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Identity is in the Eye of the Beholder

In the Style of Antonin Artaud

Mairen Eve
The stage has a spotlight UPSTAGE CENTER, there is a halo of darkness followed by an abundance of light.
Tantalus swerves and dives through the multicolor, stops before the hall of darkness, and hops into the
spotlight. They stare into the audience.

TANTALUS My mother? Mother, yes, she once asked what it was that made a straight man
straight. He begins to take off his cape, and as he folds it into his arm, (beat) To that extent I must also
ask what is a <<sexual attraction?>>

A loud piercing beep occurs, Tantalus’ cape is flung across the stage as they drop to the floor, attempting to
cover their ears, the lights go pitch black. The spotlight returns. Tantalus is sitting as a female would at a tea
party. The sounds of a blurred cafe stir in the background. Tiny spots of the stage are lit a light brown to
suggest the location of other patrons and their tables. Tantalus mimes a delicate hold of their teacup,
slurping loudly before shrewdly looking into the audience.

TANTALUS Lizzy, my beloved, they lean into the audience as if to tell a secret and set down their teacup
delicately, Well, (beat) and winks, You know.

Tantalus begins to unbutton their vest, taking it off to the side, keeping eye contact with the audience the
entire time. The lights and noise of the café fade to pitch black. The lights come on with amber and twinkle of
fireflies, the light displays a pool of water UPSTAGE CENTER. Tantalus kneels at the front of the pool.
Tantalus takes off their crown.

TANTALUS There are these aspects of fulfillment we are meant to meet. They set their crown into
the water. Just remember, they take off their elven ears, you have your own kind of glory. The ears are
placed into the water and are pushed away with the crown as the lights fade.

The lights turn on abruptly with a bright red as Tantalus stands in CENTER. The sound of fire roars. They
flop to the floor as they begin to speak.

TANTALUS “Be sure of this,” they begin to take off their shoes, “O young ambition,” One shoe is
slammed into the floor. “All mortal greatness is but a disease.” Tantalus stands and drops the second
shoe onto the floor. The lights turn off as the shoe hits the floor.
The lights turn on green. Tantalus lies on their stomach looking into the audience. They roll over onto their
back, laughing, and smear their makeup. Lights off.

The lights turn on gray. Tantalus is sitting on the floor taking off their tights. The clanging of cells goes off in
the background.

TANTALUS “Those who live, live off the dead.”

The lights do not turn off. Tantalus is forced to change their appearance in front of the crowd. The sounds of
the cells remain. Tantalus plays with their skirt before proceeding to take it off.

TANTALUS How can one be sad when they see such a thing as this?

They go to stand in a corner away from the spotlight. They take off their sword and examine it.

TANTALUS Yet, you knew no boundaries.

Tantalus lets the sword flop to the ground in the spotlight. A second spotlight follows Tantalus as they walk to
the edge of the stage and stare into the audience, waiting for some kind of response. The sound of cells and the
light slowly fade away.


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