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The use of dictionary

Regular and irregular plural forms

In the Part A about Nouns, there is a paragraph about the Using dictionaries where it is
told that there is no way of telling whether a singular noun has a regular or an irregular plural
form. Because of this, learners are encouraged to use a dictionary in order to check and learn the
plural spelling and pronunciation of words.

Another matter about nouns is about the Combining nouns in relation to using a
dictionary. A dictionary it is an useful tool in this case because two nouns that are frequently
used together may be separated by a hyphen (battle-ground) or they are written as a one-word
compound noun (weekend).

In the same Part A about Pronunciation and spelling, there is alocated a paragraph about
Using dictionaries because learners need to use one to check the pronunciation of plural forms of
words that end in th and f.

Also, another use fo dictionary is about checking whether we add s or es to any particular
words ending in o. Moreover, they need to check the plural form of singular words that end in f
or fe.

Another use of dictionary is needed for learning about adjectives because good learners
should check dictionaries as Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary to check what can
follow any particular adjective.

Beside adjectives, adverbs, focusing adverbs especially nned to be checked in a

dictionary because each adverb has its own rules about what kind of words it can be used with
and where it comes in the sentence.

Talking about prepositions, learners should develop good dictionary-using habits in order
to use prepositions correctly.

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