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What Are Valuable Job Skills?


March 12, 2020

Possessing certain job skills can make you more valuable to
potential employers. Marketable skills to have for any job include
communication, problem-solving and teamwork. In this article, we
discuss what skills are most valuable for any profession, how to
improve these skills and implement them at work, and how to
highlight your valuable job skills throughout the job application

What are valuable job skills?

Valuable job skills are skills that make you more marketable to
potential employers in any profession. These skills can transfer
across various industries and are an asset regardless of the field
you are in. However, it's important to note that the skills that
employers consider valuable can change from year to year.

For example, social media skills have become more valuable in

today's society due to the vast presence of social media in all
areas of life, from websites to apps. Knowledge of digital
marketing through social media is now a valuable skill because
many workplaces evolved to keep up with these trends.

Create your resume

Examples of valuable skills for any job
Many valuable skills work together and can increase your success
in your career. The following are examples of in-demand job skills
that are beneficial across occupations:

 Communication skills
 Problem-solving skills
 Teamwork skills
 Social media and computer skills
 Learning skills
 Personal management and organization skills
 Interpersonal skills
Communication skills

These include verbal, nonverbal and written communication skills.

In the workplace, communication is a regular part of day-to-day
life, and you must have good communication skills to be
productive and successful in most occupations. Good
communication skills to put on your resume include active
listening, public speaking and technical writing.

Read more: Communication Skills: Definitions and Examples

Problem-solving skills

Employers often look for candidates who can implement effective

problem-solving skills in a variety of situations to identify and
resolve issues at work. Examples of problem-solving skills to put
on your resume include research, analysis and creative thinking.

Read more: Problem-Solving Skills: Definitions and Examples

Teamwork skills

Many positions require individuals to work with one or more

people to accomplish various tasks. You may also have to
delegate and manage others in a particular job. Highlight your
teamwork skills on your resume by including skills such as conflict
resolution and rapport-building.
Social media and computer skills

Being able to use a computer is an essential part of nearly all jobs

today. Whether you are working on a computer regularly or need
to know how to use certain programs, possessing computer skills
can increase your value to potential employers. Additionally,
having knowledge of various social media platforms is also
necessary to be effective in many jobs. Include any social media
platforms or computer programs you are familiar with on your
resume to highlight these skills.
Learning skills

The ability and willingness to continually learn are imperative to a

person's success in nearly any career. These skills can
demonstrate initiative and dedication. Learning skills to add to
your resume include adaptability, collaboration and creativity.
Personal management and organization skills

Employers often look for candidates who are self-sufficient. This

means that having good personal management and organization
skills can increase your marketability to potential employers.
Organization skills show that you can set priorities, manage
assignments, meet time deadlines and adapt when necessary.
Interpersonal skills

Employers often consider a person's ability to relate to and get

along with other employees in the workplace an essential job skill.
Common interpersonal skills that you should highlight when
applying for jobs include active listening, motivation, leadership
and empathy.

Read more: Interpersonal Skills: Definitions and Examples

How to improve your job skills

The following are steps you can take to learn and improve
valuable skills that are useful in any job:

1. Take a class to improve computer and social media

skills. Many courses are available online and in person to
teach valuable social media and computer skills. Consider
which skills you need for your particular industry, and sign up
for a course that teaches them.
2. Attend skills workshops. Many organizations offer
workshops or seminars on particular skills. For example, you
could attend a workshop on communication or technology
skills. These workshops may include discussions, lectures
and assignments.
3. Practice time management techniques. To hone your
personal management and organization skills, practice time
management techniques whenever possible. For example,
you could categorize your work priorities for the day each
morning and work on the most important tasks first.
4. Find a mentor. Another way to improve your job skills is to
enlist a professional mentor. This can be someone in your
current workplace or a person who works elsewhere and has
the skills you wish to possess. Work with them to identify
where you can improve your skills and what job skills you
should focus on.
5. Observe others who have the skills you want to
possess. There are probably employees in your current job
who have the skills that you are trying to develop. Observe
their behaviors and habits, and implement their strategies
into your own work life.

Ways to implement valuable job skills in the

Here are a few ways that you can implement valuable job skills at

 Practice active listening. When speaking with someone,

give them your full attention and make eye contact
throughout the conversation. Ask questions to ensure you
understand what they are saying. This can help others feel
valued and show your ability to effectively listen.
 Find the positive in workplace situations. Make a
conscious effort to focus on the positive in a given situation.
Consider conflicts or challenges as lessons to help you grow
from the experience, and maintain a positive mindset.
 Ask for learning opportunities at work. Actively search for
programs, seminars or online courses that teach you and
your coworkers valuable skills. Consider bringing these ideas
to your manager or employer to promote learning in the
workplace and make your team stronger.
 Volunteer to help with tasks within your organization to
gain experience. There are often several opportunities to
learn right in your own company. For example, if you do not
already participate in your organization's social media efforts,
volunteer to help out in this department if possible. This can
help increase your understanding of social media in general
and show your willingness to learn.

How to highlight valuable job skills

Knowing how to effectively highlight your skills on your resume,
cover letter and in a job interview can increase your chances of
being considered for a position. Here are ways to best feature
your valuable skills in each:
Valuable job skills for resume

Include a skills section on your resume that clearly outlines your

most valuable skills as they relate to the job you are applying for.
You can also mention your skills in the descriptions of your
experience section. For example, to highlight your personal
management skills, you could write "Completed 12 assignments
per week to meet weekly deadlines."
Valuable job skills for cover letter

Your cover letter is often the first glimpse an employer gets into
your skill set and qualifications for the job. Use your cover letter to
mention two or three valuable skills that correspond with the
position you are applying for.
Valuable job skills for interview
When participating in a job interview, you can demonstrate your
valuable skills in how you behave and present yourself, as well as
in what you say. Mention specific problems for which you provided
solutions to display your problem-solving skills. Focus on the most
important skills that are specific to the job.

March 12, 2020

Possessing certain job skills can make you more valuable to
potential employers. Marketable skills to have for any job include
communication, problem-solving and teamwork. In this article, we
discuss what skills are most valuable for any profession, how to
improve these skills and implement them at work, and how to
highlight your valuable job skills throughout the job application

What are valuable job skills?

Valuable job skills are skills that make you more marketable to
potential employers in any profession. These skills can transfer
across various industries and are an asset regardless of the field
you are in. However, it's important to note that the skills that
employers consider valuable can change from year to year.

For example, social media skills have become more valuable in

today's society due to the vast presence of social media in all
areas of life, from websites to apps. Knowledge of digital
marketing through social media is now a valuable skill because
many workplaces evolved to keep up with these trends.

Create your resume

Examples of valuable skills for any job
Many valuable skills work together and can increase your success
in your career. The following are examples of in-demand job skills
that are beneficial across occupations:
 Communication skills
 Problem-solving skills
 Teamwork skills
 Social media and computer skills
 Learning skills
 Personal management and organization skills
 Interpersonal skills
Communication skills

These include verbal, nonverbal and written communication skills.

In the workplace, communication is a regular part of day-to-day
life, and you must have good communication skills to be
productive and successful in most occupations. Good
communication skills to put on your resume include active
listening, public speaking and technical writing.

Read more: Communication Skills: Definitions and Examples

Problem-solving skills

Employers often look for candidates who can implement effective

problem-solving skills in a variety of situations to identify and
resolve issues at work. Examples of problem-solving skills to put
on your resume include research, analysis and creative thinking.

Read more: Problem-Solving Skills: Definitions and Examples

Teamwork skills

Many positions require individuals to work with one or more

people to accomplish various tasks. You may also have to
delegate and manage others in a particular job. Highlight your
teamwork skills on your resume by including skills such as conflict
resolution and rapport-building.
Social media and computer skills
Being able to use a computer is an essential part of nearly all jobs
today. Whether you are working on a computer regularly or need
to know how to use certain programs, possessing computer skills
can increase your value to potential employers. Additionally,
having knowledge of various social media platforms is also
necessary to be effective in many jobs. Include any social media
platforms or computer programs you are familiar with on your
resume to highlight these skills.
Learning skills

The ability and willingness to continually learn are imperative to a

person's success in nearly any career. These skills can
demonstrate initiative and dedication. Learning skills to add to
your resume include adaptability, collaboration and creativity.
Personal management and organization skills

Employers often look for candidates who are self-sufficient. This

means that having good personal management and organization
skills can increase your marketability to potential employers.
Organization skills show that you can set priorities, manage
assignments, meet time deadlines and adapt when necessary.
Interpersonal skills

Employers often consider a person's ability to relate to and get

along with other employees in the workplace an essential job skill.
Common interpersonal skills that you should highlight when
applying for jobs include active listening, motivation, leadership
and empathy.

Read more: Interpersonal Skills: Definitions and Examples

How to improve your job skills

The following are steps you can take to learn and improve
valuable skills that are useful in any job:
1. Take a class to improve computer and social media
skills. Many courses are available online and in person to
teach valuable social media and computer skills. Consider
which skills you need for your particular industry, and sign up
for a course that teaches them.
2. Attend skills workshops. Many organizations offer
workshops or seminars on particular skills. For example, you
could attend a workshop on communication or technology
skills. These workshops may include discussions, lectures
and assignments.
3. Practice time management techniques. To hone your
personal management and organization skills, practice time
management techniques whenever possible. For example,
you could categorize your work priorities for the day each
morning and work on the most important tasks first.
4. Find a mentor. Another way to improve your job skills is to
enlist a professional mentor. This can be someone in your
current workplace or a person who works elsewhere and has
the skills you wish to possess. Work with them to identify
where you can improve your skills and what job skills you
should focus on.
5. Observe others who have the skills you want to
possess. There are probably employees in your current job
who have the skills that you are trying to develop. Observe
their behaviors and habits, and implement their strategies
into your own work life.

Ways to implement valuable job skills in the

Here are a few ways that you can implement valuable job skills at

 Practice active listening. When speaking with someone,

give them your full attention and make eye contact
throughout the conversation. Ask questions to ensure you
understand what they are saying. This can help others feel
valued and show your ability to effectively listen.
 Find the positive in workplace situations. Make a
conscious effort to focus on the positive in a given situation.
Consider conflicts or challenges as lessons to help you grow
from the experience, and maintain a positive mindset.
 Ask for learning opportunities at work. Actively search for
programs, seminars or online courses that teach you and
your coworkers valuable skills. Consider bringing these ideas
to your manager or employer to promote learning in the
workplace and make your team stronger.
 Volunteer to help with tasks within your organization to
gain experience. There are often several opportunities to
learn right in your own company. For example, if you do not
already participate in your organization's social media efforts,
volunteer to help out in this department if possible. This can
help increase your understanding of social media in general
and show your willingness to learn.

How to highlight valuable job skills

Knowing how to effectively highlight your skills on your resume,
cover letter and in a job interview can increase your chances of
being considered for a position. Here are ways to best feature
your valuable skills in each:
Valuable job skills for resume

Include a skills section on your resume that clearly outlines your

most valuable skills as they relate to the job you are applying for.
You can also mention your skills in the descriptions of your
experience section. For example, to highlight your personal
management skills, you could write "Completed 12 assignments
per week to meet weekly deadlines."
Valuable job skills for cover letter
Your cover letter is often the first glimpse an employer gets into
your skill set and qualifications for the job. Use your cover letter to
mention two or three valuable skills that correspond with the
position you are applying for.
Valuable job skills for interview

When participating in a job interview, you can demonstrate your

valuable skills in how you behave and present yourself, as well as
in what you say. Mention specific problems for which you provided
solutions to display your problem-solving skills. Focus on the most
important skills that are specific to the job.

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