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Cosell and. Grambling QBs somebodyfor help.You probably won't agreewith

this, but GeorgeSt€inbrennerhelpedus keep our
Bach in the 1970s, e hdd seDeral program soine. When the Urban League couldn't
outstand.inequarterba&s. At this time,
the questionwas uhether anJ bldch could "ponsor Ihp game in New York anlmore. h"
sieppedin and guaranteedthe guarantee. Since
euer plclr quarterbach for the NFL. We he's been connectedwith this sroup, the Yankees
uere in New Yorh, and Houard Cosell have played at Gramblinstwo times, and 46 kids
(who helped us quite a bi.t, helped.our
graduated from collese on tho tunds that we rc-
teams, helped eet a lot of people drufted' ceivedfrom those games.
helped us eet our game in Neu Yorh) told.
me he anted me to be on his shou. I tol.l
him. "Hoaa , I don't mind beingon your Leadership
shoa, but I don't udnt Jou ta ask me alL
thosetaz! qu*tiorc." You young coacheshave to creat€ in the men you
He said, "Well, I bon't ash Jou anJ are coachins a real love for the same and a spirii
questions like that, that Jou haDe to for work- Yor have to give them the will to win,
answer" Now, on the show: "Larlies ancl because that's the deciding factor in close
genrlenen. I hat r Eddr R"htn!'n. EJdp. ballgames.After you teacb the fundamentals of
do rou thinh, uith low Dast elper;ence blocking and tackling, you have to t€ach them to
and. the number of xecLrsthat you haL)e erecute. You have to have morale and create a
coached,that Jou coul.dprepare in four goodfeeling among the teams.
years a young man who coul.dplax football All coachesmust be absolutely sincer€ to the
in the NFL and direct the team?" work ethic. You cannot $.in th€ confidence of the
What uas I supposed to say? I'm a men you coach unless you are dead honest in
c.mch.I saidJes.I uasjust trying to hurry what's soins on.You can't fool the kids ifyou are
and eet olf. when I eot on the airplane not sincere,ifyou're not doine the work.
and left New Yorh, I went straight to Each pmctice should be carefully planned in
James Harris'house. He's 6-5,210 and I advanc€, with rcom for modification. You've eot
told James Harris, "I am re(ruiting lou to know exactly what is to be done on the field.
to play quafterbach in the NFL." He tnk B€forc you so on the field, you have to be ready.
the chalLenge.James Harris steppedout The same will be won or lost by what the play-
ofs, hool and uos thp firtt d" t' sto.t in em know, not what the coachesknow. Coaching
the NFL, in Buffalo. is repetition, explanation,illustration, imitation,
After that, I wond.ered.
if in mr tifetitk, couection, repetition, and that is the way that
uith mJ years runninq out, will I live to you'll do it.
seea Gramblins QB in the Super BouL?
So I'ue neuer been more satisfied than Hello, Remember lle?
seeins Doue wiUiams set off the eround
and uin the Super Boul for the I'd like to leave you with something I always fin-
WashingtonRe&kins. ish with when I speak somewherc:

Since 1941,there have be€n so manythings to Somepeopk caII me OLdGlat.\,others ?all

be pleased about at Grambling. We have three
peoplein th€ pm football Hall ofFame. We have me b! the Star-Spangkd Banne. but
Willie Davis in the '50s, and Willie Bro$n ald uhatzuer the! 0II me, I arn your flag
Buck Buchanan in the'60s.Vince Lombardi said of the United States ofAnerica.
Davis' quickness,power, and intelligence made Somethins has heenbothering me, so
him the besi dcfansiveend that he'd ever coached. I thought I mieht talk it orcr uith
We've had t€levision covelage,great teams, and
great players. you, becauseit is ahout lou and tne.
But with all the succesBGrambling has had I rcnember sometime ago,peopk lined up
over the yeals, sometimesyou still have to ask on both sidesof the street to watch the

paradc dnd. noturolU.I ua,leading children running around.and.

eL)ery parade, proudly uauinE in the shoutinE;ther dan't seemto knou uho
breeze.Whenyour daddy saw me I am. I saw one man tahe his hat off,
coming, he immedidtelr rcmouedhis thzn looh arcund. He didn't see
hat and placed it dgainst his left anybody else with theirs off, so he
shouldErso that the hand uas quichly put his bach on.
directly ouer his heatt, rcnember? Is it a sin to be patriatic an! more? Haue
And you, I rememberyou. Stand.ingtherc rou forgotten uhat I stand for and
straight as a soldier. vou d.idn't haue uhere I've been?Anzio, Guad.alcanal,
a hdt, but Jou uere giuing the right Korea, and Viet Nan. Tahe a looh at
salute. Renember lit tle sisler'No1 1u the memorial honor rotls sometimes,
of those uho neuer came back to heep
be outdone,Eheuas salutinE the
this repubLic flee, one nation, under
same as rou uith her right hand oDer
God. Whenrou salute me,rou are
her heart. Remenlber?
saluting them.
What happened?rm still the Bameold
WeIL it won't be long until rU be coming
flae. Oh, I haL)ea feu more stars
doun the streetagain. So, uhen you
since you were a boy.A lot morc blood
seeme, stand straighL place Jour
has been shed since those parad,es of
fight hand ouerrour hedrt, dnd I'LL
Ions dso.But nou I don't lbel as
salute lou by ualting bach,and I'li
proud. as I used to.
hnow that rou remembet
WhenI comedoun pur street,Joujust
stand.there with lour hand.\ in your You are the greatest people, and this is the
pocheb. I mar get a smdll elance, and greatest pmfession. Keep making these young
then rou Loohaua!. Then, I sez the boys be good Americans.

1991 Prcceedings. Codch Robinson b head coach at Grumblins State UniLtersity


,, l t :',..1 :,::

Motivation-The Difference.Maker
in Goaching

\\hen you talk to football players, you'd better Responsibility

believ€ in what you're talking about. They can
senseit!They know lhat when the coachsays,"I Beforcyou can motivate anyonein this world, you
want you to do this," that he bclieves it. If not, must have thei r respecl.Coacheshave alormorc
they're not going to play lor you, they're not go- responsibility than tcachingkids to ramoff-tackle.
ing to perform for you, and most important, They've got one of th€ most responsiblejobs in
they're not going to respect youl the worldl Sure, the Xs nnd O's are important in
You know what we do the first two weeks of winning games.But a coach'smain rcsponsibil
our spdng practice,bothonthe field andin me€r- ity to a football piaycris to teach him tobe a bet,
ings? We work on the mind- We try to figurc oul ter man. If it isn't, why not let him play some
what we can do to stimulate these young men. othcr sport, or lcthim hang arorind tbe corner,or
We have different young men every year. You've lei hirn go to tho biology teacher?That is to m€
got to motivate them in different ways. I've seen the most impodant r.esponsibility of a football
guys try to motivateone football team exacrlythe coach today-to take his football players and
way th€y did anotheaand that's dillicult. They're motivate them, mold them, and tcach them to be
not tho same.And I belicve jn the basicright and
dignity ofevery man to be different. Evcry rnan There are a lot offathers sittine at home,play-
hastherighttobe himselfandtobehis own rrdr, ins gou workins, or flyins all over,who tum their
no matter what he believesin. sons over to the coach and say, "Whatever you
do, nake th€m better men, bocauseI don't havc
tho time."When you look at it lik€ that, it's a tre-
Flexibility mcndousrcsponsibility and privilege.Andthat's
You'vegot to change.There's one thing I learned Fxrl1lj thp $dy I lpelabou coacuqu a prcti,s"ion
from the United States Naval AcademI if they
taught me nothine else. I leamed to "I & A' Self-Gonlidence and Optimism
iDprovise and adjust.That's exactlywh at it takes
in tullegecoachrnp.n hiAhs.hoolcoeching. or ir Tbe first thing is theymustbelieve in themselvos.
life. You're putting in their minds, a little at a tim€,
Coaches shorld be ready at any moment to the masic of believing in themselves.You sce a
adjust their philosophy,il n€ceEsary. You better guy,fbr exanple, walkinc into a rcom and pcople
have r-uleswith alittle outlet. You nust be ready rvill say, "I don't know \lho that guy is, but he
to move quickly, to impmvise, and to adjust ev- must be a winner." This is because he moves,
ery momenl in your lile when you're dealingwith looks,and acts as ifhe bclicve!'in himself. Ifyou
men 15 to 20 yeals old, becausethey'rc chang- don't believe in youlsel4 don't ever expect any
ingi They're changing from year to year, liom man to bctieve in you. They won't do it. You've
week to weok, fron day to day,and from houl io got to hav€ that inner bclieffirst.
hour Evaluate whatever you did last year to Never downgrade a man. You'vegot to havo a
motivato your people to sce if jt is feasible this pelsonal inner p dc. You've got to get it ou1 ot
y€a. Eve4' Sunday aftemoon we look at what him-it's inside. Holv? You keep tclling him he's
w€'.e going to do to motivate our guys this week. got itthere.You tell him he'sgot more pride than
And it changesevory week. But thcre are sone you've ever secn in anybodylThe player $'i1lend
basic p nciples thai IA like to go over. up saying, "I do have that pemonal pride, and


thc othcl guy doesn't,and when it gets down to and peoplewill trcat you like a bum. You might
tha fourth quader, I'm going to winl" You may say,"$Ihat does'act like a man' mean?" PlayeIS
think that won't work, but it will. knowl Let them use some of their imagination.
When I eot the job at Louisville, in thrc€ days I You gei ihose iwo pdnciples acrossto them, and
spent morc money on football unifonns than my they'l play. And wh€n they get to respecting the
predecessor didin five yeals.I said to the players, coach,then he can motivat€ them.
"Gentlemen, you now look like what we're going to A11 coaches are looking for disciplin€, and
be champion".Youvn gor rhe finebruniforrnsin no matter what anybody tells m€, the first
'hp world You look lik. a .hamp,on: Youre soins thing you've got to have in order to discipline a
to play like a championl"You know wbat happened? man is his respect of you as a person. We've
They lookedat eachoth€r and said,'You'rerightl rflpd i di|rerpnt approd.h ro rho normal ngid
You're damned righi, we do look b€tter! We're a lot discipline. We tell our players that we want
bettd team than we were I ast yearl" In their minds, them lo bc disciplrnedfrom r he in"ide out, pr-
they fclt lika they were bett€rl acUy the way you try to heal a wound. The real
Aftcr you snap the ball, you can't promise any danger is when you discipline by commands,
body anything- That's when the other guy's tal- as ifthe playe$ are robots.
ents comeinio play. But on your side ofthe line, If you rcgiment players and t€ll them every-
you can do anything you want. And they can't hjt thins to do, they'lI do it, but jt won't be part oi
you! Stop and thjnk about that sometimei How them-inEid€ ofthem. Wlen it gets down to the
long bave you spent on your pregame wannupl fourth quader, and it's fourth-and-1, thelll quit
Our guys take pdde in their pregam€ warmup. a lot oftimes. They'll sar "To hell with it! I dont
Tbey actually think it helps them win! They ac- believe in that guy anyhowl"
tually think it's worth a touchdownat the end!It Tra to avoid the extremesifyou can. Don't go
du"inl malp an) difference $ hFrhorir i. !r isnl all tho way in one direction,letting them do any-
whai's important is that they think it is. rhing they $anl ro: and don t go all the $ay in
Anotber thing we've leamed is ihal therc's no the oth€r dir€ction, telling them they can't do
use worrying about the other guy'stalent. There's anyihing! Try to hit, in your own way, a happy
nothing you can do about it. You cannot contml medium.
the other man's team, and 907r of the coaches
$untr too much aboul $har rhe mher g!) s gor
Youcan't do anlthing about it. Worry aboutwhat Respect
you've got, and make them the best. I've head collegocoaches6ay,"Run the deadwood
We run into a lot ofnesative thinking in foot- o1f."Ilyou do, you re not gaining anlthing there-
ball there's always something wrong, always you're losing a possibility.You'r€losing a guy who
something bad. We don't allow one negative could possibly help in some way. And when the
phrase in our whole oryanizatjon. We've got the guy you run off is on the loudh team, guess who
world's worst dressing room, but it's cloEeto the his best friend is? The star! And tho star says,
pmctice field. That's positive thinking. Always s€ll "Some day, coach,I'm going to get you for run-
this positiveattitud€. If you think thines are bad, ning mybest friend out ofher€." So,berospectful
go by the cemetery. lo rhe guy with less ability, became you are usu
ally judeed by the team on th€ way you treat your
You nust believe that the most important
We bave two haining rules. The first one is to peoplein the world besidesyour family are your
treat eueryman as Jou uant to bc treate(L\our- players, becausethat's what you want them to
sefi That's all we ask you to do. And you know beljeveabout th€ coach.Every day,do something
what happens?You']l find a beautjful family stad- respectlul toward a playe. Somedayit will come
ing to d€velop.B€causewhen a guy starts to say back to you. We try to do that.
qomerhingro s^mabod)cl"e. and he raali/-., I The challenge coachesface is a tremendous
wouldn't want him to say that to me,"it comesas one.W€can only succeedifwe continu€ togoover
a rFa.rionbp.auseIhe) fcpl ir in rh. herrl. the rclationships and duties with oul playeft with
The secondhaining rule ]s to act likt a man the samo aggressive and progressive attitude that
and.rou'll be treated.lilrea /'?dn.Act like a bum we have doing Xs and O's on the blackboard.

1972Proceediaes.CoachCarsais d footboll andlrst lor ESPN.

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