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How to avoid: Compose a thesis statement that is both clear and compelling.

Remember, this is the

section of the article that should persuade readers to keep reading.

Too Many Quotes, Facts, and Information

The body paragraphs in an essay are expected to represent your knowledge of the issue as well as the
research you conducted to back up your argument. Excessive usage of quotes, facts, and information
from the work you're analyzing or from your own study tarnishes your authority on the subject. They
should only be utilized when they can make a point with the fluency that you can't equal with your own

How to avoid: Keep the essay's prompt in mind. If it's difficult, make sure you review the final draft
before submitting the paper.


You may have heard that typos aren't a sign of poor grammar or foreign language skills and that they
may be found in any piece of writing. However, publishing your essay without proofreading it indicates
that you are not paying attention.

How to avoid: Properly follow the required format by your instructor: APA, MLA, Chicago, etc. Revise
your writing thoroughly and look for errors, misspellings, and faulty structure.


Plagiarism is defined as "cloning, stealing and passing off someone else's work or topic ideas as one's
own." Colleges and institutions have rigorous anti-plagiarism regulations and utilize a variety of methods
to look for plagiarized information in your work. You won't get away with that, and it may even result in
suspension. Professors can tell if anything was written by school students or if it originated from
somewhere else, so don't try to fool them.

How to avoid: Never take a quotation as your own statement, and always credit your sources.

Wrong and Genetic Titles

Don't forget about your audience. The essay's title should be a direct representation of its substance.
When someone reads the title, they should be aware of the content of the essay. If you provide them a
topic that is unrelated to the essay, they can be persuaded to read something you don't have, which will
not make a favorable impression. Also, avoid using a generic title.

How to avoid: Don't make titles that are too long. Make it as concise and as unique as possible.

Examples of Argumentative Essay Topics

All man is created by God as an equal creation

Filipinos continue to believe that a woman's role in life is to clean and care for her household

Students' in China are the best reader among Asian countries

The damage caused by Typhoon Yolanda in the Philippines demonstrates the government's disaster
response measures' preparedness.

Death penalty should be accepted as a capital punishment

Democrat policies caused the rise of terrorism

Divorce is causing increased juvenile crime

Gun control laws should be more rigid

Video games lead to the increase of violence among teens

Global warming and climate change is exacerbated by people

Smoking is an addiction that people are genetically predisposed to

Pandemic level diseases all come from viruses found in wildlife

Reliable Sources for Your Essay

As a writer and reader, you must be cautious about the sources of information you rely on. The fact that
a source is printed or available on social media and the internet does not imply that it's reliable.

Any source like cell phones and books can provide you with information. You deserve the greatest, the
most up-to-date, and the most trustworthy information as a critical reader. Make sure to vet everything
you find to ensure that it is dependable.

Here are the factors that credible sources share:

Materials published in the recent 10 years

Research articles written by respected and renowned authors

Websites registered by educational and government institutions (gov, edu, etc.)

Academic or school system (JSTOR or Academic Search Premier)

Materials from Google Scholar

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