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How To Create Curved Corners In Adobe

 16/10/2016     Beautiful Puspitasari     39694     Website

Hello friends, in this article I will share tips and tricks on how to make rounded corners in several corners in
Adobe Illustrator. You already know that if you want to change the rounded corner that you have made, it will
definitely change all the corners in the rounded, so what if you only want to change some of the corners.

First create an object using the rectangle tool.

Then select the direct selection tool and click on the rectangle object earlier.
Then an ellipse will appear in the corner of the rectangle, so friends can click on the ellipse.

Then the settings will appear as shown below, in the rectangle properties, friends, don't click the corner radius
values link so that not all rectangle corners change.

Friends can give 3cm in the upper left corner.

And automatically that turns into a rounded corner on this rectangle only on the top left.

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