peer tutoring can be helpful as well.

Grading: 60% Exams/Projects/Papers/Quizzes 15% Homework

10% Midyear/Final Exam 15% Participation
Parental Involvement: Parents are encouraged to monitor their child's progress using PupilPath and may contact
me anytime at
---------------------------------------------Detach, sign and return the lower portion, keep the rest.-----------------------------------------
*Please detached this portion (neatly), sign it below and return. Keep the upper portion for your records.

I have read and understand my / my child’s expectations as a Calculus BC student in Mr. Fomin’s class.

_____________________________________ __________________________________
Student Name (Print) Student Signature Date

_____________________________________ __________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name (Print) Parent/Guardian Signature Date

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