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1. For me, I can overcome fear through praying. Since I have a religious family, praying became a vital
role in overcoming my fear. Every time overthink and come up with different thoughts such as losing
someone I love, failing to reach my goal in life, and thinking of what other people perceived me as a
person, I pray. Through this, I can have a peace of mind and a feeling of assurance. I feel like I feel safe
every time I ask for His guidance. Also, thinking positive is one way to overcome my fear. It help me
realize that everything has its end. It makes me accept that things won’t always come in my way and
it encourage me not to give up easily. Moreover, being vocal helps me overcome my fear. By sharing
my thoughts to someone, I gain knowledge and awareness about my situation. I They give me advises
on how to face my fear and I can tell that it’s effective. Hence, acceptance is my key in surmounting
my fear. By accepting my faith, it is easy for me to prepare myself and be ready to face my journey.

I can deal with Heidegger’s notion of death by accepting that in my journey, there’s an end. That’s
why I am living my life to the fullest; doing what makes me happy and creating unforgettable
memories even if there’s no guarantee that I can still remember it afterlife. I know that I will depart
this world one day, and those who knew me will also leave, and we will be forgotten. I should always
be prepared for what was to come because death is surprisingly unexpected. I’d be happy to spread
good vibes and positivity so some people will remember me with good memories. Thus, with a smile
on my face, I can leave this world with genuine happiness and peace in my heart.

Social Relationship

Finding and creating a genuine relationship nowadays is very difficult - especially in a society that
now label relationships such as transactional and personal. We people tends to be more open in the
idea of being reciprocated. If people have power and might do something good for you, you tend to
respect and treat them good just how like you want them to treat you. On the other hand, when
people do not seem to do you good or do something for you, we treat indifferently and the truth is,
that's how society is right now. WE forget the genuineness of a supposed relationship that we
should have, we forgot that a relationship is formed because we want a companion, we want
someone that could make us comfortable - not to order us around, not to expect something from
us, not someone that we could pressure into doing something for us not realizing they also have
their struggles and work to do, not someone who that you expect that can do everything for us. We
want someone to lift us up, not someone who can drag us down, and most importantly, someone
whom we could trust, and treat us like we're special without expecting something from us- and of
course, vice versa.

Nowadays, finding and cultivating a true relationship is extremely challenging, especially in a world
that labels relationships as transactional and personal. We humans are more receptive to the thought
of being reciprocated. If someone has influence over you and has the potential to help you, you are
more likely to respect and treat them well, just as you would want them to treat you. On the other
side, we treat individuals indifferently when they do not appear to do you well or do something for
you, and the truth is, that is how society is right now. We forget the genuineness of a supposed
relationship that we should have; we forget that a relationship is formed because we want a
companion, someone who can make us comfortable; not someone we can pressure into doing
something for us without realizing they have their own struggles and work to do. We want someone
to lift us up rather than bring us down. And most importantly, we want someone we can trust to treat
us with respect and not want anything in return, and vice versa.

Transactional and personal relationships are the two types of relationships in society. The foundation
of transactional relationships is the expectation of reciprocity. Both parties are concerned with how
they will profit. Individuals are egotistical, ensuring that they receive the most out of the connection
in exchange for a set level of work. Bonds are broken in a transactional connection when one side fails
to meet their obligations. As a result, these ties are often fragile and short-lived, whereas personal
relationships are established over time. They allude to the close bonds that people create as a result
of their emotional bonds and interactions. Mutual experiences frequently form and strengthen these
ties. Relationships aren't static; they're always changing, and we need skills, information, inspiration,
practice, and social support to truly appreciate and benefit from them.

Social relationships are crucial. We live this way because no man can survive an island alone. It
reduces stress and improves healing. It has the potential to instill in us healthier habits and a higher
sense of purpose. It extends our lives and provides us with the optimism we didn't realize we needed.
No matter what label your relationships have, they are all useful, but we must remember that we
must always be kind to everyone—not only those who have been good to us or those who we believe
could be helpful.

Question for discussion

 There is a heavy downpour

 Spending time at an upscale cafe in Greenbelt mall to wait out a cloudburst.

 Walking into an exclusive university campus

 In a live and crowded theater

 The guards or building staff leave the locals to themselves.

 The guard offers the writer his umbrella.

 Servers impatiently thrust menus at more melanined local customers who had dared sit for too
 The writer sat for hours using the cafe's Wi-Fi without the servers thrusting menus in the writer
when she sat for too long

 The Locals didn't allow to enter without signing the security book or in other wards, it is required
for them to sign it.
 The guard smiled and tipped his hat to the writer. The guard did not require the writer to sign
the security book.

 The guards have to checked the locals.

 The writer crossed a restricted area but Four guards said nothing and didn't checked the writer.

How does the writer feel about her special treatment

The writer felt that the way Filipinos treat foreigners like her is unequal, as she receives special
treatment simply because of her race; pale skin, and accent, as opposed to how Filipinos treat their
fellow countrymen. The writer also felt grateful that Filipinos treat her well because she is white and a
foreigner, but she also felt a surge of shame because being white represents wealth and station in life,
which Filipinos believe foreigners aspire to.

Why was it important for the writer to briefly narrate how her family ended up in America in the first

Because the writer is half Filipino and half American, it is vital for her to briefly describe how her
family came to be in America in the first place. She needs to relate her story so that the readers can
comprehend what she is trying to say. In order for the readers to grasp her story, she must explain
how her family ended up in America, and how she became an American citizen as a result.
Why is the writer concerned with the hierarchies and politics associated with her whiteness?

The writer was concerned about the hierarchies and polities associates with her whiteness because
she might be affected. As a result, his whiteness affects her; nonetheless, it does not define her; she is
a complete person because she is also a Filipina. Because the writer believes that we are all the same
and should be treated equally, she advocates for equality without racial prejudice among Filipinos.

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