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Running head: Charlie Wilson’s War

Charlie Wilson’s War


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Charlie Wilson’s War

Charlie Wilson’s War

Perhaps one of the films that best depicts the issues around and the importance of

international relations or foreign policy is the 2007 film, Charlie Wilson’s War, directed by Mike

Nichols. The film generally tries to highlight how the American government, via the Central

Intelligence Agency (CIA) armed the Afghan Mujahedeen in their war against Soviet invaders

throughout the 1980s and how these actions (arming the mujahedeen) became the present day

anti-Western sentiments in that country and ultimately the September 11, 2001 terror attacks in

the United States (

The main character of the story, Charlie Wilson was a United States congressman, a

bachelor and unapologetic womanizer. He was fiercely patriotic and had an unwavering knack

for the underdog. In the Afghan-Soviet war, the underdog was obviously the Afghans. Wilson,

considered a light weight representative from Texas, sits in foreign policy and covert operations

committees and becomes, with the help of a CIA agent, influential in securing weapons and

support for the Mujahedeen. He later learns that beyond the military victory, there are

consequences as well (

This film is relevant to the international relations in a number of ways. First and

foremost, it highlights the issue of domestic politics and influence on international policy. The

American involvement in the war in Afghanistan in the 1980s was largely hidden from the

American public. The probable reason for this was that the government and politicians were

afraid of the more than likely backlash from the citizens.

Charlie Wilson’s War

Another issue addressed is that of war and why conflict happens. The Mujahedeen

Fought because they felt they had been invaded. Afghans have always hated foreign occupation.

At the time, the Cold War was at its peak. The cold war was fuelled by the mistrust that existed

between the US and the USSR, the world’s superpowers. The Americans armed the Mujahedeen

because they did not trust the Soviets and they wanted them hurt. The issue of sovereignty is also

highlighted. The Soviets and the Americans were present in Afghanistan and yet Afghanistan

was a sovereign nation. Arms trade is also highlighted. Americans procured weapons for the

Mujahedeen from Egypt.

This film therefore is relevant to iinternational relations 105 on more ways than one.
Charlie Wilson’s War


Charlie Wilson's War (2007) Movie Online. Retrieved May 04, 2016, from

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