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Essential English: 
Tabel nr. 36 Construcțiile cu there is, there are și it is + Tabel nr. 37 Topica normală în diferite
tipuri de propoziții 

From How English Works:

Be, do and have (pp. 94-105); Basic sentence structures (pp. 210-235)

From Grammar practice for upper-intermediate students with key:

Statements and questions (pp. 84-94); Changing sentence structure (p. 158-167)

From Limba engleză, Exerciții pentru admiterea în învățământul superior:

 The major parts of the sentence , p. 135; Agreement, p. 138; Direct, indirect and prepositional
objects, p.138; Interrogative questions, p. 150; Negation, p. 152; Word order, p. 173. 

PS, Try to be selective and use generative note-taking (summarize, paraphrase, utilize concept
mapping). Whether you take notes by hand, using the old pencil-and-paper method, or you type
your notes digitally, submit a photo/ document of your work. 

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