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Hii class...good evening..??

I hope that all of you are healthy and in happines now.

Here I want to tell you about my experience as a midwife while working in
private practice midwife.

Two months ago, there was a couple who is awaiting the birth of her baby. In my
opinion,this couple is different from the other. Do you know why??!! They are
still very young, and they should still in school. We can call them Eko and Eli.
Eko is 17 years old, and Eli is 16 years old.

From the stories of their families, they married after graduating from junior high
school. They got married not because eli has been pregnant before, and without
any coercion from any side. But, because of eko and eli agreed to pretend that eli
was pregnant, so they should be married as soon as graduate. With a very young
age, eventually they get married, and certainly they can’t continue their schooling
to senior high school.

After getting married, Eli finally actually pregnant. Until it came time to give birth
eli. Eli and Eko seemed anxious and confused to face the next delivery. But
they're lucky, the mother of Eko very caring and compassion on Eli. Patiently she
accompanied Eli, and of course awaiting the birth of his grandson. After going
through the birth process, at last birth of a baby boy is healthy safely. But after the
placenta was born, Eli was bleeding quite a lot. We call it post-partum
hemorrhage. Then the situation became tense. As a midwife, of course, we must
immediately stop the bleeding. As we know, if bleeding can not be stopped, the
situation was very dangerous for Eli. Because postpartum hemorrhage may lead to
maternal mortality. Lucky! After doing a variety of medical action with a fast and
maximum, finally Eli’s bleeding stopped. Eli and her baby are now safe and

Based on my story above, we have concluded that the marriage of Eko and Eli
including cases of early marriage.

What is the early marriage??!!

Early marriage is the marriage of children and young people under the age of 18 -
from a human rights perspective.

Research into early marriage has tended to reproductive health, concentrate on its
impact on school drop-out and rising population figures, and there has been little
examination of the practice as a human rights violation in itself. The Digest
examines the scale of early marriage, its context, causes and its impact on every
aspect of the lives of those affected – particularly young girls – and on wider
society. It outlines strategies to help those who have been married at an early age,
and for the prevention of early marriage through education, advocacy and
alliance-building. The Digest concludes with a call for more rights-based research
on an issue that has far-reaching consequences.

The Reasons

Of the many cases of early marriages that occurred, generally caused by:
1. Education factor.
The role of children's education is having a major role. If a child out of school
at the age of compulsory school, then fill the time with work. Currently the
child is already feeling quite independent, so feel able to support themselves.
The same thing if the children who are school dropouts are unemployed. In the
void of time without a job to make them end up doing things that are not
productive. One of them is in a relationship with the opposite sex, which, if
beyond the control of a pregnancy outside of wedlock. Here, it felt really
meaning of 9-year compulsory education. If our assumptions of children enter
school at age 6 years, then the moment passes 9-year compulsory education,
the child was aged 15 years. In the hope that with 9-year compulsory education
(thanks in the future if increased to 12 years), it will have a significant impact
on the rate of early marriage rate.
2. Understanding Religious Factor.
I mention this as an understanding of religion, because this is not a doctrine.
There is a part of our society who understand that if a child in a relationship
with the opposite sex, there have been violations of religious. And as parents
are obligated to protect and prevent it by immediately marrying children. There
is one case where the child's parents stating that if a child in a relationship with
the opposite sex is one: "adultery". Therefore, as parents have to prevent this
by immediately marrying. When the judge asking women who have children
aged 16 years, the child basically not mind if we wait 16 years old who lived a
few months away. But a parent who insists that marriage should be happen.
Children's behavior sms each other with boys is an "adultery". And as parents
are very afraid of the punishment to let the child remain committed adultery.
3. Factor has a biological relationship.
There are several cases, the presentation of the marriage because the children
had a biological relationship as husband and wife. With these conditions,
parents of children women tend to marry her immediately, because according
to the child's parents of this girl, that because it was not a virgin anymore, and
this is a disgrace.
Without disregard the feelings and turmoils of parents, I consider it a solution
that possibility in the future will mislead the children. Like a child we've done
a big mistake, not fix the error, but parents would take the child to a condition
susceptible to problems. Because very large in the future child marriage will be
filled conflict.
4. Pregnant before marriage
I separate this from the above factors, because if the condition of the girl had
been in a state of pregnancy, the parents tend to marry off the children. There
are even some cases, although basically these girls parents do not agree with
the prospective in-law, but because the condition of the girl's pregnancy, then
the parents are forced to marry the girl child. There are even cases, these girls
just basically did not love her future husband, but because it was pregnant, then
with a very forced to apply for a dispensation to marry.
This is all certainly become a real dilemma. Good for girls, parents and even
the trial judge. Due to these conditions, is clearly a marriage to be held no
longer as marriage as mandated by law and even religion. Because I had
pictured in front of the eyes, the future of this hue girl child marriages in the
future. Marriage is implemented based on the love just the possibility of bias in
the future shaky, especially if the marriage is based on pregnancy.


The definition of PPH is somewhat arbitrary and problematic. PPH is defined as

blood loss of more than 500 mL following vaginal delivery or more than 1000 mL
following cesarean delivery. A loss of these amounts within 24 hours of delivery
is termed early or primary PPH, whereas such losses are termed late or secondary
PPH if they occur 24 hours after delivery.

Early Marriage

(Not) a good plan

The decision to marry young women are often made by parents or society. Social
norms, gender, traditional and economic situation that puts pressure all contribute
to women to get married at a young age. Some parents believe their children
marry at a young age then they help their children to supplement their social
function as wives and mothers. Parents also believe they provide protection by
limiting sexual relations to one person only (reducing the risk of sexually
transmitted infections / STIs and HIV) and ensure economic stability for girls and

Health Sacrifice

Bride of children get a high pressure to immediately bear children soon after
marriage. This not only reduces the effort to reduce transmission of STIs by using
condoms, but also put women at high risk of maternal death. Children aged 15-19
years more likely to experience complications during pregnancy and childbirth
including obstetric fistula. They are also more likely to have children with low
birth weight, malnutrition and anemia. These young mothers are also more likely
to suffer from cervical cancer later on.

"Married Adolescents have been largely ignored in development and health

agendas That Because of the perception Them Their married status ensures a safe
passage to adulthood. Nothing Could Be Further from the truth. "

- Ms Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, UNFPA Executive Director


Young wives often experience the freedom and autonomy are limited and unable
to compromise on sexual relations, contraceptive use, pregnancy and other things
in family life.

Unequal gender relations and that much age difference between husband and wife
(the young) also increase the likelihood of domestic violence. Young married
women more often experienced violence and often believe that violence by the
husband is the one thing that is true.


After marrying young women are usually forced to leave family, friends and
neighborhood to move into the neighborhood husbands. Loss of social support
and drop-outs will disrupt the educational process. With limited leave home then
women will be isolated and difficult to receive information about reproductive
health. They are often powerless to access public health services, they need
permission to receive such services. They generally can not afford health care. In
the absence of social services or health information, women who marry young are
not able to obtain support. Problem remains unknown or ignored by society and
their victims are hidden.

Without ideals
Early marriage eliminate childhood. The daughter is inhibited to achieve the
ideals and aspirations. The right to choose when they will have children and how
many children they want their rights have not become anymore. Reproductive and
sexual health were sacrificed and sometimes they can cause death.

"I was Promised to a man before I was 10. It was a traditional wedding. When the
time Came, I was sent over to my husband's family. And Pls I saw uterus, I
realized he was older Than my daddy. "

- Excerpt from the movie 'Too Brief a Child'

Change is difficult

Changes in social norms and gender is not easy. Families, communities, including
boys and adult men need to understand the risks involved in early marriage and
get involved in the process of change. The daughter who married who are
powerless and isolated need our support.

What can be done?

Provide opportunities for girls to continue school or earn money while developing
skills and providing choices in this life is an effective strategy in delaying

Further effort to reduce barriers to young women to obtain medical care and
health information outside of the household including family planning services
should be performed. Programs for teens is an effective program to educate and
promote independence of young women (same thing with young men) in the
rights and reproductive health. This program not only in schools but also in
communities and rural areas.

One thing for sure is health, education, social and economic young women should
be enhanced in a holistic and simultaneous. Cultural and traditional approaches
need to be considered and integrated to achieve change in society.

Human Rights violation

Child marriage is a violation of women's sexual and reproductive rights, including
the right to:

 Get the highest standard of sexual health

 Freedom from coercion, discrimination, violence and harassment

 sexual relationship to be mutually agreed

 safe sexual life

 Choosing a partner and marriage

 Get information and education about reproductive health, including

information on how to protect themselves against unwanted pregnancies,

 Determine freely and responsibly the number, spacing and timing to have
children and get information about it

 Get the sexual and reproductive

 services

Understanding of sexual and reproductive health risks of early marriage

Until death do us part: Understanding of sexual and reproductive health risks of

early marriage

Childhood and adolescence generally is a beautiful time in someone's life. These

times will be cut into very short time of marriage is too early. Most countries
require the age of 18 years as minimum age for a wedding. But in many
developing countries a lot of early marriage lasted. The Commission predicts the
world population during this decade more than 100 million women in the world
will be married before the age of 18 years. Some of these women will marry the
age of 8 or 9 years old and married against their own wishes.
Early marriage will cause effects on sexual and reproductive health of women and
many valuable life experiences as a teenager that will be lost forever.

Note :

1 UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, “Early Marriage Child Spouses,” Innocenti

Digest, No. 7, March 2001.

2 T. Berhane-Selassie, Early Marriage in Ethiopia, Report to the Inter-African

Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children
(Addis Ababa, 1993).
This paper to complete the English task by Mrs. Kustinah as the lecturer

Disusun oleh :








1. What is the reason of early marriage to be happen ?

2. What is the other risk of early marriage except post partum hemorrhage ?

3. Why early marriage can caused a cancer ?

4. What actions we can do to prevent early marriage?

The answer :

1. The reason are :

a. Education factor.
The role of children's education is having a major role. If a child out of
school at the age of compulsory school, then fill the time with work.
Currently the child is already feeling quite independent, so feel able to
support themselves. The same thing if the children who are school
dropouts are unemployed. In the void of time without a job to make them
end up doing things that are not productive. One of them is in a
relationship with the opposite sex, which, if beyond the control of a
pregnancy outside of wedlock. Here, it felt really meaning of 9-year
compulsory education. If our assumptions of children enter school at age
6 years, then the moment passes 9-year compulsory education, the child
was aged 15 years. In the hope that with 9-year compulsory education
(thanks in the future if increased to 12 years), it will have a significant
impact on the rate of early marriage rate.
b. Understanding Religious Factor.
I mention this as an understanding of religion, because this is not a
doctrine. There is a part of our society who understand that if a child in a
relationship with the opposite sex, there have been violations of religious.
And as parents are obligated to protect and prevent it by immediately
marrying children. There is one case where the child's parents stating that
if a child in a relationship with the opposite sex is one: "adultery".
Therefore, as parents have to prevent this by immediately marrying.
When the judge asking women who have children aged 16 years, the
child basically not mind if we wait 16 years old who lived a few months
away. But a parent who insists that marriage should be happen.
Children's behavior sms each other with boys is an "adultery". And as
parents are very afraid of the punishment to let the child remain
committed adultery.
c. Factor has a biological relationship.
There are several cases, the presentation of the marriage because the
children had a biological relationship as husband and wife. With these
conditions, parents of children women tend to marry her immediately,
because according to the child's parents of this girl, that because it was
not a virgin anymore, and this is a disgrace.
Without disregard the feelings and turmoils of parents, I consider it a
solution that possibility in the future will mislead the children. Like a
child we've done a big mistake, not fix the error, but parents would take
the child to a condition susceptible to problems. Because very large in the
future child marriage will be filled conflict.
d. Pregnant before marriage
I separate this from the above factors, because if the condition of the girl
had been in a state of pregnancy, the parents tend to marry off the
children. There are even some cases, although basically these girls
parents do not agree with the prospective in-law, but because the
condition of the girl's pregnancy, then the parents are forced to marry the
girl child. There are even cases, these girls just basically did not love her
future husband, but because it was pregnant, then with a very forced to
apply for a dispensation to marry.
This is all certainly become a real dilemma. Good for girls, parents and
even the trial judge. Due to these conditions, is clearly a marriage to be
held no longer as marriage as mandated by law and even religion.
Because I had pictured in front of the eyes, the future of this hue girl
child marriages in the future. Marriage is implemented based on the love
just the possibility of bias in the future shaky, especially if the marriage
is based on pregnancy
2. The other risk are anemia in pregnancy (hemoglobin less than 10 grm%),
preterm (less than 37 weeks) and low birth weight (less than 2500 gram)

3. Because early marriage occurs when the women was 15-20 years old, in this
periode the reproduction system was not ready yet. So it can caused the cell
can’t growth well and toward to cancer.

4. We can do :

a. Provide opportunities for girls to continue school or earn money while

developing skills and providing choices in this life is an effective strategy
in delaying marriage.

b. Give medical care and health information outside of the household

including family planning services, nutritional support, the rights and
reproductive health, family life. Programs for teens is an effective
program to educate and promote independence of young women

c. Change the cultural and traditiona of early marriage with do promotife

actions and get partnership with government to decrease the risk of early

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