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Apnea thermal environment and use gentle

handling to avoid exces-sive fatigue.

Apneais a pause in respirations longer
Always suction gently to minimize
than 20 seconds with
nasopharyn-geal irritation, which can
accompanying bradycardia. Beginning cause bradycardia because of vagal
cyanosis also may be
stimulation. Using indwelling nasogastric
present. Many preterm infants have tubes rather than
periods of apnea as a re-sult of fatigue or
intermittent ones can also reduce the
the immaturity of their respiratory
amount of vagal stim-ulation. After
mecha-nisms. Babies with secondary
feeding, observe an infant carefully
stresses, such as infection, hy-
because a
perbilirubinemia, hypoglycemia, or
hypothermia, tend to full stomach can put pressure on the
diaphragm and poten-tially compromise
have a high incidence of apnea (Thilo &
respirations. Careful burping also helps to
Rosenberg, 2008).
reduce this effect. Never take rectal
Gently shaking an infant or flicking the
temperatures in infants
sole of the foot
prone to apnea; the resulting vagal
often stimulates the baby to breathe
stimulation can reduce
again, almost as if the
the heart rate (bradycardia), which can
child needed to be reminded to maintain
lead to apnea.
this function. If an
Theophylline or caffeine sodium benzoate
infant does not respond to these simple
may be adminis-tered to stimulate
measures, resuscita-tion is necessary.
respirations. The mechanism by which
Closely observe all newborns, but
these drugs reduce the incidence of
especially preterm ones,
apneic episodes is un-clear, but they
to detect these apneic episodes. Apnea appear to increase an infant’s sensitivity
monitors that record to car-bon dioxide, ensuring better
respiratory function. Infants
respiratory movements are invaluable
tools to detect failing who have had an apneic episode severe
enough to require re-suscitation are at a
respiration and sound a warning an infant high risk for sudden infant death syn-
needs attention. drome (SIDS). Such infants may be
Infants with frequent or difficult-to- discharged home with a
correct episodes may be monitoring device to be used for 2 to 6
placed on ventilators to provide months.
respiratory coordination Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
until they are more mature. SIDS is sudden unexplained death in
To help prevent episodes of apnea, infancy. It tends to
maintain a neutral occur at a higher-than-usual rate in
infants of adolescent
mothers, infants of closely spaced with laryngospasm. Although many
pregnancies, and under-weight and infants are found with
preterm infants. Also prone to SIDS are
blood-flecked sputum or vomitus in their
mouths or on the
with bronchopulmonary dysplasia, twins,
bedclothes, this seems to occur as the
Native American
result of death, not as
infants, Alaskan Native infants,
its cause. An autopsy often reveals
economically disadvantaged
petechiae in the lungs and
black infants, and infants of narcotic-
mild inflammation and congestion in the
dependent mothers.
respiratory tract.
The peak age of incidence is 2 to 4 months
However, these symptoms are not severe
of age (Barkin &
enough to cause
James, 2007).
sudden death. It is clear these children do
Although the cause of SIDS is unknown, in not suffocate from
addition to
bedclothes or choke from overfeeding,
prolonged but unexplained apnea, other underfeeding, or cry-ing. Since the
possible contribut-ing factors include: American Academy of Pediatrics made its
rec-ommendation to put newborns to
• Viral respiratory or botulism infection
sleep on their back and
• Pulmonary edema
with a pacifier, the incidence of SIDS has
• Brain stem abnormalities declined almost

• Neurotransmitter deficiencies 50% (Damato, 2007). With the

recommendation that in-fants sleep with
• Heart rate abnormalities a fan in their room to keep air moving, the
• Distorted familial breathing patterns incidence is expected to decrease further
• Decreased arousal responses (Coleman-Phox,

• Possible lack of surfactant in alveoli Odouli, & Li, 2008).

• Sleeping in a room without moving air

currents (the in-fant rebreathes expired
carbon dioxide)

Typically, affected infants are well

nourished. Parents re-port that an infant
may have had a slight head cold. After

being put to bed at night or for a nap, the

infant is found

dead a few hours later. Infants who die

this way do not ap-pear to make any
sound as they die, which indicates they

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